: wil Phenomena I Fluids and Mixtures: 'w'^m^ Bibliography \ I i "Word Descriptors National of ac \oo cop 1^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Maurice H. Stans, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS • Lewis M. Branscomb, Director Equilibrium Critical Phenomena In Fluids and Mixtures: A Comprehensive Bibliography With Key-Word Descriptors Stella Michaels, Melville S. Green, and Sigurd Y. Larsen Institute for Basic Standards National Bureau of Standards Washington, D. C. 20234 4. S . National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 327 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 327, 235 pages (June 1970) CODEN: XNBSA Issued June 1970 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C 13.10:327), Price $4.00. NATtONAL BUREAU OF STAHOAROS AUG 3 1970 1^8106 Contents 1. Introduction i±i^^ ^ 2. Bibliography 1 3. Bibliographic References 182 4. Abbreviations 183 5. Author Index 191 6. Subject Index 207 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 7O-6O632O ii Equilibrium Critical Phenomena in Fluids and Mixtures: A Comprehensive Bibliography with Key-Word Descriptors Stella Michaels*, Melville S. Green*, and Sigurd Y. Larsen* This bibliography of 1088 citations comprehensively covers relevant research conducted throughout the world between January 1, 1950 through December 31, 1967. Each entry is charac- terized by specific key word descriptors, of which there are approximately 1500, and is indexed both by subject and by author. In the case of foreign language publications, effort was made to find translations which are also cited. Key words: Binary liquid mixtures; critical opalescence; critical phenomena; critical point; critical region; equilibrium critical phenomena; gases; liquid-vapor systems; liquids; phase transitions; ternairy liquid mixtures; thermodynamics 1. Introduction This bibliographical project was begun as an experiment in connection with the re- newed research interest in the rather old subject of critical phenomena. Ever since its discovery in carbon dioxide by Thomas Andrews (1863)*, the phenomena in the neighborhood of the critical point of liquid-vapor transition and other analogous phenomena have given rise to numerous experimental investigations of greater or lesser permanent value. The motivation of the project was to search out this vast literature in order that those papers of more than ephemeral interest would be available to the scientific commu- nity. Originally, the bibliography was intended to include the general field of second- order phase transitions as well as critical phenomena in the stricter sense and was to be divided into two parts - an historical part covering the period prior to 1950, and a modern part covering 1950 onward. It was quickly decided to defer the historical part and to limit the present bibliography to critical phenomena in a stricter sense. The bibliography is intended to include all studies of equilibrium properties of the critical point of liquid-vapor systems and of binary and ternary liquid mixtures. Excluded * At the time of compilation of this material, Mrs. Michaels was a member of the Bibliogra- phy and Translation Unit, National Bureau of Standards Library; Dr. Green was Chief, Statis- tical Physics Section, Heat Division, Institute for Basic Standards; and Dr. Larsen was a metober of the Statistical Physics Section, Heat Division. The present address for Mrs. Michaels is the Center for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234, and for Dr. Green and Dr. Larsen, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122. iii were general studies which included the critical region but did not make a special study of it, simple measurement of critical constants, and compilations of data. The time period covered is from January 1, 1950 through December 31, 1967. Studies published in all major scientific languages except Qiinese, in which adequate sources of information were availabl to us, were surveyed. Each paper was analyzed and was associated with a number of key word descriptors with a primary division as to type of research, i.e., experimental, theoretical, or analytical being made first. Another primary categorization was made according to the type of system, namely, liquid-vapor and binary or ternary liquid mixtures. Other descriptors included pro perty measured, theoretical method used, and the chemical name of the substance measured. Approximately 1500 distinct descriptors were used to describe the papers. Each paper is characterized by roughly seven to ten descriptors. A subject index is also included through which all papers described by ,a given key word can be identified. All entries are cited in English. In the case of foreign language papers, the original language is noted in brackets. Whenever possible, translations of foreign language documents are also cited. Authors' names appear in the citations as they were published in the original paper - initials in one case - full name in the next. But, all authors' names have been standard- ized in the author index. In order to assure comprehensive coverage, not only were the major abstracting servi- ces used, but also systematic searches of selected publications were made. Listings of both appear elsewhere in this manuscript. The standard for abbreviations was that of the American Chemical Society and a list of these abbreviations is provided. Here we take the opportunity to thank those individuals who were so helpful to us du- ring the compilation of this bibliography. Miss Sarah Anne Jones, retired Chief of the Bureau Library in which large portions of our studies were made; Mr. William Sartain, Chief Stack and Reader Division, Library of Congress, who made that vast and valuable collection accessible to us; Dr. Raymond Mountain, Chief, Statistical Physics Section, NBS, for his generous assistance; Mrs. Patricia Jacobs and Miss Nancye E. McBryde who typed the manu- script; and Miss Stella Gross who willingly handled the difficult task of putting the sub- ject index together. *For details on Andrews' experiments see Miller's Chemical Physics , 1863, third edition and also Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , Vol. 159, Part II, (1869) pp. 575- 590. For claims that the phenomena were discovered by D.I. Mendel^eff prior to 1863, see Annalen der Physik . 217, (1870) 618-626. iv . ; ; 2. Bibliography -A- 1. Atbiss, C. P., C. M. Knobler, R. K. Teague and C. J. Pings. Refractive index and Lorentz-Lorenz function for saturated argon, methane and carbon tetrafluoride. J. Chem . Phys . k2, 1+11+5-8 (1965). Experimental; liquid-vapor; argon; methane; carbon tetrafluoride; Clausius-Mossotti relation; Lorentz-Lorenz function; index of refraction; critical point; critical temperature 2. Abe, A. and P. J. Flory. Treatment of liquid-liquid phase equilibriums. Hydrocarbon-perfluorocarbon mixtures. J. Am. Chem . Soc . 88, 2887-93 (1966) Experimental; hexane-perfluorohexane ; n-heptane- perfluro-n-heptane ; methylcyclohexane-perfluoro- methylcyclohexane ; binary liquid mixtures; critical solution temperature, upper; methane-carbon tetrafluoride 3. Abe, R. Logarithmic singularity of specific heat near the transition point in the Ising model. Progr . Theor . Phys . ( Kvoto ) 37, 1070-9 (1967). Theoretical; statistical mechanics; phase transition; liquid-gas; critical point logarithmic singularity 1+. Abe, Ryuzo. Singularity of specific heat in the second order phase transition. Progr. Theor . Phys . ( Kyoto ) 38, 322-31 (1967). Theoretical; statistical mechanics; phase transition; logarithmic singularity; canonical partition function; Yang-Lee theory; heat capacity, C^; critical point 5. Abraham, B. M. , D. W. Osborne and B. Weinstock. 2 The vapor pressure, critical point, heat of vaporization, and entropy of liquid He . Phys . Rev. 80, 366-71 (1950). Experimental; helium'^; vapor pressure; heat of vaporization; entropy; critical point 6. Ackerman, F. J. and 0. Redlich. On the thermodynamics of solutions. IX. Critical properties of mixtures and the equation of Benedict, Webb and Rubin. J. Chem . Phys . 38, 271+0-2 (1963) . Analytical; critical constants; gaseous mixtures; ethane-nitrogen; methane-ethane; methane-heptane; propane-benzene; ethane-propane; methane-dec ane carbon dioxide-sulfur dioxide; equation of state 1 . ; -A- 7. Ackerman, F. J. Efficiency of equations of state for gaseous mixtures at the critical locus. I. Application of the equation of Benedict, Webh and Rutin. II. Further improvements of an equation of state. Univ . California , Berkeley , Radiation Lab . Report No . UCRL-106^C Feb . ( 1963 ) 66 pp. Analytical; equation of state; critical region 8. Akerloff, G. C. and H. I. Oshry The dielectric constant of water at high temperatures and in equilibrium with its vapor J. Am. Chem . Soc . 72, 28kk-'J (1950). Experimental; liqui d-vapor ; water; dielectric constant ; critical point 9. Akhadov, la. lu. and M. I. Shakhparonov Dielectric properties of solutions in a super high frequency field and concentration fluctuations. [Russian]. Kriticheskie Yavleniya i_ Flyuktuatsii v Rastvorakh . Tr_. , Mosk Gos Univ , Soveshch . Moscow, i960, pp. li+-20. Experimental; binary liquid mixtures; acetone-benzene; dielectric properties; concentration flucuations Onsager theory 10. Alpert, S. S., Y. Yeh and E. Lipworth. Observation of time-dependent concentration fluctuations in a binary mixture near the critical temperature using a He-Ne laser. Fhys . Rev. Letters 1^ , ^+86-8 (1965). Experimental; binary
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