Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 4-4-1969 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1969). Winona Daily News. 877. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/877 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE RIVER Yesterday 8.03 Want Ad Today .. 8.19 Crest w Sell-E-Phone 19-55 ... 6.94 20.75 1952 ...10.12 17.93 Number Is 5321 ! 1951 . 5.54 17.35 T/MUinSDAUl CUM niece e.i ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Four' - ' Die-* " _ . When Beer - ' Laden.W Car' '.:- Rams Tree; Four Hospitalized Pursuing Police Hit by Another Car on East 4th By AL DAVIS Dally News Staff Writer Four men have died and four more, including two Winona policemen, received serious injuries as the aftermath of a high speed chase by police through the streets of Winona early Thursday evening in two se- parate 1)ut related accidents. The dead: • Robert Wayne Savoy, 32, 1100 E. 5th St. • Richard Raymond Rose; 19, 1884 W. Sth St • Charles F. Schocker, 18, Alma, Wis. • James Vernon Jilk, 18, rural Stockton. Although the car was owned by Jilk, McCabe said this "morning that a determination has not yet been made as to who was driving the fleeing vehicle. He said that upon arrival of officers at the scene, bo-dies wera spread over the area surrounding the wrecked vehicle- ROSE AND Schocker were killed instantly when the car in which they were riding struck a tree at East 4th and Adams streets on Winona's far east side about 8:45 p.m. Savoy was , alive when officers reached the acci- dent scene seconds after the crash, but was dead on arrival at Community Memorial Hospital. Jilk died at 2:25 aim. today. Two others who were riding in the death car, Ed- DEATH CAR... This was the 1960 model car in which a 32-year-qld man and two teen-agers were killed and a third teen-ager fatally injured. (Daily News photo) ward Smoluch, 16, 871 E. Sanborn St, and Kenneth H. Kinowski, 18, 756 E. Mark St. were listed as satisfactory at the hosnital where thev are helne treated TENSE WEEKEND SEEN for multiple facial and body lacerations and possible in- ternal injuries. The police squad car which was chasing the auto- mobile containing the six men, 6,000 Guardsmen was struck by a third vehicle at the intersection, of East 4th Street and Mankato Avenue and crashed into a tree at the south- Patrol Cbicagd east side of the intersection. PATROLMEN Wlton J. Ron- CHICAGO (AP) — A force of out-of-towners added to police dents from seven high schools. nenberg, 38, 770 yf. King St., 6,000 National Guardsmen pa- apprehension. A similar exodus a year ago and Dale A. Schafer, 25, 1151 W. trolled two violence-scarred Ne- Twenty-six persons were In- presaged riots which leveled Sth St., driver el the police gro neighborhoods today as the jured and some 250 arrested whole blocks along West Madi- squad car, were "taken to the city braced itself for a tense Thursday in the, violence which son Street and killed 11 persons hospital where Ronnenberg was weekend. followed a mass exodus of stu- —all of them Negroes. listed Uiis noon as in fair con- The guardsmen were called This time the students flocked dition. He's being treated for up for duty in the West and into the streets fresh from emo- possible internal abdominal in- Near North Side areas Thurs- tion-filled memorial services on juries, a fractured pelvis and day after shooting, looting and WEATHER the first anniversary of King's possible spine injuries. Schafer fighting broke out in e frighten- FEDERAL FORECAST death. is in satisfactory condition with ing reminder of devastating WINONA AND VICINITY — Gangs of Negroes, most of a cut on the right arm. riots exactly a year ago follow- Cloudy with occasional light them young, surged along the ing the assassination of Dr. Mar- same West Madison Street The third vehicle involved in drizzle this evening booming strip the incident was driven by Gary tin Luther King Jr. fair to partly cloudy Saturday. and, across town, along side- walks around a public W. Janikowski, 16, 525 E. 2nd The troubled areas were rela- Cooler tonight; not much housing and his passengers were tively quiet during the night— change in temperature Satur- project near the North Side Old St., patroling in Town district. Charles Loshek, 16, 718 E. 4th with guardsmen day; low tonight 30-34; high Terry jeeps and trucks, a curfew in ef- Saturday 46-52. Outlook Sunday: St., and Mark, 15, and fect, and liquor gasoline in con- Store windows shattered as Grupa , 16, 876 E. Sanborn St. , Near normal temperatures complained of head tainers and firearm sales with little or no precipitation. bricks were hurled, then crowds Loshek banned. LOCAL WEATHER climbed through to gather bruises and was treated at the gdods. hospital released. But the closing of schools to- Official observations for the - BODIES AND BEER CANS . Winona Patrol- smashed into the tree at left and the abandoned rail- and Heaps of rubble left from last man Glenn M. Morgan surveys the area at East 4th day—in observance of Gtfod Fri- 24 hours ending at 12 m. today : on way shed. The car is shown where it came to a stop. ACCORDING to Chief of Po- day—and a Saturday peace Maximum, 58; minimum, 47; (Continue^ Page 2A, Col. 1) and Adams streets where a car with, six persons (Daily News photo) lice James McCabe, the chain march expected to attract 3,000 noon, 49; precipitation, .05. CHICAGO of events started at about 8:25 p.m. when Winona police re- ceived a call from Mrs. Jerry Dureske, Fountain City Rt. 2, an , Egypt employe of the Bright Spot Tav- 10000 Marines Israel Thousands March in Memphis ern, Marshland, "Wis. She re- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS It was on the evening of April ginning of a second chapter in catiom and reconciliation In or- ported that a quantity of beer Thousands march in Mem- 4, 1968 that King, the eloquent the Poor People's Campaign. der to bring about a Just and had keen taken from a truck Gunners Duel phis, Tenn., today to honor the apostle of nonviolent racial The Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, owned by the La Crosse Dis- Involved in Two change, stepped out on the bal- peaceful nation where brother- tributing Co., which was parked memory of Dr. Martin Luther King's successor as head of the can become the order of King Jr. on the first anniversa- cony of the Lorraine Motel in SCLC, arrived in Memphis hood at the tavern. The truck driver, ry of his assassination. Memphis and was struck down Thursday night to head the society." Harold Eickhoff , West Salem, Across Suez Smaller observances were set by an assassin's bullet. march and lead the services While final plans were being Wis., estimated that about 25 Viet Operations Today, up flo 18,000 persons (AP) in towns and cities across the outside City Hall. made in Memphis Thursday for cases of cans had been taken TEL AVIV - Israeli country, recalling his cam- are expected for the march to today big march , trouble be- from the truck. SAIGON (AP) - The U.t>. the abandoned combat base at and Egyptian artillery King's widow, Coretta, said 's Command today announced two Khe Sanh, while 3,000 Marines dueled paigns for equal rights, against the motel, then to City Hall. Po- she would not participate in §an in Chicago with a mass exo- across the Suez lice said forces -ould be de- Mrs. Dureske told police that more big sweep operations in ef the Srd regiment carry on Op- Canal today for poverty and to end the war in public observances today or us of students from three high she had observed "a light col- northern part of Stfuth Viet- eration Maine Crag south of the first time in ll days. Vietnam. ployed along the three-mile over the weekend. She planned schools following emotion-filled *he route. The National Guard , ored General Motors car" with nam. One force of 3,000 U.S. Khe Sanh. Maine Crag was an- The Israeli army said Egyp- In Chicago, National Guards- to visit her husband's grave in memorial services for King. a loud exhaust and a broken Marines is operating in the nounced last week. men patroled two Negro neigh- called up for practice maneu- Atlanta with her children, Gangs of Negroes, most of them tian troops began the exchange borhoods after an outbreak of vers, was neaiby. young, surged through two lens in tho left tail light and northwest corner of thc country, Farther south along the bor- at 10:30 a.m. with small arms Minnesota plates driving west while another 7,000 Leather- violence Thursday that started On the eve of the Memphis She praised the SCLC's plans neighborhoods shattering win- der, more than 2,000 American fire directed nt Israeli soldiers as a near replay of the riots that march, the South Christian which she said were designed dows, looting and fighting. necks are combing jungled foot- paratroopers are searching the on the occupied east hank of the (Continued, on Paige 3A.
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