Guild of Aviation Artists Opens Monday 7th December 2020 1st 3D Virtual Exhibition Entry Title First Name Last Name Post nom Subject Media Price Width cmHeight Framedcm Wall 73 Over the Solent Terry Akehurst AGAvA Sunderland and Spitfire Oils £450 55 45 Unframed F1 74 Bristol Blenheim Terry Akehurst AGAvA Bristol Blenheim Oils £450 55 45 Unframed F1 111 Hurricane Force Simon W Atack GAvA Battle of Britain 303 Polish Sqn Hawker Hurricane Mk1 and Heinkel HE111 26th September 1940 Oils £5,000 91 61 Unframed H 112 Wing Leader Simon W Atack GAvA Battle of Britain Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1XJE-J. Wing Commander James Edgar 'Johnny' Johnson Oils £5,000 91 61 Unframed H 104 Gloster's Mighty Gladiator Barry K Barnes GAvA Gloster Gladiator Watercolour £245 51 35 Unframed I 42 Lift Off! Shirley Batten-Smith RAF F35B Lightning preparing to take off Coloured Pencil £120 38 31 Framed E2 53 Thunder in the Rain PIB Bennell AGAvA BAC Jaguar Oils £80 25 20 Unframed E2 54 Big Sexy PIB Bennell AGAvA McDonnell Douglas KC-10 extender at Fairford Oils £80 20 25 Unframed E2 66 Matt Jones Peter Binks AGAvA Silver Spitfire Pilot Acrylic £250 46 46 Framed F1 67 Mark Hannah Peter Binks AGAvA Flying Legend Acrylic £200 43 36 Framed F1 15 Gloster Gladiator (Old Warden) Martin Bleasby GAvA Gloster Gladiator Oils £550 60 45 Unframed C 16 Red Arrows (Synchro Pair) Martin Bleasby GAvA Red Arrows Bae Hawks Oils £250 25 30 Unframed C 9 Red Neck Derek Blois AGAvA Wessex SAR Acrylic £950 60 40 Unframed B 43 deHavilland Flypast over Hatfield Hall Roger P Brown AGAvA DH Flamingo, Dragon Rapide and Tigermoth Watercolour £395 32 41 Unframed E2 44 HP42 Hannibal over St Pauls Roger P Brown AGAvA HP42 Hannibal Watercolour £395 32 41 Unframed E2 8 HS125 Dominie David Burchett AGAvA HS125 Dominie Watercolour £250 46 31 Unframed B 102 The Newark Gnat David Calow GAvA Folland Gnat Mixed £550 58 48 Framed H 97 Hawker Duet Robert Calow GAvA Hawker Hurricane IIC Acrylic £395 36 21 Framed C 88 Tornado Pair Stephen Chard GAvA Tornado GR1 27 Sqn Oils £590 67 54 Framed G1 45 A Crosswind at St Marys Trevor Colegate AGAvA DHC Twin Otter Oils £450 56 41 Unframed E2 75 City Airport Anthony Collins AGAvA Flybe ATR at London City Airport Oils £500 56 45 Framed F2 76 The Special One Anthony Collins AGAvA Concorde take off Oils £500 56 45 Framed F2 63 Beaufort Patrol James Colthorpe AGAvA Bristol Beaufort RNAS Yeovilton 1945 Oils £300 50 40 Unframed E3 64 High Speed Furies James Colthorpe AGAvA Hawker Fury Mk II No.25 Sqn RAF Oils £300 50 40 Unframed E3 12 Christmas Delivery Graham Cooke VPGAvA Royal Mail Dragon Rapide over Ashness Bridge, Cumbria Oils £560 63 48 Framed C 27 Drogue Traders Paul Couper GAvA 5 Sqn EE Lightnings refueling from 55 Sqn Victor Mixed £1,100 76 61 Unframed D 28 Spotting Paul Couper GAvA Auster AOP9 Charcole £500 58 75 Framed D 87 Eagle over the Sea Anthony Cowland FGAvA Blohm and Voss 138 over Baltic Sea 1944 Oils £785 36 36 Unframed F3 13 Just Imagine - It's You! John Peter Cutts AGAvA Hawker Sea Fury Oils £800 74 55 Framed C 14 Breaking the Dawn Silence John Peter Cutts AGAvA Lockheed Constellation Oils £800 74 55 Framed C 17 The Roar of the Dragonfly Michael Daley AGAvA DH Dragonfly Acrylic £450 51 41 Framed C 18 Winter '44/5 Horsham St. Faith Michael Daley AGAvA Consolidated B-24 Liberator Acrylic £550 61 41 Framed C 1 The Grey Nurse Steven J E Davies AGAvA Grey Nurse Spitfire MKVIII with downed A6M5c Zeros Coloured Pencil £375 44 56 Framed A 2 deHavilland Mosquito over Jersey Steven J E Davies AGAvA DH Mosquito FBVI 143 Sqn RAF Banff Strikewing Coloured Pencil £260 34 43 Framed A 65 Fast and Furious Ken Farmer GAvA Hawker Nimrod and HMS Furious Oils £450 70 55 Framed F1 51 Hovering Harriers Robert A Farr AGAvA Harriers Mixed £295 33 23 Unframed E2 52 Fuel Plumes at Sunset Robert A Farr AGAvA Harriers Mixed £295 33 23 Unframed E2 79 Let's Have some Fun Neil Foggo GAvA Typhoon FGR4 of 1 sqn RAF Oils £595 60 50 Unframed F3 84 Riding the Ridge Neil Foggo GAvA Merlin HC3 of 28 Sqn RAF Afganistan Oils £495 60 50 Unframed F3 29 Down Ampney Airfield 1944 Patricia Forrest VPGAvA Douglas Dakotas No.271 & 48 Sqn Gouache £400 35 20 Unframed G2 107 Lusty Chris French FGAvA HMS Illustrious with Joint Force Harrier Oils £1,300 82 61 Framed J 07/12/2020 Prices include UK delivery Guild of Aviation Artists Opens Monday 7th December 2020 1st 3D Virtual Exhibition 108 A Sudden Downpour Chris French FGAvA Short Stirling MkIVs at RAFWethersfield Oils £1,000 72 57 Framed J 39 Rotary Club Jack Froelich AGAvA Le Rhone Rotary Engine as mounted on Sopwith Pup Oils £350 45 30 Unframed E1 40 Sopwith Pup Jack Froelich AGAvA Sopwith Pup Oils £120 31 21 Unframed E1 62 Retired Royalty Paul Fuller AGAvA Royal Flight Westland Wessex Mk 4 Pastel £150 53 43 Framed E3 91 Christmas Card 2020 Phil Hadley AGAvA AW Argosies Oils £280 40 30 Unframed G1 92 The Griffin and the Hare Phil Hadley AGAvA Bell Griffin HT1 Oils £280 41 31 Unframed G1 105 Battle of Britain Patrol Rob Hames AGAvA 56 Squadron Hurricane over The Needles October 1940 Gouache £350 47 35 Framed I 106 deHavilland Beaver Rob Hames AGAvA Army Air Corps Beaver, Museum of Army Flying exhibit from sketching dayOils £245 29 29 Framed I 109 Bomber Command Alex Hamilton GAvA Arthur Harris, Avro Lancaster and aircrew Oils £2,500 45 80 Unframed E1 110 Training 264 Squadron Alex Hamilton GAvA Boulton Paul Defiant MkI Oils £2,950 75 42 Unframed E1 60 Spray Nicholas Harder Qantas Boeing 787 Acrylic £250 46 36 Unframed E3 61 Lounge View Nicholas Harder British Airways Boeing 777 Acrylic £250 43 52 Framed E3 49 Langdale Hawks Andrew Harris AGAvA Bae Hawk T2 Trainers Oils £595 59 42 Unframed E2 50 North Marden Spitfires Andrew Harris AGAvA Supermarine Spitfires of 303(Polish) Sqn Oils £595 59 42 Unframed E2 19 Last Seen Marc Heaton Sq Ldr Brian Lane DFC, 167 Sqn, last seen diving down on two FW 190s, North Sea 13.12.42 Acrylic £950 115 84 Unframed D 20 A Contentious Claim Marc Heaton Ft Lt Terence Spencer flying Spitfire MkXII of 41 Sqn, shoots down Gruppenkommandeur Acrylic £1,150 150 100 Unframed D 71 Thunder over Windermere Graham Henderson GAvA Vulcan XH558 giving her last display over Windermere Oils £650 38 46 Unframed F1 72 Ospreys over Wastwater Graham Henderson GAvA Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey Oils £650 38 46 Unframed F1 82 Bon Chance Darren Howlett Lysander 161 Sqn SOE drop, occupied France Acrylic £250 50 40 Unframed G1 83 Post Flight Catchup Darren Howlett Spitfire Mk XIV 132 Sqn Kaitak Hong Kong 1945 Acrylic £250 45 35 Unframed G1 30 HESS Paul Hunt AGAvA Bf 110 Mixed £200 41 29 Unframed D 11 F.A.I.T.H. (Fat Albert in the Heat) John Hunter GAvA Hercules Watercolour £250 51 41 Unframed B 33 Italy - March 1945 Roy Huxley GAvA 3 Messerschmitt Bf 109Gs Gouache £1,250 46 33 Unframed D 31 Start Her Up Phil Jackson AGAvA Billy Bishop with the Aces Acrylic £980 110 60 Framed D 32 Low Antics Phil Jackson AGAvA 15th Sqn Stirlings grass cutting over the Fens Oils £375 51 40 Unframed D 38 Gwen shows the Way Tim Jenkins GAvA Wales Air Ambulance GWEN-U - near Castell Carreg Cennen Oils £425 60 50 Framed D 81 Hunters above the Straits Peter AlexanderLane AGAvA Hawker Hunter T7 and F6 Oils £800 86 70 Framed G2 100 Bluebell Andrew Latham GAvA Bell Jet Ranger at Turweston Watercolour £295 25 36 Unframed G2 101 Cram Andrew Latham GAvA Study of Shuttleworth Hawker Sea Hurricane 1b Watercolour pencil £295 35 26 Unframed G2 95 Coldwar Workhorse John Layton-Matthews Buccaneer at Bruntingthorpe Mixed £175 38 29 Unframed G2 69 Taking Off to Retire Ruth Jayne Lewis AGAvA British Airways Boeing 747, Heathrow 8.10.2020 Acrylic £160 30 25 Unframed F1 70 Taxiing for the last time Ruth Jayne Lewis AGAvA British Airways Boeing 747's, Heathrow 8.10.2020 Acrylic £160 30 25 Unframed F1 68 Night Fright over Membury Graeme Maclaren AGAvA C-47 Oils NFS 61 51 Framed F1 85 Into the Lazy Eight Simon Milan GAvA Pitts S2A Watercolour £275 43 36 Framed F3 86 Rolling off the Top Simon Milan GAvA Zlin 526 Watercolour £275 49 42 Framed F3 25 A Short Singapore over West Pembrokeshire Nigel Morris AGAvA Short Singapore III 230 Sqn Pembroke Dock Acrylic £295 50 35 Unframed D 26 Channel Patrol Nigel Morris AGAvA Supermarine Southampton 201 Sqn 1930 Acrylic £190 40 30 Unframed D 47 End of the Day Anthony Nicholls GAvA Sepecat Jaguar and crew Oils £550 39 49 Framed E2 48 Pride and Precision Anthony Nicholls GAvA BBMF DC3 Dakota Oils £550 39 49 Framed E2 41 Lincoln Cathedral Ahead! Timothy O'Brien GAvA Avro Lancasters over Lincoln Cathedral on their way home Oils £395 66 56 Framed E2 10 The Guardian Angel Denis Pannett FGAvA Coastal Command Liberator Oils £395 30 20 Unframed B 3 Intercept Alan Pearson AGAvA F-14 Tomcats Oils £320 77 59 Framed A 07/12/2020 Prices include UK delivery Guild of Aviation Artists Opens Monday 7th December 2020 1st 3D Virtual Exhibition 4 Night Sortie Alan Pearson AGAvA Vulcan Oils £320 73 58 Framed A 5 Reds over Forth Allan Perera-Liyanage AGAvA Red Arrows Oils £750 69 59 Framed B 21 Limping Home Martin Perman AGAvA Sopwith Pup Watercolour £225 38 28 Unframed C 22 Look Stephi! Martin Perman AGAvA Westland Sea King Watercolour £225 38 28 Unframed C 96 The Power and the Glory Mark Postlethwaite GAvA Avro Lancaster Acrylic £8,500 112 60 Unframed F2 23 Water Bombing Practice Malcolm Reeves AGAvA Martin Mars Oils £225 60 43 Unframed D 24 Per Noctem (by night), 7 Sqn Chinook Malcolm Reeves AGAvA BV Chinook Helicopters Acrylic £195 35 45 Unframed D 77 Big Wings Robbie Robertson AGAvA An open class glider soars across the English countryside Oils £595 46 135 Unframed
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