PUBLIC NOTICE The Public is hereby informed that on the 20tn-day of June 20'13, the Parliament of the Republic of Sierra Leone passed into law the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Act (Repeal) Act, 2013 ; and whereas Section 1 Sub section 2 of the said Act dissolved the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Board (SLPMB) and vested the properties and assets of the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Board (SLPMB) in the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Company (SLPMC) as listed in the Government of Sierra Leone Gazette Vol Cxliv No. 53 of Thursday 1Otn October 2013 (Notice No. 213). ln this regard, the National Commission for Privatisation (NCP) in collaboration with the Caretaker Team, have on Wednesday 30tn October, 20'13 handed over these assets as described in the Gazette public notice no,213 to the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Company (SLPMC) together with all lease agreements. Consequently, the public is hereby informed that the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Company (SLPMC) is currently embarking on a nationwide identification and possession of all assets and properties including plantations belonging to the former SLPMB and the Company is therefore requesting individuals or organizations occupying any of the said assets or properties to contact the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Company at No. 59A Wellington Street, Freetown with immediate effect, Signedffi* Henry iamna Kamara Managing Director SLPMC Wbe bterre lLtsttt @ilj$te lP rrb ti gb e[ trp Autltor ity Vol. CXLIV THUnsoeY, 10rs Ocronrn, 2013 No. 53 CONTE NTS G. N. PaoB G. N. Pece 2lL Public Service Notices 469-470 MINISTRY OF TRADE AI\ID INDUSTRY zlg List of Properties formally belonglng to the Sierra I 86- lrone Produce Marketing Board. 47 1-473 188 Declaration of vacant posts 470 ACCOUNTANT,GDNERAL'S DEPARTMENT HOUSE OF PARLIAMENT 214 Statement of receipts into and the payments out of the Consolidated 189 Notice of Parliament under Fund 31st July, 2013 474-475 Standing Order 470 BANK OF SIERRA LEONE Court 19O Proforma Balance Sheet as at 31st August, 2Ol3 476 212 Citation 470 Freetotun. loth October. 2013 Orgce or rne PnesrosNT Jabbie, Abu Bakarr, Cook, 1.5.13. Gowt. Notice No. 2Ll Mrrursrny on Warpn Rssouncos Appointment Amara, Augustine S., Water Mapping Assistant, 1.8.13. Conteh, Amara S., Water Mapping Assistant, 1.8.13. Aovn:tsrRaron eno RecrsrRan-Ger.reRAr- Kandeh, Susan F., Registration Officer. 1.7 .13. Promotion H urutaN Reso uncp Maruaceuetr OrRrce Mrrutsrny or Acarcurrunr FonrsrRy euo Fooo SecuRtry Legrand-Hamilton, Amelia, Higher Executive Officer, Conteh, Salamatu, Stenographer Grade 2, 1.4. 13. 1.7.1 I . Mrursrnv oR Fonercru AFFATRS aruo Ir'rrpRvatoNel CoopeRarou Letter of Interdiction Brainard, Juliana V., Stenographer Grade l, 1.1.12 PnrsoNs Deperrusvr Conteh, Alie, Third Class Prison Officer, 15.4.12. HUMAN REsouRcs MANecelaovr OnFlca HlcH Courr Mahoi, Samuella S., Human Resource Officer, I.8.13 Sesay, Paunga M., Deputy Master and Registrar, 7.5.12. PRINTE.D AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING DEPARTMENT, SIERRA LEONE Annual Subscription:-Inland Le350,000.00, Overseas-Le2,750,000.00 To be purchased from the Govi'r,,,', Il,,.kshop, Wallace Johnson Street, Freetown.Price:-Le5,000.00 G.P. Oll92l13/1,200,10.13 4'.70 SIERRA LEONE CAZETTE lOrH Ocroeen, 2013 Lcft thc Sierra Leone Civil Service Gout. Notice No. IBB PIN Cod"e 128352 Mlrursrny oF AcRIcuLTURE Fonesr-Ry aruo Fooo Secunrry Bangura, Alimamy, Security Guard, retired on pension, Falama, 24.7.t3. Hadratu K. Human Resource Officer in the Ministry of Works, Housing Bockarie, Maxwell S., Agriculture and Infrastructure having Instructor Grade l, been absent from duty without retired on pension, 29.5.I3. leave or reasonable excuse is deemed to have Conteh, I-amin p., Agriculture abandoned her post and Technician, retired on travelled to.the United pension, 13.10. IS. States of Rmerica (USA). Caulker, Thomas, Agriculture Instructor Grade t, reUred on pension,3l.7.l3. IIOUSE OF PARLIAMENT Kamara, Adama F., Assistant Director, retired on pension, 14.2.13. Gout Notice No. 189 - M.P. HR/SF/2 VoL Wr Mrrursrny op Eoucarrol sctervce AND TECHNoLoGy Ir rs Henrey NorrFrED in terms of Standing Order Kangbai, Beatrice M., Organizer of Home 47(l) Economics, of the Standing Orders of the pailiament retired on pension, 16.7.13. House of that the following Bill has been published as a Supplement in the Sierra Leone Gazette Mtr.JlsrRy on Elrpt_ontatr, on the date shown and l,asoun eNo Socr,cL SecuRrry that it is intended Browne, William, Artisan to introduce this Biil in the House Mechanic Grade 2. retired during current on pension, Z.Z.LO. its meeting:_ Mambu, Miranda M., First Grade Clerk, retired on The Sierra pension, 26.7.15. Leone National Sierra Leone Gozette Carrier (Amendment) Vol. C)C.w Act.2O13 No. 47 of Goverwuevr pnrsnruc Deperruevr lgth September, 20t3. Moore, Fanny, Bookbinding Assistant, retired on pension, I6.I0.I2. IBRAHIM S. SESAY, parliament Mrttsrny or Healrn aNo SeNmelorv Clerk oJ Lawson, Joseph S., public health Superintendent, retired on pension, 1 l.g.12. GoYt. Noticc No, 212 Mrr{lsrRy on l,ocel GoyeRNuelr axo Runar DetEtoptureN,r Dumbuya, CITATION Swaibu A. K., Second Grade Clerk, retired on pension, 2.8.12. IN rne Hlcs Courr on Koroma, Mohamed, Daily Wage, retired on pension, Srenna Leofre 29.6.12. Sankoh, In re the Estate of ARTHUR E. Tnonpa, (deceased) Hassan, Work Service Employee, retired on pension,29.6.12. Intestate. Tarawallie, Yaguba, Messenger, retired pension, on Totue wtoow, 29.6.12. wrDowER, NExroFKrN, ExECuroRs oR BENEFICIARTES or ARrHun E. Tnonpe (deceased), Iate of No. 2l Hennessy Street, King[om, Freetown Naloruer, Rocrsrnarrol SacRe-remar in the Western Area of the Ben-Carew, Republic of Sierra Leone. Cornelia V., Registrafion Clerk, retired on pension, 26.S.13. Thxe Ncrnca that I have received information that the above-named d.eceased died. at Freetown aforesaid on the Sth day of Febmary, 1g54, intestate, Declaration of Vacant Posts leaving property. Now, Cout. Notice No. ig6 rsenerone, pursuant to the Administration of PIN Code 156730 Estates Act, 1960, you are hereby cited within one calendar Koroma, Mary K. prison Officer in prisons month from the date of publication thereof the to come into the probate Department, having been absent from duty without Jurisdiction of the High Court leave of Sierra l-eone and show cause why or reasonable excrrse since the lgth February 2009 an Order should is deemed not be made for ttle Administrator and Registrar-General to have vacated her post with effect from that date. to administer the estate of the said deceased,. ANo rer(E ncrncs that in default of your so coming in and showing cause to the satisfaction Cout. Notice No. lg7 PIN Code 156b9j of a Judge. I will apply for such Order for administration. Mansaray, Mohamed.- prison Officer in the prisons Dareo the 2Oth day of Septbmber, Department, having been absent from duty without 2O15. leave or reasonable excuse since the 25th November 201I HAJA MARIAMA SERAY is deemed to have vacated his post with effect KALI-AY, from that date. Administrator and Registrar_General (REF. /AC / r93 /76) l0rH Ocroesn, 2013 SIERRA LEONE GAZETTE 471 MINISTRY OF TRADE AI\ID INDUSTRY Govt. Notice No. 213 By virtue of section 2 of the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing Act (Repeal) Act, 2O13 (Act No. I of 2013) the properties formerly belonging to the Sierra kone Produce Marketing Board in the first column and located in the second column respectively of the Appendix to this Notice are vested in the Sierra lrone Produce Marketing Company. APPENPIX FREETOWN WESTERN AREA s/N PROPERTIES LOCATION t. Buildings Z and. ZA Siaka Stevens Street 2. offices Headquarter Complex, Cline Town 3. Six (6) Store3, Cline Town Cline Town, Head Office 4. House pee Kay Lodge, Hill Station 5. 6 Stores Fackih Store, Cline Town 6. 2 Houses t0 HiII cot Road and loA Hill cot Road 7. House 20 Mandalay Street, Kingtom 8. Stores KA & VKB Kissy Dockyard 9. Stores K3, 4, 5 & 6 Kissy Dockyard 10. Stores K7 and 8 fiArFP Stores built on this SLPMB I-and) Kissy Dockyard I i. Wellington Store No I Wellington 12. Wellington Store No I W€llington 13. 3 Buildings, one cold room and one generator house wellington poultry 74. Kennedy Street Store Kennedy Street, Freetown 15. Store and Workshop Jui PORT LOKO DISTRICT-NORTHERN PROVINCE l. 895 Acres oil palm plantation Mange Bureh 2. Guest House Mange Bureh 3. Office Buildlng Mange Bureh 4. Milling Building Mange .Bureh BOMBALI DISTRICT-NORTHERN PROVINCE I. Two Houses and l,and Mena Hill, Makeni Town 2. One Store Station Road, Makeni Bombali Shebora Chiefdom 3. 2 Storey House 6 Station Road Makeni Bombali Shebora Chiefdom BONTHE DISTRICT-SOUTHE,RN PROVINCE l. Buying Center (3) Stores and Offices-Freehold Bonthe .Town 2. Oil Palm Milling House Kanga Bum Chiefdom 3. Mill Manager's Quarters Kanga Bum Chiefdom 4. 3 Quarter Houses Kanga Bum Chiefdom 5. Store Kanga Bum Chiefdom 6. Oil Palm plantation Bonthe/Bo District 472 SIERRA LEONE CAZETTE lOrH Ocroeen, 2013 MOYAMBA DISTRICT-SOUTEERN PROVINCE l. Rice Mill building rtilkiC machine Moyamba Town. Kaiyamba Chiefdom ^rrd ti 2. Store Moyamba Town, Kaiyamba Chiefdom 3. Guest House Moyamba Town, Kaiyamba Chiefdom 4. Generator Moyamba Town, Kaiyamba Chiefdom PUJEHUN-SOUTEERN PROVINCE I. Oil Plantatiot 2228 Acres Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 2. Milling House Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 3. Canteen House Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 4. Mill Mechanics Quarters Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 5. Health Center Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 6. MilI Clerk's Quarter's Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 7. Mill Driver's Quarters Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 8. Community Hall Sahn, Malen Chiefdom 9.
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