The CLASSIFIED SENATE Diablo Valley College Volume III, Number I Seprember 8, 1993 CLASSIFIED LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE by Shirley Kimsey, Vice-Presilknt D VC Classified Senate I had the good fortune to be one ofthe classified representatives from Contra Costa Community Col­ lege District to attend this innovative leadership con­ ference sponsored by the CCLC. Diablo Vall~yJ>ol­ lege was represented by Betty Cr nshaw, S rrey Kimsey, Eva Monteverde, and Dan Silvia. LOs Meda· nos Colleg Wiinepresented byf~a Dac ausen Mike West, a d Rosematy Wo~. The 0 and one Classified-let's keep up the good work. halfday c nference wa innovative and s . aring. Its succes was relative to e e1;\£odcing which took place oetwee cl ssi1ied eadership throughout the COMMENTS state. We shared some ofthe successes and problems by Dan Silvia Presilknt each ofus has experienced during our leadership role. D VC Classified Senate I was amazed at the unlimited differences in strucrure and development each campus and district has within Howdy, all you buckaroos! (Buckaroos is a non­ the state of California. One college has over 700 classi­ gender appellation used in the general sense when fied which are represented by six different unions. speiling to any crowd larger than one.) How y'all There are 107 community colleges in California and doin'? (Translation in Californiese: Like, what's hap­ 69 ofthem now have some form ofclassified senate in penio', man?) place. None, ofcourse, was an overnight success. It Well, this here's a new year a startin' up and by took many steps toward development and many hours golly, it's a loakin' like it's agoin' ta be a humdinger of ofdedicated time for classified staffto make their a one. (Translation: Uh, oh!) The way I see it turnin' senates become a reality. out is we got ta put our noses ta the gtindstone and We in the Contra Costa Community College Dis­ pull our fair share ofthe load. And ifin' times, they git trict can be proud ofour accomplishments in establish­ ta be a might hard, well, we gotta' look ta those folks ing classified senates at each ofthe four district sites. that kin help ussin's when we needum'. Now, who We are exemplary for proactive measures taken toward might I be atalkin' about? Ya kenned it right, pards! developing district-wide participation guidelines. Many (Translation: Have a problem? Who ya gonna call? colleges and district representatives asked us for mate· CLASSIFIED SENATE!) (Translation ofthe transla­ rial on how we have developed this concept_ One of tion: The Classified Senate is your avenue to pursue the successes for Diablo Valley College which I shared problems. Ifit's a Union issue we'll forward it to a with classified staffat the conference was the develop­ Union representative. With any non~union problem, ment process ofour Selection Participation Commit­ the Senate will do its utmost to see that it is taken to tee and the established criteria used to make individual the appropriate individuals to get the problem solved.) selections to committees and task forces. Diablo Valley Well, buckaroos, (see definition above), I'ma tip­ College received many requests for material on the pin' my sombrero ta yaz and ahopin' that this here year development and structure ofthe Selection is a goodun'! Buenos suertes, mis amigos! Committee. A state-wide classified senate effort is underway. Ed Note: With all the coufusion related to the open­ Betty Crenshaw is assistant chair ofthe State-Wide ing ofschool and the many personnel changes that are Developmental Committee and she will be geeting taking plaa:, this is a very shurt issue. Hopefully we can information packets out to all classified senates in the bring you more information next month. In the mean­ (Continued next column) time, pkase feel free to submit articks to the newslater. Ifit is possibk, we would appreciate any articles being submitted be on computer disk with accompanying hard The next Classified Senate Newslater deadline is copy. Wednesday, September 29, 1993. Thank you. Contra Costa Community College District 2 CLASSIFIED SENATE NEWSLETTER TO "SEA" THE BLOOMS WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS FOR SEPTEMBERAND OCTOBER by Travel Editor: Marilyn Joyce The following workshops and seminars are availa­ "We must go down to the sea again" ... for the ble to you through funding from StaffDevelopment begonias are in bloom! Each September Capitola near and the Enhancement Committee. Santa Cruz sponsors the National Begonia Festival, and this will be their 41st annual event. This year's fes­ September 14/15-"Managing Multiple Priorities"­ tival begins on Sunday, September 5, with a Sand San Jose/San Francisco Sculpture contest at Capitola Beach, Monday, Sep­ September 17-"The Indispensable Assistant"-San tember 6 is the Fishing Derby at Capitola Wharfand Francisco the event culminates the following weekend with the September 20/21/22-"The Basics ofDesign Using Nautical Parade on Sunday, September 12, at 2 p.m. Desktop Publishing"-San Jose/Sacramento/ on Soquel Creek. Construction ofthe floats can be San Francisco viewed the day before (Saturday, September 11, from September 20/21/22/23-''The Basics of 4 to 10 p.m. and on Sunday morning before the "float­ Windows"-San Francisco/Oakland/Sacramen­ ing parade"). The parade is the main event of the festi­ to/San Jose val and is sponsoted by Antonelli Brothers' Begonia Gardens. September 28/29/0ctober I-"Powerful Communi­ cation Skills for Women"-San Jose/ A visit to Antonelli Brothers' Begonia Gardens can Concord/Sacramento be made any time between July and September to enjoy September 21/23-"How to Manage Conflict and the vast sea offlowering begonias that are on display Manage Anger"-San Francisco/Emeryville there. Everywhere you look, over your head like October 5/6/7-"Grammar, Usage and Business umbrellas and around your feet, colors so bright, you Writing Skills"-San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose may need your sunglasses. Antonelli's is actually a retail nursery, so all plants are for sale. October 5/6/7-"How to Manage Priorities and Meet Deadlines"-San Francisco/Sacramentol Should you become hungry while you are thete, Fairfield/Oakland/San Jose the famous Shadowbrook Restaurant is open for wee­ October 5 & 6/7 & 8-"How to Plan, Coordinare kend (Sunday) brunch and serves dinner nightly. What and Produce Videos"-Oakland/San Jose makes Shadowbrook famous is the cable car that takes October 4/5/6/7/8-"How to Build and Implement you to and from the dining room. The dining room is Self-Directed Work Teams"­ built to look like a Swiss Chalet and overlooks beauti­ Sacramento/Concord/San Jose/Oakland/San ful Soquel Creek. Shadowbrook fearures fine seafood Francisco and mesquite-broiled specialties; it is definitely that special occasion kind of place. Reservations would be Information on these and more workshops and advised this time ofyear. It is located right down the seminars is available in the Business Services and the road from the begonia gardens. StaffDevelopment offices. Enhancement forms are also available in the Business Services office. This trip should fine-tune all ofyout senses and bring you back refreshed to face another energetic Members ofthe Enhancement Committee are: school year. All addresses and directions ate listed Gyda Budna and Margaret Stark below. Members ofthe StaffDevdopment Committee ~.JfJ~ are: Eva Monteverde-chairperson, Marilyn Cappa, Jane Fraim, Mary Mathie, Nancy Ryanen-Grant, Cathy $~ W~ s~:r_,_,_....:.:H.:.:l::Q::H'wT·P~;y:..t·.:.l·r-"',__• Ingersol, LeeAnn Ndson, Linda Robbins, Rod to'" 2545 Capftol. Road· (408)475-5222 : ~ Roman, and Dana Zorich. ::.!. -Jackie Harrison /-'!!!!!'t",,--,~,"~-. ~ -_. The Classified Senate Newsletter is a monthly publi­ """Wi!!I!!!!!!!¥",--,,B-\ carion ofthe Diablo Valley College Classified Senate. ~ .-.............. -""'" Editors Dee Henderson Brunch & Dinner Eat' Cllff Drlv. ;,.':' Janet Slatter Wh8r1 & Clphol. Roads l'~;""';~,l;;>{).,,'?,';.PAdf=lcbcEAN Typeserting and Layout _ Janet Slatter R.servatlons (408)47$01511 VoIwne III, Number 4 October 13, 1993 J In Response to Dan Silvia's Comments in the September 8, 1993 Issue by Sandra Mills am concerned about the I would hope that each classified I message in Dan's article member would take any work "Commcnts" in the September 8, related concerns to their Union 1993 issue of the CLASSIFIED representative. I would also hope SENATE NEWSLETTER. that we are all able to make a determination if our problems Dan suggests that if any of thc involve work related issues. .J'~~J) classified staff has a problem one WeAre on the Move by Pam Tafoya should call the Classified Senate. I appreciate all the hard work done lf the Senate deems it a Union by the Classified Senate, but I have This is an update on the movement of classified staff at Diablo issue, they will forward it to a always had a concern that the Valley College. Here are the latest placements as we enter the Union representative. This is not at Classified Senate might in its zeal tbird band of our classified hiring. all what I consider to be the impose itself in contract issues. The following Dve employees have received promotions: province of Ute Classified Senate. This article by Dan does nothing to Jeanie DcwhUl"St-Administrative Secretary in MalhI Our Union contract covers all work allay my fears that there is not a Computer Science related issues, that is after all why clear acceptance in the minds of Michael Fcr'guson-Lcad Custodian we have a contract. Therefore, I some Senate members. not to Gena GrUber-Campus Senior Payroll Clerk cannot imagine why any classified mention the President of the Linda Jones-Campus Senior Payroll Clerk stan" would need the Senate to Senate, about the important Kathy Reilly-Secretary to the Dean of1nslruclioll determine if a problem Utat is work differences in the roles of the related should be forwarded to the Senate and the Union.
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