SOME EFFECTS OF Ionizing ‘\ RaLiation ON HUMAN BEINGS A Report otz the from the Naval Medical Research Institute Mdrsld)ese ad American Bethesda 14, Maryland U. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory Exposed to Radi~tzon San Francisco, California and a Dzwwszon of Medical Department Brookhaven National Laboratory kzditi~iotz Injury in the Upton, New York Edited by Hwviwv Being E. P. Cronkite V. P. Bond and C. L. Dunham UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION REPOSITORY t3NL REcoRDS JULY 1956 COLLECTION IY4J?S”H4LLIILANLK TID 5358 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Introduction ON 31AROH 1, 1954, an experimental thermo- Interim care and study had been capably nuclear device was exploded at the U. S. Atomic handled by the small medical department of the Energy Commission% Eniwetok Proving U. S. Naval Station, Kwajalein, Marshall Is- Grounds in the Marshall Islands. Following lands The commander of the naval station had the detonation, unexpected changes in the wind arranged living facilities for the exposed Mar- structure deposited radioactive materials on shallese, and installed laboratory and clinical inhabited atolls and on ships of Joint Task facilities as requested immediately upon arrival Force #7, which was conducting the tests. of the medical team. Radiation surveys of the areas revealed injuri- Full cooperation and support from all agen- ous radiation levels; therefore, evacuation was cies in the field enabled the medical team to ordered, and was carried out as quickly as pos- operate at maximum efficiency, so that the de- sible with the facilities available to the Task gree of radiation injury could be assessed Force. quickly, and appropriate care and study of the Although the calculated accumulated doses to injured could be instituted without delay. All the exposed human beings were believed to be of the exposed individuals have recovered from well below levels that would produce serious the immediate effects without serious sequelae. injury or any mortality, the Commander of the Nevertheless it is planned to evaluate the Task Force requested the Department of De- medical and genetic status of the group at ap- fense and the U. S. .4tomic Energy Commis- propriate intervals with a view to learning sion to organize a medical team to provide the what if any of the known late effects of radia- best possible care of the exposed persons and to tion exposure may be observed. Obviously and make a medical study of the exposures. indeed fortunately the number of persons re- Responsibility for organization of the medi- ceiving 75 roentgens exposure and greater is cal team was shared by the Armed Forces Spe- too small to make it possible to determine with cial Weapons Project, Department of Defense, any degree of accuracy the effect on life span. and the Division of Biology and Medicine, U. S. In addition to providing medical care for Atomic Energy Commission. Experienced these persons, the team accumulated a large professional and technical personnel were im- body of scientific observations on radiation in- mediately available from the Naval Medical Re- jury in human beings. The initial data have search Institute and the U. S. Naval Radiologi- been supplemented by field resurveys 6, and 24 cal Defense Laboratory. Since speed was es- months after the original investigation. sential in the organization and transport of the The results of this work are summarized in medical team to the mid-Pacific area, the as- sistance of the Medical Department of the Navy the present volume. The data which were ob- was requested, and w-as promptly received from tained substantial y increase the fundamental the Surgeon General. knowledge of radiation injury and the medical A team was organized from personnel of the capability of caring for persons exposed to two Navy laboratories and representatives of the large doses of radiation. .4EC Division of Biology and Medicine and the .4rmed Forces Special Weapons Project. The CHARLES L. D~TNHAM, M. D., Dimctcw, team was air lifted to the Marshall Islands, Division of Biology and Medicine, arriving on the eighth day after the explosion. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. III Preface and Acknowledgments THE 1.’NDERTAKINGof the care ancl study of the HM l/C; and J. S. Hamby, HM, 2/C were human beings accidentally exposed to fallout provided. From the United States Naval Ra- radiation following the March 1, 1954, nuclear diological Defense Laboratory, one civilian test detonation in the Pacific represented the physician, Doctor V. P. Bond; one medical first instance in which study of a large group service corps officer, Lt. Corn. L, J. Smith; and of irraciiated human beings was possible soon four enlisted men, W. H. Gibbs, HMC, USN; after exposure. Although the physical esti- J. C. Hendrie, HM, l/C; W. S. Argonza, HM, mates of dose received by the individuals ex- 2/C; and J. Flannagan, HM, were supplied. posed to fallout radiation were thought to be The Division of Biology and Medicine, .Itomic sublethal. precise knowledge of the relative Energy Commission, sent two civilian physi- sensitivity of human beings to penetrating ion- cians, Dr. C. L. Dunham then Chief of the izing radiation was lacking. Accordingly, in Medical 13ranch and Dr. G. V. LeRoy, Con- addition to the initial medical team, provisions sultant and Special Representative of the Di- were made for a second echelon of specialized rector of the Division. The Armed Forces Spe- personnel in case they were needed. A pre- cial Weapons Project supplied one .41my medi- ventative medicine unit of the Commander-in- cal officer, Lt. Col. L. E. Browning, MC, USA. Chief, Pacific fleet, was alerted for possible bac- All personnel were experienced in the study teriological studies; blood bank personnel, and of radiation injury: additional clinicians and nurses were notified The preliminary studies performed by the in case conditions justified their services in the Medical Department of the Naval Station at Kwajalein area. Rear Admiral Bartholomew Kwajalein were under the direction of Com- Hogan, MC, USN, Pacific Fleet Medical Offi- mander W. S. Hall, MC, ~“SN, the station cer,” promised full support of all the medical medical officer and his small staff who are to facilities of the Pacific Fleet were they deemed be commended for an excellent job. necessary. With the preceding planning it Upon arrival of the medical team, it became was felt that any medical problem, regardless quite evident that, because of tihe large numbers of the severity, could be promptly and ade- of radiation casualties and the huge amount of quately handled in the field. work involved in collecting data, that primary The personnel for the team were obtained responsibilities for various phases of the study within the continental limits of the United would have to be delegated in order to obtain States from the Naval Medical Research In- the necessary information for biological assay stitute and the L“nited States Naval Radiologi- of the degree of injury. In the initial phase, cal Defense Laboratory. From the former, four hematological surveys and establishment of medical officers, E. P. Cronkite, R. A. Conard, clinical records on each individual were empha- N. R. Shulman, and R. S. Farr were obtained. sized. Dr. V. P. Bond organized and ana- Two Medical Service Corps officers, W. H. lyzed the results of tihe daily blood studies. Lt. Chapman and Robert Sharp, were also ob- N. R. Shulman, MC, USN, with the capable tained from the same institution. In addition, assistance of Mr. John Tobin, anthropologist of six enlisted men, (1. R. Sipe, HMC, LTShT;P. the Trust Territory, and Kathleen Emil, Mar- K. Schork, HMC, USN; C. P. A. Strome, HMC, shallese nurse, as interpreters, undertook the ~Ts~; ~1’. (J. clutter, HM, l/~; R. E. Hansen, establishment of medical histories and initial ●NOWSurgeon General, LT.S. Navy. physical examinations. As the clinical pkture IV PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS v unfolded, daily sick ctll and cme of the radia- lished and operating within M hours after ar- tion lesions were carried out by Doctor Shul- rival of the medical team. mnn along lines clecidecl in general conference In ilddition, we wish to acknowledge the out- of the entire grollp. l~hen epilation and skin standing contributions of Col. C. S. Maupin, lesions appeared, Commander R. .\. (’onard, MC, ITSA, Field Commaml .lrmecl Forces Spe- MC, 1“SS. was assigned primary responsibility cial Weapons Project; Captain H. H. Haight, for [loc~lnlentfition of the onset, incidence, anfl MC, USN, Division of Military Application, detailed description of the skin lesions. During .itomic Energy Commission; Dr. Gordon Dun- the field phase, Lt. Robert Sharp, MSC, I-SN, ning, Division of Biology and Medicine. .~tomic was given the responsibility for clecontmnina- Energy Commission; and Dr. H. Scoville of tion and collection of clata from all so(lrces on .!rmed Forces Special Weapons Project who in the radiation intensities of tile contaminated addition to their primary duties, collected ex- atolls and tl~e calculation of probable doses of tensive di~t:~in the field on the radiation intensi- radiation received. Piltll K. Scl~ork. H31C. ties of the ntolls i~l~(l kindly furnished this ma- lTS3”, was in clmrge of the IZematology Labora- terial to the project personnel. Drs. T. L. Sliip- tory. The services of Doctor S. H. Cohn were man, Thomas White,* and Payne Harris of the requested, and made available by USNRDIJ to Ims .ilamos Scientific I.aboratory kindly fur- undertake a field study of the clegiee of internal nishe(l very valuable data on urinary excretion contamination, in addition to the studies that of rndionuclides. The early studies of the I,os were to be performed on urine samples returned .~lamos group in particular contributed sig- to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, N’ew nificantly to the information on the degree and York operations (Mice of the Atomic Energy nature of internal deposition of short lived Commission, and the USNRDL.
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