Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Football Programs Football 11-18-1933 Grizzly Gridder Ursinus College Official Football Program, November 18, 1933 Varsity Club Ursinus College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs Part of the Social History Commons, Sports Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Club, Varsity, "Grizzly Gridder Ursinus College Official Football Program, November 18, 1933" (1933). Ursinus College Football Programs. 2. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/football_programs/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Football at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. URSINUS - SWARTHMORE LJr.lnU8 8 game. Swarthmore 18 gamea Tled-2 game. Yea,. u. S. lSDS 4 26 1891 0 12 1898 0 6 1899 29 0 1100 6 5 1901 5 16 1902 6 17 lV03 16 10 1909 0 27 o 1910 34 6 1911 6 0 F 1912 2 6 1913 0 20 F 1914 3 6 1915 0 7 I 1916 6 14 1919 3 13 C 1922 12 13 1923 0 33 1924 6 I 1925 13 1926 A 1927 21 1iJ28 7 13 L 1929 6 7 1930 6 0 1931 27 0 1932 20 0 P HIJl R o G R N A 0 M V E M B U E W R R A 5 18 R vs. I 1 T 9 N 3 H 3 M U 0 5 R E PRICE 25 CENTS ~RANGES THE FLOYD .. WELLS CO. ROYERSFORD, PA. Announclng·' . .... at your Grocer or at your home Now 1 NEW Schulz NATURAL Vitamin D Bread CONTAINS THE ESSENTIAL FOOD ELEMENTS THAT HELP TO BUILD STRONG BONES AND TEETH November 18. 1933 CONTENTS For a good clean The room or a + Page ROMA satisfying meal, EDITORIALS - 3 CAFE Sl Op at Penalties 4 144 W. Main St. Other Football Games Today 5 I ron Men of U rsinus 6-7 ' ORRISTOWN, PA. Valley Last Time on Patterson Field 8 Phone 6001 Forge 1933 Football Team 10 Ursinus Statistics and Schedule 11 ~ Hotel Swarthmore Lineup 12 Ursinus Lineup 13 Swarthmore Statistics and Spaghetti NORRISTOWN Schedule - 14 PA. Grizzly-Garnet Scraps of the Past 15 Cooked in Changing the Game 16 Ursinus Football Record 17 the Real Grizzly Strategy Board 19 T ir e Gal elllllY 1o llistoric ITALIAN WAY "aUey Forge Ursinus Players 21 Time Out! 22 I ndex to Advertisers 24 FREELAND HOUSE 454 Main St. COllEGEVillE , PA . Phone 277 LARRY C. SEMON SEA FOODS MEALS A AT SPECIALTY ALL HOURS Special Platter Dinners 75c Full Course Dinners $1.00 SANDWICHES TO ORDER OLD STOCK LACER and SCHEIDT'S BEER a la Carte Service Unt il Closing on Draught HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS 2 November 18, 1933 GRIZZLY 011 your lVa y home from the galll e let us serve your dinner MENU FOR TODAY GR A PE FRUIT COCKTAIL CHOICE OF SOUP PUREE OF PEA - CHICKEN NOODLE CELERY OLI V ES RELISH SHAD ROE FROGS CHOICE OF FOWL ( ROASTED) TURKEY GOOSE DUCK CHICKEN FILLING CRANBERRY SAUCE CANDIED SWEETS DRIED CORN WITH CHESTNUTS BROCCOLI OR SPROUTS SPICED BAKED APPLES ENDIVE MINCE PIE COOKIES - ASSORTED PUMPKIN CUSTARD lInn!irl1rub ilJnbgr Pho ne 128 Route 29 - Schwenksville, Pa. MOM RABERT BUNGALOW Dine and Dance at INN HARRY'S PLACE + Beer on Tap THE HOSBACHS HOME MADE ICE CREAM ~==================d r-=====================~ CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP Collegeville, Pa. 716 MAIN STREET CHAS. H. FRY, Prop. Phone 117 ~====================~ A fter the Game Visit WINKLER'S DRUG STORE COLLEGEVILLE, PA. MEET YOUR OLD FRIENDS AND GREET NEW FRIENDS Headquarters for Drugs and Surgical Supplies, lee Cream Sandwiches, Soda, Books, Papers, Magazines GRIDD E R November 18, 1933 3 'Ve wi .. h 10 extend the !"inn're wt .. bes of both Ul1I football !t'am and our coache!o- for a "'pet'ely recovery or Iheir .. tar cap­ GRIZZL Y GRIDDER lain, and regret Ihal he cannot break into the lineup befnn OFFICIAL F OOTBALL PROGRAM FOR ALL the <..cason closes and draws In un end hi<;:; inten'nll eg iate foot · HOME G AMES OF URSINUS COLLEGE hall career. PUBLISHED BY + + V ARSITY CLUB OUR COACHING STAFF U RSIN US C OLL EGE C O LLEG E VILLE, P A . E, the editors of thi!o- publication, feel tim! we "auld W be more than neglecting our duty if. in thi ... the las' Vol. I , No.4 o~'e Jllbcr 18, 1933 25 Cenb j ... .,ue of Ihe Grizzly Gridder for the current !"('a"nn. we failed hiVING E. SUTIN, '3 t, ilIanaging Editor 10 ~ay <.omething aboul Ihe ..,plcndid work of our coachin~ IJ AIUty F. BRIAN, '35, Associate Etlilor .. taff in turning out the fine football teams that they have in DWIGIIT L. CUECOltl, '34, Associate Editor Ihe pa .. t few year.... We feel that we arc not only gi\' in g \enl to uur own opinion but to that of the entire Huciellt body and collt'gc when WI' 1'IIE US1' IJ OME GAME expr('!"s our appreciation of them. \!though Ur... inu ... ha.., nol ODA Y Ursin ll "" is playing the last home ~ame scheduled annexed Ihe Conference title again thi<.. year. we h:l\e alrearh had more than our ... hare of ,ictori6 and ha\1;' put tip a real fur Ihl' current year. We are drawing to a c1oo:;e Olle T hattie in e\el')' game played. When all i ....aid and done we of rhe 111 0'" "'lIccessfll) football schedules that Ur;;:;i nu" has ha\ e to admit that no more can bl' a!"ked of an) coaching' ('Vl'r enjoyed. stuff than Iha l they teach thei r player::. football and instill Although Wl' do not have: u great number of victoric ... to into Ihe player,., a "'pirit of tril l;' -,port::.man .. hip. II a\'e om OIlT credit, il hus been a good ~eason. and we regret to <:ee coache:> failed in thi .. ? No. On the ('ontral") the) haH' it com(' In u c1o"t'. At the beginning of the season we pn', more Ihan filled th{'ir a .. .;;ignment .... dieted 1.I hard-foll ght tloc hcd lli e. This prediction has been ful­ To lI ead Coach .\icA\o). who i.. cumplt'ling hi ... third filled. Whal l'ver we are 10 guy abolll the Conference teams Wt> }car in that capacity. we owe a dt' hL or gru litudt' for the fint· IIl1lsL ucimit thai they all IUl\e shown a brand of football that leams that he ha ... produced in the la .. t few )t'3r... Then. tou. i.., of the bl·" t. E,er)' Conference gamE' lI a,. been packed with WI' cannot let 0111 " lI or .. e'· <:ha .. (·. nur Jin e ('oadl. when Wt' Ihrill" uplent). and nol one of the ... e conle ... t~ turned into lhink of Lr~ i nu .. foot ball team ... for hi ... work un the litH u rOllt b) lilly one team. 111e teams ha\c been more t~\enl) has been Jllllch in e\ id ence in t'H'l") gamt'o It i... our .,incert' mal ched thull uny ot her Conference sched ul e we can remem· hope that r .. inll" will be ahl<.' 10 relain the .. t' IWtI .. plendid ber, u~ i ... {' \ id e ll ccd by the f:co re sheet. ('oache" for mun) )('ar" 10 COIllt'. Although we have completed our Conference ~c h ed ul e. !:-c\· Hats off to tht'lll ...tud enl .. ! They ha\e nul onl) made it t'nd of our opponents have one or more game:. 10 pia). and a 1)lea"'lIre for II .. 10 follow our football team ... but the) haH' ::. ince tho finnl tilt. the one between F. & J\1. and Geu) ... burg. al .. o done honur tn the IHUnt' of Lr .. inu ... will nOI bt' played lill Thunksgivi ng, Ihe ::.tanding slill remain .. in doubt. Ifowever, it ma y <:u fely be 8a id Ihat Gett ysburg ha ~ u good chance for first place. either by tying for lap honor.. + + or annexing the title withoul Ull) ~lring~ attached. It hat'- been a great ::.ea1:o0n, Bears. and you may be ju::.t l) Jl7ELCO ,II E, V IS ITORS! proud or your record. \lhatever el::.e can be said aboul thc E~ I DE S the \i"itor .. frolll Swarthmore. we ha\!' with Ill> .. chedllle, it cannot be denied that you hu ve shown ubi lit ) B thi .. aft ernoon a delegation of h.igh .. chool .. tudenl!o- whkh und true !:o p o rt ~ ll1 a n s hip . We have thoroughly enjoyed evcl') ('ontest and feel that we are not only expre:::::.i ng our own rt'pre"ent most of the neighboring ... c1lOol ... in Ihi ....('('tion . 11 opinion, but that of tht! entire .. tudent body, the fa culty and i ... a plea::.ure to t'xtt'nd a heart) wdcome 10 thelll un the part the coucheb when we suy that you have done cred it to yo ur· of both the enlire ('ollege and the alhlt'tic department. ::.e lves and the college. Again, we repent. we are proud of We wish to commend thi~ pol ic). which wa;. adopted onl) )'OU. May your work aguin~1 Swarthmore today and Albright recently by the college. \'1' ilhoul doubt it i.. a wi"e mo\'e to Ihe following week only sen 'e to in c r ea~t' that pride.
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