ISSN 1028-1533 International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences INHIGEO ANNUAL RECORD I No. 46 Covering activitiesI generally in 2013 Issued in 2014 INHIGEO is A Commission of the International Union of Geological Sciences & An affiliate of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Compiled and Edited by Wolf Mayer INHIGEO Editor Printed in Canberra on request Available at www.inhigeo.org 1 | Page 2 | Page CONTENTS INHIGEO Annual Record No. 46 (Published in May 2014 covering events generally in 2013) INHIGEO BOARD 7 MESSAGES TO MEMBERS President‘s Message: Kenneth L. Taylor 8 Secretary-General‘s Report: Barry Cooper 9 Editor’s Message: Wolf Mayer 10 INHIGEO 2014 – Asilomar, California, United States 12 INHIGEO 2015 – Beijing 13 INHIGEO 2016 – Cape Town 13 LATER INHIGEO CONFERENCES 14 OTHER INHIGEO BUSINESS NOTICES Liaison with other IUGS Commissions and Task Groups 14 INHIGEO Affiliated Association category 15 INHIGEO Virtual Bibliography 16 A message encouraging INHIGEO members to join HESS 18 INHIGEO CONFERENCE AND EXCURSION REPORTS Report on the INHIGEO Meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom, 22-27 July 2013 19 Pre-congress Field Trip: The Silurian of ‘Siluria’ and the Idea of a Palaeozoic Era 24 Intra-congress trip: Buxton Spar and Buxton Spa 28 Post-congress fieldtrip: Ruskin’s Geology 30 International Congress of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine – Manchester 2013 34 MANCHESTER MANIFESTO 36 3 | Page OTHER CONFERENCE REPORTS Past, present and future of human connections to the Antarctic 37 CONFERENCES OF INTEREST The BSHS Annual Conference, 6 July 2014, at the University of St Andrews. 39 “Science as Profession” - 26th International Baltic Conference in the History of Science, 21- 22 August 2014, Helsinki 41 History of Geology Group - “Geology and Medicine: Exploring the Historical Links and the Development of Public Health and Forensic Medicine”, November 3-4 2014 41 INHIGEO 50TH ANNIVERSARY HISTORY PROJECT The Anniversary volume 43 INHIGEO history and recollections of its early meetings 44 A Brief History of INHIGEO, David Oldroyd, Sydney 46 An INHIGEO Salute to Martin Guntau, Ken Taylor 48 Interview with Martin Guntau, Ken Taylor 49 Origin of INHIGEO, Cecil Schneer 52 AWARDS The Geological Society of America, 2013 Mary C. Rabbitt History And Philosophy of Geology Award, presented to Leonard G. Wilson 56 Earth Sciences History Group of the Geological Society of Australia Tom Vallance Medal, to be awarded to David Oldroyd 58 Medal of Honour of the Complutense University of Madrid, awarded to Carmina Virgili-Rodón 59 Order of V. I. Vernadsky, awarded to Andrei V. Lapo 59 OBITUARIES Bernhard Fritscher, 1954–2013 60 Stanislaw Czarniecki, 1921 – 2013 63 Yasumoto Suzuki (1935-2013) 65 ARTICLES Biblical deluge and creationism in eighteenth-century Italy: an overview of the geological theory of Ermenegildo Pini (1739-1825), Andrea Candela 67 Maksymilian Strasz: Author of the first geological and mining maps of the mining district in the Kingdom of Poland (1846), Andrzej J. Wójcik 73 Eduard (Carl Adolph) Suess – between science and politics, Bernhard Hubmann, Daniela Angetter and Johannes Seidl 79 Geological Surveying of Madagascar: an overview, Lala Andrianaivo 83 BOOK REVIEWS Morelos Lucero Rodriguez 2013. Antonio del Castillo (1820-1885) and his contribution to the knowledge of the Earth sciences in nineteenth century Mexico. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 220 pp. Reviewer, José 4 | Page Alfredo Uribe Salas 84 Pushcharovsky, Yu. M. (ed) 2013. GEOLOGIST, in capital letters: Milestones in the scientific achievements of Academician Viktor Efimovich Khain – a man of outstanding abilities. Moscow: GEOS, 263 pp. Reviewer, George P. Khomizuri (transl. by Ivan. P. Vtorov) 85 Minina, E.L. The mineralogical collection of Lidiya P. Prokhorova. (from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century). Edited by I.G. Malakhova, Moscow: Oleabook, 2013, 144 pp. (in Russian). Reviewer, Alexey Ievlev 86 Yushkin, N.P. 2013. Essays about Scientists. Ekaterinburg: UB RAS, 368 pp. Reviewer, Alexander B. Makeyev 87 Wojcik Andrzej J. 2013. Carta Geologica. Geological maps of the Polish Kingdom published in the years 1815-1915.Reviewers, Zbigniew Wojcik and Wojciech Narebski 88 Poznan Scientific Society, 2012. The history of the geographic and geologic sciences at Poznan University, Vol. 1 History, Vol. 2 Biographies. Reviewers, Zbigniew Wojcik and Wojciech Narebski 88 Nolden, Sascha and Nolden, Sandy 2011-2013. Hochstetter Collection Basel. Part 1 – New Zealand Paintings & Drawings, 69 pp. (2011) $124. Part 2 – New Zealand Photographs & Prints, 213 pp. (2012) $188. Part 3 – New Zealand Maps & Sketches 127 pp. (2013) $162. Mente Corde Manu Publishing, PO Box 31792, Milford, Auckland. Reviewer, Mike Johnston 89 Gurka, Dezső (ed.), 2013. Formációk és metamorfózisok. A geológia, a filozófia és az irodalom kölcsönhatásai a 18-19. században (Formations and Metamorphoses. Interactions between geology, philosophy and literature in the 18th-19th century). Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó, 226 pp. (In Hungarian with English summary). Reviewer, István Viczián 90 Darragh, T. A. Fensham, R. J. (eds) 2013. The Leichhardt Diaries: Early travels in Australia during 1842-1844. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum – Culture, 7 (1), Brisbane, 540 pp. Reviewer, David Branagan 92 Baldwin, S.A 2013. A Brief Bibliography of Sir Charles Lyell, FRS, Bt; Geologist. Baldwin’s Scientific Books, 36pp. Reviewer John Henry 95 Wyse Jackson, P. N. 2012. The Irish Geological Association (1959-2012): a chronostratigraphic history. Irish Geological Association, Dublin, 36 pp. Reviewer, Wolf Mayer 96 COUNTRY REPORTS Argentina 97 Armenia 97 Australia 98 Austria 101 Belarus 105 5 | Page Brazil 106 Bulgaria 106 Canada 108 Chile 114 China 115 Costa Rica 117 Czech Republic 117 France 119 Germany 119 Hungary 121 Ireland 124 Italy 125 Japan 128 Lithuania 132 Madagascar 133 Mexico 133 New Zealand 135 Poland 136 Portugal 137 Russia 138 Serbia 140 Spain 141 United Kingdom 143 United States 145 Uzbekistan 149 APPENDIX A Brief profiles of new INHIGEO members and Associate Members, who were elected at the Manchester meeting, in 2013 152 APPENDIX B Bulgarian publications in the area of the History of Geology. P. Tchoumatchenco, Sofia, Bulgaria 158 APPENDIX C Chapter headings in: Orme A.R. and Sack D. (eds) 2013. The Foundations of Geomorphology, Volume 1, of Treatise on Geomorphology 166 APPENDIX D INHIGEO Honorary Senior Members 168 APPENDIX E INHIGEO Members and Associate Members 169 6 | Page INHIGEO BOARD 2012-2016 President Vice-President North America Professor Kenneth L. TAYLOR Dr Gregory A. GOOD Department of the History of Science Director, Center for History of Physics University of Oklahoma American Institute of Physics Norman OK 73019-0315 1 Physics Ellipse USA College Park, MD 20740-3843 USA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Secretary-General Vice-President Latin America Dr Barry J. COOPER Professor Luz Fernanda AZUELA School of Natural & Built Environments Instituto de Geografía, University of South Australia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, (Mawson Lakes Campus) Circuito Exterior s/n GPO Box 2471 Adelaide SA 5001 Ciudad Universitaria, AUSTRALIA 04510, México, D. F. Email: [email protected] MEXICO Email: [email protected] Editor Dr Wolf MAYER Vice-President Asia Research School of Earth Sciences Professor Jiuchen ZHANG Australian National University Institute for the History of Natural Science Canberra ACT 0200 Chinese Academy of Sciences AUSTRALIA No.55 Zhongguancun East Road Email: [email protected] Beijing 100190 CHINA Past-President Email: [email protected] Professor Silvia F. de M. FIGUEIRÔA Instituto de Geociências Vice-President Australasia and Oceania Universidade de Campinas C.P. 6152 Dr Michael JOHNSTON 13083-970 Campinas 395 Trafalgar Street São Paulo Nelson BRAZIL NEW ZEALAND Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Vice-President Europe Ex officio (Past Secretary General) Dr. Martina KÖLBL-EBERT Professor Kennard B. Bork Jura-Museum Burgstrasse 19 35 Whitetail Lane D-85072 Eichstätt GERMANY Sedona, AZ 86336-4501 USA Email: [email protected] Tel 1 928 554 4942 Email: [email protected] Ex officio (‘Episodes’ Coordinator) Dr Karen S. COOK 1534 Rhode Island Street Lawrence, KS 66044 USA Email: [email protected] 7 | Page 8 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (APRIL 2014) Dear Members, This inaugural number of INHIGEO’s Annual Record is the successor to 45 previous annual issues of the Commission’s annual Newsletter. There are other signs of change, as well, in the midst of continuity in INHIGEO’s operation. Expansion in membership is occurring at an annual rate of approximately 10 percent, with added members in several countries previously unrepresented. These and other recent changes are detailed below, in our Secretary- General’s report and in various articles. I hope it will be agreed that the recent changes and initiatives serve to extend even further the successes INHIGEO has experienced lately in achieving its basic objectives, of promoting studies on the history of the geosciences in an international context. Those of us who attended the 2013 INHIGEO symposia, set within the 24th International Congress for History of Science, Technology and Medicine held at Manchester, enjoyed many fine presentations on the themes “Geologists in the Field” and “Geology in Art and Literature.” We are indebted to those who organized these marvelous symposia, and also to those who arranged the outstanding field trips before, during, and after the Congress. During the Congress at Manchester, I was able to represent INHIGEO at a session of the General Assembly of the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) of the International Union of the History & Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST), the second of our Commission’s two parent organizations. What I learned at this session reinforced and strengthened my sense that INHIGEO is a highly effective and useful Commission. In July this year we will convene the 39th INHIGEO symposium at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California, USA.
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