EBR Catch The Buzz™ ® Bee 2020 SP Culture BeeThe Magazine OfCulture American Beekeeping www.BeeCulture.com OOP 4.99 Strengthen the vitality of your hives with our Pro Health feeding supplement! Pro Health promotes bee wellness with the use of premium ingredients, like essential oils. Plus, it’s made in the USA! Give your bees the best, give them Pro Health. • Promotes digestive health • Aids in overall health of bees • Helps prevent syrup fermentation • Stimulates bees • Promotes strong and healthy hives Contains No • Natural calming effect when sprayed Sodium Lauryl Sulfate on bees Pint - Makes up to 25 gallons 5 Gallon - Makes up to 1000 gallons $28.95 $399.95 Pro Health Pro Gallon - Makes up to 200 gallons 55 Gallon - Makes up to 11,000 gallons $119.95 $3519.00 800-880-7694 www.mannlakeltd.com Hackensack, MN • Wilkes-Barre, PA • Woodland, CA • Marshall, TX • Winter Haven, FL *Free shipping applies to most orders over $100 sent standard ground service within the lower 48 states. Prices are subject to change without notice. The Natural Solution for Varroa Mite Control ,ŽƉ'ƵĂƌĚΠ ŝƐ ƐĐŝĞŶƟĮĐĂůůLJ ƉƌŽǀĞŶ ĂƐ Ă ŚŝŐŚůLJ ĞīĞĐƟǀĞ ŶĂƚƵƌĂů sĂƌƌŽĂ ĐŽŶƚƌŽů ƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘dŚŝƐƵŶŝƋƵĞŵŝƟĐŝĚĞŝƐĚĞƌŝǀĞĚĨƌŽŵŚŽƉĐŽŵƉŽƵŶĚƐ͕ĂŶĚƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐĂƐĂĨĞ ĂŶĚĞĂƐLJͲƚŽͲƵƐĞĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞƚŽƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůŚĂƌƐŚĐŚĞŵŝĐĂůƐ͘ĨŽŽĚͲŐƌĂĚĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚ͕ ,ŽƉ'ƵĂƌĚΠŝƐƐĂĨĞĨŽƌďĞĞƐ͕ƐĂĨĞĨŽƌŚŽŶĞLJĂŶĚƐĂĨĞĨŽƌƚŚĞĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͘ • Increased efficacy • Better dispensability • Controlled release over days • Easier to use • Naturally derived from hops • No chemical residues • Safe during the honey flow ĂĐŚ ,ŽƉ'ƵĂƌĚΠ Ŭŝƚ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶƐ ƐƚƌŝƉƐ ƚŚĂƚ ĂƌĞ ƌĞĂĚLJ ƚŽ ƵƐĞ͘ ĂLJƟŵĞƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞƐƐŚŽƵůĚďĞ ĂďŽǀĞϱϬΣ&;ϭϬΣͿƚŽĂǀŽŝĚĐŚŝůůŝŶŐ Treatments strips ƚŚĞ ďĞĞƐ ĂŶĚ ďƌŽŽĚ͘ hƐĞ ƚǁŽ 1 - 9 packs ............................................. ,ŽƉ'ƵĂƌĚΠƐƚƌŝƉƐƉĞƌϭϬĨƌĂŵĞƐ 10 ........................................................ ŽĨďĞĞƐ͕ŚĂŶŐŝŶŐƚŚĞŵďĞƚǁĞĞŶ Treatments strips ďƌŽŽĚ ĨƌĂŵĞƐ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ƌĞĨĞƌ ƚŽ 1 - 9 packs ............................................. ƉĂĐŬĂŐĞůĂďĞůĨŽƌĨƵůůŝŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƐ͘ 10 ........................................................ 800-880-7694 www.mannlakeltd.com SeptemberSeptember 20202020 BEEBEE CULTURECULTURE Hackensack, MN • Wilkes-Barre, PA • Woodland, CA • Marshall, TX • Winter Haven, FL 1 *Free shipping applies to most orders over $100 sent standard ground service within the lower 48 states. Prices are subject to change without notice. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter betterbee.com/signupseasonal tips at 800-632-3379 for betterbee.com Get ready and gear up for fall feeding! *NEW DESIGN!* Bee Smart Universal 3-season in-hive feeder UHF2 10 frame Hive Top USE IN Feeder SPRING, HTF10 SUMMER, AND FALL! 10 or 8 fframerame PolystyrenePolP ystyrene HiveHive TopTop FeederFeeF der Feeders and Feed Galorere BHTF10,BHTHTTF10F , BHTF8BHTHTF8 Feeding bees is crucial when starting on new equipment, when winter stores have been consumed,umeeed, BRAND NEW and if the honey flow is poor in the fall. For fall PRODUCT! feeding, we recommend making a 2:1 sugar syrupyrup using 2 lb. of sugar per 1 lb. of water. SmallSmaS alll EntranceEnEnttrrance FeederFeFeeFeeder 1 oror 2 Choose from a hive top, in-hive, or entrance-stylestylee EFPSMALLEFEFPSMALL gallongallonn feeder pail feeder and grab some pre-made sugar syrup to ggetet FP1, FP2 Deep or Medium your bees ready for the cold, hard, winter months!nths! Division Board Feeder DF1, DF2 Large Entrance Feeder EFP READY TO USE HEAVY 2.5 or 5 SYRUP! gallons of sugar syrup BoardmanBBoardrdmdman SUGAR2G, SUGAR5GG FeFeeFeedereeederdeer BBJ1BJ1JUGJUGJU Proudly 2 BeeMaxeMax BEEBBEEE CULTURECUCULLTTURURE SeptemberSeSeptemeptetembbeerer 202022002200 carrying: Healthy Bees. Healthy Planet. Available through beekeeping supply stores. 866-483-2929 | nodglobal.com | [email protected] @NODAPIARY September 2020 BEE CULTURE 3 WAX MOTH PREVENTION MADE EASY! B402/Certan Para-Moth B402 (also known as Certan), is a new Para-Moth® crystals are used for storing biological treatment to control wax comb and equipment to prevent damage moths that uses Bacillus thuringiensis from wax moths. This product should (Bt), a bacterium commonly found in never be used inside an active hive. Do nature that selectively kills wax moths not use with cut comb or unextracted at the larval stage. Safe to use in hive. combs of honey. Size Item No. Price Size Item No. Price 1 lb. ...................DC-130 ..............$16.95 5 oz. ..................DC-855 ..............$32.95 5 lbs. .................DC-131 ..............$46.95 1 qt. .................. DC-856 ............$179.95 35 lbs ............... DC-132 ............$189.95 FREE SHIPPING on most orders of $100. Some exclusions apply 4 1-800-233-2899BEE CULTURE September 2020 www.kelleybees.com Bee Culture September Features . A STORY OF WHAT GOES AROUND 28 LOVE 62 A great program and some really cool hives. Honey bees and canola. Steve Roth Angela Dansby OUT OF THE PAST 30 THE FUTURE OF BEEKEEPER The representa on and symbolic meaning of the honey bee through MEETINGS 65 me. Reprinted with permission from The Beekeepers Quarterly. What needs to happen? Isabella Hopkinson John Miller DELICIOUS HORNET 35 FUNGICIDES AND BEE DECLINE 68 Taste like French fries. Do fungicides have an ac ve role in Winter decline. Kathy Keatley Garvey Etienne Bruneau SPLIT MY COLONY? 40 HONEY BEES POLLINATE Five easy steps. TRADE OPPORTUNITIES 71 Katy Evans It’s not honey! Andrea Durkin BEE VET 43 Emerging disease in the shadows, Tropilaelosis. ASSESSING PESTICIDE EXPOSURE Dr. Tracy Farone RISK TO MASON BEES 74 This group of pollinators has been somewhat overlooked in this area. BEFORE VARROA THE DEADLY Christine Fortuin THREAT WAS TRACHEAL MITES 51 They came, they conquered, and then what? DR. TOM SEELEY’S EVOLUTIONARY M.E.A. McNeil ADAPTEDNESS 77 Is there progress? THE “PROVENTRICULUS” 56 David MacFawn Honey bee stomach fi ltering valve. Graham Kingham ALICE’S HEALING HERBAL SALVE 86 An easy and excellent way to use beeswax. BEEMAIL 59 Alice Eckles Inbox answers. Becky Masterman & Bridget Mendel Executive Publisher – Brad Root Associate Publisher, Senior Editor – Jerry Hayes, [email protected], Ext. 3214 Assistant Editor, Design – Kathy Summers, [email protected], Ext. 3215 Social Media, Event Specialist & Subscription Coordinator – Amanda DeSimone, [email protected], Ext. 3255 Advertising – Jean Newcombe, [email protected], Ext. 3216 Contributors Clarence Collison • James E. Tew • Kim Lehman • Jay Evans Connie Krochmal • Jessica Louque • Toni Burnham • Ross Conrad • Jennifer Berry • Ed Colby POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BEE CULTURE, The A.I. Root Co., 623 W. Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256 Subscription Information U.S., one year, $25; two years, $48. Newsstand price: $4.99. All other countries, (U.S. Currency only), $20.00 per year additional for postage. Digital Edition $15. Send remittance by money order, bank draft, express money order, or check or credit card. Bee Culture (ISSN 1071-3190), September 2020, Volume 148, Issue 9, is published monthly by The A.I. Root Co., 623 W. Liberty Street, Medina, OH 44256. Periodicals Postage Paid at Medina, OH and additional mailing offi ces. Subscriptions, Book Orders – www.BeeCulture.com • [email protected] – Advertising 800.289.7668, Ext. 3216; [email protected] Honey bee on Canola. See story on pg. Published by The A.I. Root Co. Copyright© 2020. All rights reserved. 62. Photo by Karen Sowers. September 2020 BEE CULTURE 5 nature is healing transform hives with one of our reigning queens :(:2(;9(A*(95063(5:0;(30(5: ,*65640*:<:;(05()030;@ ;63,9(5;;6,5=09654,5;(3*/(5.,: /65,@796+<*;065 6=,9>05;,905. 6<9:;6*20:*,9;0-0,+(/)-9,, :4(33/0=,),,;3,-9,, -6<5+05.4,4),96-7961,*;(70:47(4 -6<5+05.4,4),96-),,05-694,+7(9;5,9:/07 ORDER SUMMER & FALL QUEENS NOW Olivarez Honey Bees *(30-6950(! 8<(30;@8<,,5:-69;/9,,.,5,9(;065: .<(9(5;,,+5,?;+(@(09+,30=,9@ ;633-9,,! 6 /(>(00! BEE CULTUREOHBEES.COMOHBEES COM OHBEESHQSeptember 2020 September 2020 BEE CULTURE 7 We write over 88% of the Beekeepers in the program Nationwide. APICULTURE INSURANCE PROGRAM A Specialized Program for Beekeepers Available Nationwide Offering All Forms of Insurance Including: 7USDA Apiculture 7Automobile 7Property 7 Life Insurance 7 General Liability 7 Home & Farm Insurance We are Proud Members & Sponsors of: 7 American Beekeeping Federation 7 American Honey Producers Association 7 California State Beekeepers Association 7 Florida State Beekeepers Association 7Minnesota Honey Producers Association 7Montana State Beekeepers Association 7North Dakota Beekeepers Association 7Texas Beekeepers Association Kevin Rader: [email protected] www.beekeepingins.com 8 888-537-7088BEE CULTURE September 2020 BB NEW FOR YOU 25 SUMMER TIME RECIPES 80 New products from Southeast Bee Supply. Ribs and corn. What could be better to finish off the Summer. Shana Archibald BOOK REVIEWS 27 Bee Space to Bee Hive; The Complete BEE Handbook. SUMMER BLOOMING BEE PLANTS 81 A focus on the northeastern region. Connie Krochmal FOUND IN TRANSLATION 36 Parasites with minds of their own. Jay Evans BIGGER PICTURE 84 Keeping honey on hand. A CLOSER LOOK – FAT BODY Jessica Louque FUNCTIONS 47 The fat body is found mainly in the abdominal cavity of the MY ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM 89 individuals – larvae, pupae and imago. The backyard. Clarence Collison James E. Tew SYNTHETIC WAX 66 BOTTOM BOARD 96 BetterComb and the demise of 100% beeswax. Message to the faithful. Ross Conrad Ed Colby Page 89 In Every Month – Honeycomb Hannah 9 What’s going on in the hive. Mailbox 10 From The Editor
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