188 -2011 CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI March Session of the January Adjourned Term. 20 11 ) ea. County of Boone In the County Commission of said county, on the 29'" day of b'larch 20 1 1 the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: Now on this day the County Commission of the County of Boone does hereby receive and accept the following subdivision plats and authorize the presiding commissioner to sign them: Sylvia's Way. S24-T50N-R13W. A-2. Sylvia Brown, owner.. Steven R. Proctor, surveyor. Hunter's Bend Plat 2. S11 -T46N-R12W. A-2. Martin Builders, Tnc., owner. Christopher M. Sander, surveyor. Done this 29''' day of March. 20 1 1. Edward H. ~obb. Karen M. Miller Wendy S. Nor n Clerk of the Countye Commission District I1 Comn~issioner 12$-201 CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER STATE OF MISSOURI March Session of the January Adjourned Term. 20 I I ) ea. County of Boone In the County Commission of said county, on the 29th day of March 20 11 the following, among other proceedings, were had, viz: Now on this day the County Commission of the County of Boone does hereby approve the request by the Sheriffs Department to utilize the State of Missouri cooperative contract C111077003 with West Brothers Chevrolet of Sullivan, Missouri, for a Chevrolet Caprice 9C1: Model Year 201 1. It is further ordered the Presiding Commissioner is hereby authorized to sign said term and supply contract. Done this 29"' day of March, 20 1 1. Presigjng Commissioner A'TTEST: \,&A~Al- Karen M. Miller Wendy S. Noren / District 1 Commissioner clerk of the ~ouni~Commission District I1 Commissioner Boone County Purchasing Melinda Bobbitt, CPPB 601 E.Walnut, Room 208 Director Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: (573) 886-4391 Fax: (573) 886-4390 MEMORANDUM TO: Boone County Commission FROM: Melinda Bobbitt, CPPB .t.' DATE: March 11, 2011 RE: C 11 1077003 - Chevrolet Caprice Purchasing and the Sheriff Department request permission to utilize the State of Missouri cooperative term and supply contract C111077003 - Chevrolet Caprice with West Brothers Chevrolet of Sullivan, Missouri. The contract is for one (1) 201 1 Chevrolet Caprice 9C1 for a total cost of $25,734.00 and will be paid from department 2901 - Sheriff Operations - LE-Sales Tax, account 92400 - Replacement Auto I Trucks. $214,200 was budgeted for replacement vehicles for 201 1. cc: Contract File Chad Martin, Leasa Quick I Sheriff Dept. 03/03/20 I I PURCHASE REQUISITION REQUEST BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI DATE - 13868 West Brothers Chevrolet To: County Clerk's Office VENDOR VENDOR NAME NO. 47 North Service Road Sullivan Comm Order # ADDRESS CITY Return to Auditor's Office Please do not remove sta~le. BID DOCUMENTA'I'ION This field MUST be completed to demonstrate compliance with statutory bidding requirements. Refer to RSMo 50.660, 50.753-50.790, and the Purchasing Manual-Section 3 . [XI Bid IRFP (enter # below) Not Subject To Bidding (select appropriate response below): [7 Sole Source (enter # below) [7 Utility [7 Mandatory Payment to Other Govt [7 Emergency Procurement (enter # below) Employee TravellMeal Reimb Court Case TravellMeal Reimb Written Quotes (3) Attached (>$2500 to $4,499) Training (registrationlconf fees) [7 Tool and Uniform Reimb Purchase is ~$2500and is NOT covered by an Dues [7 Inmate Housing existing- bid or sole source Pub/Subscri~tion~ranscri~tCo~ies Remit Payroll Withheld Refund of ~ees~reviousl; paid to County b Agency kndDist (dept #s 7XXX) Professional Services (see Purchasing Policy Section 3-103); enter RFP if applicable #CI 1 1077003 IntergovernmentalAgreement (EnterA~~licableBid I Sole Source 1 Emergency Number) Not Susceptible to Bidding for Other Reasons (Explain): Ship to Department # 2901 Bill to Department #2901 I certify that the goods, services or charges specified above are necessary for the use of this department, are solely for the benefit of the county, and have been procured in accordance with statutory bidding requirements. Chad Martin .. .. Auditor Approval Rcv~scd07/05 Commission Order # /a?-*[( PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR CHEVROLET CAPRICE 9C 1 - MODEL YEAR 20 1 1 A4 .t% .t% 1 THIS AGREEMENT dated the & day of M. 201 1 is made between Boone County, Missouri, a political subdivision of the State of Missouri through the Boone County Commission, herein "County" and West Brothers Chevrolet herein "Vendor." IN CONSIDERATION of the parties performance of the respective obligations contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Contract Documents - This agreement shall consist of this Purchase Agreement for Chevrolet CAPRICE 9C1: Model Year 2011 in compliance with all bid specifications and any addendum issued for the State of Missouri Contract number C111077003. All such documents shall constitute the contract documents which are incorporated herein by reference. Service or product data, specification and literature submitted with bid response may be permanently maintained in the County Purchasing Office bid file for this bid if not attached. In the event of conflict between any of the foregoing documents, this Purchase Agreement and the State of Missouri Contract number C11107003 shall prevail and control over the vendor's bid response. 2. Purchase - The County agrees to purchase fiom the Vendor and the Vendor agrees to supply the County with one (1) of the following: 20 11 Chevrolet Caprice 9C 1 Add Line Item 028 - Dealer Prep Add Line Item 030 - Delivery (228 miles round trip @ $0.75 ea) Add Line Item 6.00E+03 - Fleet Keyed Alike Add Line Item 6N6 - rear door locks & handles inop Add Line Item 6N5 - rear windows inop Add Line Item AEH - Vinyl Rear Seat (includes 6A3) Add Line Item BTV - Remote Vehicle Start TOTAL Exterior Color: Phantom Black (GIE) Interior Color: Onyx (4BB) Total contract cost for one (1) vehicle is Twenty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-Four Dollars and Zero Cents ($25,734.00). 3. Delivery - Vendor agrees to deliver vehicles as set forth in the bid documents and within 60 - 80 days after receipt of order. 4. Billing and Payment - All billing shall be invoiced to the Boone County Sheriff Department and billings may only include the prices listed in the vendor's bid response. No additional fees for paper work processing, labor, or taxes shall be included as additional charges in excess of the charges in the Vendor's bid response to the specifications. The County agrees to pay all invoices within thirty days of receipt. In the event of a billing dispute, the County reserves the right to withhold payment on the disputed amount; in the event the billing dispute is resolved in favor of the Vendor, the County agrees to pay interest at a rate of 9% per annum on disputed amounts withheld commencing from the last date that payment was due. 5. Binding Effect - This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns for so long as this agreement remains in full force and effect. 6. Termination - This agreement may be terminated by the County upon thirty days advance written notice for any of the following reasons or under any of the following circumstances: a. County may terminate this agreement due to material breach of any term or condition of this agreement, or b. County may terminate this agreement if in the opinion of the Boone County Commission if delivery of products are delayed or products delivered are not in conformity with bidding specifications or variances authorized by County, or c. If appropriations are not made available and budgeted for any calendar year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties through their duly authorized representatives have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. WEST BROTHERS CHEWOhET BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI by . ..-.A title Edward H. ~obb,Presiding Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: In accordance with RSMo 50.660, I hereby certify that a sufficient unencumbered appropriation balance exists and is available to satisfy the obligation(s) arising from this contract. (Note: Certification of this contract is not required if the terms of this contract do not create a measurable county obligation at this time.) .f ? - fflA,d/&] 3/&y5/// 2901 / 92400 - $25,734.00 Signature I Bate / Appropriation Account STATE OF MISSOURI OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT NOTIFICATION OF STATEWIDE CONTRACT February 14,201 1 CONTRACT TITLE: Patrol Vehicles: Model Year 2011 CURRENT CONTRACT PERIOD: January 3,201 1 through End of 201 1 Model Year BUYER INFORMATION: Tammy Michel (573) 751-31 14 tammv.inichel@,oa.mo. aov RENEWAL INFORMATION NO RENEWAL OPTION AVAILABLE ALL PURCHASES MADE UNDER THIS CONTRACT MUST BE FOR PUBLIC USE ONLY. PURCHASES FOR PERSONAL USE BY PLBLIC EMPLOYEES OR OFFICIALS ARE PROHIBITED. THE USE OF THIS CONTRACT IS MANDATORY FOR ALL STATE AGENCIES. Local Purchase Authority shall not be used to purchase supplies/services included in this contract unless specifically allowed by the contract terms. - Instructions for use of the contract, specifications, requirements, andpricing are attached -. MBEI COOP CONTRACT VENDOR VENDOR INFORMATION WBE PROCURE NUMBER NUMBER -MENT C111077001 43091 86700 0 Joe Machens Ford No Yes Contact: Steve Veltrop, Jr. 1911 West Worley Columbia, MO 65203 Phone: (573) 445-441 1 ext. 119 Fax: (573) 445-8164 C111077002 431 3370020 1 Don Brown Chevrolet, Inc. and Ally No Yes Contact: David Helterbrand 2244 South Kingshighway St. Louis, MO 631 10 Phone: (314) 772-1400 Fax: (314) 772-1022 Page 1 of 14 MBEI COOP CONTRACT VENDOR VENDOR INFORMATION WBE PROCURE NUMBER NUMBER -MENT West Brothers Chevrolet Yes Contact: John Schaefferkoetter 47 North Service Road Sullivan, MO 63080 Phone: 573-205-3925 Email: ~hns@~westbrothers.com Lou Fusz-Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram Contact: Donna Garrison 3480 Hwy K O'Fallon, 1M0 63368 Phone: 636-448-0146 Fax: 636-442-8126 Page 2 of I4 STATEWIDE CONTRACT HISTORY The following summarizes actions related to this Notification of Statewide Contract since its initial issuance.
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