(=55335 VOL- If. REVELSTOKE, B. 0., MARO-#, 7,1891. No. 37. Cornwall and Storoiont Bergen LIISEItALy. %ty, ftootway Star Dundas Boss QSTAaUQ, Durham E Craig Addington Dawson WEST KOOTENAY DISTRICT. Elgin E Ingram Braut, North Somervilla SATUBDAY. MARCH. 7,1891 Frontenao Kirkpatrick " South Puterson KOTICE. Notieo is hereby given that all Glengarry McLennan Bolhwell Mills alluvial claims legally held in tho Gt'enville, South ft*'1' Brueo, wost Rjwlan 1 West Koptenay District, will be laid TIIF. Vancouver presa is a unit Grey, East Sproule Durham, west Beith All Mining Claims, Qtucr than Mineral overfrom the 1st of October to the in opposing the granting of Loe,,tio..s,legidlyheld in this District, Grey, North Mason Elgin, west Casey lst day of June "ensuing according charters lo tho American rail­ under the Mineral Act, 1884 and Amend­ to the conditions of Section 116 of Haldimand Montagno Kssex, North McGregor. ments, mav belaid overfroml.lh day of tho Mineral Act. ways which propose tupping Halton Ilonderscn " Bontb Allan October till the 1st d„y; of June, ne?t, O, 0, TUNSTALL, Southern Kootenay. In discus­ Hamilton ..,, McKay and Ryckman Grey, South Landerkia y 91 subject to the provisions of tho said 29 Gold Commissioner, sing the quoslion the News-Ad­ Hastings, North Bowell Hastings, East Biirdetta Hoyelstoke, September 26th, 1890, vertiser oiij's: "Wc ato there- •' Wost Corby Huron, East MctJonaU Kingston Sir John Macdonsld " South McMillan Gold Commissioner. NOTICE. " fore face to face with tho simple Donald, East Kootenay, " question—ia it desirablo lo aiith- Lanibton, East , Moncriof " west Cameron Lanark, North , Jeinjpaon Kent Campbell September IM1), 1800, " orize tho construction of roads Notice is hereby given that Rich­ Lanark, South , .Haggart Lanark, North. _ Fras"r " the primary, if not the solo, ob- ard \. Fry and A, C. Fry have fyled Loeds and Greuville Ferguson Lambtoii, west Lister tho necessary papers and made ap­ "jectof which js lo extend tbe plication for a Crown Grant in favor Leeds, South Taylor Lennox Allison of a mineri') claim known as. the " trade betweon the Kootenay Middlesex, North Hutchison Lincoln GibbBon "Silver Queen" situated in the Toad " mining district with the towns ,; Bant Marshall London Hymu u Mountain subdivision West Koo­ " across tho boundary line in the " West Roome Middlesex, South Armstrong tonay District. Muskokn i,,O'Brien Adverse claimants, if any, are re: " United States? That i?, ahull Monok Brown quested to forward their objections •' the Hade which is anticipated Norfolk, South ,, .TiBilale Norfolk, North Charlton SASJM& to me within sixty days from the "will spring up by tho develop- Northumberland, East. .Cochchrauo Northumberland, west Hurgraft dafe of this publication. Ontario, North. ,, .Madill Ontario, South Davison, G, (X TU STALL, f incut ol the minerals of tbe Ottawa , Mcintosh " west Edgar SUMMER SCHEDULE. 75 8 Gold Comraisiauer. "• Koolenoy district bo diverted Revelstokp, January 29th, 1891. " Rohilard Oxford, North Sutherland " to Amcr.cuii towns and cilice 5 East, Going West. Potcrboro, East Burnham Oxford, South Curtwrigbt fioin| " from the cities and towns of " West Stevenson Peel Featherstone No. 2 No.l NOTICE. "British Columbia? This is Priqpe Edward mm," .Miller Perth, North Grieves Leavo Yanoouver Arrive 14:25 13;00 " really tho question to decide." Westminster 14)22 Renfrew, North ., White Perth, South ......Trow 13:10 " South ,..,, Ferguson 15:46 ARussiz 11:28 Notice is hereby given that Wm, Prescott , Prouin 18:52 North Bend 7:49 Rosamond has filed with me nn ap­ THE royalty clause el the, rail­ Simooe, North McCarthy Russell Edwards, 53:26 bpenpe's Bridge 3;43 plication for a Crown Grant for his Toronto, Centro Oockburn Simcoe, East Spohn, Ashcroft 1:30 mineral loeation situated on Toby way act pas-oil last session of the '1:34 " East Coatsworth Victoria, North Birron, 4:08 Kamloops 22:54 Creek in the district of East Koo­ provincial parliament is doomed " Wost . Dennison Waterloo, North Bowman 7:57 ir,icam.flqe J9:0Q tenay kppwn ns the Jumbo claim. to death. The premier himsclt ., Faii-bairn Adverse applicants, if nny, aro re­ Victoria, South Waterloo, South Livingstons mihntl 18:52 has given notice that bn will ic ...Wallace 11:48 quired to send in their objections to York, West,.,.. Welland .,, German Illecillewaet 15:20 12:46 me wjlhin sixty days from this date. troducc a bill to amend tho act 0,L'EBSC Wellington, Centro ,,, Bempla Arrive Glacier 13:55 }5:20 A. P.*CUMMINS, by doing away with tho objec­ Beanharnois ,,, .Bergeron " North McMulIen nonsld Depart 11:45 8L8 Government Agent. tionable clause Had the aot Broom ,Dyer " South Innis East Kootenav B. C. been enforced without tho pro. Bagot ,,, Duponl Wentworlli, North Bain Donald, Bee. 4th, J89L ' Chicontiiui and Saugenay ... .Caron po?od amendment railways trav­ South Middleton Cbamplain Carignan ersing mining iliilv-icts would be York, East.... , McKonzia Cromptou Pope entitled to five per cent, of tbe " North Mulock Hochelaga Desj irdins QUEBEC, pioiiisof'all mines worked, wilhin Huntingdon , .McCormao Argentenil Mefklo the lands granted to Bu,ch rail­ IherviRe ..,,.,,. ,.,,,..,,Nadeau NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Beanoo Godhout ways. The minora of the country Jollietto ... , .Lippe Bellechasse Amyot To Musters, Owners, nnd have strongly objected to the im- Jacques Cartier Gironard Persons in (Jim rye of Borthier , .Beausidiel ASSESS^T ACT AND P.ipvixeiAia Laprajrifl , Pelletier foreign, fishing Ves­ position of such a royalty and tbe Bonaventure Flav.-l RKVLHUE TAX. Laval ,, ,,.,,.., Ouimet sels, and to nil Government bavo been convincod Chambly Perfontaine. LTslet ..,....,.,, Desjardins (.them wl) omit that the royally would seriously Charlevoix Simard Publio uoiipe ia hereby iriven that As- \Uny Otiiir Moutcalm Therin ensaient aud provincial Revenue Taxes iniciere with mining develop­ Chauteqnay Brown ccrn. Maskinauge Colombe or the year Ml, for fhe East Kootepay ments, and even retard railway Drummond and Athbasca. .Lavergne J MegantiQ Frechette ABBcsHmeut T'istrict. aye now due and Kamou raska Carrot payable at my oilice, ot Dona\d, at the PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby construction; tbo very reverse of MissiBsquoi ,.,,,.., Baker L'Assomption Gauthier following rates; called to the provisions of tho Re­what it was hoped the measure Moutreal, Centre Curran lie vis Guay Real Property Tax, if paid on or be­ vised Statutes of Canada, Chapter would accomplish. Tho Govern­ " East, Lepine fore the 30th of June uext, % of ono 94, intituled: "An Act Respecting Muniuagtiy Choquette ment have acted iviselyin remedy- " west ,..., Smith ].er cent.; if paid ou or after this 1st of Fishing by Foreign Vessels." Montmoreuoy Tarte. ing the evil, which action will be (Quebec Centre ,.,. Chatcauvert July next, '/, of oae per cent. The said Act provides among other .'apierville Monetto Personal Property Tax, if paid oil or Richelieu .Langevin things: appreciated by the miners of tbo Nicolet Ledua before the 30ih of June uext, ^ of ope 1. For tbo granting to foreign Rimouski ,...,. , Oarou Country especially. Ottawa County Devlin per ceut.; if paid on or alter the 1st of ships, vessels, aiid boats, and to ships St. Maurice.., ,,,. .Desaulniers July next, y, of one per cent. vessels, and boats not navigated ac­ Portneuf Tessier Income Tax, if paid on or before tbo Sherbrooke , Ives cording to the laws of tho United Pontine Murray 30th of June pest, )\ of one per cent.; Temiscanata Grandbois Kingdom, or of Canada, of licenses to Quebec, west.... Heatn if paid on or pftt-r tht. let of July next, Terrebone Cbapleau fish for, take, dry. or cure fish in Quebec County Freuio: t % of ono per oent. Throe Rivers Laugovin Wild Land Tax, if paid on or beforo British waters within three marine Richmond and Wolfe Laurier In Again! MANITOBA miles of the coasts, baysi creeks, or the ?0.tb of June next, ly cents pey Rouvillc Bordeur harbors of Canada. Lisgar ,,.,, .., Ross acre; if paid on or after the lst of July Shefford Sanborn next, 8% cents per acre. 2. That Fishery Officers and cer­ Selkirk. Daly St. Hyacinthe Bernier Provincial Revenue Tax, $3.00. per tain other British and Canadian Winnipeg........ Hugh Maodonald Officers therein named may board SIR JOHN SUSTAINED RY St. Johns , Bourassa capita. 00 N. W. TEliKlTOBIES ships, vessels, and boats, within any 8. REDGRAVE, Soulaoges Mousses n harbor in Canada, or hovering iu A FAIR MAJORITY, Alberta,... Davis Assessor and Collector. Stanstead Rider British paters as aforesaid, and may AsBiniboia, East ,, .Dewdney Donald, B, C, Jan. 2ud, 1891. Two Mountains Fortier stay on board so long as such ships, " west , .Davin Vandruiel Harwood vessels, or boats, remain in, such Saskatchewan .McDonald The Election Results iu the Verc'ueres ,.., .GeotTrion harbpr or, waters. r. a. ISLAHD ?. That tiny one of such officers Yamaska Mignauli Return of the Conservative Kings,..... MoLoan and McDowaU may bring any su,ch ship, vessel, or F. E. ISLAND boat into port aud search her cargo, Government—Returns MOVA SCOTIA Annapolis , .Mills Prince Yeo and Perry. and may examine the master upon up to Ditto, oath touching the cargo and voyage, Antagonist) Thompson Queens Daviesaud Welsli, NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. iho master being liable to a penalty Clapa Rrdon.. McKeen .Sc MoDougaJi NOVA BCOT1A of Pour Hundred Dollars for not The result of Ihe general eleelion Colohestci: Patterson Digby Bowers, ASSESSMENT ACT AND PKOTINCUI, ' answering truly tbo questions pi\t to ou Thursday is that Sir John Mae- Cutubetlond ...Dickey him, Kings , Borden REVENDB TAX. douald's government is again re­ Halifai Staira 4. Tbat if sue* ship, vessel, or Shelburne Robertson, turned, The majority in tho house Halifax ..Kenny boat is foreign, or not navigated as Haits............... Putnam Yarsmouth Flint Nofioa is hereby given, in accordance aforesaid., (aj has been found fishing will be reduced to 3Q or thereabouts Vitii the Statutes, that Provincial Reve­ Guysboro Fraser or preparing to fob, or to have been -as strong a working majority as Inverness,,., ,.,—Cameron nue Tax and all Taxes levied under the Lunenburg .Kaulbacb.
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