1111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 MKG-XXVIlIITECHMT/1 T/01 POST CODE i~ ern; : Write here Roll Number and Answer Sheet No. ~~~~~~~ Roll No. I 3ijsfAi€fi Answer Sheet No./~~~ Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 200 Bmft1 ~ : 2 t:R .~~ : 200 1. If the Roll No. is a 8 digit No., the candidate needs to circle as 1. ~~8~~tm~~~~2 "00" as the first 2 digits in the first 2 columns of the Roll No. ~ ~ 1:!@ 2 3icf; ~~ if "oo..~ ~it I 2. OMR Answer Sheet is enclosed in this Booklet. You must 2. ~ T\R ~ if 3ir.~.:mc T\R ~ ~ tl w-n ~ ~ complete the details of Roll Number, Question Booklet No., qjffiq if~ ~ il ~ :mq ~ ~ if 3ltR1 itR~, etc., on the Answer Sheet and Answer Sheet No. on the space ~~mr,~(lm~~~ii~~~ ~~~~cj;'r~~1 ~~T\R~Cf?r provided above in this Question Booklet, before you actually ~~~:Jftt~~~~1 r--------- start answering the questions, failing which your Answer Sheet 3. 3ir.~.3m:. ~ ~ will not be evaluated and you will b~ awarded 'ZERO' mark. if trft m <f?: I 3. A machine will read the coded information in the OMR Answer ~~~~~~~~~ I • I I I ~ Sheet. In case non/wrong bubbling of Roll Number etc., the ~~~. 3iI.ltlf.3m:. "3ffi~<it I machine shall reject such OMR answer sheet and hence ~~~ 3fIi~ 3U.~.3ffi."3ffi I such OMR answer sheet shall not be evaluated. ~q;y~~~1 I 4. ~ ~~"@ft ms;:UCliT'~ ~ 4. Please check all the pages of the Booklet carefully. In case of '" ....Po~..;..,.~c:::"~-=.'.,...,~ 'I any defect, please ask the Invigilator for replacement of the ~ I "<''< 'I">'!/ '<'''I ~, (I] ''''.IGl'l"> <fit .j~ ~ Booklet. ~~~I I 5. You must not tear off or remove any sheet from this Booklet. 5. ~~it~~~m 31W[cr;vn I The Answer Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator lHlll.-~~i:t~'3ffi: ~ I before you leave the Examination Hall. f.mG%~61~:~:~I, . ~.L-·-------. 6. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 6. ~~ - (i rrm~omw 3f<f) (i I 7. The paper carries negative markings. For each wrong 7. ~'Q:f~"I'flHlit'I<6~~ 1~~"3ffi~~ 0.25 3l<6'tfiRJ answer 0.25 mark will be deducted. ~I ~ 8. This Booklet contains 200 questions in all comprising the 8. ~ ~ ii ¥1 200 ~ t ftRii f.'18R1nsct 'IW1 ~ ~ : following Sections: 'IW1 ~lWlT fcr.l<I w.n cj;'r ~ ~ ~ ~ No. of Page Sections Test Components Questions No. (31) i) WiR~ 20 1-5 i ii) WiR~w.n (A) i} General Awareness 20 1 -5 ii) General Intelligence and <nfltq; ~ 20 6 - 11 "" e' Reasoning Ability 20 6-11 iii} ~~~~ 20 12-15 16 ~ iii) Arithmetical and Numerical Ability 20 12-15 iv) Hindi Language and Comprehension 20 16 -17 iv} ~ mqr 3fu:.rm 20 16 -17 It: v) English Language and Comprehension 20 18-19 v) ::ffir;Itmqr 3fu: <iN 20 18 - 19 ~ ~ (S) Post Specific Subject-Related (Of) <itR~~-~m 100 20-37 Questions 100 20-37 9. Use of Calculator/Palmtop/Laptop/Other Digital InstrumenV 9. ~ !tfTllC.i1:r I ~ / ~ ~ ~ / ~ / ~ Mobile/Cell Phone/Pager is not allowed. ~~"if.:rI ~ CliT~ ~~ I· It: 10. Candidates found guilty of misconduct/using unfair means in the 1O. ~m -'l1'<R if ~ ~ I1,<i Cf>T't ~ fu-u,~ tn4 TTir ~ ~ Examination Hall will be liable for appropriate penalJlegal action. ~ ~ 7~ ~ if; m ~ I I 11. The manner in which different questions are to be answered has 11. ~ w.n ~ 3'iR ~ c€t fqfu ~ ~ if; ~ Wt ~ f.:t~l(ij been explained at the back of this Booklet, which you should ii ~ ~ ~ t ~31T'1~ if; '3m:~ i:t~ .==r.k ~ #i I read carefully before actually answering the questions. ......,,.,1.-••.• ' 12. No Rough Work is to be done on the Answer Sheet. 12. ~ ~ ~"3ffi ~ tR ~ <IWIl t I IZ --------Go--through---instructions------gi---~---------ven in Page No. 40 (Back Cover---Page--) ------~~ -1- MKG-XXVmrrECHMT/1 T/01 11111111111111111I111111111111111II1111111111111111I111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111 SECTION-A i) GeneralAwareness 1. The Theory of Relativity was developed 6. The Bhakra Nangal Dam is built in which by river? (A) Blaise Pascal (A) Beas (B) Albert Einstein (B) Sutlej (C) Stephen Hawking (C) Ravi (D) Thomas Alva Edison (D) Jhelum 2. India's first-ever Floating Basketball 7. Which State Cabinet has approved Court has opened near which city ? India's first Sports University? (A) Kochi (A) Odisha (B) Kolkata (B) Assam (C) Delhi (C) Mumbai (D) Tamil Nadu (D) Hyderabad 8. What does the term 'Lunar Apogee' "3. Which Union Ministry has launched the means? Audio Odigos App? (A) Point in the lunar orbit farthest from (A) Ministry of Tourism the Earth (B) Ministry of Social Justice and (B) Point in the earth's orbit that Empowerment intersects with lunar orbit (C) Ministry of Human Resource (C) Point in the lunar orbit nearest to Development the Earth (D) Ministry of Culture (D) None of the above 4. Who among the following was the first 9. Robusta, Singapuri, Giant Governor Tirthankar of Jainism ? and Mortman are varieties of which of the following ? (A) Vardhamana Mahavira (A) Coffee (B) Parshwanath (B) Cotton (C) Rishabhanatha (C) Apple (D) Sambavanath (D) Banana 5. The name of P.C. Mahalanobis is 10. Which State has become the India's special in the Indian Economy. He was third State to ban certain categories of associated with pan masala? (A) Liberalisation of Indian Economy (A) Rajasthan (B) Five Year Plans (B) Bihar (C) Reserve Bank of India (C) Maharashtra (D) Public Distribution System (D) Madhya Pradesh -2- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MKG-XXVIIIITECHMT/l T/Ol ~-~ i) 't'iIJiI<=4'iil"'lenl{l 1. 'Bitr~ CfiT~ "00 fcli:hmd 6. ~~~~~W~~? ~Tfml (A) Gft<:rm "- (A) ~ q lf6f1fl (8) ~dfl~ (8) ~ 3i1~0., (C) 00 (C)~~ (0) ~ (0) ~ ~ o.:t1~., 7. ~~Chfcil~l~~~~~ 2. ~ CfiT~ ~ cillWllcillfi ~ fcFiB fcl~C!fcltllfl'Q cit 3i~!l"l1C;"Wrr ? ";f1R~~~"l1m~ ? (A) ~ "- (A) ~ (8) CfilflCfildl (8) ~ (C) ~ (C) ~ (0) dMfI.,l§ (0) ~C;{lcillC; 8. '~~'~B::mtPfm~~? 3. ~ ~ 451lfl'Q ~ ~ 3flrnJn~-o.:at (A) ~ eft CfiiID if ~2:CftB ~ ~ ~~~? " ~ffi-G '" (A) ~ 4511f1'Q (8) ..~ 2.~ ctl CfiiID if ~ ctl CfiiID Cfi1 (8) ~ 141NlCfi ~ ~ ~!{IFcfflCfi{OI451lfl'Q Sf Rt"i#c; ~ CfK1i ffi-G '" (C) l1RCi ~ fclCfiI~ 451lfl'Q (C) ~2:Cft~ RCfild4 ~ eft CfiiID if ~ (0) ;if1iRt 451lfl'Q (0) "3(ffi if B~ ~ 4. ~~>T~~~iT? 9. fl~'RI, fBJI~(j,~ ~ 3fR '41i~ RlO'1R1fu1d if B fcnw:hl ~ ~ ? (A) q*rR 4~1cf)( (A) ~ (8) ql~cr"l~ (8) ~ (C) ~cq;n~ (C) ~ (0) ~cilC!.,I~ (0) ~ 5. ~ 31~ifTft.m. 4~lfI"lfcil~ CfiT 10. ~-m~i1R11B1meft~~w "'1Tl1~~ I~ B~~ I UCfi wTH CfK1i ~ CfiT<fiwT ~ ~ ? (A) ~ 31~ ~ 3c;ltlCfi{OI (A) ~~ (8) ~~~ (8) ~ (C) ~~~ (C) 4QI(I~ (0) ~ lci~ Cfi~ >f1JfTffi R (0) l1'f..~>rW -3- MKG-XXVIIIITECHMTI1 T/01 1111111111111I111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111I1111111111111 11. Which Union Ministry has launched an 16. Hypertension is the term used for Automated Real Time Performance Smart-board? (A) Decrease in Blood Pressure (A) Ministry of Aviation (B) Increase in Blood Pressure (B) Ministry of Defence (C) Decrease in Heart Rate (C) Ministry of Environment (D) Increase in Heart Rate (D) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 17. Where is Westphalia located? 12. What is the theme of the 2019 edition (A) Germany of World Space Week (WSW) ? (B) Sweden (A) Exploring New Worlds in Space (C) Denmark (B) Exploring the Black Hole (C) The Moon: Gateway to the Stars (D) Iceland (D) Space War 18. Who is the author of the book 'Clash of 13. Which bank has signed MoU with Indian Civilisations' ? Army for customised services? (A) Francis Fukuyama (A) State Bank of India (B) (B) Bank of Baroda Samuel P. Huntington (C) Bank of India (C) Tarek Fatah (D) Punjab National Bank (D) Amartya Sen 14. Which Union Ministry has instituted the 19. The original Constitution of India was Vayoshreshtha Sam man - 2019 ? handwritten by (A) Ministry of Diaspora Affairs (B) Ministry of Environment (A) Rabindranath Tagore (C) Ministry of Social Justice and (B) B. R. Ambedkar Empowerment (C) K. Munshi (D) Ministry of Finance (D) Prem Behari Narain Raizada 15. Which among the following is the first country to issue research licenses for 20. The Indian National Flag was designed human embryonic cloning to create by stem cells? (A) Alluri Sitarama Raju (A) United States (B) Japan (B) Pattabhi Sitaramayya (C) China (C) Pingali Venkayya (D) United Kingdom (D) U. Narasimha Reddy -4- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MKG-XXVIlIfTECHMT/1 T/01 "'. 11. ~~ q~k1t! ~ fCI:cllR1a("I("fI4t!R&lI~'i 16. 61~q~G~H~ if, ~ 31Td1~ I ~~mc::~~? "V (A) ~cRfqIq ~ Cfilft (A) 3~'5t!'i 4~ Iflt! (8) {Cff1'C!IQ~ ~ (8) "\a.=rT4~ Ifit! (C) ~ ~ ~ Cfilft (C) qt!Tc-HOIq~lflt! (0) ~~~~ (0) ~8Cf?TRCf~3fu ~ ("ICf);ftCfq~) Iflt! 17. ~Rq,R1t!1 ~ ~2ffl~ I 12. ~ ~~~if, 2019 BfCfl{OICfiT~ mqCF:n~ ? (A) ~ (A) 3toft~ ~ -;nr. ~ cfiT ~ (8) ~ (8) <pUT ~ cfiT ~ (C) ~'i4Ich (C) ~: mnCfiT~ (0) 3"l1~~8s (0) 3ioft~~ 18. '~31fq) fBfclfll~~~I,*,' ~if,~ 13. fCp~ltft$a itcrr311~ ~ tr.n if, ~ ~ ~~ ~4$"'ld 1R~~fcnm~? ~~? (A) ~m~ (A) ShifB~ Cf)1Cf:t!141 (8) ~31fq)~ (8) ~~ 1ft. 6QJc'i (C) ~31fq)~ (C) ~~ (0) ~~~ (0) ~iR 14. ~~q~lfI""I~~~~-2019 19. 'lffi(fCfiT1Wfm~ "IDU 6fd R1f@("I 31R~~~ ? ml (A) ~ ~ q~lflt! (8) qt!fCl~OIq~ Iflt! (A) d~~'il~~ (C) ~141~Cf) ~ 3fR f1~lfCfflCf){OI (8) Gft.31R. 3"lcilsCf)~ 4~lflt! (C) if,. ~ (0) fcre q5llflt! (0) ~~~ Ut!\J1I~1 15. R8R1f@("I~ir~-mCffl~~~~ 20. ~ u$ ~ CfiTrn\J1I~'i lfRC{ ~ cfiT CffIIHJ I if ~II'll f{Cf)ch1~ ICf)1m <iI~CfiT ~ fll~fjfl ~~~? ~I -, '" (A) ?fi1~GS~ (A) ~~l("1RI4~ (8) ~ (8) ~ a1aR~""I1 (C) TiH (C) ~ ~Cf)£tjl (0) 'i.:JI~~S fchllS4 (0) ~ 'i~m~1 ~ -5- ·MKG-XXVIIIITECHMT/1T/01 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ii) General tntelllqence and Reasoning Ability 21.
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