İZMİR HISTORY Project Design Strategy Report First Edition, İzmir, 2016 1 Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli Prepared for publication by: Dr. H. Gökhan Kutlu Merve Çalışkan, Gizem Akyıldız, Dr. Çağlayan Deniz Kaplan, Alkın Korkmaz First Edition: September, 2016 İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Department of Survey and Project Directorate of Historic Environment and Cultural Properties İzmir History Project Centre 500 Copies Printed By: Dinç Ofset ISBN: 978-975-18-0201-9 2 CONTENTS I.INTRODUCTION 4 II.THESPATIALDIFFERENTIATIONOFTHEPOPULATIONANDTHEECONOMICGROWTH INIZMIR 7 WHATKINDOFASPATIALDIFFERENTIATIONTHEECONOMICGROWTHOFIZMIRSHOWS? 8 THEFORMATIONOFTHEIZMIRCENTERBUSINESSDISTRICT(CBD)ANDTHEFORMATIONDYNAMICSOFTHEIZMIRͲ HISTORYAREAINTHECHANGINGPROCESSINTHECOURSEOFTIME 15 IIIDETERMINATIONOFTHEIZMIRHISTORYPROJECTAREAANDSUBAREAS 34 THEFORMATIONOFTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTANDTHELANDUSAGESTATUSESONIT 37 CHANGESTHATWEREEXPERIENCEDDURINGTHEREPUBLICPERIODINTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTAREA ECONOMICALACTIVITIESPROFILE 47 DETERMINATIONOFTHESUBAREASOFTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECT 53 PROCESSOFTHERIFTFORMATIONINTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTAREA 66 INFORMATIONABOUTROMANIZMIRINTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTAREA 68 IV.STRATEGYPROPOSALOFTHEPRESERVATION/DEVELOPMENTOFIZMIRͲHISTORY PROJECTAREA 70 AIMS 71 STRATEGICALORIENTATION 72 STRATEGIESTHATSHALLBEBENEFITEDINDEVELOPINGTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTASPERTHESUBJECTS 74 1.URBANARCHAELOGYANDPRESERVATIONSTRATEGYTHATSHALLBEIMPLEMENTEDINTHEPROJECTREGION 75 2.STRATEGYOFBRINGINGSOMEPLACESINTHEPROJECTAREAINBEINGAPLACEWHICHREALIZESAN“EXPERIENCE” BEYONDBEINGALIFEAREA. 78 3.STRATEGYOFATTRACTINGTHEYOUTHTOTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECTAREA 80 4.BENEFICIARIESOFTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECT 82 5.ACTORSTHATSHALLTAKEROLEINTHEREALIZATIONOFTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECT 82 6.FINANCINGSTRATEGYOPTIONSOFTHEIMPLEMENTATION 84 7.LEGALLEGISLATIONWHICHSHALLBEBENEFITEDINTHEEXECUTIONOFTHEIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECT 87 V.SPECIFICATIONOFTHEPROJECTSTHATARERELATEDTOTHESUBPROJECTAREAS ANDWAYSOFOBTAININGTHEPROJECTSTHATSHALLBECARRIEDINTOEXECUTION 89 ONPREPARATIONPROCESSANDCONTENTOFTHEOPERATIONPLANSRELATEDTOTHESUBPROJECTAREASOR GROUPS 90 VI.ORGANIZATIONPROPOSALFORIZMIRͲHISTORYPROJECT’SEXECUTION 94 ANNEXES 98 3 I.INTRODUCTION I. Introduction 4 The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has started the studies on the subject of developing the Izmir-History Project which shall strengthen the relationship of the Izmirians with the history on a 248-hectare area, consisting of the 1st Degree, 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree archaeological and urban site areas and the Kadifekale urban transformation project. There are various reasons for Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to put such a project on its own agenda. These can be listed as follows: x Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Konak Municipality have prepared plans on this area for a long time, they have taken active roles in the implementation of these plans. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality; by making expropriations, financing the archaelogical excavations, have caused the Hellenistic and Roman historical heritage of this area to come to light and by realizing the restorations of the structures which have important historical and architectural values, provides them to gain social functions. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Historical Environment and Culture Heritages Branch Office is endeavoring to guide and supervise the development in these areas by preparing the plans for this area. x This interest that exists in the subject of the protection and strengthening Izmir’s relationship with history, do not remain limited only with the managements of the related municipalities. In the last thirty years, the universities, trade associations and non-governmental organizations have realized an awareness which can be deemed as prevalent in the subject of staking a claim on Izmir’s history in the society. Kemeraltı has taken its place as a merit which should be protected and required to be laid claim in Izmir’s public opinion. After a 30 years’ endeavour, in this new conscious and knowledge level, it requires to make the assessment of the things that have been done. x Through these efforts, some buildings are protected as single but generally the loss process of the region in the whole of the city is continuing and the region does not display a liveliness which shall change its quality of being a zone of transition. The requirement in the subject of redesigning of this area in a way, which provides the protection and the development integrity, has started to make itself apparent. Here, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has started the Izmir-History Project for catering to this demand. x The Izmir Metropolitan Municipality put the Izmir-History Project following its Izmir-Sea Project on its agenda. Within the framework of the vision that the Culture and Art Workshop which was gathered in the year of 2009, following the support the Izmir-Sea Project was given as a new project development way, which was developed through a participatory process, the Izmir-History Project’s following a similar path in compliance with its own specialities, is something that is expected. x The project area is a large housing area besides being a historical and cultural heritage. The rift area housing and the slums which particularly should be interested 5 in, occupy a large space in the project area. In today’s Turkey, the political government is implementing urban transformation projects in these types of areas which cause so many complaints. For these implementations, the authority of the Ministry of Environment, the Housing Development Administration (HAD) and the metropolitan municipalities have been expanded. The implementations which the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality shall make in these areas, are constituting an opportunity with regard to enable the Izmir Municipalism showing its difference and to develop the context of the urban transformation projects. x This project area is completely an archaelogical site. Hence, to make implementation in these areas requires long periods. For to overcome these and being effective in the implementation, the development of new types of actors, are required. One of them is TARKEM (Historical Kemeraltı Construction Investment Trade Inc. Co.)In future, the new ones shall also be established. All these reasons together, constitute the preambles of handling and developing the Izmir- History Project as well as being hopeful for the new steps that shall be made in the subject of the implementation. 6 II. THE SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE POPULATION AND THE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN IZMIR II. The Spatial Differentiation of the Population and the Economic Growth in Izmir 7 Within the scope of the Izmir-History Project; the issue which should be primarily known for redesigning the historical nucleus of Izmir, is that what are the dynamics that are effective in the whole of Izmir and the project area. Knowing these dynamics shall be beneficial in two aspects. It is clear that if we do not know what are the dynamics that turns the project area into a rift area, we can not produce solutions that shall create the anti- dynamics. On the other hand, we know that the success probability of the developed Proposals may only rise when they are based upon the existent trends. Prior to making the strategical options concerning the Izmir-History Project, we have to analyze what kind of a spatial differentiation dynamic has the economic growth of the Izmir city and the reconstruction dynamics of the City Centre Business District (CBD) and its immediate environment. What Kind of a Spatial Differentiation the Economic Growth of Izmir Shows? A debate is continuing in the political, academic and planning circles in Izmir on the subject whether the city’s economic growth has been slowed down or not. For making such a judgement, a clarity should be borne on the subject what is meant by the place called Izmir. In recent years, redefining the municipality borders continuously, creates important problems in this subject. It can be said that in the last regulation, by expanding the municipality borders and identification of them with the provincial borders have removed some difficulties. Expanding the definition of the area called as Izmir shall reduce the judicial errors which shall arise from Izmir’s expansion’s crossing the municipal/provincial borders. But, the shape of Izmir province’s being not convex1, cause the maintenance of the judicial errors that are done in this subject. Manisa is located in the North East concavity of the Izmir city’s shape. It can be said that the problem which this geometry creates, has started to be distinguished by the establishment of the Manisa Organized Industrial Site as the second organized industrial region and its becoming effective in respect to determine the spatial distribution of the growth of an Izmir centered economy by the beginning of the space assigments to the industries in the year of 1970.2 The distance of the organized industry region to Izmir is 21 km, the distance to Manisa is 5,5 km. When taking the distance of Izmir to Kemalpasa 29,9 km, its distance to Menemen is 32 km., its distance to Menderes is 33 km., its distance to Bergama is 104,2 km. into consideration, it is easy to comprehend what kind of deviancies that the Izmir city borders’ being not convex have created. This short discussion shows that we have to determine the borders of the Izmir urban region which has an economic integrity to develop a judgement on the subject of the realized amount of Izmir’s growth in a certain period as per the growth of Turkey. In the center of
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