CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES LEVEL 4 16 ST. GEORGES TCE, PERTH WA 6000 [email protected] http://au.uembassy.gov NOTARIES PUBLIC IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The American Consulate General in Perth assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms whose names appear in the following list. The names listed are arranged alphabetically by region. The order in which they appear has no other significance. ALBANY Mr. Murray Thornhill Notary Public Hudson Henning &Goodman 49 Peels Place (PO box 5084) Albany, WA 6332 Tel: (08) 9841-2322 Fax: (08) 9841-2489 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hhg.com.au APPLECROSS Mr. Peter Griffin Notary Public suite 4, 1st floor 48 Kishorn Road Applecross, WA 6153 Tel: (08) 9316-2159 Fax: (08) 9364-1053 Email: [email protected] Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 BOORAGOON Mr. David M. Lewis Notary Public Lewis Blyth and Hooper 4th floor Garden City House Booragon, WA 6154 Tel: (08) 9364-9555 Fax: (08) 9364-8812 Email: [email protected] BRIDGETOWN Mr. Howard I. Evans Notary Public 107 Hampton Street (PO Box 433) Bridgetown, WA 6255 Tel: (08) 9761-1619 Fax: (08) 9761-1922 BUNBURY Mr. Edwin Abdo Notary Public 26 Stirling Street Bunbury, WA 6230 Tel: (08) 9791-3280 Fax: (08) 9791-3283 Mr. J. Formby Notary Public Formbys Lawyers 16 Carey Street (PO Box 1233) Bunbury, WA 6230 Tel: (08) 9791-1600 Fax: (08) 9791-1180 Email: [email protected] Website: www.formbyslawyers.com Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Mr. Clive Young Notary Public Young and Young 5 Spencer Street (PO Box 265) Bunbury, WA 6231 Tel: (08) 9721-4144 Fax: (08) 9721-7006 Email: [email protected] Website: www.yy.com.au CLAREMONT Mr. Michael Hughes Cullen Babington Hughes 95 Stirling Highway Nedlands, WA 6009 Tel: (08) 9389-3999 Fax: (08) 9389-1511 CRAWLEY Mr. John Picton-Warlow Notary Public Unit 3E, “Strathearn” 16 Kings Park Avenue Crawley, WA 6009 Tel: (08) 9386-1165 Mobile: 0413610419 Email: [email protected] EAST PERTH Mr. Garry E. Same Notary Public Taylor Smart 1 Regal Place East Perth, WA 6004 Tel: (08) 9325-8266 Fax: (08) 9325-2895 Email: [email protected] Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Mr. Raymond Tan Notary Public Tan and Tan Lawyers 6/78 Terrace Road East Perth, WA 6004 Tel: 908) 9221-2888 ESPERANCE Mr. Basil Israel Notary Public 12 Magnolia Crescent Esperance, WA 6450 Tel: (08) 9072-0441 Fax: (08) 9072-0543 FREMANTLE Mr. Anthony Pass Notary Public Frank Unmack and Cullen Unit 6, Level 1 38 Adelaide Street Fremantle, WA 6160 Tel: (08) 9335-4277 Fax: (08) 9335-6354 Mr. Kevin Edwards Notary Public Warren Syminton Ralph Level 2, Norfolk House (PO Box 1281, Fremantle 6959) 3 Norfolk Street Fremantle, WA 6160 Tel: (08) 9435-9435 Fax: (08) 9433-4533 Email: [email protected] Mr. Ante Zorotovic Notary Public Frichot and Frichot Norfolk Chambers 6 Norfolk Street Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 (PO Box 388, WA 6959) Fremantle, WA 6160 Tel: (08) 9335-9877 Fax: (08) 9336-1291 Mr. Michael Piu Notary Public First Floor 15 Adelaide Street Fremantle, WA 6160 Tel: (08) 9432-0222 Fax; (08) 9432-0221 GERALDTON Mr. Peter J. Rock Notary Public Altorfer and Stow 254 Foreshore Drive Geraldton, WA 6530 Tel: (08) 9921-3366 Fax: (08) 9921-4386 Email: [email protected] INGLEWOOD Mr. Michael Sutherland Notary Public Leonard Cohen and Co 896 Beaufort Street (PO Box 373) Inglewood, WA 6932 Tel: (08) 9271-5777 Fax: (08) 9271-4226 JOONDALUP Mr. Chris Baker Notary Public Chris Baker and Associates C2/167 Grand Blvd Joondalup WA 6027 Tel: (08) 9301-0500 Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 KALGOORLIE Ms. Carmel McKenzie Notary Public 74 Egan Street (PO Box 10336) Kalgoorlie, WA 6433 Tel: (08) 9021-6699 Fax: (08) 9021-4052 Email: [email protected] MANJIMUP Mr. Howard I. Evans Notary Public 7A Brockman Street Manjimup, WA 6258 Tel: (08) 9771-1599 Fax: (08) 9777-1091 MORLEY Mr. Andrew Lynn Notary Public Lynn and Brown Lawyers 5 Collier Road Morley, WA 6062 Tel: (08) 9375-3411 Fax: (08) 9275-1311 Email: [email protected] NEDLANDS Mr. Michael Hughes Notary Public Cullen Babington Hughes 95 Stirling Highway Nedlands, WA 6009 Tel: (08) 9389-3999 Fax: (08) 9389-1511 Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Email: [email protected] NORTHBRIDGE Mr. Salvatore Martella Notary Public Martella and Company Suite 8, 1st floor 109 James Street Northbridge, WA 6003 Tel: (08) 9328-1099 Fax: (08) 9227-7163 Email: [email protected] NORTH PERTH Mr. Sanjiv Sethi Notary Express Senior Solicitor and Notary Public Suite 7, Level 1, 422 Fitzgerald Street (PO Box 313, North Perth, WA 6906) North Perth, WA 6006 Tel: (08) 6262-9701 Fax: (08) 9328-6019 Email: [email protected] Website: www.notaryexpress.com.au OSBORNE PARK Mr. Martin de Haas Notary Public 1st floor, 30 Hasler road Osborne Park, WA 6017 Tel: (08) 9445-9200 Fax: (08) 9445-9300 Mr. Michael Paterson Notary Public Michael Paterson and Associates Suite 4, 88 Walters Drive Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Osborne Park, WA 6017 Tel: (08) 9443-5385 Fax: (08) 9443-5390 Email: [email protected] PERTH CBD Mr. G. R. Boyle Notary Public Jackson McDonald Level 25, 140 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9426-6611 Fax: (08) 9481-8649 Email: [email protected] Mr. Robert M. Davis Notary Public Paterson & Dowding 2nd floor, BGC Center 28 The Esplanade Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9226-3300 Fax: (08) 9226-3131 Email: [email protected] Website: www.patersondowding.com.au Mr. Anthony Dickey Notary Public John Toohey Chambers Level 3, 27-29 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA. 6000 Tel: (08) 6315-3300 Fax: (08) 6315-3399 Email: [email protected] Mr. Peter Dowding Notary Public Level 3, 27-29 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA. 6000 Tel: (08) 9323-7790 Fax: (08) 9323-7791 Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Mr. Anthony Fowke Notary Public Minter Ellison Level 49, Central Park 152-158 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9429-7444 Fax: (08) 9429-7666 Mr. Greg Gaunt Notary Public Lavan Legal Levels 17 – 20 1 William Street Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9288-6000 Fax: (08) 9288-6001 Mr. John Gillett Notary Public Jackson McDonald Level 25, 140 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9426-6611 Fax: (08) 9254-3438 Mr. John Hammond Notary Public Hammond Legal Level 2, 82 Beauford St Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 6311-7080 Fax: (08) 6311-7081 Website: www.hammondlegal.com.au Mr. John R. Hayward Notary Public Freehills QV 1, 250 St. Georges Tce (GPO Box U1942) Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9211-7777 Fax: (08) 9211-7878 Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Website: www.freehills.com Ms. Elizabeth Heenan Notary Public Marks & Sands Lawyers Level 9, 30 The Esplanade Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9488-1300 Fax: (08) 9488-1395 Website: www.marksandsands.com.au Mr. Barry Johnston Notary Public Freehills QV 1, 250 St. Georges Tce (GPO Box U1942) Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9211-7777 Fax: (08) 9211-7878 Website: www.freehills.com Mr. Lionel King Notary Public Hammond King Touyz 3rd floor, 8 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9325-5700 Fax: (08) 9221-2234 Mr. Richard McCormack Notary Public Francis Burt chambers Level 17, Allendale Square 77 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9220-0444 Fax:(08) 9221-5979 Email: [email protected] Website: www.francisburt.com.au Mr. Tony Milne Notary Public Kott Gunning Lawyers Level 8 AMP Bldg 140 St. Georges Tce Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9321-3755 Fax: (08) 9321-3465 Website: www.kottgunn.com.au Mr. John Olivier Notary Public Talbot Olivier Level 8, 40 The Esplanade (GPO Box 2569, Perth 6001) Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9420-7100 Fax: (08) 9240-7101 Website: [email protected] Mr. Chris Stevenson Notary Public Francis Burt Chambers Level 19, Allendale Square 77 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 GPO Box C122, Perth WA 6839 Tel: (08) 9220 0472 Fax:(08) 9325 9008 Mr. I. K. Warner Notary Public Jackson McDonald Level 25, 140 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9426-6611 Fax:(08) 9254-3438 Email: [email protected] Mr. Philip Wilson Notary Public Corrs Chambers Westgarth 150 St. Georges Tce Perth, WA 6000 Tel: (08) 9321-8531 Fax:(08) 9322-6953 Email: [email protected] Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 SUBIACO Mr. James Formby Formbys Legal Pty Ltd 116 Churchill Avenue Subiaco, WA 6008 Tel: (08) 9380-3606 Fax: (08) 9388-3452 Email: [email protected] Website: www.formbyslawyers.com WAGIN Mr. Peter Marks Notary Public 60 Tudhoe Street Wagin, WA 6315 Tel: (08) 9861-1305 Fax:(08) 9861-1905 WEST PERTH Mr. Timothy E. Cocks Allan Pocock and Associates Notary Public Ground floor, 6 Thelma Street Cocks Macnish West Perth, WA 6005 Level 2, 7 Ventnor Avenue Tel: (08) 9322-7766 West Perth, WA 6005 Fax: (08) 9322-7466 Tel: (08) 9321-6676 Fax:(08) 9322-1543 Website: www.cocksmacnish.com.au Mr. Paul Wright Notary Public Mr. Ian Murie Level 1, 88 Colin St Notary Public (PO Box 820) Muries Lawyers West Perth, WA 6005 16 Emerald Tce Tel: (08) 9322-7766 West Perth, WA 6005 Fax: (08) 9322-7466 Tel: (08) 9426-0200 Fax: (08) 9426-0201 Mr. Simon Watson Website: www.murieslawyers.com.au Notary Public Simon Watson, Barrister Mr. Allan Pocock 17 Ord Street Notary Public West Perth, WA 6005 Notaries Public Perth 07/2018 Tel: (08) 9322-6855 Fax:(08) 9322-6197 Mr.
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