I n d e p e n d e n t f r ^ a fr The W eekly Newspaper V o l. :!, No. 4 Wednesday. Nov. I!)72 Malawan N.J. 13 Cents m a m $1.7 million addition to MRHS proposed By David Thaler tional programs the high school than to spend lions and was not prepared M ATAW AN An alternate plan to three-quarters of a million to comment on it. A $1.7 m illio n addition to transfer the ninth grade to dollars on a plan to move the A referendum on the Matawan Regional High the middle schools would ninth grade out." construction proposal will School has been proposed by cost a p p ro xim a te ly $745,000. In releasing the report not be on the ballot in the Board of Education's “It seems much more Monday night, the school February, when Ihe annual Pupil Housing Committee to sensible to us to spend about board said it had not school board election is held, alleviate overcrowding and $1.7 m illio n fo r an addition to reviewed the reeommenda (Continued on Page 24) eliminate double sessions. The recommendation was contained in a 35-page report prepared by five members of George Connor Michael Kidzus the committee. K eyport searching The addition would accom­ modate 600 students and provide an l,800-sq.-ft. auto­ Connor, Kidzus m o tiv e shop and a 3,750-sq.-ft. fieldhouse. for adm inistrator Until the addition is completed, the committee KEYPORT council authorized the Richard J. Sullivan, com­ said, “ the high school should The Borough Council Mon mayor to inform Ihe Bay­ missioner of Ihe Department seek board seats remain on double sessions." day night adopted an shore Sewerage Authority of Environmental Protection Recommending that the ordinance creating the posi that the borough intends to i EPA) thal the borough may MATAWAN when asked whether he Board of Education "take tion of business administra­ become a member and is be eligible for funds to assist Two candidates from the would seek re-election. immediate steps lo bring a tor. proceeding wilh the neces­ in tlie creation of an borough have filed nominat­ Brady said Monday that he referendum to the voters,” "We will advertise for sary ordinances. environmental program. ing petitions for Ihe Board of did not plan to seek Ihe committee gave five applicants for Ihe new post in “We are now going over Education election in Febru­ re-election but added that his reasons for proposing the the monthly publication of the contract that has been Tho borough clerk was a ry. decision was not final. construction: the League of Municipaliti provided us," Ralph said. authorized lo contact EPA Michael Kidzus of 23 Connor,a 38-year-old - “ 'Die high school popula­ ties,” Mayor William Ralph The borough will not be a for a model ordinance and Ravine Drive, an unsuccess­ former borough mayor and tion will have continued said. Three applications voting member of Ihe further information on set­ ful candidate for Borough councilman, is completing growth for at least the next have been received "before authority, according to ting up an environmental Council last year, and his first three-year term on live years. Within a few we even advertised" accord­ Borough Engineer Howard commission. George Connor of 25 Colonial the board. He is a member of years, the existing high ing to Ralph No final date Schoor. but residents will Reimbursement of Drive, board vice president, the M id w a y F ire Co. and a school will be overcrowded has been set for filling Ihe pay the same fees as $20,652.29 was received fro m are the declared candidates. director of the Arrow'head- w ith on ly grades 10-12.” 'Hie post. residents of other munici the stale Department of Tlie regional school dist­ Bayshore YMCA. school presently contains When hired, the business palilies in Ihe authority. Transportation for the At rict will elect one board Connor and his wife grades 9-12. administrator will serve at "The sewerage authority lantic Street road improve­ member from the borough Marietta have two daugh­ —“By building an addi­ the pleasure of the council, will bring a trunk line to the ment . and two from the township in ters, ages 13 and 16, who are tion, we w'ould not have to al an annual salary of site of our treatment plant,” The borough engineer F e b ru a ry. students in the district. disturb the elementary and $15,000. There a rc no Schoor said, “and the reported Ihe council should The seats held by Connor, He said he had decided to middle schools....(which) residency requirements for borough will lie into il." 'Hie hear from the Department of Richard Callaway, and seek re-election because the still need space in .which to the position, and no specific plant will then be aban­ Housing and Urban Develop­ Edward Brady will be up for “board has been losing expand and improve pro­ qualifications were spelled doned, he said, as will the ment (HUD) on a water election. Callaway reported­ incumbents year after g ra m s...' out in the ordinance. A public south pumping station, facilities grant by Friday. ly has obtained a nominating year,” depriving it of the —Hie addition would make hearing has been set for Dec. which will also receive a Mrs. Eloise Schanck of 184 petition, but he declined expertise and knowledge possible the expansion of 11. trunk line. Church St. was appointed to comment Monday night gained by experience. recently established voca­ In other business, the 'Hie council was n o tifie d by Ihe Board of Health . SSMANS Hundreds of youngsters, many tugging adults with them, gathered in downtown Department and accompanied l>v (he Keyport Marching Band. Keyport Friday to meet Santa Claus. Santa was transported by Ihe Keyport Fire (Photo by A. Herman) Page 2 THE INDEPENDENT Nov. 29, 1972 INSTALLED FOR CHRISTMAS SAVE 30° 70% From the Factory r ~ Too M uch To List.... C o m e S e e ............ Com e Save.... Santa visits Matawan *Remnants *Style Santa Claus came to Matawan Friday evening and passed out candy canes to hundreds of youngsters. Matawan First Aid Squad members pulled Santa’s sled behind their *Every Color *Full Rolls ambulance. Santa's visit was sponsored by the MatawanC’hamber of Commerce and Borough Recreation Dept. (Staff Photo) i*Fabr/c *Part Rolls SHOP AT HOME D a w n B a ld i FRESTIMATES 431 "1919 wins bake-off in Troop 7 5 7 100% 1IAZLKT Dawn Baldi is the winner Continuous filament Nylon Pile of the Brownie Troop 757 bake off, held recently at the Raritan Valley School. installed over Rubber Padding Jodi Fenster was selected as the troop’s alternate in the Colors: /r;sh A loss - Riviera Blue baking contest. Judges were Mrs. Myrna Kaplan, Junior consultant Burnt Orange - Avocado and troop leader, and Mrs. Sharon Brown, a teacher at - Empress Gold Beg. Value !).!)9 sq. yd. installed Haritan Valley. An investiture was also N o w O n ly J T 3 9 held during the meeting. Girls w'ho received their pins Hurry — Limited Supply. Sq. yd. are Jill Diamond, Stacy Kramer, Laura Liebowitz, REMNANTS AT FANTASTIC ONCE A YEAR PRICES Carolyn Sacks, and Susan Values to 13.99 sq. yd. Schreier. 1-NYLON SHAG Mrs. Harvey Hirsch gave a welcoming address, and a 2-ACRYLIC PLUSH N o w O n l y J? 39 candle-lighting ceremony was introduced by Mrs. Paul 3-NYLON COMMERCIAL O Sq.yd. F ig le r. Second-year Brownies who Installed with Pad participated in the ceremony YOUR CHOICE are Miss Fenster, Amy Figler, Alisa Fink, Diana Harboul, Nancy Hirsch, From l ’x6 ’ to 12’x29 12fx2 8 ’ Ilene Lioberman, Arlene Markowitz, Valerie Nuti, and All the colors of the rainbow far too numerous Debbie Weinstock. to list on (his page.... over 300 in stock.... /T Anyone or more can be installed before c o m p lf t l C hristm as. it \Bvsn n.\(, What Have You Got To Lose ? S K 1U H 'K V Y A IL \H I.F r S Y iw N i" M l , lR If your answer is pounds, Ihe offer below V6”xl2to3xl5 Clear-G old- is /u s t w/uf you have been looking for! luntinisbcd) g r e e n EXPERTLY TRAINED FEMALE INSTRUCTORS TO ASSIST YOU IN DIETING AND PROGRAMMING • SAUNA • SHOWERS • MASSAGING • PRIVATE DRESSING R60MS B l a c k '® 0 ” . r , . « » ■ LO CK ER S C a s h a b l e • PROFESSIONAL EXERCISE EQUIPMENT ■ GROUP EXERCISES EVERY 2 HOURS 49 $44 for 4 months UNLIMITED VISITS NO CONTRACTS Includes Everything But Massages. CALL FOR INFORMATION and APPOINTMENT IBodu IHoutia U £ > 583 5353 oi 583 5354 r FIGURE SALON ROUTE 34 STRATHMORE SHOPPING CENTER MATAWAN. NEW JERSEY E |THE INDEPENDENT Nov. 29, 1972 Page 3 BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY TO e e> i < c & X A t 2 C entral dem y Foots !& & CHRISTMAS Hu WONDERLAND j/ "llj MILES NORTH / OF FREEHOLD CIRCLE" U ; ROUTE4 6 29 - 5FREEHOLD 0 0 5 N. i. FREE! With Every Tree 4 ft. or Larger Purchased,* You Receive (1) Box,of Christmas Card* worth $?.50 (2) Con of Pine Tree Scent( # _ FANTASTIC (3) Deluxe Tree Stand (4) Bag of Pine Cones 9 T R E E S A L E (5) Stow Away Box OUR LOWEST PRICES ON TREES- THIS WEEK ONLY: 7 FOOT DELUXE SCOTCH PINE s«s.
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