NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 1983 $1.25 imtiifliij The Dallas White Rock Half-Marathon TAC SOUTHWESTERN ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP RACE country November 5, 1983 — 9:00 AM Sponsored by the Cross Country Club of Dallas dallas and the Plano Pacers Running Club The perfect way to predict your time in the Dallas White Rock Marathon! ■ Premium T-shirts to first 2000 entrants ■ Results mailed to all entrants ■ Split times at each mile SOUTHWESTERN ■ TAC certification pending ASSOCIATION ■ TAC sanctioned CHAMPION3HIP ■ Complete medical aid RACE ■ 107 trophies awarded to 24 classes ■ TAC medallions to first place finishers in all classes ■ Scenic flat course around beautiful White Rock Lake ■ Drawings for gifts and prizes ■ Water and ERG at four aid stations ■ For further information, call 214/741-3613 y » iz m a Running Shoes Entry Fee $8 postmarked before October 29, $15 thereafter. WAIVER STATEMENT (must be signed and submitted with registration) In consideration of the accoptnnca of this entry, I, the! NAME____________________________________________ undersigned, assume full and complete rrmponslblllty for any injury or accident which may occur during the event or while I am on the promlsosof thoovont; nnd I hnroby release ADDRESS_____________________________;___________ and hold harmless the sponsors, promoters, and all other persons and entitles associated with thoovont from any and all Injury or damago, whnthor It bo enusod by negligence of CITY/STATE_______________ i__________:_______ :____ the sponsors, promotors or othor porsons or entitles asso­ ciated with this evont, or othorwlso. Further, I hereby grant DAYTIME full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, video-tapes, motion pictures, recordings, or ZIP____________________PHONE # _________________ any other record of this event. AGE AS OF NOV. 5, 1983__________ SEX M _____ F Signature (Participant) CIRCLE T-SHIRT SIZE S M L X-L Predicted time __ □ PLEASE SEND ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION (Parent’s signature for minor) PLEASE SEND ME MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FOR THE Mail with check or money order to: DALLAS WHITE ROCK HALF-MARATHON ________ CROSS COUNTRY CLUB OF DALLAS 7021 PRESTONSHIRE LANE DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 ________ PLANO PACERS RUNNING CLUB PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DALLAS WHITE ROCK HALF-MARATHON The * Fourth ♦ Annual 5000 METER »TEAM ROAD RACE * * A unique event to focus attention on the encouragement of Fitness and Health 1 i \ by Business and Industry in the Greater New Orleans Area.” DATE: Sunday, December 4,1983 TIME: 9:00 A.M. , DISTANCE: 5,000 meter road race (3.1 miles) COURSE: Starts and Ends at the Superdome TEAMS: A team will be made up of four persons: (a) One team member must be a woman. / (b) One team member must be 36 years of age, or older on that day. (c) Other members may be made up of any age or sex. (d) To qualify to represent a company, each member must have been employed by the company full time for a minimum of two months prior to date of the race. Awards — Refreshments — Split Times — Aid-station FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call 568-YMCA Corporate Cup Run Lee Circle YMCA 936 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. 70130 YMCA CORPORATE CUP RUN sponsored by PR1T1K1N HOSPITAL PLAN O CTTIBUSINESS De La Ronde Hospital j (Clip and Mail) Request for Registration Coupon (Clip 30(1 Ma1^ | N am e___________________________________________ Corporation_________ _______ _ ! Address__________________________________________________Telephone____ ___ 1____ | Mail to YMCA CORPORATE CUP RON • c/o Lee Circle YMCA • 936 SL Charles Ave. • New Orleans, LA 70130 J NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB FOOTPRINTS IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NEW ORLEANS TRACK CLUB OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 'I $1.25 6 SHORTS The best of the out-of-town races; race news; high school cross-country update; running experiences, 8 OFFICER’S REPORTS A challenge from our president to become a race director; the secret is out on the competitive team; a promise of good races from the race director; and a call to partici­ Publisher pate in Footprints from our edit o r, New Orleans Track Club Editor Suzanne diGeorge 9 FAT OF THE LAND Alan Engle, D, PM„ tells us how to start a running program Executive Committee if you are overweight. President Ed Fleischmann Race Director 10 MAILBAG Bill Couret A fan letter; a letter from Pete, on the road; and com­ ments on hill training in New Orleans. Board Members Martha George Ronnie Brinkman 13 THE IMPORTANCE OF GOALS Chuck George Kent McDonald gives a personal testimony to the neces- 1 Lyle Morehouse Alvin Roussell sity for setting up goals in your training, Ray Sears Mark Holcomb 14 MARATHON TRAINING: TIPS FOR Treasurer INJURY PREVENTION Willie Stamm Gini Davis shares some good rules for making the marathon Secretary a great experience instead of an injury trap, Julianne Cox Marathon Chairman 18 THE OLYMPIC EXPERIENCE Cary Kuhlmann 1952 Olympian Al Lawrence gives an athlete's perspective Competitive Team on the politics and goals of the Olympic Trials, Coordinator Mike Gulllot 18 RACE RESULTS Typesetting More times and places of NOTC members, Compare your Forstall Typographers times with your back issues of Footprints. Layout Wavelength 26 THE LAST MILE Printing The further adventures of the Tutu Man, plus that good Marathon Press old running gossip we all love. FOOTPRINTS is published bimonthly by the New Orleans Track Club, RO. Box 30491, New Orleans, LA. 70190, Telephone 504/482-NOTC. Subscriptions entail member­ ship in the New Orleans Track Club, $15 per year. Maga­ zines are free to members. Unsolicited manuscripts, Cover photo: By Suzanne diGeorge. ( photographs or other materials are handled with care but we do not accept responsibility for them. No un­ Gordon Cookshaw, Sub 4, sizzled in the Finish on the Fifty, Mike Mullan of solicited material will be returned. Athletic Shoes Unlimited was runner up as both runners broke 15 minutes for the 5K. 4 Footprints ¥@y eatTD lb© ID ocidl sflölfl lb© T.. The largest selection of running shoes in the city The most knowledgeable sales people With the most convenient locations MARCHAND'S MARRERO: Belle Promenade Mali GRETNA: 634 Terry Parkway, Phone 368-8896 ALGIERS: Village Aurora Mall, Phone 362-3436 MARRERO: Lapalco at Barataría, Phone 340-7755 SHORTS Summer Breeze Report young runners ran the quarter and half mile determine that district's representatives in Last month, three members of the events. The races served to initiate many the state meet. The top two teams and the Tchoupitoulas Social Aid and Athletic Club into the joys of running and competing. top ten individuals in each district champ­ travelled to Tuscaloosa, Ala. for the Sum­ Having t-shirts in their own size thrilled the ionship meet are eligible to compete on ei­ mer Breeze 10K road race. Attending were participants. Although the fleetest were ther November 16 or 17 in the state cham- Jerry Hardouin, Bryan Roberts, and Ray given prizes, every child in both races was a ionship meet. Each class holds its own meet Ward, who are all members of the New real winner. and declares its own champion. Orleans TracK Club as well. Kent McDon­ This year looKs to be a very competitive ald, an invited runner, had also planned to MGM Fund Run: A variety of pastel year in all classes. Neither the boys nor the run Summer Breeze but was forced to shirts, when unboxed, turned out to be girls show a strong favorite capable of withdraw due to a bacK injury. olive drab a KhaKi. Instead of a hue-and-cry dominating competition. Coaches will This year's Summer Breeze 10K was against the different colors, race worKers watch the early meets carefully for any indi­ included on the Racing South Grand Prix were delighted when these turned out to be cation of potential Circuit and featured its strongest field of extremely popular. Also popular were the Locally, a number of races interest to runners to date. Some of the south's best two non-human entrants: K9-1 and K9-2. NOTC members. Two meets of local inter­ runners, including Herb Wills and Dave est are: Branch, were present for the 8 a.m. start. Finish on the 50: An extremely popular The course itself consisted of a scenic but race in the past, this year proved no excep­ Saturday October 29: the Shaw Invitational very hilly loop through various neigh­ tion. The Joggler was present as was Danny on the West BanK. Coach Irv Lutterman has borhoods and the university area of Tusca­ Alvarez, attired as a linebacKer! Tutu-Man laid out a rugged new course in Brechtel loosa. Raceday conditions included 91 de­ traversed the course before conducting a ParK. The action starts at 10 a.m. gree heat and high humidity very remini- watermelon sacrifice. Robert Waldo watch­ cent of New Orleans! Because of this, race ed the festivities before running his Saturday, November 12: the City Champ­ times as a whole were relatively slow, in­ 80 mile journey to Baton Rouge to raise ionship for both boys and girls. The race cluding Herb Wills' winning time of 29:51. money for the Yucatan missions. will be held at the LaKefront course on Ely- As for Jerry, Ray, and Bryan, their times sian Fields and LaKeshore Drive, the same were as follows: Ray Ward 35:04; Jerry Har­ Kenner Championships: The excitement of couse the NOTC used on Bastille Day. douin 36:46; Bryan Roberts 37:06. All three running on the excellent Muss Bertolino Competition begins at 11 a.m. runners agreed that the heat and humidity TracK drew a large crowd of local runners. Come on out. Both events are open to the affected their race times, although Brian did The one-mile course had to be changed public, and young people will benefit your run a P.R.
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