New York Directory of Radio Syracuse (13057). (315) 656-2231. Fax: (315) 656 -2259. Licensee: 733 -5626. Fax: (607) 733-5627. Licensee: Pembrook Pines Ithaca Ltd. WVRVN(FM)- Apr 1, 1986: 91.9 mhz; 1.85 kw. -95 ft. TL: N43 08 31 CRAM Communications L.L.C. (acq 1 -6 -97; $900,000 with WVOA(FM) Group owner: Pembrook Pines Media (acq 3 -3 -93; $150,000; FTR: W75 13 36. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WRVO(FM) Oswego 100% do DeRuyler) Format: Christian, relg. Spec prog: Black 20 hrs, It one hr 3-22-93) *Net: CNN. Wash atty: Bechtel & Cole. Format: Sports. WRVO(FM), Lanigan Hall, State Uni. College, Oswego (13126). (315) wkly. Sam Furco, CEO; James Wall, gen mgr; Allen Edson, mus din, News staff: one; news progmg 18 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54; mature, 312 -3690. Fax: (315) 312 -3174. E -mail: wrvn ®wrvo.fm. Web Site: Bettsy Kohlsaat, news dir. upscale adults. *Robert J. Pfuntner, pres, gen mgr, dew dir, gen sls www.wrvo.fm. Licensee: State University of New York. *Net: NPR. mgr & adv Roben dir; A. Smith, opns dir; Terry Ladd, news dir; Jim PRI. Format: News/talk, oldies. John E. Krauss, gen mgr, Thomas Reed, WSYR(AM)- 1922: 570 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N42 59 13 W76 09 chief of engrg. Herbert, dev dir, John B. Hurlbutt, progmg dir. 09. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Bridgewater Pl., 500 Plum St. (13204). (315) 472 -9797. Fax: (315) 472 -2323. Licensee: Clear Channel Broadcast- Truxton WSKS(FM) -See Rome ing Licenses Inc. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. Net: PRI. Rep: Katz. Format: Full service, news/talk. News progmg WiLB(AM)- 1946: 1310 khz; 35 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. *Joel Delmonico, gen mgr; John WYXXC(FM) --Not on air, target date: early 1999: 88.7 mhz; 100 w. 5 kw -D, 500 w-N, DA -2. TL: N43 03 24 W75 16 42. Box 781 McGlynn, gen sls mgr; Robin Adams, nati sls mgr; Dina De Martini, 220 ft. TL: N42 44 24 W76 00 15. Box 6365, Syracuse (13217). (315) (13503). (315) 797 -1330. Fax: (315) 738-1073. 234-1999. Fax: (315) Licensee: Galaxy Communications prom din, Troy Skinner, progmg dir; Jim Reith, news dir; Tim Backer, 234-1999. Web Site: www.wxxc.org. Licensee: LLC. Group owner. Galaxy Com- chief of engrg. Syracuse Community Radio Inc. Danny Danhauser, gen mgr. munications LP (acq 4-6-00; grpsl) Net: ABC/D, ABC TalkRad'w. Rep: Eastman. Format: Oldies. Target aud: 25 -54. *Ed Levine. gen mgr; Jim Castellano, gen sls mgr; Mimi Griswold, progmg dir & news WYYY(FM) -Co -owned with WSYR. 1946: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. 650 ft. Tupper Lake dir; David Doughty, chief of engrg. TL N42 56 40 W76 07 08. Stereo. Format: Adult contemp. Bill Drace, mktg dir; Rich Lauder, mus dir. WRGR(FM)- Feb 29, 1980: 102.3 mhz: 150 w. 1,446 ft. TL: N44 09 WRCK(FM) -Co -owned with WTLB. Apr 23, 1962: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. 35 W74 28 34. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 831, Lake Placid (12946). 499 ft. TL: N43 08 40 W75 10 32. Stereo. Web Site: WTLA(AM) -See North Syracuse Moody Rd. (12986). (518) 523 -3341. Fax: (518) 523 -1349. E -mail: www.107wrck.com. Format: Classic rock. [email protected]. Licensee: Nardiello Broadcasting Inc. (acq WVOA(FM) -See DeRuyter 4- 23 -98; $35,358) *Net: ABC/SMN. Format: Adult contemp. News WUNY(FM) Oct 30, 1985: 89.5 mhz; 6.3 kw. 777 ft. TL: N43 08 38 progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Relg one hr, big W75 10 40. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight. Box 2400, 506 band 2 hrs wkly. Tim Nardiello, pres & gen mgr; Laura Nardiello, Old WZZZ(AM) -See FJIlon Liverpool Rd., Syracuse (13220- 2400). (315) 453-2424. progmg dir; Donald Nardiello Jr., chief of engrg. Fax: (315) 451-8824. E -mail: wcny- online @wcny.pbs.org. Web Site: www- Ticonderoga .wcny.org. Licensee: Public Broadcasting Council of Central New York. Utica Net: NPR. Wash airy: Haley, Bader & Potts. Format: Class. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Bluegrass 3 hrs, jazz 7 hrs wkly. Richard WVANC(FM)- Sept 6, 1982: 103.9 mhz; 1.55 kw. 380 ft. TL N43 49 W. Russell, CEO & pres; Bert Schmitt, CFO; Thomas Burton, dev din 55 W73 24 28. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WAMC(FM) Albany WFRG -FIA- Listing follows WRUN. Rocco Lucisano, mktg dir: David Valesky, prom dir; Don Dalloff, 100% Box 66600, 318 Central Ave., Albany (12206-6600). (518) progmg 465.5233. dir; John Duffy, chief of engrg. (800) 323-9262. Fax: (518) 432 -6974. E -mail: WIBX(AM)- Dec 5, 1925: 950 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -1. TL: N43 0616 W75 mail ®wamc.org. Web Site: www.wamc.org. Licensee: WAMC. Group 20 20. Hm opn: 24. 8280 Clark Mills Rd., Whitesboro (13492). (315) owner: WAMC/Northeast Public Radio (acq 8 -90; $400,000; FTR: 768 -9500. Fax: (315) 736-0720. Web Site: www.wibx950.com. WUTO(AM)- Jan 29, 1962: 1550 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N43 06 48 W75 15 25. Stereo. Hrs 8.13 -90) Net: NPR, PRI. Wash ally: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Licensee: Regent Licensee of Utica/Rome Inc. Group owner: Regent opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WRNY(AM) Rome 100% Format: jazz, Mayro Bldg., 239 Genesee Class, news. Target aud: General. Spec prog: Children Communications Inc. (acq 2 -11-00; grpsl) *Net: CBS, AP. Rep: Katz. St. (13501). (315) 797-0803. (315) 3 hrs wkly. 797 -7292. Fax: (315) 797 -7813. Licensee: Alan Chartock, chmn; David Galletly, progmg dir; Joe Format: News/talk, sports. News staff: 5. Target aud: 35-64; middle to Clear Channel Radio Donohue, License Inc. Group owner: news din Jim Scholefiekl, chief of engrg. upper income adults. Spec grog: Pol 3 hrs, farm 14 hrs wkly. Carol Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 8 -5-98: grps0 Net: Westwood B. Logan, pres; Mary Jo Beach, gen mgr; Patti Gallacher, gen sls mgr, One, CNN. Rep: Christal. Wash ally: Latham 8 Watkins. Format: Sports. Target aud: 35 plus; female, WIPS(AM)- July 1955: 1250 khz; 1 kw -D. TL: N43 51 16 W73 23 24. I.B. Green, progmg VP; Phil Stern, progmg dir; Scott Car, news dir. 60% 40% male. Spec Hrs opn: 6 AM- sunset. 517 Lake George Ave. (12883). (518) prog: It 2 hrs, Pol 4 hrs wkly. Herb Usenheimer, 585 -2868. (518) 597 -3201. gen mgr; Steve Barrie, gen sls mgr; Jack Moran, progmg mgr & news Fax: (518) 585-2869. E -mail: WLZW(FM)-Co-owned with WIBX. Jan 1, 1972: 98.7 mhz; 25 kw. dir; Randy Thomas, wips @cptelco.net. Licensee: Calvin Hugh Carr. (acq 7-17-97) *Net: chief of engrg. 660 ft. TL: N43 08 39 W75 10 45. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Net: CBS ABC/I. Rep: Eastman. Format: Talk, MA. News staff: one; news Spectrum. Formal: Lite adult contemp. News staff: 6. Target old: progmg 24 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. WOUR(FM) -Co -owned with WUTO. June 1967: 96.9 mhz; 25 -54; middle to upper income & educ levels. Randy Jay, progmg 16 kw. Tim Nardiello, gen mgr; Pamela Smith, progmg 790 tI. TL: N43 dir. dir; Trudy Gillis, mus dir. 08 46 W75 10 40. Stereo. Web Site: www.wour.com. Format: Rock/AOR. Target aud: 25-49; adults. *Jerry Kraus, prom Troy mgr, Alison Ryan, mus dir. WKLL(FM) -(Franldort). Feb 12. 1990: 94.9 mhz; 50 kw. 276 ft. IL N43 03 26 W75 07 24. (CP: 34 kw, ant 567 ft.). Box 781 (13503). (315) WFLY(FM)- W VVC(FM)- July 11, 1994: 100.7 mhz; 1.2 w. 551 H. August 1948: 92.3 mhz: 17 kw. 850 ft. TL: N42 38 16 797-1330. Fax: (315) 738-1073. Web Site: www.krock.com. Licensee: TL N43 09 12 W73 W75 09 32. Hm opn: 24.1017 Higby Rd., New Hartford 59 55. Hrs opn: 24. 6 Johnson Rd., Latham (12210). (518) Galaxy Communications LLC. Group owner: Galaxy Communications (13413). (315) 786 Fax: 793-1007. Fax: (315) 793 -1044. E -mail: [email protected]. Web -6600. (518) 786 -6610. Licensee: Pamal Broadcasting Ltd. LP (acq 4 -6 -00; grpsl) Net: ABC/R. Rep: D 8 R Radio. Format: Group Albany Site: www.wwc.com. Licensee: Bethany Broadcasting Corp. Format: owner: Broadcasting Co. (acq 9-2-99; grpsl) Net: Modem rock. Ed Levine, pres & gen mgr; Jim Castellano, gen sls ABC/C. Rep: Allied Light adult contemp, relg. Target aud: 25-45. *Nelson Soggs, pres; Radio Partners. Format: CHR, Top-40. News staff: mgr; Mimi Griswold, prom dir & progmg dir; Dave Doughty, chief of Mark one; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49. Jim Morrell, chmn; engrg. Russ, gen mgr, gen sls mgr, prom dir, adv mgr 8 asst music dir; Bob John F. Kelly, pres & gen mgr, Mike Morgan, opus mgr; Jean Marie Cain, stn mgr, chief of opus, progmg dir 8 news dir; David Groth, engrg dir. Manning, sls dir; Kryston Ganim, prom din, Rob Dawes, progmg dir; WLFH(AM )-See Little Falls Ellen Rockwell. mus dir; Roger Brace, chief of engrg. WOUR(FM)-Listing follows WUTO. Valhalla WGNA -FM-See Albany 'WARY(F81)- Oct 3, 1973: 88.1 mhz; 171 w. 403 ft. TL: N41 04 13 'WPNR -FM- November 1977: 90.7 mhz; 450 w. 30 ft. TL: N43 WHAZ(AM)- August 1922: 1330 1 05 35 khz; kw -U. TL: N42 46 35 W73 41 W73 47 25.
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