mmm **m- me Holman's Return -Marred?" Lewis Scores 20 in Loss • Special to THE TICKER* Nat" Holman's return to the CCNY basketball scene was^ -marred by the Columbia Lions last night, as the Beavers dropped a 64-56» decision before a capacity ci%wd at the Lions' gym. City's defeat was marked by- id] «6' Ttrenty-Six Years at Responsible Freedom" ba<I_ball handling and lack of Baruch School of Business and Public Administration—City College of New York teamwork. The Beavers' shoot­ ing, although poor in the first Vol. XLI—No. 1 3 Thursday. December 4. 1958 half, picked up in the final part of the game. The Lavender out- scored Columbia, 33-28, in the second half. \Deputy Mayor, BHE Head The Lions were led by Murray Melton, who scored 20 points; 14 coming in the first half. -City's Hector Lewis also tallied 20. Tour Columbia—quickly—jumped out to a 3-0 lead but City tied the The I>epuly Mayor of New York, Paul T. O'Keefe, the Chairman oi the Board oi scoie at five all: The Lions piled - Higher Education, Gustave Rosenberg and the Adminsitrator of the Board, Mrs. Pearl up eight straight points, however, Max, visited the Barucli School Tuesday morning., - . .. increasing their lead to 13-5. They The visit was made to allow Mr. O'Keefe, a Fordham University graduate, to be­ dominated play for the remaind­ come acquainted with the problems of the municipal colleges. He was recently appomted to Hector Lewis er of the harf and led at the .half--" the post, succeeding. John J. Theobald, who was named Superintendent of Schools. time buzzer 36-23. The dignitaries were accompanied by President Buell G. Gallagher, Dean Emanuel In the middle of that half, ISaxe, Dean of Students Ruth ^Hatful' to_Qpen CCNY (5fi) Columbia <«4~> [C. Wright and Assistant G F IV G F P Dean Samuel Thomas. Sev- Groveman 3 1 7 Harris 2 2 6 At Stuyvesant 6 S 20i Ktfdlcman 1 1 " S jeral student leaders also ac- Marcot 0 4 4 Kaplan 0 6 0 D*latorr«; 5 0 10' Ell.-fsen 3 S 9 [companied the group. ' v TReatron, the Baruch School TCtansky 4 0 x; Maltaews t 2-4- Inadequacies Shown dramatic society, will present "A 3.1 7 Hern son .01 .-1 --«- ~4»—«. Boriia 4 . » 11 Ykie lour of inspection beg-an in Hatful of ^ Rain" tomorrow and Melton faculty Council Lounge and then Saturday in the Stuyvesant High Auienb rjrs" 4 "-•I ["progressed to the Cafeteria, School Auditorium. Tickets are Tota U !1 14 Totals 24 16 64 (•where Dean Saxe pointed out the still available at $1.25 and $1.50 hoVever, the Beavers broke [•inadequacy "of the 9* by 12' Fac­ The cast stars Irene "Bunni" through the clogged up middle ulty Lunchroom. Sehmidt as Celia Pope^-B*rt^ Po- that, the Lions had so effectively The group then went to Busi­ tenza as Polo Pope, Richard Elli­ used in the first half. The defici ness Reference Library on the son as Johnny Pope and Stan was decreased to 46-39 at the ten- third floor and after that to Han­ Matus as Johnny Pope Sr. minute mark on a jump shot by sen Hall. The final scop was the Also featured in the cast are Lewis. Textile Laboratory on the eighth Jerry Garfinkle as '^Mother," Ira Julio Delatorre brought City to floor. Slade as "Apples," Howie Bailin_ within five points of the Lions on- After tie-tour, the- *mtou+-age- as "Chuchie" and Joyce Maiakoff a 20-foot set, but Melton increas­ went to the Dean's office on the as "Putski." ed the lead to 49-41 a few ^secy ' :~r. ••> a- 16th floor, where the Dean. Pres­ Herb Pollack is the director of onds later. ident Gallagher and Chairman The Beavers fought back to Rosenberg impressed upon Mr. "Hatful." 49-43 on a jump shot by Hal Bau- - O'Keefe the inadequacy of most Stuyvesant High School is lo­ man, but as -the City scoring: of the Baruch Schools'* facilities. cated at First Avenue between drive came"- to a halt, Columbia Future Proposals 15th and 16th Street. Theatron increased its margin to 57-43. -•-.•- — A favorable opinion by -Mr. TICKER fot© by Jablon was forced to present this term's Prior to the varsity game,-the. O'Keefe m^y very well go a long DISTINGUISHED VISITORS: Gnstare Rosenberg <left) Chairman production there because Pauline Beaver -freshman team beat the "way toward having the Board of of the BHE, and Paul T- O'Keefe, Deputy Mayor, on the ninth floor. "Edwards Theatre is being re­ Columbia freshmen, 61-57. •-^ 'Estimate act favorably on all pro- paired. posals involving the Baruch plans for acquiring Mabel Dean _-C9 School _m the near future. Bacon High School and adjacent Chief among these are the pro­ property to erect _an annex to the Civil Rights Group. posed Student Center and the Baruch School. SC President Declares Gallagher Gets Temporary Post •^ 6 By Dave Podof f hearing on discrimination in housr Dr. Buell G. Gallagher was ing February 2, 1959. --• s I Will Not Run Again' selected as temporary chairman One of the committee's tasks, Mr. Wilkins - explained, -will be of the New York State Advisory ; Larry Schiff, president of Student Council, has an­ to collect information on Committee of the Federal Civil nounced that he will not run for re-election. Schiff, com­ rights in the State from groups menting- on his decision, said, "I do not plan to run for re­ Rights Commission at its organ­ in the field, notably the State election, for personal reasons." izational meeting, Monday. Commission Against Discrimiaa.-* ^ Bob Nadel, ^vice-president of SC, is running: unopposed Subsequent Appointment tion and the New York City Com* for the President's chair. mission on Intergroup Relations.' official recognition by the fac­ J. _Ej-nest Wilkins, Assistant • '••A SehiffV continuing, stated that, ulty," he noted. "I intend to de­ ecretary of Labor, who presid-. "It is my hope, however, that I Advisory Committee vote much, effort to this and ed until Dr. Gallagher was chos­ will be able to continue to be ac­ The advisory committee will other related areas next semes­ en, explained that Dr. John A. tive in some of .the more fruitful send its reports to the Federal ter,"-Schiff said. Hannah, chairman of the full activities that SC is now engaged commission, together . with . an < Petitions are still available for in. I am speaking particularly of commission, would subsequently analysis and evaluation of its 7 executive" and representative .our curriculum study." appoint the permanent chairman findings. Dr. Gallagher described-'- posts and Clais Council positions. Schiff said that he "would like of the State advisory committee. the. committee as "a factfind­ They may be obtained-from 921. v to see the establishment of a ing arm" of the commission.' _ ;\ They are due tomorrow at 4 in The meeting was held at the j$soup of students within each 922 and candidates will meet at 4 The members present in- addi*- - Baruch School. Dr. "BueH" GT Gallagher specialization -whose purpose it in the Faculty-CooneS Lounge. tion to-^r.-€kkttagh*HV Mr—De- wtivkt be to critically comment At Mr. Wilkins* suggestion, Insignium applications are.due Elmer Carter^ housing— and. laney, Mr. Carter and. Mr.jifon- subcommittee chairmen -were at" "•, "in :j921. "ulusig;mum JosepB ~serray7:were~I^riAianaTl*.: -BturieH "~ toWL that of Buff ate and Dr. WHnam. J» I '>%-^:.gjaa^of'^Boch»Tter>*--*u- ..Wtt*»w«Or.i3W'*^l<U-*^~"irr'<5**W '• " '^'^i ~-*>?n - v «c,a.Tr—" • ; -^- 9^;«r-« ?• •-? - .••> —>=-^>r*=* wi^^^^^^^^^S^^^•'S^Si<^-~*'^ ^ m^^^^^mm^. ^r?>^^-;~:-.U ' "Page 2 THE TICKER ; -^ Thursday; December 4, T< Thursday; Pecember 4, 1958 THE TICKER ftgeB -•»~;T*." History Profesaw Bernard "Twenty-Six Year* of Responsible Freedom' Beilusii.has replaced ^BCOMQJMBCS I havelfound jaiyse5in35Rate^raiia5»- ST^^JVT r"g«* ^5T1 &ernard M. Baruch Professor Benjamin -Klebaar as e «**»> ^«^« S^SS* "r^Sfe" AU-CoU^e Pro Seboof of Business aad Public Aomiaisfratia* and tried ^aad pgaved thJT^^T J^f ^^ ^*^ *?** Three paintings by Italian. Spanish and German Old Crowrts 'Miss The City CotUt* of New YoVk faculty advisor to the Class of *61. The change was made «e> P Blasters, valued a.t more than $55,000, have been presented 17 Lexington A venae. New-York "" ^^n*^7H? ^ ^* ^ ^ th^proceS of gTow^a?' t£ the Coiiege by Richard H. Rush in memory of his great in Two Vol. XLI—No. 13 e*n*e of Professor Klebner's lay, Per 4, ?Qf intended more Ui the gpiown" there » one area in particular wiuch I. would HkeT^^^^ fZrpnA nn^i^, TnimnnnH TTo^i-tc the College's founder. The recent All-College Prom lost less than $100, accord- center. -ro college students, sex will alwav<* h*» »« ?«• ^ The gift was announced by Dr. Buell G. :Gallagher, who ing to final estimates of the Baruch School Prom Comimt- . ~_. Richard S. Gurtan hutnOTous topic to diaenss Wh-SL **Z *.- " -interesting an said the paintings, known as — ; ; < ss tee, chaired by Warren Pincus and Myles M. Merling. v^ Editor-in-Chief .M-SfMii: '; ^:^ '-:ii; '•^•!];;;fii:j;^;!!;^;-i;;ii;;r i^rdlesa «f'hZ- - Tf* ' W^enerer the subject is brought up, r, the-Rush Collection, will be this country including paintings garaiess of bow. xrrelavent it may be to f>i» t^^,« K - J- • is; Bruce Mark ens Actually, the Prom was the most successful Baruch ^ Morton J. Horowitz on permanent exhibition in in the Metropolitan Museum of Adrian Meppen Eisner Hall, which houses School social event held in two years.
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