Quantum Entropy Davi Geiger and Zvi M. Kedem Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University, New York, New York 10012 arXiv:2106.15375v1 [quant-ph] 29 Jun 2021 1 Abstract All the laws of particle physics are time-reversible. A time arrow emerges only when ensembles of classical particles are treated probabilistically, outside of physics laws, and the second law of thermodynamics is introduced. In quantum physics, despite its intrinsically probabilistic nature, no mechanism for a time arrow has been proposed. We propose an entropy for quantum physics, which may conduce to the emergence of a time arrow. The proposed entropy is a measure of randomness over the degrees of freedom of a quantum state. It is dimensionless, it is a relativistic scalar, it is invariant under coordinate transformation of position and momentum that maintain conjugate properties, and under CPT transformations; and its minimum is positive due to the uncertainty principle. I. INTRODUCTION Today’s classical and quantum physics laws are time-reversible and a time arrow emerges in physics only when a probabilistic behavior of ensembles of particles is considered. In contrast, no mechanism for a time arrow was proposed for quantum physics even though it introduces probability as intrinsic to the description of even a single-particle system. A probability P 0 is assigned to each value of 0 A ( ) ∈ for an observable A. For a finite A = 08 8=1,...,# , the Shannon entropy, H = { } # P 08 log P 08 , is a measure of information about A. − 8=1 ( ) 2 ( ) PExtending the concept of entropy to continuous variables, continuous distribu- tions, and to quantum mechanics (QM) has been challenging. For example, von Neumann’s entropy [17] requires the existence of classical statistics elements (mixed states)in order not to vanish, and consequentlyit assigns zero entropy to one-particle systems. Therefore, it is not possible to start with von Neumann’s entropy if one wants to assign an entropy that measures the randomness of a one particle state and then 2 extend it to multiple particles and a quantum field. There are two frameworks for quantum physics: QM and quantum field theory (QFT). A particle system is described in QM by a quantum state kC , which is a ray | i in Hilbert space, while in QFT such a state is described by an operator R acting on the vacuum state 0 . Our proposed entropy is applicable to both frameworks. | i In classical physics, Boltzmann entropy and Gibbs entropy, and their respective H-theorems [11], are formulated in the phase space, reflecting the degrees of freedomofasystem. InQM,thepositionandthemomentumareconjugate operators and their eigenstates allow to describe a phase space. In QFT the position is demoted to a variable, and the Fourier transform of the fields introduces a spatial frequency variable that together with position compose a quantum field phase space coordinate system. We require the entropy (i) to account for all degrees of freedom of a state, (ii) to be a measure of randomness of such a state, (iii) to be invariant under the applicable transformations, such as Lorentz transformations. The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we propose an entropy measure of randomness of a quantum state. In Section III we prove its minimum. Then, we prove invariant properties under: continuous coordinate transformations in phase space in Section IV A, discrete CPT transformations in Section IV B, and special relativity in Section IV C. Section V concludes the paper. II. QUANTUM ENTROPY The entropy must account for both continuous and discrete degrees of freedom (dof). TheentropyforcontinuousdofsisdevelopedinsectionIIAanditisassociated with the space coordinates. Together with the spatial frequency (the conjugate variable to the spatial variable) they form the continuous phase space. The discrete dof is associated with the spin, which is an internal dof. The entropy for a spin 3 1 phase space is developed in section IIB for spins 0 and 2. The entropy of a state is then the sum of the entropy of the continuous dofs and the entropy of the spin. A. Entropy for the Continuous Degrees of Freedom To address the continuous coordinates degrees of freedom and the uncertainties associated with them, we associate with every QM state k the projection onto | iC the QM eigenstates of the conjugate operators rˆ and pˆ , i.e., r and p . Note that | i | i the continuous degrees of freedom are completely defined by one of the choices of continous coordinates, r or k, as one of the projections can be recovered from the other one via a Fourier transform. However, due to the uncertainty principle, the uncertainties or randomness of the continuous coordinates of a particle are captured in the phase space described by k r,C = r kC , q p,C = p kC . By Born’s ( ( ) h | i ( ) h | i) 2 2 rule, dr r,C = k r,C and d? p,C = q˜ p,C are the probability densities of ( ) | ( )| ( ) | ( )| the phase space representation of the state. We define the continuous entropy of a particle to be 3 3 3 S = dr r,C d? p,C ln dr r,C d? p,C \ d r d p , −¾ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 3 = dr r,C d: k,C ln dr r,C d: k,C d r d k , −¾ ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ) = Sr S: , (1) + 1 1 where k = p is the spatial frequency, d: k,C = d? p,C is the spatial frequency \ ( ) \3 ( ) probability density (so that the infinitesimal probability in a infinitesimal volume 3 is invariant under the change in variables), Sr = dr r,C ln dr r,C d r, and − ( ) ( ) ´ analogously for Sk. The proposed entropy is motivated by the work of Gibbs [11] and Jaynes [13]. The dimensionless phase space volume element is d3r d3k, and the dimensionless probability density in phase space is d r, k,C = dr r,C d: k,C . Thus the entropy ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 is dimensionless and invariant under changes of the units of measurements. A natural extension to an #-particle system in QM is 3 3 3 3 ( = d r1 d k1 ... d r# d k# dr r1,..., r# ,C dk k1,..., k# ,C −¾ ( ) ( ) ln dr r1,..., r# ,C d k1,..., k# ,C × ( ( ) k( )) 3 3 = d r1 ... d r# dr r1,..., r# ,C ln dr r1,..., r# ,C −¾ ¾ ( ) ( ) 3 3 d k1 ... d k# dk k1,..., k# ,C ln dp k1,..., k# ,C , −¾ ¾ ( ) ( ) 2 2 where dr r1,..., r# ,C = k r1,..., r# ,C and dk k1,..., k# ,C = q k1,..., k# ,C ( ) | ( )| ( ) | ( )| # are defined in QM via the projection of the state kC of # particles onto the po- sition r1 ... r# and the spatial frequency (momentum) k1 ... k# coordinate h | h | h | h | # systems. The state kC is defined in Fock spaces, the product of # Hilbert spaces, and requiring the construction of combinatorics to describe indistinguishable particles. In QFT, fields are described by the operators R r,C , where r,C become pa- ( ) ( ) rameters describing space-time, and Q k,C is the Fourier transform of R r,C . A ( ) ( ) representation used in QFT for a system of particles is based on Fock states with occupation number of the form =@1 ,=@2 ,,...,=@8 ,... , where =@8 is the number of particles in a QM Hilbert space state @8 . A special state is the vacuum sate 0 | i | i with no particles. One can create a Fock occupation state, or simply a Fock state, for sets of quantum numbers from the vaccum state and the creation operator as 1 = =@8 =@1 ,=@2 ,,...,=@8 ,...,=@ 0†@8 0 . = = ! ( ) | i Y8 1 @8 =p The number of particles of a Fock state is # 8=1 =@8 . Then, a QFT state is described in a Fock space as a linear superpositionP of Fock states, i.e., state = | i < U< =@1 ,=@2 ,,...,=@8 ,... , where < is an index for each possible configuration P 2 of a Fock state, U< ℂ,and1 = < U< . A general state in Fock space does not ∈ | | | i have a specific number of particlesP since it can be in a superposition of two Fock 5 states with different number of particles. The QFT operators act on the the states producing a phase space state given by R r,C state ,Q k,C state . We then ( ( )| i ( )| i) define the probability density function in position and momentum space as QFT 2 d r,C = R r,C state = state R † r,C R r,C state . r ( ) | ( )| i| h | ( ) ( )| i Analogously, we have dQFT k,C = Q k,C state 2 = state Q k,C Q k,C state . k ( ) | ( )| i| h | †( ) ( )| i One should not interpret these probability density distributionsin QFT as associated with the measurements of finding a particle in a given position or spatial frequency, but rather as distributions of the information about position and space frequency of the state of the field. The information and the uncertainties of the position and momentum of the field of particles in this state are captured by the distributions dQFT r,C and dQFT k,C . The QFT entropy of the position and momentum r ( ) k ( ) information is then given by = QFT QFT QFT QFT 3 3 S dr r,C dk k,C ln dr r,C dk k,C d r d k −¾ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = Sr S: , + QFT QFT 3 where Sr = d r,C ln d r,C d r, and analogously for Sk. − r ( ) r ( ) In the rest´ of the paper the superscript QFT will generally be dropped as it will be clear whether we are using the representation of QM or of QFT. B. Entropy for the Spin Degrees of Freedom The dofs associated with the spin are captured by the vector or bispinor repre- sentation of the states in both frameworks, QM and QFT.
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