i.- U8s~18~ _B_U_L_L_E_T_IN ___ , OF NATURAL HISTORY~ ISLAND LISTS OF WEST INDIAN AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES Robert Powell and Robert W. Henderson, Editors Vol. 51, No.2, pp. 85-166 2012 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE l 136 BULLETIN FLORIDA MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 51 (2) PUERTO RICO AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS Gregory C. Mayerl "The multitude of other islands in the group or in part, from that of Puerto Rico, to which they will well repay the visit of the zoologist, since belong politically. The St. Croix Bank, 40 km south the life of this section of the West Indies Calmot of St. Thomas (on the Puerto Rico Bank), consists be said to be known until all the cays and islets of St. Croix and four small islets. Its fauna shows have been investigated" (Wetmore 1927). considerable endemism, but also shares several Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands comprise over forms with the Puerto Rico Banle 150 islands for which herpetological records exist. About 100 species of reptiles and amphibians These islands are spread over five island banks: have been recorded from the area covered, of which the Mona Bank, the Monito Barlie, the Desecheo more than 20 have been introduced. The introduced Bank, the Puerto Rico Bank (also 1mown as Greater populations of Cyclura pinguis are deliberate Puerto Rico: Schmidt 1928), and the St. Croix Bank trans locations within the probable former range of (Fig. 8). The Puerto Rico Bank extends from the this endangered species (Lazell 2005). Mona Passage in the west to the Anegada Passage The following lists were compiled starting in the east. On the north, it is bordered by the with the distributional checklist in Mayer (1989), Puerto Rican Trench, and to the south deep water to which I added the results of more recent separates it from St. Croix. The islands on this bank fieldwork, data from the examination of museum are Puerto Rico and adjacent islets, the Passage specimens, and litera hIre records. In addition to Islands (Vieques and Culebra and associated islets), the general works cited in the introduction, the the U.S. Virgin Islands (except St. Croix), and the works of Stejneger (1904), Schmidt (1928), Grant British Virgin Islands. All of these islands were (e.g., 1937), Philibosian and Yntema (1976, 1978), united into a single land mass during the low sea Rivero (1978, 1998), Heatwole et al. (1981), level stands associated with the Pleistocene glacial MacLean (1982), and Lazell (1983) are fundamental maxima, when sea level stood approximately 120 for Puerto Rican/Virgin Island herpetology. More m below its present level (Heatwole & MacKenzie recent works that have made useful compilations 1967, Fairbanks 1989). Because banles set the limits are Ovaska et al. (2000), Platenberg (2007), Perry to recent over-land dispersal, they are key entities and Gerber (2011), Platenberg and Boulon (2011), in herpetogeographic analyses (Barbour & Shreve and Powell et al. (2011). Distributions within the 1935). The islands of the other banks are separated large island of Puerto Rico are addressed in Rivero from the Puerto Rico Bank by water sufficiently (1978, 1998), Schwartz and Henderson (1991), and deep to have precluded their being joined to Hedges (2012). Greater Puerto Rico by any glacial sea level drop. For areas and locations, the chief sources The Mona Bank, 60 km west of Puerto Rico, has were McGuire (1925), Lazell (1983), the U.S. Geo­ a single island, Isla Mona. Two kilometers to the logical Survey Geographic Names Information nOlihwest, separated by water over 220 m deep, System (www.geonames.usgs.gov), the Montana is the Monito Bank, with its single island, Isla State University EnviTOnmental Statistics Group Monito. The Desecheo Barlie, 20 km west of Puerto (www.esg.montana.edu), and the National Geo­ Rico, also has but one island, Isla Desecheo. The spatial-Intelligence Agency (hrtp://earth-info.nga. fauna of these three islands is derived, in whole mil/gns/htmllindex.html), supplemented by Google I Department of Bi ological Sciences, University of Wi se on sin-Parks ide, Kcnosha , Wisconsin 53 141 <[email protected]\ll > POWELL AND HENDERSON: Island lists of West Indian amphibians and reptiles 137 Puerto Rico Bank ;\llI..'gada Desecheo Tortola Bank Isla de Cll kbr:l ~-. :" Vi rgin .,...• ' Gorda Monilo Bank St. Tholilas SI. John Puerto Ri co Mona Isla ti c Vic:q ul.'s Bu nk Sl. Croix Bank 100 kill Figure 8. Map of greater Puerto Rico and adjacent island banks, including the Virgin Islands. Earth® (www.earth.google.com) and Berkeley­ Che/oll oidis mOllellsis (F) Mapper (berkeleymapper.berkeley.edu). COOl'din­ Ameiva a/bogllllata Ano/is monellsis ates for the BVI are less precise, as the NGA data Cye/ura stejllegeri are rounded to minutes. Many variant names exist Hemidacty /us l1Iabouia (I?) for many of the islands, and in deciding which Sphaerodacty /us monensis names to use, I have considered official names, SpOII(~Y /lIru s mo/we navigational charts, local usage, and usage in Borikellophis variegatus Epicrates mOll ensis herpetological and other scientific literature. I have Typh/ops mOllellsis not followed anyone of these exclusively. MONITOBANK 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ISLA MaNITO (1 8.16°/-67.95°) (0.16 lan ) Ano/is monellsis My primary debt is to James Lazell, who SphaerodactY/lIs IIlicropitheclls accompanied me tluough much of the field work, Spolldylurus lII ollitae and provided support via The Conservation Agency. DESECHEO BANK 2 The Jarecki family, E.M. Azevedo, D. Ford, R.Z. I SLA DESECHEO (18 .39°/-67.48°) (1.46 km ) Jenkins, W.P. and E. MacLean, N.R. Mayer, R. Alll eiva exsu/ Allo/is desechellsis Thomas, and 1. Walsh assisted in numerous ways, Sphaerodacty /us /evinsi as did K. Tighe and 1. Jacobs (National Museum Spondy /urus nitidlls of Natural History) and 1. Rosado (Museum of Borikenophis portoricensis ssp. Comparative Zoology) during the most recent museum work. James Lazell, Gad Perry, Kristiina PUERTO RICO BANK PUERTO RICO (18.25°/-66.50°) (8,674 km2) Ovaska, and Renata J. Platenberg provided recent E/eutherodactY/lis anti//ensis records. E/eutherodacty /us britlolll' E/ellth erodacty /us cochranae MONA BANK E/elltherodactY/lIs g/y /lus 2 ISLA MONA (18 .08°/-67.89°) (55 .81 km ) E/eutherodacty /us hedricki E/eutherodacty /us monensis E/ellthel'odacty /usjasp eri Rhine/la marilla (I) E/elltherodactY/lIs juanriveroi 13 8 BULLETrN FLORIDA MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 51 (2) Elelltherodactyllls karlschillidti Sphaerodactyllls towlIselldi Elelltherodactyllls locllstus SpolldylllrtlS lIitidllS Elelltherodactylus portoricellsis Boa cOllstrictor ssp. (1) Eleutherodactylus richlllolldi Borikellophis portoricellsis portoricellsis Elelltherodactylus /llIicolor Borikenophis portoricellsis plylllllllS Elelltherodactyllls ll'ightlllal1ae Epicrates inomatlls Hyla cillerea (I) Epicrates grallti Leptodactyllls albilabris EUll ectes notaells (W) Leptodactylus fallax (W) Magliophis stahli Lithobates gly lio (1) Magliophis exiglllls subspadix Lithobates catesbeialllls (l) Python bivittatlls (W) Osteopillls septelltriollalis (I) Py tholl regills (W) Peltoplll )lll e lelllur Py tholl reticlllatlls (W) Rhil1ella lIIarilla (1) Py th oll sebae (W) Scillax rllber (1) Typhlops grallti Tra chelllYs scripta elegalls (1) Typhlops hYPol7l eth es Tra chelllYs stejnegeri stejnegeri Typhlops p latycephallls Alll eiva exslll Typhlops rostellatlls Alll eiva wetl7l orei Cail7lwl crocodillls (1) Alllphisbaella bakeri Alllphisbaella caeca CAYS OFF THE NORTHERN COAST OF PUERTO RICO Al7Iphisbaella schlllidti Isla de Cabras (= Leper Island) ( 18.47°/-66.14°) Al7Iphisbaella xera Al7Ieiva exslll All olis cooki All olis cristatelllls cristatellus A l1 0lis cristatellus cristatelllls A II 0 lis pulchellus Anolis cristatellus cristatelllls x A. c. wileyae Punta Salinas Island (18.47°/-66.18°) Allolis cll vieri All olis cristatelllls cristatellus All olis everlllalllli All olis plllchelllls All olis glllldlachi CAYS OFF THE SOUTHERN COAST OF P UERTO Rico All olis kl"llgi Caja de Muertos ( 17 .89°/-66.52°) Allolis occllltus A nolis pOllcellsis Al7I eiva exslll Allolis plllchelllls A lI1 eiva lVetl7lorei All olis stratlllus Al7Iphisbaella xera Cye/llra IIl1bila (1) All olis cooki Cye/ura pingllis (F*) Anolis cristatellus cristatelllls Diploglosslls pleii All olis pulchelllls Hel7lidactylus haitiallus Phy llodactyllls lVirs/iillgi Hel7lidactyllls l7Iabouia (I?) Sphaerodacty llls roosevelti Hel7lidactylus tllrcicus (W) Sphaerodacty llls towlIselldi Igll(lIIa delicatissil7l a (W) Borikellophis portoricell sis pi Jill II illS Igllalla igllana (I) Typhlops grallti Leiocephalus etheridgei (F) Typh/ops sp. Leiocephalus partitlls (F) Cayos de Barca (= Cayos de la Barca) (17.92°/-66.24°) Phy llodactylus wirshingi Al1 0lis cristatellus cristatellus Scillcella lateralis (1) Sphaerodactyllls gaigeae Cayo Cardona (17.96°/-66.63°) Sphaerodacty lus klauberi Al7I eiva exsul Sphaerodactylus l7Iacrolepis ateles Anolis cristatellus cristatellus Sphaerodactyllls l7Iacrolepis gralldisqllal7lis Cayo Don Luis ( 17.94°/-66.97°) Sphaerodactylus III a crolep is gllarioll ex All olis cooki Sphaerodactyllls lIIacrolepis l7Iil7l etes Cayo Punta Aguila ( 17.95°/-67.21°) Sphaerodactyllls l7I acrolepis phoberlls All olis cooki Sphaerodactyllls l7I acrolepis spallills Sphaerodactylus lIicholsi Cayos de Ratones (near Jobos) ( 17.93°/-66.29°) Sphaerodacty lus roosevelti Allolis cristatellus cristatellus POWELL AND HENDERSON: Island li sts of West Indian amphibians and reptiles 139 Cayo Turramote (17.94°1-67.02°) Cayo Palominitos (18.34°1-65.57°) Sphaerodaclyllis nicholsi
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