PAGE TEN-B- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Dec. 7, 1976 The chaplain comment;: ^ criminal? Pinochle scores The weather Coniiderable cloudlneiR, windy, Manrheiler '' colder today, high in 30*. Gearing, dinner at 1:30 p.m. at the Pinochle will be played P *"- Senior Citizens much colder tonight, low 5-10. • Top sc o re rs In the clubhouse. Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 Center. 'Thursday fair, colder, high in 20s. their sense of peace and freedom functional, behavioristic psy­ Manchester Senior Citizens Vernon chologists'have tended to dismiss National weather forecast map on through a return to responsible Pinochle Group Game Dec. 2 ‘Winners in the Vernon Page 11-B. living, integrity, and concern and religion as irrelevant to both the at the Army and Navy Club Senior Citizens Pinochle Club compassion for others. This is scientific and human enterprise and are Mike DeSimone, 606, Dec. 2 tournament at the Robert Schubert, 597, Esther “therapy” of the most profound to regard it as harmful to soundness Senior Citizens Center are of body and mind alike. Anderson, 578, Ann Fisher, Alexina Moreau, 631, Viola variety, and it is perhaps our great 569, Francis Miner, 562, Floyd i* ^ uturdayr M misfortune that this conception is They have analyzed, psy­ Einsiedel, 626, I^s Richard­ Post, 555, George Last, 5M, son, 610, Emil St. Louis. 572. today accepted and practiced with so chologized, and pathologized xmas cards religion, ignoring the possibility that Gladys Seelert, 548, Mike For Buckland Industrial Park little confidence. Haberem, Bea Cormier aUd Top scorers in the Nov. 20 wa fMvf avury It is a known fact that psy­ religion is, in and of itself, a Helen Gaveilo, 543. intfa thing PSYCHology, SOULogy of the game are Joe Gessay, 712, chotherapists have failed to attain Sophie Bogdan, 691, Ann the high rate of successful profoundest sort. Pinochle will be played Hletala, 669, Minnie Luetjen, N e w s readjustments they desired and have Reads a sign over the Bucks Coun­ Thursday at the Army and 658, Ann Quinn, 646, EM Quinn, ty Jail in Pennsylvania: “We are not Directors vote to match now been forced to take a serious se­ Navy Club. Play is open to a ll. 682, Joe Klncman, 670, the m’trael* of tnohiJtitil | a junk heap; we are in the salvage s u m m a ry By REV. RUSSELL CAMP cond look at religion's viewpoints in senior citizens. The group will Beatrice Minor, 664, Gertrude downtown monehcsUr respect to this question. Practical, business. " have its annual Christmas Edwards, 657. lottary tiehalt “ After all, chaplain, we're not here ComplM from to save souls," said the head of the U n ifd Preat Infrnatlonal $75,000 planning grant prison psychiatric diagnostic unit. “Then what in this hell are we here Mnderam-Uttle By GREG PEARSON would be split 50-50 between the town Weiss said that Raymond J. Karpe, for?" I retorted. He didn't know that religion, in its Herald Reporter and state. has resigned from the Economic most vital and significant form, has State (See related stories and pictures The cost to the town may not ac­ Development Commission, which is on pages 10-B and 11-B.) always been intent upon saving "lost KENT — Murder charges were tually be $75,000 in cash, Weiss said the planning agency for the park. souls," in helping individuals regain pending today against Charles E. The Board of Directors Tuesday this morning. He said that the town Karpe will be replaced by John Wilkins, 51, who allegedly ad­ night unanimously agreed to match a will receive “credit” for time put DeQuattro. mitted to state police he shot to $75,000 grant from the state to pay into work on the park by town of­ Weiss also told the directors that death his wife and son in their for planning costs for the proposed ficials. he is most concerned about the A bout tow n expensive rural home sometime industrial park. The town time spent on the project zoning-change step needed for the in­ late Monday. He surrendered In an unrelated m atter. Town could be included as part of the dustrial park. He said that an appeal Tuesday and was charged with Counsel Victor I. Moses told the town’s $75,000, Weiss said. Thus, the of the zoning decision on the matter two counts of first degree assault board that a problem of political town will pay part of, but not the full, could hold up development enough. Estelle Carpenter Circle of Community Baptist Church and bound over to Superior Court I pressure he had mentioned two amount. for the J.C. Penney Co. to decide $o He said this morning that he was will meet tonight at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. John in lieu of $200,000 bond. weeks ago “has been resolved.” leave the Manchester site. „ iderson-Little prices! The $75,000 approved by the board not sure what funds would be used to “ I'm concerned about the zoning McGain, 64 Holl St. pay the planning costs. He did say MIDDLETOWN - A court of­ will be matched by a grant which is hearing, where one person could tie that Revenue Sharing funds, or Cornell Circle of South United Methodist Church will ficial says the appeal of an order expected to be approved by the State up the whole bundle,” Weiss told the monies acquired through the Public meet Wednesday at 9:15 a.m. at the home of Carol Sid- Bonding Commission on Friday. directors. Penney has said that they Northeast Utilities lower rates is Works Employment Act, Title II diqui. not getting any special priority! Throughout the development of the want to break ground by mid-1977. (Herald photo by Pinto) might be used. and therefore It will be next | proposed industrial park, the costs The Penney company also will The Advent Bible study group of Emanuel Lutheran have made written obligation to the 8 month before a hearing is held on, Marquee damaged by storm Church will meet Wedne^ay at 1:30 p.m. in the church the case. No requests have been I town by the Jan. 10 zoning hearing,' library. made by thejitility'or the Public Although no major damage was reported after Tuesday’s rain Weiss said. He said that he expects a OUR Reg. $22 and $23 Utilities Comrol Authority to-| and wind storm in the Manchester area, the marquee at the Industrial park size letter from the firm before the -.4 . hearing that states that Penney wijl Ann Judson Circle of Community Baptist Church will speed up the case. vK' O LONG HOUDAY DRESSES Parkade had a panel blown out and there were some reports of come to Manchester as long as th‘e meet Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the church. I t broken store windows. Some minor flooding was reported also. town meets its obligations. At this Flatlenng lale-day and party tashions lor HARTFORD—’The Connecitcut may be cut 50 acres time, the town has no written com- . The Emanuel Church Women will have a smorgasbord M isses and Juniors. Supreme Court was to consider a at its meeting tonight at 6:30 at the church. mitment from the company, challenge this afternoon to the I By GREG PEARSON The 50 acres is mostly owned by Moses spoke to the directors near state’s system of funding local OUR Reg. $60 Herald Reporter the Hartman Tobacco Co., according the end of the meeting to say that the education which could force the The town is considering not to Weiss. M.A.P. Associates, the political pressure connected with the CLUB 400 legislature to restructure the tax Rain storm disrupts purchasing a 50-acre parcel of land it backers of the Buckland Commons Buckland fire jurisdiction case has system if the present method is SPORTCOATS has included in the planned industrial project, owns an option on the been taken care of. St. Bridget Honor Roll upheld as unconstitutional. park. property. Paul Willhide, a Republican direc­ Grade 8 Burns, Thomas Carpenter, 4995 some phone service The .parcel, located in the eastern­ Richard Newfield, president of tor, again asked that Moses reveal Lisa Carroll, Leslie Kenneth Conboy, Dawn Cook, R eg ion al most section of the proposed park Hartman, said that the town has not the source of the pressure. He made Fetherston, Laura Conti, Lin­ Handsome new styles, nch labrics. Gemma Dubaldo, Lynne site, would be located between the negotiated with his firm about the 50- a motion to direct Moses to explain da Glade, Nancy Johnson. English, Deborah Coomto. tailoring par excellence! The wintery rain storm which was The strong winds forced the front BOSTON — Sixteen prominent J.C. Penney Co. property and acre parcel or any other land that the details of the pressure. Kevin Kean, Jill Lampson, I^ryann Genovesi, Cynthia performing artists and art ad­ heavy for a nine-hour period Tuesday window out of Nick’s Shoe Repair at Vincent Pumhagen. Granato, Blake Karpe, Bar­ caused disruption of telephone ser­ 1101 Main St. and blew down a portion Buckland St. might be involved in the industrial The motion was defeated 5-2.' vocates, including Helen Hayes Town officials said today that J.C. bara Kennedy, Susan Ogrod- OURReg. $19 vice for about 300 customers in of the theater marquee at the park. Phyllis Jackston, Democratic direc­ Grade 7 and Arthur Fiedler, have called “They said that they might want nik, Mark Shaw, Barbara Manchester, but no other major Manchester Parkade.
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