Billiard r . I % Archives B. c., Parliament Bid?:.* Victoria» fi. c. DANNY'S RAY DINING ROOM WHlilNG RADIO-CONTROLLED JUST FINE FOOD SERVING THE GROWING SUNSHINE COAST fHONE 9K(\ GIBSONS Phone GIBSONS 140 Published in Gibsons, B.C. Volume 11, Number 30, August 6 1959. 24 HR. COURTEOUS SERVICE Building permits to the val­ Three homes are involved in William Lawson for $500 in al­ ue of * 539,450 were issued by the permits, one to be built by terations. Gibsons Village Commission H..G. Wilson on Stewart road The pace of new home con- to cost $11,440, another for ctruction has increased in Gib- during July it was announced sens district and it is expected Wednesday by Robert Burns, Eugene Yablonski, $8,000 for a home now under * construction that with the completion ol: village clerk at the municipal on Marine Drive near the present building this year that hall. A Coast News and a third for there will be an even greater This amount is divided into Edith H. Gardner of Vancou­ amount done next year. $27,450 for residential con­ ver for a $6,000 home on Accounts passed at Tuesday- struction and $12,000 for com­ Franklin Road. The last home night's Commiion meeting to- . mercial construction. The com­ is for N. Fitzsimmons to cost tailed $592.94 of which $299.53 mercial- building was Ken Wat­ wso for water, $146 general son's butcher and grocery store $6,000 also on Franklin road. expense; $136.17 for roads: now in course of construction Permits involving smaller $6.24 for parks and beaches en Gdwer Point Road between constructions were issued to and $4.45 for fire protection. John Wood Hardware and Pen­ James T. Ward for a $250 ex­ The placing of more street ' insula Cleaners. Total amount tension to his home; Jonas lights was explored and ar­ involved in the permit is $14,- Johnson for a $100 verandah; rangements will be made to ob- * 500 part of which will be used M.W. Lovell for a $75 wood­ tain them from B.C. Electric to attach the house to the sitore shed; A.S. Trueman for a $60 and p**ace them at points to be " premises. playhouse and Mr. and Mrs. selected. RCAF crack Golden Hawks: jet flight will perform wingtip- tc-wii-g.ip formation aerobat­ Serious Transportation bids ics at the Pacific National Ex­ hibition fom Aug. 22 to Sept. 7. The six, golden-painted Sa­ before school bd. bre Jets will hurtle through Injuries which resulted in the air at near the speed of The board cf school trustees class room space for the pupils 56 stitches on her scalp were welcomed Norman Hough back of the new Trail Bay Jr. High sound in rolls, loops and •suffered byt Mrs. Brookman of to his chair at JuJy 13 meeting. School has been, made, and it "bomb-burst" over Burrard In­ Davis Bay when the car in During his absence Mr. Hough has been decided to erect three let just off the fairgrounds. which she was riding ended up on its side at the south end of visited 52 different schools in temporary class rooms in the The Hawks were the hit of the Eastern Canada, the British Isles basement of the Sechelt Elemen­ the S?turn on Sechelt highway > and the continent. These visits tary School. The necessary alter­ ishow on their recent visit to July *31. Mr®. Brookman was; to trade schools, secondary ations are already underway and Vancouver's international air rushed to St. Mary's Hospital. schools and universities provid­ it is expected these rooms will display. With Mrs. Brookman in the ed Mr. Hough with a clearer pic­ be completed by Sept. 1st. car v/iere Ernest Horrobin and ture of the methods of educa­ The secretary was requested tar, Wife of North Vancouver. tion in other countries. to write to people concerned that Mr. Horrobin, the driver, re­ The many transportation runs the Egmont School Building is ported to RCMP he lost con­ were again brought to the board not to be *used for any purpose trol while making the turn. at any time, without the approval New July 1 and several bids were received Neither he or his wife were in­ )of the Board in writing. jured' seriously. and considered. To date contracts To Carmen and Don Jose, have been awarded to A. E. The Retarded Children's Asso­ Hume and Rumble men in ciation has been advised that two Mexican donkeyis, a son, Harding, Nelson Island boat numbers the vicinity when the accident this board will pay $200 per Pompelong was born on July run; Cecil Lawrence, Bus routes The July 1 celebration offi­ occurred rescued the trio from 23. The family is at home to Port Mellon to Gibsons, Sechelt month towards assistance of ex­ the car, directing traffic until J. Sowden penses, commencing September, cials are having a tough time visitors half-a-mile west of Gos­ local, Sechelt to Gibsons; A.' E. the police arrived. RCMP com­ pel Rock but the mother ob­ Anderson, Roberts Creek local, 1959, and that the beard will re­ getting the day's prizes off plimented the Hume and Rum­ Roberts Creek to Gibsons; Gow­ view costs of the program be­ jects to visitors inside the fence their hands, prizes which were ble men for the first aid ef- so watch out. The donkey® be- er Point and Soames Point; Sak- fore the next budget is prepared. f ort^land for directing traffic retired in *45 ^.,-Mr..-.--:EalirAi. *.reBorted >***Qn::.1thq. concerned with program num­ .Jppjgt Jo Jhe, Day"..fem^^whii^ _naw Development Go. the Half­ v v ; :1 v "pepdm^tlieir'-arTival.^'*•*-'*-' , - • • fc?_:J05*-a^ moon Bay, Madeira Park Klein­ meeting of the South Coast bers; ahd; "'numbbrs '''oh'' MV''B^l-'' lias made l&e announcement "of" Gibsons, died in his 76th jiear dale, Oyster Bay Road and Eg­ branch of School Trustees in lots for the queen. their increase in the donkey on Aug. 1. The funeral service mont routes. The balance of the Powell River on July 4 which family. The announcement was held in Vancouver Tues­ was attended by four members The numbers published in would have appeared last week tenders will be considered at the two previous issues of the day afternoon with Capt. C. next meeting. of the Sechelt board. It was felt Banc) to play but it awaited the return of Frayn officiating. Burial was that meetings of trustees of the Coast News have not been pro­ a picture of the frisky young­ As considerable damage has made in Mountain View Ceme­ different school districts will duced so officials have offer­ ster from the place where they tery. been done to schools and school prove of much value as resolu­ ed three more numbers to see make newspaper cut© in Van­ property in recent years it was tions and topics of interest may on Aug. 16 Mr. Sowden leaves his wife what will happen. The new couver. decided to erect signs on all be discussed and advice and ex­ A band concert will be held Myrtle, a daughter, Mrs. Marie school property to read: "No ad­ perience exchanged. numbers are: For programs, Sunday August 16, starting at Sweet and a son George ol Vancouver. There are also five mittance to these grounds ex­ The board accepted with re­ No. 58, for an electric mixer 2.30 p.m. at the Salvation Ar­ cept on official business. Tres­ gret the resignation of Mr. Q. M. and on the Mermaid Queen bal­ my Camp next to the Black ' Sechelt tops grandchildren and two great­ passers will be prosecuted." Russell from this district. Mrs. lots, numbers 1111 and 559. Ball Ferry slip at Langdale. grandchildren. Notices of this kind will givo Dorothy L. Moss has been trans­ Retiring in 1945 as foreman the board the authority to lay The first number, 1111, will The concert will be provided Gibson guns with the American Can Com­ ferred to the Elphinstone High get a portable transistor radio by the more than 100 bands­ formal charges against people School to the music and com­ Sechelt Rod and Gun Club pany in Vancouver, Mr. Sow­ causing malicious damage to and the second number, 559, a men and vocalists attending den moved to Gibsons to live- mercial departments. Mrs. Burns this year's music camp under was host to the Gibsons Rod schools and esuipment. was requested to make further color movie camera with film. and Gun Club at a trap shoot He was born in England and direction of Percy Merritt of when 19 moved to Canada. He The transfer of Grade V and inquiries regarding relieving If you have any of these num Dovercourt Citadel Band, Tor­ on their club grounds, Sunday, Grade VI pupils from the Irvines teachers for the district and re­ bers contact the Coast News or August 2. Out of a possible to­ had lived in British Columbia onto. Major Leonard Knight is a total of 40 years, 14 years ol Landing School to Madeira Park port to the next meeting. The officials of the Canadian Le­ in charge of this year's camp. tal score of 150, the Sechelt School has met with the full ap­ list of new appointments and gion. team came up with 125 and which were in Gibsons. During proval of parents. transfers of teachers will be an­ The Sunday concert will be the years of retirement he was the climax of a week of in­ Gibsons 96.
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