20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, March 21. 1988 )U — !• HOMES CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS IS q I ROOMMATES CARS 00 FDR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1 2 ^ jWANTED----------- Automotive FOR SALE Triumph Cocoon COVEN TR Y. Waterfront M ANCHESTER. 2 bed­ ELLINGTON. Town- home with spectacular room unit In move-pin house Gradens. Beauti­ MANCHESTER-454 Main If you don't use It, don't CARS HONDA Accord LX 1985- view. Large deck, en­ condition I Upgraded ful 1 bedroom Ranches Street. Second floor, 3 4 dodoor, 5 speed, power Hank Williams Jr. UConn basketball advances room heated. No ap­ need It and don't want It, FOR SALE Traveling with closed porch and your carpet. Kitchen ap­ and Townhouses with why not sell It with a steering, brakes, win­ own boat dock will privote entrance $510- pliances. Security. S480 dows, air, cruise con­ pliances Include mic­ per month. 646-2426, Classified Ad? Call 643- TOYOTA Corolla 1977- does It again /7 to NIT quarterfinal round /II enhance summer en­ rowave. Nice viewl $550 monthly Includes 2711 to ploce your ad. trol, A M -FM Stereo the president /18 lious tertaining. $196,000. $109,000. Sentry Real appliances, wall to weekdovs 9-5. Statlon wagon, hatch­ cassette. Excellent D.W. Fish Realty 643- Estate 643-4060.O wall, air and parking. ANDOVER- Mature fe­ back. S700. 646-5184 af- condition. S7250. 646- 1591.D Superintendent 872- 1 Bedroom apartment In male non-smoker to ter 4pm. 1542. Bolton. Available Mdy BEST BUY Weli-< < c K ln 0 .l M A N C H E S TE R . South M ANCHESTER. Beauti­ 2025, R.C. White Co. share house near lake I^ORD Fiesta 1978. 4 Ch r y s l e r 1973- Town 236-5961. 1st. Country setting. speed. 84.000 miles, COVE I. Y 9 u | Field Green. Immacu­ ful 2 bedroom unit In with same. $275 plus 'h ond Country Wagon. USED CARS excellent condition I Stove, retrigerator, utilities. Available good condition, relia­ Thursda It. F r # « | late 2 bedroom Town- laundry tacllltles. Heat $400 or best offer. 649- W4.643-I house Condominium. Carpet has been up­ NEW Apartments on bus­ April 1. 742-9350 otter ble. $750. 647-8898. 5135 offer 6pm. All prei line. 1 bedroom, 2nd Included. $500 per 6pm. Skylit family room graded. Kitchen ap­ FORD Pinto 1979. Well GRAND Wagoneer 1986. Coventr; with heatllator fire­ pliances Include mlc- floor. $575 per month. 1 month. Security dep­ BUICKS . L a w n osit, references. 643- maintained. Very good White, excellent condi­ eligible I place. Large rooms, rowave. Air month security. Peter­ condition. Reliable 2nd ( trim -1 man Building Com­ 0445. WANTED tio n , 34,000 m iles physical tru c k -1 7'h baths, oak cabinets conditioner! S109,900. car. Automatic, looks $14,900. 646-5422. 1987 BUICK and vanities. All ap­ Sentry Real Estate 643- pany. 649-9404. TO RENT new, 70,000 miles. $750. Call 228- ilo n o ll 4060.O MANCHESTER. Large 3 FORD Tempo 1985. 4- USABRE s u r « d . pliances Including mic­ Call 643-9672. Estais Wagon rowave to remain. M ANCHESTER. 1 bed­ bedroom Duplex. Gar­ door, low miles, $4,000 ’Mordv age. 1 V<2 baths, wall to INDEPENDENTLY em­ PLYMOUTH volare 1977. 643-0545, after 6pm. •7048A. $169,900. D.W. Fish room apartment. Stove Slant 6, automatic, Healtl and refrigerator. Ref­ wall carpeting, wa- ployed Carpenter- iiattrlipatpr Ip rali Realty 643-1591.0 VW Rabbit 1982. Diesel, 1^ M0RTSA8E8 sher/dryer hook-up. /Craftsman seeks crea­ good condition, some COVE !^SfSSi\ MANCHESTER. Fire­ erences required. $330 rust. S500 or best offer. excellent condition, M inlno, I monthly. 646-2311. S750 plus utilities. 643- tive living situation. A/C, AM -FM , 40mpg. 1 1986 BUICK Services . vord place glow. 2 story 7560. Barter service for 647-7621. Cape Cod with real DO NOT OO BANKRUPTI owner. S2500 or best CENTURY UNITED Hall on ' no a n d Stop Foreclosure! Home- 4 Room apartment, 2nd space? Need garage or TOYOTA Corona 1977. offer. 649-9664. may ret oth ar I appeal. Newly deco­ floor with gas, gas small shop and small Good for parts. $200, Wagon, Burgundy rated. Treed lined owners. consolidate your HOMER CHEVY Malibu 1983. throat Cl I d d d bills, pay off your credit stove and a refrigera­ Place to live. Machine call evenings 647-9515. StITSA M«45- street, 2 car garage, FOR RENT 278-7646. 60,000 miles. $3500 good Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents tion, call gas heat, decorator up­ cords, your cor or busi­ tor. $500 per month FIREBIRD 1984- Auto­ condition. Call after tr4 ;3 0 . ness loan, your mortgage with 2 months security. matic, 6 cylinder, A/C, grades. Sun room, fin­ M OTH ER of two, looking 5:30 647-0237. 1985 BUICK loto-1 M ished basement, work­ and save, save your Telephone 645-6773. C O V EN TR Y- Near lake. 1 power steering. Excel­ S co re I fln d- homell NO PAYMENTS for female roommate lent condition, $5995 or FORD Pinto 1976. Runs REGAL LIMITED shop. Owner will UP TO 2 YEARSI Bad bedroom, large kit­ to share her three bed­ good. Low mileage. ip h tr? accept any reasonable MANCHESTER. Main chen, living room, best offer. 875-8095 or 2 Door Coupo, Dark Pinoch > *n c y credit, late payments or Street. 2 rooms. Stove room apartment, Glas­ 875-1703. Call 647-0293 between offer. D.W. Fish Realty unemployment Is not a large yard. $525 per tonbury area. 659-8482. 9:30-3:30. OoM/Llght Tan the Arm: 49-36421 and refrigerator. 529- month. References and FORD Escort 1981- 2door, setSrA >ur in- 643-1591.0 problem. Foreclosure as­ 7858 or 563-4438. Fortier. sistance available for the security required. Coll automatic, A/C, power Opposition EAST Hartford. "New Marty I irtiii 742-9125. steering, excellentcon- dlnol Listing" Antique DIVORCED and SELF- M ANCHESTER. 4 rooms, ANTIQUES/ 1987 BUICK Laquem charm and beauty of EMPLOYED. dltlon. $1595. 875-8095. Swiss Conservative / 1st flo o r, garage. COLLECTIBLES.EC CENTURY Helena C the 1920's, 6 rooms, 3 Available Imme­ GRAND Prix LJ 1983- CLYDE Group at 281-454-1316'^ STORE AND Loaded, 73K, 1 owner. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 4 OoorSsdan 576: Pegi bedrooms Impeccoblv diately. No pets. $500 1 Remington Upright pi­ •7041A ^H or 303-454-4404. OFFICE SPACE Clean. $4800, 647-9138 ROUTE 83, VERNON Mnttn* A done, nice entrance per month. 649-2813. ano, $400 or better A niliM- foyer, french doors, offer. 1 freezer, 9 yeors daytime. •4 Camarocp^ •7BB5 rejects plan Panca IM t- like new oak floors, ROCKVILLE. Large 1 old, 18.5 cubic feet, $75. M Century LTD v( •7395 new kitchen, warm and ROOMS MANCHESTER- Prime CITATION 1982- Body 1984 BUICK bedroom, new build­ downtown office Antique wringer- and Interior In excel­ 04 Pontiac Tram Am •8995 RIVIERA Friend sunny porches, new FOR RENT ing. Washer-dryer washer, best offer. Call 84 Pontiac Tram Am •8995 on Sundt roof, enclosed porch, IsO space, 825 square feet. lent condition. A/C, Cps., Dark Qrssn hook-up, storage, ca­ Reasonable. 668-1447. between 5-6pm. 643- AM -FM with cassette. 85 Spectrum 4 dr •3995 Temple < raised flower beds and ble, stove, refrigera­ 8540. •002SA Rear window defrost. 85 Olda Calla a dr. •7995 adults ai nice yard I You must tor, carpeting. From 85 Ctiav. Aitro Van •9695 see this onel $156,900. MANCHESTER- Nicely ID EAL office suite for Automatic transmis­ by Noriega $475 per month plus 85 Cantury 4 dr. •5995 Century-21 Lindsey furnished, quiet and realtor, accountant. In­ sion. Needs engine. 1986 BUICK private. Many extras. utilities. Call 643-8557 surance and so-forth. 3 Best otfer. 649-7593. 85CavallarC8 4dr. •5995 Lactur Real Estate. 649-4000. evenings. rooms, heated, air con­ ODGARDENING LeSABRE n Utilities Included. Se­ 08 Cantury 4 dr. •9995 MONTE Carlo 1983- Con­ Estsls Wagon By Richard Cole MANCHESTER. "Eighth curity and references. ditioning, central Main 00 Camaro Cpa •10.795 lermo Cochez of the Christian A free Md District". Another MANCHESTER- 3 bed­ SHREDDER- Roto Hoe. vertible, white with S7547A The Associated Press $240 per month. Call Street. Wall-to-wall Used 6 times, like new. blue top. Only 16K 88 Olda Delta Cp« •11,295 Democratic Party said the pro­ sisters V beauty on the north 644-0383. room with heat, com­ carpeting, panelled side, 7 comfortable pletely remodeled. $750 Coll 633-8935. miles. Mint condition. 87 Caprice wteon •12,595 posed dialogue involved a hand­ Manches walls. Only $350 $8000 firm . 647-8997 87 Chav. Celebrity 4 dr. •8995 PANAMA CITY, Panama - picked 33-member panel that rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1 '/a ROOM tor rent. Close to per month. Call Dan monthly. Belflore 1986 BUICK p.m. Alt] HHS baths, rec room, coun­ 649-2947. PETS AND days. 646-8160 07 Pont. 8000 4 dr. •9995 Strongman Gen. Manuel Antonio would have 22 pro-Noriega homes of i m i buslines and down­ Agency 647-1413. evenings. LeSABRE try kitchen, quiet town. $80 per week. 1 ^ SUPPLIES 87 Cantury 4 dr. •9995 Noriega offered to resign before members. Hartford 1 Llmhsd Coups street, patio and tool Telephone 643-9008. Bedroom, 2nd floor. •2202A the May 1989 presidential election “ This is not a dialogue,” said call 647-6 shed I Don't miss It! Emanuel Lutheran MISCELLANEOUS RABBITS. Mixed breed. 8 872-9111 if opponents agree to talks with Cochez. “ It’s just cynicism.” $154,900.
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