International Buffalo Information Centre BUFFALO BULLETIN ISSN : 0125-6726 (IBIC) Aims Buffalo Bulletin is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Contributions on IBIC is a specialized information center on any aspect of research or development, progress water buffalo. Established in 1981 by Kasetsart reports of projects and news on buffalo will be University (Thailand) with an initial financial considered for publication in the bulletin. Manu- support from the International Development scripts must be written in English and follow the Research Center (IDRC) of Canada. IBIC aims at instruction for authors which describe at inside of being the buffalo information center of buffalo the back cover. research community through out the world. Main Objectives Editor S. Sophon 1. To be world source on buffalo information 2. To provide literature search and Publisher photocopy services International Buffalo Information Centre, 3. To disseminate information in Office of University Library, newsletter Kasetsart University 4. To publish occasional publications such as an inventory of ongoing research projects Online availible: http://ibic.lib.ku.ac.th/e-Bulletin BUFFALO BULLEITN IBIC, KASETSART UNIVERSITY, P.O. BOX 1084 BANGKOK 10903, THAILAND URL : http://ibic.lib.ku.ac.th E-mail : [email protected] Tel : 66-2-9428616 ext. 344 Fax : 66-2-9406688 Case Report Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 DYSTOCIA DUE TO CEBOCEPHALUS MONSTER IN A GRADED MURRAH BUFFALO Vidya Sagar Pentyala, M. Sreenu, V. Karuna Sri and K. Rajesh ABSTRACT CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS In this report, an atypical form of Cebocephalus monster is described in a graded A 5-year-old graded Murrah buffalo in Murrah buffalo male calf. The changes were its second parity was brought to the Veterinary confi ned to the head and abdomen. The most Poly Clinic with the history of active labour for signifi cant malformation was the presence of a the preceding 6 h. The amniotic bag had already centrally located orbit with two eye balls which been ruptured and the limbs were visible in the were not fused. Other defects included fetal ascitis birth canal. On detailed vaginal examination, an and congenital hairlessness (hypotrichiosis). The abnormally dome shaped head was noticed. On possible cause of this congenital defect could not deeper per vaginal examination, an abnormally be ascertained. distended fl uid fi lled abdomen was noticed and the condition was diagnosed as a foetal monster. It was Keywords: Dystocia, Cebocephalus, buffalo decided to deliver the fetus by Caesarean section. INTRODUCTION TREATMENTS AND DISCUSSION Cebocephaly is a developmental defect Caesarean section was performed through in which the orbits are abnormally close together left para medial approach as per the routine procedure and incorrectly oriented rostrally during embryonic under pre-medication with Trifl upromazine followed development giving monkey face appearance by local infi ltration with 2% lignocaine hydro (Noden, 1985) chloride. A male dead foetal monster was delivered. Gross examination revealed severe reduction of facial features; the calf had a centrally located orbit (Figure 1) with two eye balls. The 1Veterinary Poly Clinic, Gudiwada, Krishna District, 521301, A.P, India 2Department of Surgery and Radiology, N.T.R. College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, India 3N.T.R. College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, India 4Department of Medicine, N.T.R. College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, India 163 Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 eye lids and all the skeletal structures of the nose In the available literature, there were very were absent. The calf had a dome-shaped head, few reports available on cebocephaly in buffalo centrally located orbit with protruded tongue calves. giving it a monkey-face-like appearance. It had an abnormally distended abdomen due to the accumulation the fl uid (ascitis) and was hairless. REFERENCES On exploration, straw-colured fl uid was observed. No other abnormalities were found. Binns, W.M, L.F. James, J.L. Shupe and G. Evert. Cebocephaly and cyclopia have been 1963. A congenital cyclopian type malformation classifi ed under teratological defects of embryonic in lambs induced by maternal ingestion of a development (Roberts, 1971). Compared with range plant Veratum californicum. Am. J. Vet. cyclopia, cebocephaly is less a severe form of Res., 24(103): 1164. holoprosencephaly. It was a developmental defect Noden, D.M. and A. de Lahunta. 1985. Digestive commonly seen in pigs and sheep but observed in system, p. 292-311. In The Embryology of all species. In the present case the exact cause is Domestic Animals. Williams & Wilkins, unknown, but this condition is known to be due to Baltimore, ingestion of Veratum californicum in sheep (Binns Roberts, S.J. 1971. Veterinary Obstetrics and et al., 1960; 1963). Genital Diseases, 2nd ed. CBS Publishers, New Delhi. Figure 1. Legends: Photomicrograph showing cebocephalus calf. 164 Case Report Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 CONGENITAL UMBILICAL DEFECT WITH VISCERAL EVENTRATION IN A BUFFALO CALF - A CASE REPORT P. Veena, P. Sankar, S. Kokila, R.V. Suresh Kumar and N. Dhana Lakshmi ABSTRACT prolapse of abdominal viscera through the defect in the umbilicus in a buffalo calf and its surgical This communication reports a case of correction. congenital umbilical defect with visceral eventration in a buffalo calf which was operated successfully without any complication. CASE HISTORY AND OBSERVATIONS Keywords: umbilical defect, eventration, buffalo A newly born male buffalo calf was brought calf to the college clinic with the history of prolapse of abdominal viscera contained through the umbilical opening since birth (Figure 1) On clinical INTRODUCTION examination, the abdominal viscera contained congested abomasum and intestinal loops (Figure 2) Congenital ventral abdominal defects are The abdominal viscera were covered with parietal very common in calves. Defects in the development peritoneum and there was a rise in temperature, i.e. of somatopleura lead to various defects in the body 39oC, respiratory rate and heart rate. wall especially in the ventral median parts. The umbilical opening is present to provide passage of the urachus, the umbilical vein carrying placental TREATMENTS AND DISCUSSION blood and the two large umbilical artries carrying blood to the placenta. Exposure of the abdominal The animal was given fl uid therapy using viscera is very common in schistosomus refl exes normal saline (0.89%). The protruded visceral which include spinal inversion in bovine fetal mass was washed with normal saline. After aseptic monsters (Denis and Meyer, 1965; Denis, 1972) preparation of the site, lignocaine 2% was infi ltrated and in found to be one of the most important fatal around the hernial ring, which was about one inch in congenital disorders (Cavalieri and Farin, 1999), a diameter. Reduction of the contents was impossible defect resulting from faulty closure of abdominal through the umbilical opening; hence it was enlarged wall along its ventral mid line along with cranio - caudally. The abdominal viscera were protrusion of abdominal viscera (Willis, 1962). replaced in to the abdominal cavity after replacing The present paper records a rare case of congenital the viscera; the ballooning of the peritoneum was Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati, Andhrapradesh, India 165 Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 Figure 1. Eventration of abdominal viscera in a buffalo calf. Figure 2. Congested abomasum covered with parietal peritoneum. 166 Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 trimmed from the base. The peritoneum, abdominal REFERENCES muscles and skin were sutured in routine manner. Post - operative care included injection Megapen Cavalieri, J. and Farin. 1999. Birth of a holstein (Ampicillin 125 mg and Cloxacilline 125 mg BID, freemartin calf co - twinned to a schistosomus Aristo Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd) and Melonex 0.5 refl exes fetus. Therigenology, 52: 815-826. ml s/c SID for 3 days. Antiseptic dressing of the Dennis, S.M. and E.P. Meyer. 1965. Schistosomus wound was done with betadine till suture removal. refl exes in a sheep. Vet. Rec., 77: 1386- The animal recovered completely and started 1388. natural suckling after 2 days treatment. Sutures Dennis, S.M. 1972. Schistosomus refl exes in were removed on the 9th post operative day. conjoined twim lambs. Vet. Rec., 19: 509- Faulty closure of the abdominal wall in 510. the prenatal development results in the eventration Jana, D. and Ghosh. 2005. Indian Vet. Med. J., 29: of parts of visceral organs with its serous sac. The 329. condition can be corrected successfully and it should Sharma, A. 2003. Passage of abdominal viscera be done immediately to avoid contamination and through persistant umbilical opening ina injury to organs. When contamination of the sac is newly born female buffalo calf and its noticed it is advised to remove the sac at the level surgical correction. Intas Poly Vet., 4: 335. of fi ssure. Congenital intestinal prolapse through Willis, R.A. 1962. The Borderland of Embryology the persistent umbilical opening in the new born and Pathology, 2nd ed. Butterworths, London, calf has been reported by Sharma (2003); Jana and 288-289. Ghosh (2005). 167 Case Report Buffalo Bulletin (September 2011) Vol.30 No.3 INTRAOCCULAR FIBROLEIOMYOSARCOMA IN A BUFFALO CALF P. Amaravathi1, Ch. Srilatha1, K. Sujatha1 and R.V. Suresh Kumar2 INTRODUCTION rather than angulated ones. Mitotic fi gures were observed in the cells (Figure 2). It was diagnosed Intraoccular primary mesenchymal as fi broleiomyosarcoma. neoplasms are rare in animals. Barron and There was one report in the literature Saunders (1959) described haemangioma of the regarding malignant tumor of muscle in an third eyelid and leiomyosarcoma of iris and ciliary intraocular site by Bossalino (1934). He described body in dogs. A tumor mass was located at corneo smooth muscle tumor in a 68 year old woman that - scleral junction and it was surgically excised arose in the ciliary body and extended to the iris.
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