<P,- WT <-" r r - LIZS. i -f- s, ^UAH so**- 5/1: r /I«T infty Mimk - • it An IVmlnl mi Hnu'lnl I',I|MT ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1997 24 Pages This Week sees challenges in newyear By Angela Trotter place to install an additional Staff Writer '• .;. well in the village. This is~ex- If.one could predict the fu­ pected to cost $100,000 to com­ ture, one might speculate on plete, and "will be paid fqr al­ the state of Chelsea in January most entirely from the capital of 1998. How will-things have connection fees that were im- "cTvaTiged over the year? Will pigmented in 1996. the quaint village see dra­ Steele said the village will matic change, or will it'largely make it a priority to look at all retain-the-quiet, rural-atmos­ of its-fee schedules and-deei4e phere its .residents love? In­ whether they are in line with* evitably, there, will be a num­ what they should be. ber of changes to the village. "We "Want to make-sure that. Some of the village'.s_Le —ivdiQ-,-are..lalreadyj. ers said they don't expect here are not paying for system Chelsea to—change—too—dra- impro*? ljnatieallyJn4he-new-y_earjbut ev^ojwnenU^—Myers—said .- they will do their best to im " We—vwuit 4he—deve4opers—t^ plement subtle improvements. pay for these improvements." "There'salot of things we'd ' The solid waste department like to do, but we have to be is expected to require ~sbme practical and see where our work and tax dollars this year. money will be best spent,", Although the pollution levels said Chelsea Village President. "at the old landfill on Werkner Richard Steele. Road'haye been consistently decreasing, there arc still lev­ Members of^heChels«a United Way reached4beir goal thisyear, Wheeler, the 1996 campaign hair, Joy Osgood^ofthe Chelsea _. Both Steele and Village els of zinc and arsenic pres­ Pictured here are Linda Wescott of Federal Screw Works, Francey Community Hospitalvand Katy Pek of BookCrafters. Manager Jack Myers*said they ent. • expect the village to benefit in 1997 from some of the new "We still may have to go into some kind of remedia­ programs put forth in 1996. - - Chelsea United Way reaches'96 fund goal One, department that will tion," Myers saldr^We have be operatinfe slightly differ­ been looking'at different mod­ Chelsea United Way has ^Fheeampaign was aided;d(i£ irn Ann Arbor Machine. many area businesses. ently this year will be the els across the state." reached its 1996-97 fundrais- particular, by generous sup­ The campaign slogan this Chelsea Community Hospital, electric department. The^ vil­ Steele stressed that as it is ing goal of $107,740. port from several area indus­ year was "Give Where You the school district and numer­ lage worked out a deal with now, the old landfill does not The 15 member agencies tries, such as, Bookcrafters. Live" and judging by the suc­ ous community members. both Consumers Power, who pose any hazard to residents, that "receive funding from. Federal Screw Works, cessful completion of the cam­ The most generous contrib­ has traditionally suppli6d_the however additional clean-up Chelsea will be abletocontin- Chrysler Proving Grounds, paign, Chelsea did 'just that. utors will be honored at the village's power,.and Stand En­ may still be necessary to en­ ue to benefit and meet the Chelsea Milling, MacDee and The campaign received annual awards luncheon to be sure high environmental qual­ ergy Corporation, during the : he,edsof the community. one of the newest additions, tremendous support from held in February.._ five-year contract period that ity. - ' . V ;, began Jan. 1. Stand Energy Changes will also be taking place out at the wastewater Corporation has , agreed to : have two megawatts/of power treatment plant, largely to ac on reserve and available for (Continued on Page Three) Robots take the driver's seat the village at all times. During peak hours^ w,hen power rates are the highest, Group to the village can opt to use this* power rather than Consumers discHss office Power if the rate is. cheaper Rate changes in power are relocation By Angela Trotter monitored hourly, so residents Staff Writer can be ensured they Will al­ Whether the Clock Tower Not many people" ways be paying the lowest rate building will work as the site many "would of the.new-village offices will feel very confident or secure available. riding in a car driven by a ro­ "It's a good deal we've- be the subject of a meeting to bot.However, because of new „vvLorlfejto:ulUhe_b LStwje'Yerhad be held in Chelsea later this technology developed at the yet," Myers said^. 'month. ' . .. Chrysler Proving Grounds in Chelsea residents -a4ready Feasibility findings on the Chelsea, many car owners will pay the lowest^Eates in the building have been presented have a more comfortable ride state for their power-based on to the village council by a because of the many miles ro­ the.first 250 kilowatts used, committee appointed to exam­ bots are driving Chrysler ve­ according to Myers.) ine the issue. The purpose of hicles. Other work by the electric this meeting is to' inform any­ Now up and operating at department this year will in­ one who has not been able to ' the proving grounds is a brand clude replacing much of the attend village council meet­ new, state-of-the-art Auto­ older wiring in residential ar­ ings or who was hot aware of mated Durability^ Road, on eas and trimming trees.around the issue. <• . which robots test drive new power lines. The meeting will be held models of cars. It is the first The Chelsea water depart­ Sunday, Jan. 19 at the First track of its kind in the world, ment will continue to work on Congregational Church, 121 E. and currently has 12 patents getting the two new submersi­ Middle St., at"2 p.m. pending in the United States. ble pumps that were installed The meeting^ is sponsored $ T&ejrack on which the ro­ on two_of the village's wells by Preservation Chelsea, a bots operate the vehicles tests —-rnmntng^tree of quirks. These non-profit group" that encour­ the durability of the body pumps were installed on wells ages the public to attend. structure and suspension on 1 and 1A, and are expected to Residents' feedback to the vil­ new models. bring the wells the ability to lage council is essential, and the study committee has ac- "The-whole goal of this fa­ pump at capacity, 600,000 gal­ cility is to take more time out lons of water each hour cumulated valuable informa- of the overall time it takes to The water department will* tfton for everyone's benefit, get a new vehicle out\m the also be exploring the best ~x:hild care will be provided. road," said Jeff Zyburt, the project manager for the Auto­ mated Durability Road. Lima Township to appoint Zyburt said previously, hu­ mans did all of the test driving A robot, above is used to test cars on a new track at Chelsea's Chrysler Proving Grounds, guided by new treasurer on Monday ;for body structure and sus­ computer, with a Httle human help, below. •. ^ \ The Lima. Township Boards -jjiterestedjji assuming the po­ pension systems. However, v fc ;riding over the extremely feat was indeed feasible. Once of Trustees will hold a special sition full-time, 'bumpy roads was very hard on that was done,. Zyburt and his meeting Monday, Jan."13, at Each of the seven candi the human body, and drivers team moved ahead with the which they are scheduled to dates will be subject to a 20- were only permitted to drive $11 million project. appoint a new treasurer, for- minute interview by township the pothole-infested courses Zyburt said this track tests the township. board members, and,the final tor four hours In a day automobile durability for what The board accepted appli­ appointment will.be made by With robots operating the «*they call 95th, percentile users cations from towflslftjp resi­ township board of trustees by vehicles over these courses, These, are the drivers, whb_are dents. who ar.£L_int^ ^m-on Jan. 13. xwhich consist of constant potf- extrefnely hard ton their.vehi­ filling the vacancy throughout" luttea up to Six and a half cles, such as taxi drivers and the month of December. There inches deep/ the company police officers. \ A . <" are seve'n applicants vying for Chelsea goes doesn't have to worry about - "That way, the\ chance for the vacancy, and all will be .drivers getting worn out or seeing good performance c^ut asked to be present at the Jan. into cyberspace beat upHesting-drtvitig the ve-^ of a vehicle tiy nhe~arer*rg% 13 meeting to be interviewed publicly. \ \ ' On Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 7 hides.. Urivet. is much greater," Zy- p.m. there will be a planning Hffls, every—pot- burt said,. ''That^\wha IhfiJJ-maj^vmahiiLitfiai- jtrer position has been vacant meeting to discuss thel.deve'1- T*heu cars thentseTveT^ate •yttfi'ti ie-yenT-vcteriin : trims-' -epmont of a communifyUnftuv 1 over gets driven into your mation resource for Chelsea butt," Zyburt said. "It's logical equipped with frequency de­ urer Betty Messman resigned to use robots for this testing, tector's that match up with fre­ fromVthe post Dec. 1 because on the World Wide Web. \ ^becauseahey don't complain quencies generated by wires of illhess. Messman died later .
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