Juan Felipe Paniagua-Arroyave University of Florida http://people.clas.ufl.edu/jfpaniagua College of Liberal Arts & Sciences [email protected] Department of Geological Sciences Twitter: @jfpa0616 241 Williamson Hall Ph. (+1 352) 871 1918 Gainesville, FL 32611, USA EAFIT University School of Sciences Carrera 49 No. 7 Sur – 50, Bloque 38, Piso 5 Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia Education Major: Geological Sciences / Coastal Morphology and Morphodynamics Advisor: Dr. Peter N. Adams Ph.D. University of Florida Aug. 2017 (Candidate) Gainesville, FL, USA Minor: Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering / Coastal Physical Oceanography Advisor: Dr. Arnoldo Valle-Levinson Major: Earth Sciences / Coastal Morphology and EAFIT University M.Sc. 2013 Morphodynamics Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia Advisor: Dr. Iván D. Correa-Arango Major: Civil Engineering / Coastal Morphology and EAFIT University B.Sc. 2009 Morphodynamics Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia Advisor: Dr. Iván D. Correa-Arango Professional experience University of Florida Jul. 2016 – Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, present Department of Geological Sciences Geomorphology Laboratory Gainesville, FL, USA Professor in formation EAFIT University Jul. 2016 – Member, Marine Sciences Group present School of Sciences Topic leader, Evolution of Littoral Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia Environments University of Florida Aug. 2013 – Fulbright Scholar, Geomorphology Lab (at Jun. 2016 Department of Geological Sciences UF) & Marine Sciences Group (at EAFIT) Gainesville, FL, USA Graduate Research Assistant, Department of EAFIT University Jul. 2010 – Jul. Geology, Marine Sciences Group 2013 School of Engineering Lecturer, Departments of Civil Engineering, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia Geology, and Mechanical Engineering Integral S.A. Jan. 2010 – Civil engineer, structural analyst and Jun. 2010 Department of Structural Analysis designer Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia CV / JUAN F. PANIAGUA–ARROYAVE August 19th, 2017 Honors 1st alternate 3 Minutes Thesis Competition March 2016 Graduate School, University of Florida Guest Student Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution July 2015 Applied Ocean Sciences and Engineering Department Dr. Britt Raubenheimer Alumnus of the Summer Institute in Earth Surface Dynamics Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory / University of Minnesota – National Center on August 2014 Earth-surface Dynamics 2 Fulbright Scholar Fulbright Commission August 2013 U.S. Department of State, Ministry of Education of Colombia, and EAFIT University First place LG Quiz – RCN TV Competition August 2003 Full undergraduate tuition waiver First place in the admission exam for civil engineering National University of Colombia December 2003 Full undergraduate tuition waiver (Declined in favor of EAFIT University) Publications Book chapters 2. Karanci A, Velasquez-Montoya L, Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, and Overton MF (in press) Beach Management Practices and Occupation Dynamics: An Agent-Based Modeling Study for the Coastal Town of Nags Head, NC, USA. In: Botero CM, Cervantes O, Finkl C (Ed) Beach Management Tools. Coastal Research Library, Springer Publishing. 1. Correa ID and Paniagua-Arroyave JF (2016) The Arboletes-Punta Rey Littoral, Southern Caribbean Coast. In: Hermelin M (Book Ed.) Landscapes and Landforms of Colombia. In: Migon P (Series Ed.) World Geomorphological Landscapes, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-11800-0_4. Degree projects 2. (2013) Migración histórica actualizada y predicción de la posición de la línea de costa en sectores acantilados críticos del litoral antioqueño considerando escenarios de ascenso del nivel del mar (Current historical migration and prediction of coastline retreat in critical cliff sectors of the Antioquia littoral under sea level rise scenarios) Master in Earth Sciences, EAFIT University, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia. 1. (2009) Impactos geomorfológicos en las costas del Pacífico Colombiano debidos a sismos y maremotos como insumos para la planeación costera. (Geomorphological impacts in the Colombian Pacific coast due to earthquakes and tsunamis as inputs for coastal planning) Bachelor in Civil Engineering, EAFIT University, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia. Page 2 of 7 CV / JUAN F. PANIAGUA–ARROYAVE August 19th, 2017 Articles in preparation Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, Parra SM. Generation of infragravity waves by asymmetric shoaling and dissipation of short-wave groups over cape-related shoals. In preparation for the Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, Parra SM. Unsteady tidal variability of long gravity waves over cape-related shoals. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Valle-Levinson A, Adams PN. Tidal distortions associated with extreme flows over cape-related shoals. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, Parra SM, Jaeger JM. Bed elevation changes in cape-related shoals: variability and causes. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Correa ID, Anfuso G, Adams PN. Prediction of soft-cliff retreat due to sea level rise in coastal areas with low information: the Minuto de Dios sector, southern Caribbean Coast of Colombia. In preparation for the Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue in Tropical Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. Parra SM, Valle-Levinson A, Adams PN, Paniagua-Arroyave JF. Gulf-Stream- Dominated Subtidal Inner Shelf Circulation at Cape-Associated Shoals. In preparation for Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. Aguiar AL, Valle-Levinson A, Cirano M, Marta-Almeida M, Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Lessa GC. Ocean-estuary exchange processes at a low latitude coastal plain estuary, Todos os Santos Bay (13°S), Brazil. In preparation for Continental Shelf Research. Conference proceedings, posters, and presentations 11. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Parra SM, Valle-Levinson A (submitted) Quantifying morphological changes of cape-related shoals. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstract ID# 236473. 10. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, and Jaeger JM (2017) Temporal variability in bed elevation near Shoal E, Cape Canaveral shoals. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Annual Meeting, Poster # 28, Boulder, CO, USA, presented by JFPA on 2017-05-24. 9. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, and Parra SM (2016) Effects of Cape-Related Shoals on the Variability of Long Gravity Waves. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Final Paper Number OS23A-1989, Abstract #118257, San Francisco, CA, USA, presented by JFPA on 2016-12-13. 8. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Anfuso G, and Correa ID (2016) Prediction of soft-cliff retreat in Minuto de Dios, Southern Caribbean coast of Colombia, under a sea level rise scenario. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Annual Meeting, Poster # 67, Boulder, CO, USA, presented by JFPA on 2016-05-18. 7. Parra SM, Valle-Levinson A, Adams PN, Paniagua-Arroyave JF (2016) Subtidal Hydrodynamics at Cape-Associated Shoals. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, Final Paper Number PO54C-3270, abstract #92556, New Orleans, LA, USA, presented by SMP on 2016-02-26. Page 3 of 7 CV / JUAN F. PANIAGUA–ARROYAVE August 19th, 2017 6. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, and Parra SM (2016) Do tides modify infragravity energy over cape-related shoals? North Florida Marine Science Symposium, Cedar Key, FL, USA. 5. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Valle-Levinson A, and Parra SM (2015) Tidal Variability of Infragravity Waves Over Cape-Associated Shoals. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Final Paper Number EP23B-0963, Abstract #66555, San Francisco, CA, USA, presented by JFPA on 2015-12-15. 4. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Adams PN, Parra SM, and Valle-Levinson A (2014) Surface gravity waves observed at the ‘Canaveral 2’ shoal borrow site, Cape Canaveral, Florida. Sediment Experimentalists Network European Workshop, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 3. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Parra SM, Adams PN, and Valle-Levinson A (2014) Observations of surface gravity waves within a bumpy environment: the ‘Canaveral 2 Shoals’ borrow site, Florida. Summer Institute on Earth-surface Dynamics, National Center on Earth-surface Dynamics 2, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Correa-Arango ID (2013) Prediction of shoreline retreat magnitudes within certain sectors of Antioquia under sea level rise conditions – results for Arboletes sector (in Spanish). II Congreso Internacional de Calidad Ambiental de Playas Turísticas, Fundación Universitaria Comfenalco, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, ISSN: 2339-4811. 1. Paniagua-Arroyave JF, Correa-Arango ID (2012) Prediction of shoreline retreat magnitudes within certain sectors of Antioquia under sea level rise conditions – preliminary results for Arboletes (in Spanish). XX Seminario Nacional de Hidráulica e Hidrología, Sociedad Colombiana de Ingeniería, Barranquilla, Colombia. Research interests General: Planetary surface processes, landform evolution, global change. Specific: Coastal morphology and processes in tropical settings: sea level variability, short- and long-term coastline/shoreline migration, beachface and nearshore morphodynamics. Methods: Field and laboratory instrumentation (GNSS, geochronology, acoustics), time series analysis (Fourier and wavelet transforms), mathematical modeling (quantitative geomorphology, linear and non-linear wave theory), remote sensing (aerial photography, satellite imagery, satellite altimeters, radar). Skills Technical Public speaking Computer programming
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