to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. July 8, m BOLTON FOCUS U.S./WORLD WEATHER LOOK FOR THE STARS... ^ PBC supports plan Interfaith campers 2,800 evacuate homes Fair, cool tonight; Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get for flat school roof start ‘coffee shop’ I as fire sweeps West muggy Wednesday page 3 ... page 11 ... page 4 ... page 2 better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a ■k difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ^ ____ Easy Crochst ForAllSeasoni manrh^at^r Um lh TOWN OF ANOOVER t aa-ii____ ___________ * TllOOHaW .111 LEGAL NOTICE Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Tuesday, July 9, 1985 — Single copy; 25<t I have 0 Tax Warrant to col­ PETS lect taxes to r the Town of A n­ dover on the 1 October 1984 BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY G rand L ist, at the ro te oT 28.00 M ills . Taxes In the a m ount of Free to good home. 7 S100 or less are due and p aya ­ week old Shepherd Collie ble In full In July 1985. All M o­ mix. Mole and female tor Vehicle taxes, reoordless IBUILOWa/ of the amount, are due In full IKIJ8ERVIGE8 isEmnois BIRLOMO/ Reagan calls GOP puppies. Available In one In July 1985. The first auar- C0NTBACTIN6 week. 289-S1S0. terlv Installment on all other ^O FFE R E O lOFFERBI CONTRACTIlie taxes on the 1 October 1984 G rand L ist are due and pavo- Forrond Remodeling — Leon CleszynskI Builder ble 1 July 1985. Payments Odd lob$. Trucking. A. Honry Porsonollzod Doo Training — Puppy, Lawn Coro. Looklns tor Coblnets, roofing, gut­ — New homes, additions, beginners. Intermediates made after 1 August 1985 are Hom« rtpolra. You name remodeling, rec rooms, sublect to a late chorge of It, wo do It. Froo o$tl- tomoono rollable ond off!-, ters, room additions, and advanced classes lVa% per month on the late oarages, kitchens remo­ for budget pow-wow decks, oil types of rsmo- starting July 11th at the nruitoo. Inuirod. 6434304. clont? Total lawn caro, Installment from the due commorclal and rosldom dellng ond repairs. FREE deled, ceilings, bath tile, East Hartford YWCA. date or a minimum of $2.00. Lownmowort ropolrod - tlol. LIpht trucking, troo sstlmotes. Fully Insursd. dormers, rooflno. Resi­ Call 721-1386. Payments may be made by dential or commercial. mall or at the Town of An­ Froo pick up ond doll vorv. ostlmotos, fully Insurod. Telephone 643-6017, a fte r By Elaine S. Povich and Senate-pas.sed budgets he would resist any el fort to cut dover Office Building which |0 porcont sonlor dis­ 647-1349^_______________ 6pm, 6474509. 6494291. United Press International But more than a week ago. the military spending further Is open 9:00 a.m . to 4:00 p.m. Mondoythrough Friday. The count. Export sorvico. conference decided to look clo.ser Speakes said Monday. "We have Automotive Tax C ollector Is also In the o f­ Froo ostlmotos. Economy 'I Con Holp- — Handy­ Robert E. Jorvis, HEATING/ WASHINGTON - President at a plan offered by Sens. Lawton continued to work with (the budget fice Monday eyenlngs from Lawn Mowor, 6474660. man, odd lobs and homo Bulldino-Remodcitna PLUMGING Reagan called Ilepuhliean con- Chiles, D-Fla.. Slade Gordon. conferees) but they have not come 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. repairs. Free ostlmotos. Specialist. Additions, gar­ gre.ssional leaders to (he While H-Wash , and olher.s to grips with the major issues," SANDRA G. B ID W E LL Howkot Troo Sprvlco — G il, 647-3663. ages, roofing, siding, kit­ House today in a new bid to break That plan would cut the deficit by referring to Social Security und ICARS/TRUCKS TAX COLLECTOR Buckot Truck & Chippor. chens, bothrooms, re- Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ 9 TOWN OF ANDOVER, an impasse over where to find nearly $70 billion in liscal 1980 but deiense. FOR SALE CONNECTICUT Slump Romovdl. Froo Ei- placement throom remodslino; In­ stallation water heaters, more than $50 billion in savings to also calls for raising about $60 Speakes said Keagan would not 030-06 tlmotot. Spoclol consldor- wlndows/doors. 6434712. otlon for Etdorly and Han- PAINTING/ oarboge disposals; faucet reduce the federal budget deficit billion in luxes over three years go along with the ChileSfGorton dlCOPOOd. 647-7553. PAPERING repairs. 6494539. Vlso/M- next year. Chiles said Monday he was budget because of its lux provision. 1975 Dodge Colt, 4 speed, 2 Carpentry and remodel- pleased Reagan is gelling involved Senate Republican leader Ro­ door, many new ports, I MOTORCYCLES/ Ing services — Complete osterCard accepted. With defense spending and So runs well, regular gas, Oollvorma rich loam — 5 Nome your own price — home repairs ond remo­ cial Security benefits the two main but, "Obviously, I'd like it better it bert Dole also said the Chllcs- approximately 30 mpg. BICYCLES yo rd t, 165 plus ta x . Sand, Father and son. Fast, deling. Quolltv work. Ref­ M & M Plumblno and sticking points, Reagan was des­ they (at the White House) weren't Gorton budget is "a good effort but $1,250. Doys, 643-2711, ext. grovol, & stone. 643-9504. depsndabis servics. erences, licensed and In­ Heatino — Well work, cribed by one aide as flexible to talking a tuugh line " 1 don't believe cither the House or 48, Evenings, 429-8820. Pointing, Paperhanging sured. Call 6464165. pumps, water condition­ compromise, but al the same time Chiles defended his budget plan, Senate will accept taxes." 1976 Suzuki SOOcc. Low Bookkoopliig Is our Busl- 8i Rem oval. Call 646-5761. ing, sewer work, bd- opposed to higher taxes and to saying if the president is "talking But Sen Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., mileage. $495. Call 646- noss....Wo will use your throom remodeling, ond 1974 Chevy Impala, 4 Dumos Electric— Having further attacks on his Pentagon significant deficit reduction, I a primary backer of the bipartisan 7055. present system, orsotupa Pointing and Paperhono- Electrical P ro b le m s ? even tlx leaky sinks. No don't know how else he's going to budget, said the conferees have door, air conditioning, au­ system dostpnod to moot Ing — Exterior ond Inte­ lob too sm all. Coll 649- budget. tomatic, power steering, Need A large or a smoll The hour-long meeting was the do it. " "iuuked at all the spending cuts Kawasaki, 1984, 900 — Individual roquiromonts. rior, ceilings rspalred. Repair? We Specialize In 2871. power brakes, excellent Otvo us a call. Inquiries References, fully Insured. first of two planned for today The C'hiles-Gorlon plan would that cun be made. We've cut and mechanical condition. NInIa, Red. Low mileage. Residential Work. Joseph One owner. Mint condi­ wolOome. Your Business Quality work. ' Martin Dumas. Fully Licensed. #'■ Reagan invited the lop five leaders freeze military spending, as the cut and cut. The lime has come to $695. 643-5314. Office, 164 East Center Mottsson, evenings, 649- Remoys mineral buildup 8127 of Congress - including House Hou.se budget does, and would look al revenues." tion. Ready to go. Asking Free Estim ates. 646-5253. 10. IB $3,500. 643-8474, 646-3345. Street, 647-9780 or 646-7925. 4431. from your teakettle by Speaker Thomas O'Neill - to a scrap next year's cost-of-living Hollings also noted that Rea­ pouring In half a cup of Easily crocheted from colton raise for Social Security recip­ gan's budget director. David All types remodeling or yarn in (he knot stitch, this lovely V more intimate meeting late Ibis Guitar- Instruction by John Osere Painting Con­ repairs — Complete kit­ white vinegar and ana the vrardrtMie with short afternoon in the White Iiou.se ients, as the Senate budget pro- Stockman, suggested recently in a quart of top water. Heotto attractive Tote Bag is so ONE OF THE nicest Borkloo graduate. Har-' tractor, Interiors and ex­ chens, baths, gmnaes, od- handy for carrying books or or long sleeves . a aim-' family quarters. po.sed, except for the very poor. speech that taxes may have to be 78 Ford Pinto, standard things about want ads Is monv. Theory, Improvl- teriors, rssldentlol, dttlons, dormers, rolllnp boll and let stand bundles. Ideal for gifts or pie tie-coUar or pretty A third session, with Democratic The House and Senate budgel.s raised if the budget cannot be cut transmission, $500. 646- their low cost. Another Is sotlon. Composition. Any commercial, free esti­ porches, docks. No lob tor one hour. Pour out bazaars. You’ll be surprised ruffled style. solution, fill with water, and Republican budgil conferees, cut $56 billion from the deficit The further to ease the more than S200 3790. their quick action. Try a stylo of ploy. 282-0006. mates, quality work, reas­ too loros or small. Coll to see how many items it No. 8127 with Photo- boll again and discord. was scheduled for Wednesday Ilou.se protected Social Si-curity billion deficit. want ad today 1 onable rotes, 649-3248. L orry, 649-3985. holds. Gaide is in Sises 10 to No lob too smoll. Stumps, Add buildup to your No. 5153 has complete 18. Sise 12, 34 bust, tie- The conferees have been stym­ and (he Senate allowed an Speakes told reporters the presi­ 1971 Chew Pickup with ied since beginning talks last inilation-relalcd increu.se for the dent is hopeful of ending the Cab, 70,000 miles, excel-« grading and digging, The Patriot Painters. Top Is advtrtlslng expensive? budget by selling no- crochet directions for 18” collar, 2H yards 46-lneh; lent condition.
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