NEWPORT (Shropshire) TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES OF A VIRTUAL MEETING (draft until signed at a subsequent meeting) Community Safety Committee meeting held via Microsoft Teams (Virtual Platform) on Wednesday 16th December 2020 Town& Parish Councils are temporarily permitted to hold remote meetings due to the current pandemic Covid-19 health crisis: – “The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020” PRESENT: Cllrs: Thomas Janke– Chairman Nick Garvey Tom King Tim Nelson - in part Peter Scott Alan Lloyd – non-voting member IN ATTENDANCE: Sheila Atkinson –Town Clerk (CiLCA) CSC/18/20-21 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr Lyn Fowler - Attending a T&W scrutiny meeting. CSC/19/20-21 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Nil CSC/20/20-21 Previous Minutes – Members noted and approved the minutes of a previous meeting held on 23rd September 2020. Subject to deleting Cllr Scott from the list of Cllrs present as he did not attend. CSC/21/20-21 CANAL TOW-PATH LIGHTING Members received a detailed proposed action plan, maps with a comprehensive audit of the length of the canal providing indicative/suggested numbers of lighting columns that would be required, also highlighting “dark spots”, which had been carried out by Cllr Nelson on 30th November, (mid-winter) to support the recommendation CSC/15/20-21. Following discussion and debate, whereby members recognised the opportunity to provide an additional amenity, extend safety, and provide a “well-being” atmosphere with a likelihood to increase the benefits of the already popular and well used canal as a public facility. Members are mindful of the sensitivity of the area and that part of the canal is a SSSI, within a conservation area and has a scheduled ancient monument within the vicinity, therefore, a range of options will be considered to include timers, low level lighting, solar power, and that sensitivity and the protection of wildlife will be a key feature for consideration within the development options. Members RESOLVED to take the project forward and to explore various option(s) and associated costs. CSC/22/20-21 PUBLIC SESSION There were no members of the public wishing to make representation, the meeting continued. However, Cllr Scott suggested that all meetings should be advertised on the Town Council’s Facebook page and shared on social media platforms to encourage more participation. CSC/23/20-21 ACTIVE TRAVEL FUND Members noted correspondence and the announcement that Telford & Wrekin Council has received a funding allocation of £229,500, to deliver permanent cycling or walking schemes, from Tranche 2 of the Department for Transport’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, with the intended use for the proposed A518 Connectivity Package to bring forward and improve connectivity along the A518 from Muxton to the north of Telford. Details of the proposed scheme are available on the Active Travel Fund webpage of the Telford & Wrekin Council website, along with an online survey. Member welcomed the investment and suggested that we actively encourage residents to take part in the consultation process, as lots of cyclists and walkers in and around our town will be very interested in these plans. CSC/24/20-21 A41 GROWTH CORRIDOR Members received copy of e-mail correspondence from a resident regarding accessibility from east side of Newport and lack of safe crossing provision on the A41 for pedestrians/cyclists attached at Appendix ‘A’. Member acknowledged the very valid points raised and conceded that as a Town Council there has long been an aspiration to provide safe crossing point (s) and provide better pedestrian access on the A41 since the commencement of the expansion of the leisure, retail, and educational offering in the vicinity between the Aldi island and Stafford Road island. Members RECOMMEND that the correspondence is sent to Telford & Wrekin Council as the Highway Authority with powers to implement traffic schemes, and that the resident is informed that the Town Council has considered the correspondence, and unfortunately has no powers or duty to provide. 2 However, will continue to pursue better connectivity for pedestrians and cyclist when the opportunity to influence through planning applications or consultation take place. CSC/25/20-21 PUBLIC TOILETS There were no signification issues to be reported. The Toilets have continued to open on a reduced hours basis, which will continue until the government guidance on tiers and lock-down is removed. The Toilets will be closed on Christmas Day, Sat 26th and Sun 27th December. CSC/26/20-21 SPEED INDICATOR DEVICES (SID’s) a. Members noted a report prepared for the meeting: - • New batteries have been installed and the Sid’s were placed on Water Lane and on Chetwynd Road. • The SID on Water Lane has been there for a 4-week period. The date was sent to Community Safety Committee Members as well as Newport Safer Neighbourhood Team and PCO Lee Thomas. • The Members were satisfied with the data and the new locations were suggested. • Forton Road opposite the Beechfields Way was a desired location, however the permission to use the lamppost were not given. Another location suggested was Hampton Drive and that too was found unsuitable. The SID is currently located on Wellington Road facing out of town and suggestions are welcome for a new location. • The second SID is located on Chetwynd Road facing out of town and after data being shared with Members as well as SNT and Lee Thomas. The consensus was to keep the SID there for the time being. • We have £115.00 left on account with PP Electrical, after that the contract will cease. Idverde has agreed to take over the contract back in January but considering that it was almost a year ago, they have been contacted to requote and we are awaiting a response. b. Members were disappointed that there is not a suitable location on Forton Road in the vicinity of Beechfield Way for a temporary SID. This is considered a “hot-spot” and perceived area for speeding violations. The recently installed permanent device is not considered to be adequately placed. 3 Members RECOMMEND that options for the placement of an additional pole to support a mobile unit or another permanent SID is explored. CSC/27/20-21 CCTV The replacement and upgrade of CCTV cameras in the High Street continues following the commencement of work end November beginning of December. Members had been updated at the December Town Council meeting and were reminded, that arrangements for the Borough Cllrs to discuss the scheme has been organised, and that once the system is fully linked into the networked Borough wide system, via the BT fibre network, a visit for all councillors to attend the communication centre in Oakengates to view the operations will be organised. CSC/28/20-21 FOOTWAY LIGHTING There were no signification issues to be raised. Reporting and coverage of street lighting faults has continued throughout the pandemic and lockdown’s: - 6no. lights were reported as out since September: - 3no. of those were “No Supply faults” (broken cabling) and the instruction for repair works have been passed to Western Power Distribution (WPD) for fix. Light No.6 on Adams Crescent was completed on 2nd December and lights No.116 and No.117 on Boughey Road have an anticipated completion date of 24th December. 1no. lighting column has been added to our inventory - Light No.560, Vineyard Road upgraded to LED at a cost of £205.31. CSC/29/20-21 WINTER SERVICE: TOWN COUNCIL SNOW LIAISON OFFICERS Members were informed that the previous incumbent no longer wishes to continue as Parish & Town Council Snow Liaison Representative. Members RESOLVED to nominate Cllr Thomas Janke and Cllr Alan Lloyd to share the responsibility to ensure the whole of the town receives coverage during inclement weather. The Parish Council Snow Liaison representative acts as the point of contact between the local people and Telford & Wrekin Council Officers engaged on winter service operations. The purpose is to help build and update a picture of local conditions and their particular area. Clerk’s Note: 7:15 pm - Cllr Nelson gave his apologies and left the meeting before the next item. 4 CSC/30/20-21 PARKING STRATEGY WORKING GROUP (PSWG) Members received an up-date from Cllr Scott following a meeting between Haberdasher Adams representatives, Telford & Wrekin Council, himself, and Cllr Nelson to ascertain the situation going forward with the project to provide School Car Parking provision, within the grounds. Telford & Wrekin Council are not minded to providing funding to re-locate the MUGA, as there will be no community benefit - the use will be solely for the school. Haberdasher Adams Trustees will not sell the land to the Town Council. Cllr Scott, has contacted various contractors to ascertain costing for the construction of a car park on the school site within a range of options to fulfil the requirement and desired outcome to create a 48-bay car park using the existing fenced-in recreation area (MUGU) to ascertain if the work could be undertaken and supported by a grant to the school from NTC:- Contractor 1 Services Quote for Project 1 Change the existing play area into Car Parking Remove 46m of existing fencing. Apply white lined parking spaces for 24 parking spaces. Estimated Price including VAT £1,794.00 Contractor 2 Option A Existing Court (24 Bays) Total Price Excluding VAT: £44,000.00 Option B Two Areas outside existing Court (7 Bays) Option C Only option to create (48 Bays) 1. Remove fence to existing court 2. Excavate the two areas outside existing court 3.
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