16682 CONGRESSIO~AL RECORD-SENATE DECEMBER 18 Mr. DOUGHTON: Committee on Ways and tain property to be maintained by such city THE JOURNAL . Means. House Joint Resolution 553. Joint as an air-raid shelter during emergencies resolution amending chapter 26 of the In­ with the need therefor, and for other public On the request of Mr. LucAs, and by ternal Revenue Code; without amendment and municipal purposes at all other times; unanimous consent, the reading of the (Rept. No. 3199). Referred to the Commit.. to the Committee on Public Works. Journal of the proceedings of Friday, tee of the Whole House on the State· of the By Mr. LARCADE: December 15, 1950, was dispensed with. Union. H. J. Res. 552. Joint resoluti'on to amend MESSAGES FROM THE .PRESIDENT Mr. DOUGHTON: Committee on Ways and section 402 of the Defense Production Act Means. House Joint Resolution 554. Joint so as to require that if price or wage con­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ resolution amending section 3804 of the In­ trols are exercised under that section, they dent of the United States submitting ternal Revenue Code; without amendment be exercised for prices and wages generally (Rept. No. 3200). Referred to the Commit- nominations were communicated to the and ceilings be set at the leve1s prevailing Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre- -tee of the Whole House on the State of the from May 24, 1950, to June 24, 1950; to the Union. · Committee. on Banking and Currency. taries. · Mr. CURTIS: Committee on Ways and By Mr. DOUGHTON: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Means. H. R. 9913. A bill to prevent pen­ H.J. Res. 553. Joint resolution amending A message from the House of Repre­ alties and additions to tax in case of failure chapter 26 of the Internal Revenue Code; to to meet requirements with respect to esti­ the Committee on Ways and Means. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its mated tax by reason of increases imposed reading clerks, announced that the by the Revenue Act of 1950; with amend­ H. j_ Res. 554. Joint resolution amending section 3804 of the Internal Revenue Code; House had agreed to the amendment of ment (Rept. No. 3201). Referred to the the Senate to the bill <H. R. 2733) to Committee of the Whole House on the State to the Committee on Ways and Means. of the Union. By Mr. KEATING: authorize the construction, operation, Mr. YOUNG: Committee on Ways and H. Con. Res. 295. Concurrent resolution for and maintenance by the Secretary of the Means. H. R. 8344. A bill to amend section the release of Archbishop Stepinac and the Interior of the Canadian River reclama­ 313 (b) of the Tariff Act r! 19.30; with Greek children held by Yugoslavia; to the tion project, T.exas. amendment (Rept. No. 3202). Referred to Committee on Foreign Affairs. · The message also announced that the the Committee of the Whole House on the . By Mr. CLEMENTE: House had passed the fallowing bills and State of the Union. H. Res. 885. Resolution providing for in­ joint resolutions, in which it requested Mr. DOUGHTON: Committee on Ways and vestigation of low-fiying airliners; to the Means. H. R. 8881. A bill to permit edu­ committee on Interstate and Foreign Com- the concurrence of the Senate: cational, religious, or charitable institutions merce. · H. R. 8344. An act to amend section 313 to import textile machines and parts thereof By Mr. ROGERS of Florida: (b) of the Tariff Act of 1930; for instructio~al purposes; with amendment H. Res. 886. Resolution to provide for a na­ H. R. 9794. An act to amend section 22 ( d) (Rept. No. 3203). Referred to the Commit­ tional call to prayer on Sunday, December (6) of the Internal Revenue Code; tee of the Whole House on the State of the 24, 1950; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 9913. An act to prevent penalties Union. and additions to tax in case of failure to Mr. RICHARDS: Committee of conference. meet requirements with respect to estimated S. 4234. An act to promote the foreign pol­ PRIVATE BILLS AND ~ESOLUTIONS tax by reason of increases imposed by the icy and provide for the defense and general Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Revenue Act of 1950; . welfare of the United States by furnishing H. R. 9920. An act making supplemental emergency-relief assistance to Yugoslavia; bills ~nd resolutions were introduced and appropriations for the fiscal year ending June without ame~dment (Rept. No. 3204). severally referred as follows: 30, 1951, and for other purposes; Ordere,.d to be printed. By Mr. DOLLIVER: H. J. Res. 553. Joint resolution amending H. R. 9926. A bill for the relief of Charlie chapter 26 of the Internal Revenue Code; Bodady; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIO~S By Mr. LANE: H. J. Res. 554. Joint resolution amending Under clause 3 of rule X.XII; public H. R. 9927. A bill for the relief of Mering section 3804 of the Internal Revenue Code. bills and resolutions were introduced and Bichara; to the Committee on the Judiciary. COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SESSION severally referred as follows: OF THE SENATE By Mr. WALTER: On request of M;r. LUCAS, and by unan­ H. R. 9919. A bill to redefine eligibility for imous consent, a subcommittee of the membership in AMVE.TS (American Veterans SENATE of World War II); to the Committee on the Committee on Public Works was author­ · Judiciary. MONDAy ~ DECE.MBER 18, 1950 ized to sit during the session of the Sen­ By Mr. KERR: ate today. H. R. 9920. A bill making supplemental ap­ <Legislative day of Monday, November On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unan­ propriations for the fiscal year ending June 27, 1950) imous consent, a subcommittee of the 30, 1951, and for other purposes; to the Com­ Committee on Public Works was author:. mittee on Appropriations. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ized to sit this afternoon during theses­ By Mr. BURDICK: on the expiration of the recess. sion of the Senate. H. R. 9921. A bill to amend the act of July The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown 6, 1945, as amended, so as to reduce the AUTHORIZATION FOR COMMITTEE ON number of grades for the various positions Harris, D. D., offered the fallowing FINANCE TO MEET AND FILE REPORT under such act, and for other purposes; to prayer: the Committee on Post Office· and Civil Mr. KERR. Mr. President, speaking o Thou Immanuel, God with us, again for the chairman of the Senate Finance Service. PY Thy grace the journeying months H. R. 9922. A bill to prohibit age require­ Committee, the Senator from Georgia ments or limitations with respect to the ap­ have brought us near to the shining glory [Mr. GEORGE], I ask unanimous consent pointment of p~rsons to positions in the of the holy night. Amid the tumult and that the Committee on Finance be au­ competitive civil service during periods of war · terror of man's inhumanity to man, we thorized to sit during this afternoon, and or national emergency; to the Committee on hear anew the tidings of the angels' song to file its report during the r.ecess of the Post Offiee and Civil Service. and the music that is not of earth. Senate. By Mr. CHELF: ' May an understanding sympathy that H. R. 9923. A bill to provide that the House The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ of Representatives shall be composed of 450 knows no boundaries of border or race jection? The Chair hears none, and it Members, and for other ·purposes; to the find lodging even in bitter hearts hard­ is so ordered. ened by cynicism. May a ·longing for Committee on the Judiciary. C4L OF THE ROLL By Mr. O'BRIEN of Michigan: purity that sees God and the Godlike on H. R. 9924. A bill to authorize a Federal the common earth be born in minds Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of civil defense program, and for other pur­ stained by unhallowed thoughts. Save a quorum. poses; to the Committee on Armed Services. us from a festivity that knows nothing of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ By Mr. RHODES: receptivity and from decoration that tary will call the roll. H. R. 9925. A bill to provide free postage for members of the Armed Forces of the forgets dedication. May the holly of this The roll was called, and the fallowing United States; to the Committee on Post .joyous season enshrine the holy, and its Senators answered to their names: Office and Civll Service. crimson beads be but emblems of the Aiken Carlson · Cordon By Mr. ANGELL: myrrh of sacrifice, the gift of contrite Anderson Chapman Donnell H.J. Res. 551. Joint resolution to provide Brewster Chavez Douglas hearts. We ask it in the name of Beth­ Butler Clements Dworshak for the conveyance to Por~land, Oreg., of cer- lehem's Babe. Amen. Byrd Connally Eastland 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 16683 Ecton Know land Nixon ond time. That nomination will be taken ning January 3, 1951, which were read Ellender Langer O'Conor Frear Leahy O'Mahoney up in executive session sometime this and ordered to be filed, as follows: Fulbright Lehman Pepper afternoon before the Senate finishes its STATE OF NEVADA, George Long Robertson business for the day. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Gillette Lucas Russell To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE Gurney McCarran Saltonstall AID TO YUGOSLAVIA-CONFERENCE UNITED STATES: . Hayden McCarthy Smith. Maine REPORT HendricR:son McClellan Smith, N.
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