from anch- r high :..hools ulty r, lbers Y ha- v been the f(4 . that to which the Ily invited. TOWNSMAN ing, February concert by the eties of Abbot ner Academy. Andover's Own Weekly Newsmagaiine Society under Walter Howe :ely 50 voices. be announced week. :4 ( -..%; • • • s..A'N • • • eV/ S. 1 little bit of snowy lace Around a big red heart, A flower or a perky bow, A cupid with a dart, A little dash of sentiment To make her blue eyes shine. Tell her! Don't be bashful — That she's your Valentine. E. F. C. and ones, ood's it daily lat is February 13, 194N 3 Price 5 Cents it today 213AOCINY *).`:71:7,11 1 210ri3vt DINNE *SUTHERLAND'S RED CF The a: Lawrence which pl paign fo O Wednesd the Chri The dinr by the Mrs. C. I t • • • begin at Giving Cross op, O ff' based o and expe M. Darr who sere 1 9 4 1 thr As cap unit, he head of was in tl the Unit, west Pac first Arn Guadalca with the the Med', Worke their ser will be i: ner. Mrs 'barge o Father'; At Shay Cord served at Stassen Terence, strong w only .pos the peace members ent-Teac school .h elitists I that if force, Ur be produ world, a whole of tated. W a choice governor only ono The s Philip /1 chairma program provide( choir un Wilkins, A lot ceded th replacin flees. IN presider Caswell GLOVESC511".re./1.,, the seer Mr. I building reporter It's a fact -- Crescendoe, the miracle-fabric . warrant merit ( the amazing double-woven cotton that looks and grounds feels like suede . becomes softer, even more Finance reports lustrous with each washing. Above all it retains cus hell ly and its shape. White, Beige, Brown or Black. $3.50 to the Street Floor troop Shawsh grade v The vided fifth gr THEY'RE AT OF COURSE Be iil room Personal Shopping Service — Call .Anne Uett Sutton at Andover 300 — No Toll Charge 1•11111111•111111111 DINNER TO OPEN 7 . 7 , William Burnham, Mrs. Levering Reynolds, Jr., Mrs. Frank Buttriek, RED CROSS DRIVE Around the W orld in Thought, airs. Alexantiel' MacKenzie, Mr's. The annual Red Cross dinner, Beginning with a small voice back in the 1880's that has imered Lombard; South' Church, which precedes the March cam- .\ Tlitrxt et. I!atoa, M t;s . C. le. paign for funds, will be held on inereased in variation and intensity with each annual observ- , ,‘,.7rii Btlehnii, m iss ron Iie Davis, Wednesday night, February 28, in ance, the World Day of Prayer of 1947 will link the peoples ' 'president, and Mrs. Frederick B. the Christ church parish house. NN'est liarish liiiurc h, M Hs The dinner, which will be served of the world in a common thought and understanding through l';,,,„°b",,;.t E ma l laild rs. joii il i. by the Red Cross canteen with prayer, as they remember one another with love separated by 1 thigthd• Mrs. Brown" Gage is he Mrs. C. D. McDuffy in charge, will no boundaries, either interracial, international or inter- charge cf publicity. begin at 6:30. 1 . itc)oris of last year's World 'Day Giving a true account of Red denominational. • of Prayer indicate how completely Cross operations in the war zones* globular the church family is based on personal observations The service which will be used millions in universal prayer. Our ' be- and experiences will be Dr. John universally will be "Make Level in town has its own Council of Church echl lig. M. Barry, Lawrence physician, the Desert the Highway of Our Women, interdenominational. It has • Wl!cre the mind is without fear who served with the Army from God" prepared by a third gener-- joined . the -Milted Council from and the head held high; 1941 through 1945. ation Indian woman, Mrs. Isabel whcse headquarters in Now York, Where knowledge is free; As captain of a National Guard Caleb, of Allahabad, India. In An- programs go out to 10,000 communi- Where the world has not been unit, he entered the war at the clover it will be offered at the Phil- ties in our own country and to broken up into fragments by head of a medical battalion, and lips Academy Chapel at 3 o'clock, Councils and groups in over fifty narrow, domestic walls; was in the first troopship to leave Friday afternoon, February 21, countries abroad. Where words come out from the the United States for the South- where nationality and racial back- Mt nibers of the local Council are . depths of truth; west Pacific. He was also in the grounds' will be represented by as fAlows: Church of Christ in Where tireless striving stretches its first Army unit to take over at three Abbot Academy students. PhillipS Academy, Mrs. Oswald , arms toward perfection; Guadalcanal. He was discharged The observance will commence Tower, Mrs. A. Graham Baldwin; Where the clear stream of reason with the rank of full colonel in with broadcast at 8:35 A. M. over liallardvale Union Congregational has not lost its way into the the Medical Corps. WLAW, in which 'Mrs. Stanley M. ('hunch, Mrs. Arnold Kenseth, Mrs. dreary desert sand of dead Workers who have volunteered Sprague, president of the Minis- Roland Joy: liallardvale Methodist habit; • their services for the campaign ters' Wives' Association of Law- Church, Mrs. George Brown; Bap- Where the mind is led forward by will be invited to attend the din- rence, and Mrs. Karl Thiem will list. Church, Mrs. Harvey Bacon, Thee into ever-widening ner. Mrs. Carlton Kimball is in participate. Mrs. J. S. Billington. Miss Beulah thought and action— charge of decorations. This is the fifth year that An- Denelson; Christ Church, Mrs. Staf- Into that heaven of freedem- city clover has added its voice to the ford Lindsez; Fr,- Church, Mrs. • Father. let my c•ountry awake.”. Father's Night Held At Shawsheen P. T. A. Cord Myer of Cambridge, who served as aide to. Comdr. Harold Stassen at the San Francisco con- ference; presented his views on a strong world government as the only ,possible plan for preserving Recipe the peace to a large gathering of members of the Shawsheen Par- ent-Teacher association at the school hall Wednesday night. Sci- entists have proved, he warned, for getting the that if we are to depend upon force, the atomic bomb will soon be produced by the .nations of the world, and within ten years the most out oi Party- whole of civilization will be devas- tated. We may think that we have a choice, he said, between world government and force, but there is only one choice. line service The speaker was introduced by Philip A. Costello, who acted as chairman of the Father's Night program. Musical selections were provided by the Grace church choir under the direction of Irving Wilkinson. A long business meeting pre- ceded the program with the fathers To get the most out of your party-line telephone service and replacing the mothers in their of- fices. Walter C. Caswell took the help others get the most out of theirs, too why not try this president's chair in place of Mrs. Caswell, and Raymond Pearl read simple plan? the secretary's report. Mr. Costello, chairman of the building and grounds committee, BE BRIEF. Try to keep all calls as short as possible. reported that the article in the 1 warrant regarding the improve- ment of the Shawsheen school THOUGHTFUL. if you are going to make a series of calls, allow grounds had been approved by the 2 BE Finance Committee. Mrs. Costello a little time between them so that others on your line may use the tel- reported on the results of the cir- rus held by the association recent- ephone. Make sure the line is not in use before dialing or moving the ly and an appropriation was voted receiver holder to signal the operator. to the new Girl Scout and Cub troop being sponsored by the Shawsheen P. T. A. The second ANSWER YOUR TELEPHONE PROMPTLY. Answering your tele- grade won the banner. 3 The fifth grade mothers pro- phone promptly is a courtesy which invites similar cc•••- •••••h from orb— vided the refreshments, but the fifth grade fathers did the serving. OF COURSE Best Ice Cream Friendly ways like these are all it takes NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AT to make party-line service good service & TELEGRAPH COMPANY Jim's Snack Bar for every one. Fountain Service — Sandwiches BALLARDVALE silINNIMI011111111/1111111 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, February 18, 1947 rmiava ••••-• • At The Churches ••••• • • ft.. ••• • .41...1. • • "....•• ••••• •••,...• • •••••••11, Obituaries Baptist Church OPEN EVERY DAY The funeral of Frank A. But- Rev. Wendell L. Bailey, Pastor EXCEPT TUESDAY trick, prominent figure in the local Fu Sunday, 9:30 a. m., Church School for building industry for many years, all departments; Men's Disciple Class; 10:45, Morning Worship in the Sanctuary; was held from the Lundgren fu- 6:00 p. m., Baptist Youth Fellowship; 7:30, neral home Sunday afternoon with victin Final ..er,it.e. in ,he Sunday Evening Series, Serving Dinners Pastor's Message: "Peter —The First For- services in the Free church. Rev. when eign Missionary." Levering Reynolds, pastor, offici- 5:00 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. Smith Monday, 6:30 p. m., Inter-Church Bas- ated. Cremation took place in Har- ketball games. Shaw; Wednesday, mony Grove, Salem, and the ashes 6:30 p. m., Supper in Ves- Sundays were buried in the family lot in try for World Mission Crusade Workers, DAVID Speaker, Rev.
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