^>fe^?>:^'3i>,«a^?Sfsv?rt44^=^agg^.a^^ fe ^o^re Q)ante Volume 84, No. 8 May 11,1945 Notre Dame, Indiana University Establishes Student Personnel Bureau *' From this Inspiration < Came Mother's Day Home of Brltish-R, Eagle, Hickey-Freeman, Society Brand, Alpagora, Burberry, and Style Art Clothes — Nationally advertised Florsheim, Jar- man Shoes; Arrow, Van Heusen Shirts — Sole agency for Dobbs Hats. TTTE WANT you to see this fine store, the home of famous names in quality » » clothing. Both Civilian and Navy students are entitled to TAXI FREE to the Modern Gilbert's. Hail any cab down-town or call a taxi at Notre Dame and ride with your friends free to Gilbert's. We pay your fare on arrival. /CONTRARY to rumors on the Notre Dame campus, students have never been ^^ restricted from going to Gilbert's. Your rector will authorize your visit to the store. Permission has never been refused. A Notre Dame Man is Always a Guest Before He is a Customer GILBERT'S 813 - 817 S. Michigan Street SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 84 MAY IL 1945 NO. 8 Student Personnel Bureau Established BY GEORGE DESPOT University officials have announced out concerns the student's personal his­ the establishment of a Student Personnel tory. It includes vital statistics, a record of preparatory school courses, type of Bureau to assist Notre Dame students Student Council Plans work desired after graduation, the ser­ and graduates to obtain jobs for which vice record of veterans, references, extra­ 2nd Annual Field Day they have been trained. curricular activity, and work experience. The Student Council in its regular The purpose of the Personnel Bureau The cumulative record Avhich the Uni­ meeting last Monday night approved the is to maintain "an adequate cumulative versity will have after the students grad­ proposal that a council-sponsored Field record of information about the students uation will include vital data, health, Day, similar to the one held last fall, for the purpose of counseling, placement, physical record, extra-curricular activity, again be backed. Council secretary Jack and reference; this record to be made and interest record of the student, the Allen was appointed by President Line- available to the proper persons," and to program of studies for the four years, han to head the committee in charge of assist "in finding appropriate employ­ vocational counseling record of the stu­ the event. June 3 was tentatively decided ment for the student when he leaves dent, interest and aptitude test records, on as the date for the occasion. school, and as often thereafter as may and comments by professors and rectors. It was also decided at the meeting that be of true benefit to the student and to On the basis of the cumulative record, ari-angements should be made now to the institution." each graduate will be given a rating rent the Indiana Club for the two' suit­ dependent on his participation in all the able dates for Victory Dances next fall. The University receives numerous in­ phases of college life. This step was suggested and approved quiries from employers concerning the because of the difficulties encountered The counseling service of the bureau aptitudes of students, their work exper­ recently in obtaining a dancing site. ience, and their extra-curricular activity will include "provision for a service A proposed War Bond Carnival con­ — none of which are now a part of the which helped the student to discover sisting of gyp games and similar money ]jermanent records. Since the students early his abilities, his aptitudes, his ob­ makers was found to be unsatisfactory are the sole source of this information, jectives, and his limitations; assistance with University officials because of the they are being asked to fill out the Per­ to the student thi-oughout his college difficulties of organization and obtaining sonnel Form. residence to detei-mine upon his courses of instruction in the light of his past material for building booths. It had been Almost 200 Navy and civilian students achievements, his vocational interests, intended to sponsor the carnival to sup­ have already been interviewed. For the and his economic resources; assistance port the summer bond campaign of the present, the upperclassmen are being in­ to the student in the clarification of his Treasury Depai-tment. terviewed, but the program will soon ex­ occupational aims and of his educational Plans wei-e laid for a shelving of the tend to all students. aims in relation to them; and coordina­ film of the 1944 football season. It is tion of the financial aid and part-time hoped that the film will be available for Six University officials are heading the employment of the student." the student exhibition sometime in the bureau. Father John J. Lane, C.S.C., and near future. At present, according to the Mr. Edward E. Quinn are in chai-ge of report at the council meeting, the film is counselling; Father Frank P. Goodall, being shown throughout the East. C.S.C, and Mr. William Dooley head of An announcement was made by the Placement Bureau; Mr. Kobert H. the Director of Student Accounts that McAuliffe is directing civilian personnel registration ior rooms for the forth­ Wranglers Add Five and Father Joseph A. Kehoe, C.S.C, is in coming summer semester will take Students to Membership charge of records. place on May 16 and 17. Individual The Wranglers last week admitted five Aircraft manufacturers, industrialists, slips will be sent to students specify­ new members to their ranks following engineers, bankers, and Alumni groups ing registration time. Time prefer­ intei-views of a number of prospects. The are being interviewed by Father Goodall ence will depend upon college rating men admitted were three civilians, Frank to line up positions for Notre Dame- and scholastic average. Buckley, Bill Carey, and Frank Grimaldi, trained men. The Alumni Association and two from the NROTC unit, John through its various city clubs is cooper­ As yet there has been no official Phipps and Stan Idzerda. ating and committees have been set up to notice of any changes of residence assist in the project. Plans are now being made in the halls for civilian or navy students. group for a banquet honoring the new The personnel fonn now being filled members to be held in the near future. ^he ^otre Q)ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victuriis Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus College Parade FOUNDED 1867 ...ByE.F. Gillespie • 11II III III! Ill III II III! Ill till II lllllll 111 Itlll II 111 •••••III II lllll 11 IIIIIIIIKIlll II •mil nil ••••••••••••>•••*•*"•*••**'** ACROSS THE CAMPUSES Kansas University has the second largest circulating film library in the United States. The library contains 4,000 reels, and if the films were joined together, the movie would last 24 hours a day for a whole month The Chicago Museum of Natural History has requested a rare fossil, a maxillary containing five cheek teeth, which is part of a collection made by Dr. Joseph F. Joor, for Tulane University Ava Ham­ ilton, photographer and explorer, recently lectured and pre­ sented official war department pictures and other colored films of North Africa at the University of Minnesota. Indiana University has established the Ernie Pyle Memorial Fund, which will provide scholarships and lectureships in • lllllllll^llllllllllllllllllllll>lllllllllllllllll(*llll*l*lll*tl*llllllll"l>*l>lllltlll"l>'lllllllll*llll*(lllllllllll(ltl expanded ti-aining in journalism and allied fields. Georgia Tech's number one tennis man is Frank Willett, Georgia State champ. Col. Oveta Hobby recently inspected the School of WAG Personnel Administration at the University THE STAFF of Indiana. Don Currivan, All-American end on the 1942 Boston College football team, has returned to B. C. as its new ROBERT RIORDAN. Editor-in-Chief end coach. Fifty-six Heightsmen gridiron candidates greeted the new assistant coach Avhen he assumed his duties at the EDITORIAL STAFF start of spring practice V-12's at DePauw University have signed Al Kavelin for their spring ball. Tentative plans GENE DIAMOND Navy Associate Editor call for the dance to be held on the university tennis courts, weather permitting. GEORGE DESPOT Managing Editor JAMES REGAN Sports Editor QUEENS JAMES F. MCCARTHY Feature Editor Almost every college and university has its multitude of AL KUENZU Advertising Manager queens. There are queens for practically all campus activities. RALPH HAYMAN Circulation Manager Ohio States is in the process of (Continued on page 17) BOB OTOOLE Promotion COLUMNISTS Thanks for the Bengals The SCHOLASTIC takes this occasion to express sin­ POWER-WALTERS The Green Banner cere thanks to all those who gave so generously of their E. F. GILLESPIE The College Parade talents and themselves in behalf of the SCHOLASTIC'S ART WAGNER Swabbie's Log annual charity show—^The Bengal Bouts. We are espe­ TOM McCAUGHEY Man About Campus cially grateful to those men who insisted upon offering their services without remuneration, thus typifying the true nature of any charity enterprise. This is especially FRANK GUIDO Photography true of the officials, the ushers, the men who worked in REV. CHARLES M. CAREY. C.S.C. Faculty Adviser the box office, the men who engineered the ticket cam­ paign, the manager of the concession as well as his SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS assistants, and the Phy-Educational department of the University. FRANK GRIMALDI JOHN FEENEY JOHN MILES At the same time, the SCHOLASTIC regrets the luke­ JACK FREESE J.
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