WM. STANLEY APPLEGATE Freeholders Cut Budget, STARTING 23rd jtlEAR | Neptune'township’s B o ^ i Of Health reorganized, last night, V The following report was. issued reappointing William Stanley by Clerk John W. Knox at the fi­ Applegate as health officer-for nal 1949 meeting of the Neptune his 23rd year. In his‘*49.'re- , township committee last night. The \ port, Mr. Applegate revealed a Monmouth "Holdsc_The Line1 Committee Reorganizes For statement outlines in brief various total of 684 cases of reportable municipal activities for the past diseases among township1, resi­ In Government Cost; County : 1950, Reelects Ross R. Beck year. ’ dents for the year. A total of DEPARTMENT OF 142 cases among transients PUBLIC RELATIONS was also noted. Measles topped Solid Financially Chairman; *4? Reports Given the list with 334 resident cases PARKS and 3 transient cases. j Memorial Park was enlarged and The first move on the coun­ BOARP OF FREEHOLDERS -. Neptune township reorgan­ Chinese Commies improved under the supervision of ty level to halt the spiraling REORGANIZE TUESDAY ized last night' for the year Mr.- Shafto. It now makes a beau­ rise of taxes was made Wed­ i960, after closing 1949 with' tiful entrance to Ocean Grove. nesday by the Monmouth The Monmouth County Auxiliary Hears Board of Chosen Freeholders a tax collection report of more Release Captain PUBLICITY . •••;/ County Board of Chosen Free­ holders. The total county reorganized on Tuesday, reel­ ■ than 85 percent of the year’s The Publicity. Booth on Pilgrim C levy. : '■ Federation Head budget for 1950 is $3,944,- ecting James S. Parkes as di­ Former Youth- Here Held Pathway was managed in its usual 088.28 or a drop of $9,516.48 rector- of/the board. Other :'W. Collector Harold A. Sm ith' de­ In Attempt To Force Rec­ efficient manner by Mrs. Fannie clared .receipt of $767,763^76 in the from the ’49 total. members of the board, are Jo­ ognition of No. Korea Cyphers. Numerous leters were Ocean Grove iFitkin, Work­ seph Irwin, Victor Grossinger, • j ’49 tax account. The report re- received by the Committee express­ ers Continue Hospital Aid; “Hold the line” was the cry of veals a one percent increase in col the all-Republican board as it in­ Abraham Voorhees and Earl Capt. Alfred T. Mechster, of ing appreciation for the help ren­ Enjoy Music Social' ! lection over 1948. troduced its effort to stop the up­ Woolley. All were reappointr Kinderhook,-N., Y., who was re­ dered citizens and visitors by her. ward trend of cost of government. 'ed to their committee director­ .... /. Steady development iri’the town- leased ,on December 11 aifter being More than fifty members and RELIEF mm The amount to be raised by taxa­ ships; with Mr. Voorhees head­ 1 ship ■ was noted/'.in the year’s .re­ held prisoner by the Communists friends of the Ocean Grove auxili Mrs. Janet V. Bouse, Relief Di- tion this year is $16,588.72 less ing Finance and Administra­ port of Building Inspector Hafjfy of North Korea for several months, ary of Fitkin hospital attended the rectfli-, handled her difficult work in than last year’s all-time high of tion; Mr. Parkes, Highways; .-Neidhardt. A total of 230 permits was a resident of Ocean Grove on January meeting of the^organiza­ her usual efficient" manner. She $2,998,663.55. The directors fur­ Mr. Irwin, Bridges; Mr. Gross­ for;construction, valued at $609,900, Broadway with his parents, Mr. tion held Tuesday at thdjfeancroft- has directed the Committee’s at­ ther reveal that “with the increas­ inger, Public -Welfare, and Mr. wjejre issued during ’49. Nearly 90 Taylor Home, 74 Cookman avenue and Mrs. Elwood P. Mechster, and tention to the increasing number ed county ratables which we do not Woolley, Public Property. new'homos were built during the two brothers, Elwood, jr., and Mrs. Charles W. Day,-/.president of clients who are physically un­ know at the time of making this I year.I': - •’ ■. .. Daniel. " This was in 1926 and 1927 presided, opening the meeting with able to provide for themselves, thus Sill statement, we expect that the Attorney Ross R. Beck was re when Alfred was 9 or 10 years old a prayer. .-• requiring permanent assistance |. County Tax Rate for 1950 will be to increase the cost of existing elected chairman of the Neptune and his brothers • several years Miss, Lulu Wright reported that from the Township;’ This problem SUMMERTIME, though win­ much less than in 1949.” services to the county government : township committee during the re­ one of the ward Christmas trees younger. should be given careful considera­ tertime, : heralded the New — still it seems that the increased’ • -organization that followed the clos­ Young Alfred joined the merch­ at the hospital had been^ trimmed, Year, as the Shore area ex­ 1 NOTE TO TAXPAYERS tion when preparing the 1960 bud­ cost of government is greater than in g ’49 business session, ant marine and was captain of the by her committee and that the perienced a 70-degrce heat get. In a message,‘to the taxpayers the increased county ratables .— eight patients in the ward had been wave this week. NO DEPARTMENT CHANGE ship which the Communists cap­ The building housing the Health of Monmouth county from the Free­ with.the result that tax.rates have given a Christmas card and a Boardwalk strollers, bench Committeemen were all reap- tured. He and another American nnd Welfare Departments was sold frolickcrs and budding trees holders, Abram D. Voorhees, direc­ been going higher each year. And pretty handkerchief from the Ocean .pointed to their departments, with were held as hostages m a. stupid „during TOethe yeBr.year. The Health De- in January arc uncertain hints tor of finance, spates: “As we enter then to aggravate this we have de­ Grove auxiliary. _ ‘ of what to expect weather- , Charles Loveman, chairman of f ‘ temPt ® the recognition of tmont is now ioca'ted in the into the.New Year.of I960, we also mands for additional services. We Mrs. E. Melvin Goddard,- presi­ wise in the decade of the Fifr RoadB . and Refuse; Augustus B the North Korean government. Xownship Headquarters and the enter- a. new decadeout of the do feel, however,' that .there must dent of the James F. Ackerman tics. Wednesday was the hot­ ■Knight, Finance; Herman Johnson, They were released unharmed, af- ^ye]far0 Department is temporarily test January 4 on record, bet­ Forties into the Fifties! And in be a stop somewhere — which in I Federation, spoke of the work the Police, and Joseph A. Shafto, Pub-, ter the U. S. State Department had nt 10le (j01.]ies aVenue, Neptune. tering the 58-dcgreo high set the matter of taxation we hope this itself would decrease the tax rate auxiliaries are acomplishing and in.1890. lie Relations. made representations to Moscow SIGNS will also note a change, and a new — so regardless of how much the in­ called attention to the beinefit Card The mercury climbed from the and had as1<ed every other member decade . as regards governmental crease of county ratables might be County Judge J. Edward Knight Three new signs were installed and Games party to be held at the 50’s over New Year weekend to nation of the United Nations to budgets and tax monies. We there­ this year,. we determined that we administered the oath of office to. at the principal entrances adver­ Berkeley-Carteret hotel oh ; Valen­ 61 degrees on Tuesday,. the make a similar complaint. warmest Jan. .3 since 1913’s fore feel that the upward trend of- would ‘hold the, line’ and would Committeemen Loveman and tising the Township*. tine’s Day. _ ; y On account i f the misspelling of 57-degree temperature. cost of /government should stop, Knight and Collector Smith, all of DEPARTMENT OF -Mrs. S. Herbert Anderson,'presi­ keep the county, budget in 1950 i the name as Meschler in the news and every, possible economy be lower than it was last year in whom were renamed in the past REVENUE and FINANCE dent of the League of Women Vo­ stories released by the press asso- brought into effect 1949.” : . • :y General Election. Mr. Loveman REAL ESTATE V:' ters, also spoke of the work'of the I ciations,. the. name jvas not recog- Troth Announced “With this thought in mind we auxiliaries and. espedalfcr-^ta work |no'salary increase. , j, 'nized at "-The Township sold 67 properties approach the pr^arir{FiiJr-ttf',the jUUWt^ of the Ocean Grove/auiliaryr No increase in salaries were Smith his 20th year,in the township who knew him when he lived here. during 1949 at a total .sales value county budget with the idea that we Two visitors were present. Mrs. made in county offices this year. employ but his first full term as His youngest brother, Daniel, will of $74,350.00. Through 34 deeds ----- would ‘hold .the line’ and that the I and foreclosures, a great number Richard C. Eisele introduced Mrs. The $180 bonus was transferred to collector. -.-. graduate from Dartmouth this The engagement of H. Myron total amount of the budget should Charles Warner and Mrs. B. II. permanent salary of all employees. spring and Elwood, jr., is connected o^lots were acquired. •; J . , ! Harris, 124 Main avenue, to Miss be less than that of last year, The following reappointments Thompson presented Mrs. Walter The overcrowding of court room with the Link Belt company in DEPARTMENT OF Virginia Smith, daughter of Mrs. thereby reflecting a saving to the were made: Arthur H. Pharo, treas­ Drill.
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