■ I IDAHO NEWS NOTES The executive committee of the Northwest Live Stock Association has The Poorest Investment ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST selected December 1-6 as the week of MEXICO’S FORMER PRESIDENT a man can make is to buy a cheap watch. One that he cannot the annual live stock show and sale of COLONEL GOETHALS MAY BE IN IT depend upon and which will subject him to a hundred and one y FRESH FROM THE DAILY 1913. AND VICE SUAREZ SHOT inconveniences. We carry complete lines of high grade watches ranging in price from $15 to $50. Let us show and explain the TELEGRAPH WIRES. Booker T. Washington, the noted DEAD SUNDAY. BRYAN, McADOO, BURLESON AND merits of the colored educator, is scheduled to lec­ Hamilton, Waltham, Elgin and Howard Vatches. ture at Moscow March 11 under the DANIELS REPUTED BEYOND Cheaper watches at $1 and up.' FROM FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FIELDS auspices of the high school on the DOUBT. race question in the United States. PRESIDENT HUERTA CLAIMS MYSTERY Happening» National, Historical and The body of Hubbard Campbell, the Official Investigation Ordered—New Report Says Panama Canal Engineer Political and Personal Events the river, floated 180 miles before be- Republic Is Suggested—Taft Says about a month ago when he fell into Will Become Secretary of Wa O. F. HOWE Told in Brief Paragraphs the diver, floated 180 miles before be­ We Will Not Intervene—Eng­ Others in Positions Still for Busy Readers. ing recovered at Rlparia, February 22. land Says We Should. Uncertain. It is practically a certainty that Gov­ Complete lines of Jewelry and Optical Goods. Repair U. J. Fry, superintendent of the Con­ ernor Haines will veto Oversmith’s bill Mexico City.—Francisco 1. Madero Washington.—It was stated positive­ Work Guaranteed. tinental Telegraph company, died Sat­ for the division of Judge Steele’s Judi­ and Jose Pino Suarez, deposed presi­ ly Wednesday in high congressional urday at Milwaukee. cial district, although Judge Steele has quarters closely identified with the in­ ■0 asked for the division. Lewiston peo­ dent and vice president, are dead, shot coming administration of President Damage caused by the stleet storm ple are fighting against division. down during a midnight ride Sunday Wilson that the following cabinet ap­ which gripped Chicago, February 22, is under guard from the national palace pointments had been determined upon estimated at $1,000,000. The new steel bridge across the St. definitely: Maries river near St. Maries, Idaho, to the penitentiary. King George and Queen Mary held The state of Sonora may secede and Secretary of state, William J. Bryan, is practically finished. The bridge Nebraska. M. & B. CARPENTER SHOP ' their second court of the season at cost $18,000. The state contributed Secretary of the treasury, William Buckingham palace Saturday. half and Kootenai county the rest, G. McAdoo, New York. J MUHLFELD. Proprietor. landings at either end of the bridge Postmaster general, Albert S. Burle­ The state of Sonora Is firm in its ( allegiance to Madero and is prepared were donated by private individuals. son, Texas. Secretary of the navy, Josephus Dan­ to back up its decision with arms. Among the memorial services for i :.C . Any Kind of Carpenter Work * ' • t iels, North Carolina. It was seven degrees below zero at members of congress held at the capi­ The foregoing names and positions tol Sunday was that for former Sen­ w Denver, February 22, with a foot and iII are said to have advanced entirely be­ Store Fixtures, Show Cases a half of snow covering the ground. ator Weldon B. Heyburn of Idaho. Eu­ yond the stage of conjecture or gossip, logies were delivered by Representa­ and become finalities in the forthcom­ The plant of the Hardwood Floor­ tive W. L. LaFollette of Washington ing cabinet list. Other places in the GLASS, WINDOWS, SASH AND DOORS ing company of Kansas City, Mo., and by Representative Burton French * oabinet are said to be reasonably set­ burned Saturday with a loss of $50,000. of Idaho. tled, with the exception of the portfo­ lios of war and agriculture. The 16th annual convention of the >.<■ Information from other sources gave National Association of itetall Grocers In the Legislature . assurances that Colonel George W. ^llllllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllillllllllilllllEllllllllllillliillllllllllllltllllllllllllllll^ will be held in St. Louis next May. The senate killed senate hill 108, by Goethals, chief engineer and chairman of the Panama canal commission, is One of the most severe storms of Hedrick, which proposed to abolish capital punishment. The vote was 18 under consideration for secretary of I THE CITY TRANSFER I the winter raged over practically all of war. northern and western Michigan Sat­ to 4. C. W. MEGQUIRE Prop urday. The house killed senate bill 38, pro­ v-’i WENATCHEE ‘‘REDS’’ IN SENATE Woodrow Wilson is at Princeton for viding for a state purchasing agent, his last week at home before he goes who should buy all supplies for state Jones Gets Box of Apples and His Col­ to Washington to become president of departments and institutions. leagues Enjoy Them. the United States. There doesn't seem to be very favor­ 1 Washington.—The spectacle of 65 able prospects for the $25,000 bond bill dignified United States senators eat­ Americans will see this year, for the ing at their desks was witnessed from first time, moving pictures of the ac­ for the Lewiston live stock show to be resurrected, especially since the bouse the galleries for the first time in the Draying and Transfer tual administration of the oath to the I 'll history of the capitol Monday after­ president of the United States. passed the bill to purchase the Lewis- ton-Clarkston bridge. noon and the cause of this breach of Girl employes of factories in Ohio senatorial etiquette originated in the Work of All Kinds are paid wages as low as 15 cents a Governor Haines signed senate bill « state of Washington. A box of big red day, according to the report of the 20, by Haight, which strengthens the apples from Wenatchee was the cause commissioner of state labor statistics. local option law. The governor sent of it all. Senator Wesley L. Jones re­ In a message shooting the hill full of ceived a box of Wenatchee apples to­ À Ye Ho Na La, empress dowager of holes, but said he signed it because FRANCISCO MADERO. day and instead of having the box de­ China, died FYiday morning She was lie believed it would do son o good in livered at his office he had It brought the widow of Emperor Kwangsu, who its present form. direct to the senate marble room. It Telephone No. 40 g died November 13, 1908. The empress legislators assemble for special sessioni lasted just three minutes had been ill only a few days. The house passed the following at Horniuslllo. New republic suggest­ house hills, which now go to the sen­ ^llll!liillillliflll!lllllllillillllill!lllllll!ll!liiiiillllllllllllllll!llllllllliiilllilllllil^ General Huerta of Mexico is alarmed ed. JOAQUIN MILLER INTESTATE ate: 74, to reduce the amount of pub­ Abraham Gonzales, governor of Chi- over the reports’ that nine states had lication for school district' elections; hauhau, is arrested and placed in pen­ renounced his government and has 256, prohibiting the use of cigarettes Left Home Worth $75,000 and Valua­ issued orders for the entire federal itentiary and friends not allowed to ble Literary Rights. by minors; 181, regulating the use of communicate with him. army to prepare for any emergency. narcotics and prohibiting the refilling Senora Madero, wife of the former Oakland, Cal.—Mrs. Abbie L. Miller, At New York City, Saturday, Presi­ 6f prescriptions that contain them. wddow of the late Joaquin Miller, the r president, takes refuge In the Japan­ WHEELER & CO. poet, has filed a petition for letters of dent Taft saw a play and a military The house passed the senate me­ ese legation. administration of the estate. No will drill by blind children and other evi­ morials to congress protesting against President Taft declares the killing dences of what modern teachings can was left by the poet, according to the Contracting Machinists & Plumbers the leasing of the public domain by of Madero and Suarez is not sufficient petitioner, who fixes the decedent's do for those who have lost their sight. the national government and asking cause for intervention by the United personal property at $1000 and real Secretary Nagel has made a report the federal government to give the States. property “in excess of $10,000.” to President Taft on the official con­ state 60,000 acres of timber land to Killing a Mystery. It Is generally understood that Mil­ AUTO SUPPLIES AND AUTO REPAIR WORK duct of Daniel J. Keefe of Detroit, start a good roads fund and the me­ ler’s estate is large, as his home, “The The circumstances surrounding the commissioner general of immigration, morials will now be sent to congress. Heights,” in the foothills, has been val­ death of the deposed president and ued at about $75,000. and has recommended that Keefe’s The house has passed senate joint vice president of the republic are un­ We are prepared to handle all kinds of steam or resignation be demanded. resolution tour, which provides for the known, except as given in official ac­ Titanic Company Must Pay. gasoline machinery repair work. We have the General Clpriano Castro, ex-presi- submission to the voters of a constitu­ counts which do not conform in all Relatives of Titanic victims can tional amendment to make the terms largest stocks of plumbing material in Kootenai dent of Venezuela, has loft New York.
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