iiSSTi'IILD l,'J2;0:UAL LD,- KJEVK JEBSSX: >:*-- - « m < *-; ° °, •'•l*^' THE WESTFIELD LEADER o •-• The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County pq in i/> DN UJ O «!• 3: TY-SIXTH YEAR — NO. 21 Second Clan Poitage Paid Published *t W«ttfl«14, K.J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1976 Every Thundty 22 Pages—15 Cents Effects of Economy Reflected in 1975 Headlines The impact of economic Westfield Fire Co. which groups as passage could Jan. 30 at impasse in contract talks school board to trim staff. school budget cuts. improvement to Rahway education fro.m becoming conditions was felt in marked its 100th an- affect applications for Town extends disability with town. Retiring board head Three Westfield police Ave. fieldhouse and law. cites costs and other Westfield during 1975, a niversary, and by Msgr. construction in their area pay policy to all municipal Feb. 13 Douglas Campbell urges officers, Capt. Robert Bell, eliminates projected $3,000 objections. review of lop news stories of Henry G. Watlerson, former and would apply to ali employees pending a review Democrats oppose muni- budget approval, cites and Patrolmen Wesley cafeteria deficit in effort to Fifty one teachers' con- the year reveals. The school paslor of Holy Trinity buildings which have not yet of benefits; council awards cipal budget of $5.4 million, careful controls of Moore Jr. and Frank meet $50,000 budget cut tracts are not renewed by budget, defeated by voters Church, whose 100th birth- received building permits. $1,500 to Patrolman James up $I58.8(W in salaries and educational funding. Brunelle commended in role mandated by Town Council. school board; two of them for the third lime in history, day was celebrated by Ihe "Frustrated" doctors go Hannan for his exemplary $301,091 in operating ex- Grand Jury action is of foiling holdup which Planning Board considers are tenured home was cut by $!>o,(KH) following changing of the name of to court on three-year-old action in halting runaway penses. With anticipated mandated in the fatal ended in death for 20-year- professional, apartment economics teachers and 49 action by the Town Council; Spring St. to Watterson St. plans to build professional vehicle. county and school taxes, tax shooting of Osborne old Westfield man Osborne zones are non-tenured staff labor negotiations on and Westfield began its building at 522 Easl Broad YW, YMCA to confer on rate is expected to reach Shearing of Grove St., killed Shearing of Grove St. Central Ave. facelift lo be members. practically all fronts with observance of the Bicen- St. proposed YMCA plan as $3.91. by polite bullets while at- Mar. 27 Bicentennial project Garden plots are made public employees were tennial. Patrolman James Hannan YWCA members sport School lunch program tempting a holdup of the Town Council trims Apr. 17 available In residents. stalled because of A week-by-week review who suffered back injury buttons to launch drive mandated for McKinley and South Ave. Dean Oil Co. $50,000 from school budget; Council rejects salary May 1 disagreements on wago includes: when he stopped runaway proclaiming the "W makes Grant Schools. service station. teachers' salaries cited as guide for town employees, State agency grants aspects; Hie senior citizens Jan. !) car, is expected to file suit the difference." Apartment dwellers join Six candidates end cause for budget defeat by voles funds for library S5.tt5O.(i(io lor Boynton Ave. housing project was delayed Democrats oppose Mayor on Town Council's failure to Council split on stricter in seeking rent leveling campaign for three seats on mayor. expansion, enlargement of senior citizen project, because the slate, al the 1 Hh Alexander S. Williams' extend disability pay. professional zoning ii-:i as ordinance at Town Council school board. Council postpones action Gumberl Field. construction contingent on hour, failed to come up with appointments to town Mrs. Ix'onore Kalbachcr couiicilmen shift positions meeting. Mar in on controversial pay guide Councilman Robert federal rent subsidies. funds; and voters locally boards as Town Council enters race for seat on on ordinance. Amendment A 25 percent rent increase School budget is defeated lor town employees. Barnes declines to seek Democrats field slate for defeated a summer trial of a starts new year on note of Board of Education. passes to restrict floor space is sought al Cacciola PI. in light election; Clark Frank X. MeDermott to third term. Town Council • Thomas D. bus service because the discord. Jan. 23 of buildings. Doctors' at- bousing complex. Leslie, incumbent, Mrs. run for New Jersey State Public hearing set for Murphy, Donald C. local government would be Planning Hoard defers Westfield police officers torney calls iiction "com- Senior citizen .housing I.onore Kalbacher and Mrs. ' Assembly. ordinance which would Caull'ieid, incumbent liable for any deficit in action on physicians' hit the streets in appeal for pletely discriminatory" and project moves ahead with Joan Corbet win seats. Apr. :i extend multiple dwelling Councilman Thomas A. operating funds. professional building at 522 funds, support for injured "spot zoning." council approval of a site Douglas Campbell, Drs. David Befeler, John <ind professional office Pluta and Dr. John T. And it doesn't look better East Broad St. and site plan buddy Patrolman James Capt. Paul A. Battiloro plan. retiring school board Skowronski, Jerome Cell) zones llarrigan. for 197G. Mayor Alexander lor garage conversion and Hannan. promoted to position of Feb. 20 president, "sounds alarm" and Jerome Spivack renew Charles H. Frankenbach Council revises salary S. Williams has promised a parking at 547 East Broad Four families homeless deputy fire chief of Wesl- Baptists send $500 to on "thorough and efficient" efforts to erect a Jr. is named Civic Person of Kuide, postpones action on tight budget for municipal St. after blaze damages ljeld Fire Department. President Ford as its school rulings. professional building at 522 Ihe Year by Weslfield Area zoning. government, and school Mayor Alexander S. apartment house at 131 Feb. li "share" of grain costs for Town budget approved in Kast Broad St., will take Chamber of Commerce Tamaques Park to funding, at this time, is still Williams, in inaugural Cacciola PI. School budget of S12.fi hungry. i;-:icouncil vote; council also appeal to Board ol Apr. 24 become one-way in trial uncertain. address, forecasts stringent YMCA votes to become a million • reflecting $1 Year's worst snowstorm splits on town pay guide. Adjustment Apr 21. Frank Sullebarger. Frank program. The school board, in an budget, but progress on "family-centered" Young million hike, is approved for hits Westfield. seven and a Public works' employees' Weslfielders report from MacPherson, Warren H. May « economy move and because parks, zoning and recycling. Men's am! Women's submission to voters by half inches snarls some contract reaches impasse South Vietnam as Com- Davis and incumbenl Three veteran school of declining enrollments, Thomas F. Sullivan, Christian Association: Hoard of Education. streets. following two sessions with munists drive further into Councilman Allen Chin to staffers - Dr. Mary Hand, approved Ihe closing of Elm chairman of the finance YWCA opposes merger. Seventeen local youths Feb. 27 ;i H E R C - a p p o i n t e d country. seek nomination for Town school psychologist, Tage Street School and the committee of the Hoard of Residents stunned by ax arrested on charges of Tenants protest delays to mediator. Local population, student Council seats on Republican Forssen, head custodian at leveling of classroom use to Education, predicts a $1.1 murder and suicide of Mr. burglarizing Hi homes, a action on rent leveling bill. Mar. 20 enrollments decline, ac- ballot. Weslfield High School, and an average of 2G pupil.s, million bike in school and Mrs. Thomas Sanders business establishment, a William T. Clarke Clark Leslie elected cording to Union County Doctors' appeal for Dorothy Lewis, administra- despite protests by north- budget. Jr. and son Gregg, 15, on school and a church during renamed to Memorial Pool president. Thomas Sullivan Planning Board study. building variance postpones tive secretary in the special side residents. Jan. 16 Sunny Slope Dr., Moun- January: $7,000 in stolen managership. vice president of Board of President Ford returns until June by Board of services department, to Zoning issues continued to Stricter zoning code for tainside; boy's motive property is recovered. Local taxpayers form Education. $500 check to Westfield Adjustment. retire July I. dominate the local scene, professional zone is in- unknown in slaying of YWCA seeks "amicable" association. Taxpayers Association Baptists.Apr. 10 Westfield Board of Planning Board defers with promise of revisions to troduced by Town Council; parents and subsequent leap solution in dispute with Mar. (> asks 10 percent cut in school School board cuts $22,000 (education leads campaign action on Temple PI. the Master Plan in 1976. ordinance is hailed by Kast off water tower in Reser- YMCA. Taxpayers Association budget. in teachers' and librarians' to prevent State guidelines apartments Milestones were set by the Broad St. neighborhood vation. Public works employees opposes $12.(i budget, asks Town Council to act on salary budget, defers $25,000 on "thorough and efficient" (Continued on page 2) Public Works Force Scouts Honored For Rescue in Surf Council Objects Robert Zimmerman and and Mrs. John Miller, 27fl and skill. Only 30 such Brian Miller of Moun- Pembrook Rd. He is a fresh- awards were made in 1975. tainside were awarded man at North Carolina State Settles for 5.5% honor medals last week, of University. Raleigh, where Last week's presentation To County Pressure the Boy Scouts of America he is studying civil took place at the Com- An agreement with Ihe the year or any increases public works equipment, a for saving Ihe life of Sgl.
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