^■ • .y.,,.'*11 I r ' ’. ' y •.■■■''•^ :A ■ . fi <■ " ■ V , ■ '^"■■''' r-' - . ■ ' ■ -- ' / ’ . ............ .' ' ATSIUOB O A lLf omccijinov for tho Month of in m arfi ^N9 Member5 of , 5tiie 6Audit 8 Barena 9t Orealatlon» I'* VOL. U ., NO. 127. VALERA OUTLINES '> kr 4 *4 FUTURE PROGRAM t- t ' Irish Repablican Leader To JAPANESE DENY Abolish Oath of AOegiance | SOVIET CHARGE and Pay Back Loan Made China To Prevent Troops From Coining To Aid of De­ h 1921. Do Not Plan To Send Troops | fenders At Shanghai— Despite Jap Chimf That 1 1 ^ By Alvin Hallman. To Border To Help White Shtees Busbess Factors In (Copy-lnrht 1932 By A. P.) Had Captved Kiangwan Viflage, Reporter On T o v of I, Dublin, Feb. 27.—Eamon de Val* They Say. State Reviewed To Show Ik e s Finds It StiD In Hands of Chinese — Quiet On era, Irish Republican leader, today sent out in question and answer Tokyo, Feb. 27.— (A P )—Japan is T r ^ of Bnsiness. Shanghai Front Today. form, the plan he hopes to follow not likely to court another interna­ to Increase Ireland’s independence tional crisis with Russia, govern-. „n.i . « ^ Hartford, Feb. 27.—Sixteen busl- Tokyo, Feb. 27.— (A P )— The from Great Britain when he comes ment spokesmen were quick to * . ® strewn with the bodies of Chinese loldlers. Gqplng MieU-holes. Once fertile JAPS USING COFFINS into control of the saorstat govern­ point out today in commenting on converted into a dumping ground for spent ammunition. The grim scene la embodied in this nlo- rneaa factors indlostlve of conditions p®P*"eae high command. It was AS SHIELDS IN FIGHT ment, as he expects soon to do. , the queries of the Russian gove:^- Manchurian plains in the wake of the relentless Japanese advance upon Harbin. ' in Connecticut during January 1982 learned on good authority today, ia The questions asked Mr. de Valera, operations compared wl the previotui month prepared to use the air forces and Shanghai, Feb. 27— (A P ) — and his answers to them follow: and with tho corraapondlng month tl»e Navy to strike at distant points The Japanese troops out in the burned and blaiokanad area Q. "What wlU be ths poUcy of r a year ago era graphically tabulat- to China -to prevent further accre- the government which it is assumed Soviet com. around Kiangwan ware using ed in the new monthly huslneaa aur- tlona o f Chlnaaa army strength on Chinese oofflna today as oovar you will be asked to form?” ti~ I? ****”' FLOODS THREATEN WEST; BANDIT IS KILLED A.■ "The- policy of- the govern 'General Jlro Tamon’s northern vey mads public today by the Con- toe front at Shani^ai. from which to direct firs against ment will be to work steady to Manchuria campaign into an inter­ neotlout Chamber of Commerce in The oommandara af ** Chinese sn^ra. ward re-establishing unity and pollt national issue and took official DURING A HOLD-UP Tbeaa coffina, which dot ai^ REPORT THIRTEEN KILLED njMt a ^ ^ Chinese countryalda where burial la delayed after ft. deat^ are built of heavy wood rad furnlahad axcallant protae- the home producer.” Harbin district. |Warm Fmd$ and Heavy Hiree of His Companions tion for the Japuesa. The-bold* Q, "Will you move within the Spokesmen for the war and for-^ TiUnuarcAiiED ere, however uparently disliked Anglo-French treaty as it now elgn ministries alike asserted today toe bualneas o f crouching behind stands or will you seek its revision?” that Russia's "nervousness” over Rains Melt Snow In Mora- Wounded In Gnn Batfle I gyjpy eMoomlc figure available in J SitUe llne toe boxes flUad with bonaa u d proceed to execute I lotentlons in north 'Man- Connecticut on anything like a M a result ia many oaaaa they A. "We V, N A H 0 N U« MENACE the limited mandateidate asked for at | distorted in­ Witii Two Cops. state-wide basis and some that nev- The recent air raids by naval had emptied the bones upon the terpretations of the situation and tarns and Many Rivers er before were so collated. planea on Chinese air bases on Soo* ground and'dragged toe coffins the elections, but will be glad to I a abort dlatuce away. avail ourselves of any opportunities magnified a "purely local problem” BnBlnosa Trends chow and Hangohow. were cited as to unwarranted dimensions. examplas of the use to which the Many pllas of these human that present themselves for nego­ Are Overflowing. Samnel Seabnry Also Criti­ BuBlnesa treiida u set forth in bones were vlalble across toe tiating a revision of the treaty so ' Ho Fonndatton 1 ‘ ‘*® ®"*^®y toltow: In Jrauiuy 16821 forces would be put. area. as to bring it into accord with Irish The War Office said it lacked any mfidentlfled bandit waa killed, three there were 260,109 telephones in use Deatroyen' Work aspirations.” Information to support M. Karak- others wounded, and T. Philip Per- to 16 cities oomparad with 251,771 j underatooa Japanese de Q. "Do. you Intend to seek the ban’s statement that General Seattle, Feb. 27.— (A P ) — On the cizes Governor Roosevelt abolition of the oath at once, or Tamon ordered 17 trains of SO cars heels of warm Chinook winds and wait until later?” each for M advance on the. town of heavy rains, western Washington For Delay In Far]ey Case. , To Abolish Oath A. "The removal of the article of an Dorder. the constitution which makes the Cincinnati, Feb. 27.— (A P )—Sam' early today. .. 1 mission of General Tamon’s iivea vj.ir«Ti 861,404 in December u d a loss of oath obllgatop' will be one of our intended exoedltlon th« w »r ntnnm ,*“*^®*.dy taken, uel Seabury, chief counael to the The abooting occurred in toe Em­ peoted to intercept movements of I ro n S e rS ly te t S reiartwSd. first g o v e ^ e iita l acts.” ISm P.®®2 |_ 1° the mountains of the western 11.6 pbr cent compared wlt'i toe leital Mts.” ........ hI ^ T X e i v ^ ^ mountains of the western Hofstadter leglalatlve committee ln< bassy Qub chortly before 3 a. m. troops down toe river from Klu* I The reporter naased oloaa tn th* Q. "Are you quoted correctly fJuowww o fo S e riS ’Snsr (?hao®wh? ^®®®‘*®®’ ® death-deling torrent of January 1981 total of 1664,480. Sav­ *teporta that front Unea swinging along the eaaU when two policemen, who were eat ings depoaita in 14 Connecticut when it is sidd^ d you winwill retainrecam tom jwerewore reported open mud pwept away _part of veatlgating New York City’s govern­ Gener^ Chiang FU-Kwel’a noted I em Klangwu border and along toe' Ireland the next land annuity pay in the the little comm\inlty of Bdgewlok ment, denounced Tammany Hall ‘ ‘.'J® time toe d5re ^S ^ted to 1618,66^287 In Fourto Arm y’ nicknamed 'The Iron- northern side of toe town, buf no* Zmlonpo district. Qeneral~Tamon, it yesterday aftefiaoon and four wo­ ®*'®' January 1982 compared with 1524 ■ ment (about £8,000,000, due about said, was fully engpowered to deal and- orlticiaed Governor ESranklln D. sides, departed from Yoochow for Vdiere did toe Japanese occray ixwi-- June)'?" , men, two childr^ and one man were Roosevelt last night at the dinner of Other wounded were: 926,186^In DecembS; a 1m s of 2.1 Shanghai, 80,000 strong, were be- tions west of toe village. The OM- ;^ th details like train transport lost The debris jwas still searched Meyers, 40, Tulsa, Okla,, Pe,r cent. Bank debits reported In A. "The land annuitiei, legally as without rtM rtiiig ^ T p l^ and the city charter committee. , , "®/ed to be • partly responsible for Bes6 contlnuod to hoid oU positl6n» today for two of ^ e bodies. One o f the outstanding develop* ideBtifled as a member of toe robber aue communities amounted. to I this deoisiem." I weatward nonthwatiwi-i- well as iustly, belong the eaor- !5?S® ***®:ySj^dA.paa Ignorant to,mitioM cong^^ The me1tifj?aaow fields la the ■‘S i Seabuiy«B' InvjsattgatlQn , W02.876J31 in - - J ® Inatnmtton. - stat ■ Thiy*w»e' HIWE^Thb Brit­ of* the exact sure 2% his order. mountains, in add-on to threaten­ bqUet w;oiS« la to?1fiouth; C ish Parliament as recoupment in It was, confident, howeyer, the reipM from offioe la to?^outh; Gene 15“ ® '^“ ® ^ learned f, jie-Sierprevaned I»!e .that' ing slides and devEustdtiofi to whaK of Sheriff Thomas M. Fw ley by Mkdcxiaa, 60, reputedly aniitoer .... part for hundreds of millions of spokesman said, that M. Karakhan’s ever might be in their path, also toe bobbers, critically wounded near Vfflee has instructed M«i««'JapaBeaareinforeeme8towMA^ pounds admittedly extracted from I figures were exaggerated because , ^ Governor Roosevelt. P®^ fMttflater Idhnioru ShigeilBitsu at ® ^ e over the week-end and filled rivers. In western Washing. Seabury’B critlclam of the New toSied M n« eltlM I Shanghai and Ambass&or T«meo ^ ® F would he landed in toe In tv- York governor wae predicated on (Continued on Page 2) PuyaUup, RMTtog Stuck Geheva to make Settlement in spite of the emment had no right to transmit I Harbin in tho Imlonpo campaign'f rlver7 toe executive’s d^ay in acting on S61 4fli known to authorities at toe proper f*Ju®»t of the powers to Tokyo, b!- charges of aUeged illegal practicee them to Great Britain and we pro- The War Office was apprised, he £ g ’ by Farley. 20^1 cent ^ ® *'®®^y ^ ^St toe “ ^ Q s t complete lick pose to retain them.
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