WEDNESDAY October 31, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Hufstetler weighs in on insurance, immigration BY JAMES SWIFT tiate a deal that allocated 20 per- worth of operational income. from the previous legislative ses- [email protected] cent of Rome Braves season tick- “The state, at one point, was sion was getting Senate Bill 355 ets revenue to the county coffers. down to less than a day’s reserves enacted in July — which, mov- Years ago, a newspaper edito- He’s just as proud of his in the banks during [the Great Re- ing forward, prohibits the type of rial declared Chuck Hufstetler, money-saving and cost-cutting cession],” he said. “It’s important, plan that was used to get two then a Floyd County Commis- endeavors as a member of the because we know recessions are new nuclear energy reactors fi- sioner, “the tightwad in chief.” state’s appropriations, finance, going to come.” nanced at Plant Vogtle in Burke Whoever wrote it may have health and human services, higher Assessing the damage from County. meant it as an insult, but Huf- education and retirement commit- Hurricane Michael, Hufstetler “What has happened is that stetler — now a state senator rep- tees. said he expects about six years money has gone not to paying off resenting Georgia’s 52nd District, “We’ve got the lowest unem- before incentives are in place to the project, but for profit,” he which includes virtually all of ployment rate in many, many fully rebuild and replant the dev- said. “We’ve got sort of a strange Euharlee and Kingston, as well as years,” he said at Saturday morn- astated areas. setup in the state where they get large portions of Adairsville, ing’s Bartow County Republican “We’ve got to look at some tax 10.95 percent of everything they Emerson and Taylorsville — said Party monthly meeting. “Between credits, different things to help spend, so if they’re over-budget, he took it as a compliment. the House and the Senate and the out everything from crops to pine they make more profit. The profit The anesthetist by trade said he Governor, we’ve been able to trees,” he said. “If we wanted to Georgia Power’s going to get out takes pride in being a classical build a fund balance of over $2.5 replace all the pine trees, and they of Plant Vogtle — if it ever comes fiscal conservative. During his billion.” are important to our state, we in place — has gone from $7.4 JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS tenure as a county commissioner, It might sound like an impres- couldn’t do it right now, anyway billion to now $12.6 billion. So “One of the problems we saw in the ’90s from a time of really good unemployment numbers was that, maybe back then, we he touted his efforts to slash prop- sive sum, but Hufstetler said the ... the seedlings aren’t there, at it’s not the way our economy didn’t do the best job of bringing in quality legal immigrants erty taxes six times, secure Floyd balance would still only provide any price, to do that.” trained in specialties that are out there,” Hufstetler said at its first AA bond rating and nego- the state with roughly a month’s He said one of his highlights SEE HUFSTETLER, PAGE 3A Saturday’s Bartow GOP monthly meeting. Rebirth the T R Role Model AKING OLE Conference scheduled for Nov. 10 BY MARIE NESMITH [email protected] Described as “a servant and a helper,” Cartersville resident Methany Thornton will present the Rebirth the Role Model Con- ference Nov. 10. “This year’s conference is to remind women and girls that we all have something in us that no one else has, and that unique abil- ity or trait known as our purpose is to be used to uplift and encour- age someone else,” said Thorn- ton, the event’s founder and organizer. “As women, we have so many expectations of our- selves and others that we forget that it is OK to stop and admire the beauty in each other. This year is all about reminding us to cheer for each other and our- RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS selves. Students at Cartersville Primary School dressed in costumes of all kinds, including their favorite historical, literary and superhero characters, for the annual “The goal of Rebirth the Role Book Character Parade. Model is to change the way we as women see ourselves, how we see each other and how the world Weather doesn’t prevent CPS character parade sees us. It would be amazing if we silenced the negatives that so- ciety has screamed so loudly BY DONNA HARRIS Darth Vader, Stormtroopers, Chewbacca, about women, by facing those [email protected] Charlotte from “Charlotte’s Web”, Mary negatives and renewing them Poppins, Alice in Wonderland and Pinoc- with strength and admiration. We The weather may have prevented chio; sports figures like baseball and foot- are our sisters’ keepers, and it is Cartersville Primary School from offi- ball players, karateka and a Georgia Tech time for us to do a better job.” cially ending Red Ribbon Week with its Yellow Jacket; occupations such as fire- Conducted from noon to 3 signature Book Character Parade Friday, fighters, police officers, astronauts, cow- p.m., the complimentary event but it didn’t stop the annual literary cele- girls and construction workers; and will take place at Greater Mount bration from being a huge success four superheroes like Batman, Superman, The Olive Missionary Baptist Church, days later. Hulk, Spider-Man and Captain America. 1 Mount Olive St. in Cartersville. More than 1,000 preschoolers, kinder- There also were Disney Princesses; While Strut Your S.T.U.F.F., Be gartners, first- and second-graders mythical unicorns, mermaids and fairies; “YOUtiful” and Treasuring Your dressed up as literary figures to pay hom- food like a chocolate chip cookie, pump- Gift are available to all attendees, age to their favorite books Tuesday morn- kin, carrot and hot dog; animals and in- some of the conference’s sessions ing during the 10th annual parade, which sects including dinosaurs, dogs, cats, will be tailored specifically to was started by former Principal Walter mice, pigs, deer, ladybugs and bumble- certain age groups. For women 18 Gordon. bees; Halloween characters like witches, and older, two offerings will be “This is one of the highlights of the vampires, zombies, scarecrows and skele- presented: Caring for the Care- year just because it involves the whole tons; and miscellaneous characters such giver and How Busy is TOO school system,” Principal Gina Bishop as clowns, crayons, pirates, Egyptian Busy. Females 17 and younger said. “We’ve invited [staff] from district queens, ninjas, LEGOs, rockets and Indi- also will be able to attend a pair office to the elementary school, the mid- ans. of sessions, titled This is Your dle school, everybody so this is probably RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS Winding up the parade was the Students at Cartersville Primary School dressed in a variety of costumes for Brain on Boys and Magic Mirror: Cartersville Middle School Marching one of our largest events that we have all the school's annual Book Character Parade Tuesday. Changing Your Perspective. year.” Band, with some members dressed in “The conference is geared to- Pushing the parade back a few days, thought it was awesome. All the kids Booksby, the Bartow County Public Li- costume, followed by Bishop, Vaughan ward girls and women ages 8 and rather than canceling it, turned out to be were dressed up. We were very prepared brary mascot; and the Cartersville High and the rest of the Incredible Office Staff. up to 100-plus,” Thornton said. “I the best decision for the school, accord- this year.” School Purple Hurricane Marching One of the most creative costumes be- want the ladies to walk away feel- ing to Bishop. The 35-minute spectacle snaked its Band, with some members in longed to 6-year-old Nevaeh Guffey, who ing like they can achieve any- “I’m glad that we rescheduled it be- way around the primary school and over costume. dressed up as The Big Chicken. thing and be fabulous while doing cause I knew that the kids were really to the elementary school next-door, Following the band was a long proces- The first-grader in Wendy Ross’ class it. going to miss out so it was awesome,” where students ventured outside to line sion of literary, TV and movie characters, said she has never seen or visited the fa- “I enjoy being able to pour into she said. “[Superintendent Dr. Marc] the parade route. including Harry Potter, Thomas the Tank mous Marietta landmark, but she learned the conference attendees, and Feuerbach and [Cartersville Mayor] Matt Leading the celebration were Feuer- Engine, Cat in the Hat, Dorothy, Poke- about it from a book. how they end up encouraging Santini started the parade, and we ended bach, dressed as the Tin Man from “The mon, Uma, Little Red Riding Hood, Big SEE , PAGE 2A with the Incredible Office Staff so I Wizard of Oz,” and Santini in a golf cart; Bad Wolf, Spongebob, Scooby-Doo, CHARACTERS SEE REBIRTH, PAGE 3A INSIDE TODAY Mostly State . .2A Business . .6A cloudy VOLUME 72, NO. 153 Family Living . .3A Blotter . .7A High 77 U.S. & World . .4A Sports . .1B www.daily-tribune.com Entertainment . .5A Classifieds . .3B Low 61 2A Wednesday, October 31, 2018 • www.daily-tribune.com Local The Daily Tribune News ContactUs Carter wades into governor’s race OBITUARIES The Daily Tribune News BY BILL BARROW for a fair and trusted process is laws, mail-in registrations must Betty Jean Wilson Address: Associated Press that there be a nonbiased supervi- match exactly a voter’s records 251 S.
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