DECEMBER 2019 VoiceSAINT GEORGE GREEKof St. ORTHODOX GeorgeCHURCH OF THE DESERT 74-109 LARREA ST., PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA Inside this issue Lessons from LESSONS FROM THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM the Star………….pg. 1 The appearance of the worshippers of the stars were and glorify; for, You are our Advent Star leading the Wise Men by a star instructed to wor- God; we know no other god Encyclical……...pg. 2 to Bethlehem confirms ship You, the Sun of Right- but You. It is Your Name that Christ is God, the eousness and to know You as that we invoke.” Spiritual Thoughts………..pg. 3 Creator of the universe. Orient on high. Glory to In sum, then, through the God used the Star to tell You, O Lord.” The Star is Christmas Apolytikion Sunday School...pg. 4 us that, His Only- the “light of knowledge,” Hymn of the Church, the Begotten Son is “the Sun guiding worshipers (such Church & Star is the work of the Ho- of Righteousness,” as is as the Wise Men) to know Wellness……….pg. 5 ly Spirit, enlightening all expressed through the Christ through Whom we of humanity that Christ is St. Nicholas……..pg. 6 Hymn of our Church. find True Wisdom. God, the Creator of the Furthermore, righteous- 2020 Festival & All human beings are the universe and confirming ness is the fruit of enlight- AHEPA News…pg. 7 beneficiaries of the grace the fact that Christ is the enment, symbolized by of the Holy Spirit, since Savior of all people -- the Parish Council; “light” that emanates they are created in the Im- Jewish People (as the St. George; from a star or the sun. En- age and Likeness of God. Chosen Ones) and the Book Store; lightenment leads to The Wise Men represent Gentiles (all other people Outreach……….pg. 8 k n o w l e d g e a n d all who are not the Chosen of the world), as repre- knowledge leads to wor- Philoptochos…..pg. 9 People of the Old Testa- sented by the Wise Men, ship, which brings us ment, the message being the “worshipers of stars.” Dec. 2019 Parish back to Christ, the “Sun of that, in essence, every hu- Calendar………pg.11 Christ God is the “Sun of Righteousness.” man individual is created to Righteousness.” Since He Inserts: December The image of the Star of be an Orthodox Christian. Himself is the Gospel, we “Matinee Movie” flier; Bethlehem is before us The Star is a vehicle for seek His enlightenment 2020 Festival during the Divine Liturgy the Holy Spirit to enlight- during the Divine Liturgy “Sponsorship/ Ad as we celebrate our Sav- en the world, revealing through the prayer that is Form. ior’s Nativity when the that Christ is the only said prior to the reading Mailing Address Apolytikion Hymn is St. George Church God. As did the Wise of the Gospel: “Shine with- chanted: “Your Nativity, P.O. Box 4755 Men, we now confess that in our hearts the pure light Palm Desert, CA 92261 [i.e., Your birth into the Tel: (760) 568-9901 Christ is God with these of Your knowledge, that we FAX: (760) 568-9492 world] O Christ our God, words: “We venerate Your may comprehend the mes- has caused the light of Email: pdsaintgeorge@gmail Cross, O Christ, and Your sage of Your Gospel…so Website:www.go-stgeorge.org knowledge to rise upon the Holy Resurrection we praise that, putting aside our own -Fr. Theodore Pantels, Pastor-- world. For therein the -Dcn. Euthym Kontaxis, M.D. Page 2 bodily desires, we may pursue a spiritual way of life, ADVENT MESSAGE, 2019 thinking and doing only that which is well-pleasing to Brethren in the Lord: You.” Nicholas Cabasilas, in his classic book, The Life in Having begun the Nativity Fast period and as we enter the holiday season, we have entered a rich Christ, explains that Christ is the Image of each of us in as much as we were created according to time in our lives as Orthodox Christians. Like the His Image and Likeness. As such, Christ’s right- beauty of the decor that will fill our homes, the eousness defines our own human standard of Church fills us with spiritual beauty in this sea- son, calling us to become more aware of God’s righteousness. The “The “New Adam” reverses the consequence of the “Old Adam’s” disobedi- presence in our lives. ence to God. This festive season begins with our American cel- In outlining the Beatitudes, Cabasilas notes, “We ebration of Thanksgiving. Our homes will be must regard Christ as the Archetype of the former Ad- open to our family and friends for a feast that cel- am created from Him.” (pg. 191). Gentleness, com- ebrates how we have been blessed by God. As passion and glory to God, are the virtues that de- we gather at the table, consider the following scribe the Person of Christ and, by extension, benediction from the Book of Sirach: “Bless the they are virtues that we are able to personify in God of all, who in every way does great our own character, due to the very nature of our things...May He give us gladness of heart!” (Sirah created being. “It was not the old Adam who was the 50:22-23). Our first action this season is to model for the New; but the New Adam was generat- acknowledge that God blesses us every day for ed...because of the corruption which the old Adam ini- which we should bow our heads in thanks. tiated. (Romasn 8:3).” (pg.190). Then we will celebrate some of the most re- The Star of Bethlehem enlightens the whole nowned saints of our Church: Katherine the world of the miracle of Christ being born into the Great Martyr who was just celebrated, Andrew world. Yet, it is Christ Himself Who enlightens the First-called, Barbara the Great Martyr, John of us so that we can live with the purpose for which Damascus, Savas the Sanctified , Nicholas of My- we were created. ra, Spyridon of Trimythous, and Eleftherios of +FR. THEODORE Illyria. They adorn our calendar with beauty and light. Each in their unique lives, they are exam- ples of lives lived in Christ. They are examples of METROPOLIS OF SAN FRANCISCO faith, of witness, and of suffering, but they are CLERGY-LAITY CONFERENCE--The Metropo- also examples of philanthropy, of excellence in lis of San Francisco Clergy-Laity Conference is teaching, and of pastoral leadership. As we cele- scheduled for February 24-26, 2020 at the St. brate their feasts we should strive to study their Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, lives as models for our imitation as followers of California. Christ today. Those who attend as delegates for our parish are Finally, we will reach the culmination of the sea- asked notify our Parish Council in order to ob- son when we begin the celebration of the Nativi- tain information and discuss requirements relat- ty of our Savior Jesus Christ. For us, desiring to ed to serving as a delegate of our parish at this know God, we look to Jesus Christ. God enters important event. history and the world when Christ is born. As the Gospel of John states, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Continued on the next page --------> Page 3 ADVENT ENCYCLICAL, Continued SPIRITUAL THOUGHTS OF THE MONTH by Son from the Father” (John 1:14). The incarnation Deacon Euthym of Christ is a mystery, that is to say, it is far be- “Sit in the presence of the Lord every moment of yond our understanding. Saint Gregory the Theo- your life, as you think of Him and recollect Him logian taught, “He was laid in a manger-but he in your heart. Otherwise, when you do not see was glorified by angels, and proclaimed by a star, only Him, after a period of time, you will lack and worshiped by the Magi.” We will all sing in freedom to converse with Him, out of shame; for the Kontakion of Christmas, “for to us there has great freedom of converse is born out of constant been born a little child, God before the ages." association with Him.” St. Isaac the Syrian Dearly Beloved, the Church invites us to prepare We don't want any awkward moments with God, to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ so it is important that we clean things up with through this rich and meaningful season. A hymn Him daily. If we contemplate Him at all times, of Christmas begins, “Make ready….” These days immediately return to Him when we fall, and im- are our time to ready ourselves through the fast, itate Christ in our decisions, we are comfortable through prayers, through philanthropic acts, and in His presence. The awe we have in His presence reflection upon the mystery of the incarnation (considering His creation, His love and His great and on the lives of God’s Saints, and as we con- mercy) leads us to choosing the "one good thing" tinually thank Him for His divine condescension. who is Jesus Christ Himself. Loss, suffering, chal- God’s presence in our lives must be evident by lenges, all are part of our existence... let us allow our awareness of this mystery of the incarnation, God to walk with us during these times as well as through this season of beauty, lights and color.
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