Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 17-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, January 4, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Towns Fare Well Following Storm McDermott Takes That Dumped Up to 18 Inches of Snow Reins as Mayor, By DEBORAH MADISON Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Bringing back recollections of Changes Attorneys the Blizzard of 1996, Saturday’s By PAUL J. PEYTON years as an attorney for the Board of last-storm-of-the-millennium, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Adjustment, while Ms. Nugent was dumped more than a foot of snow Gregory S. McDermott, who served Public Defender in 1995 and 1996. on Central New Jersey and much of the past three years as First Ward He resigned last week as Westfield the Eastern Seaboard. Councilman, took over the reins as Republican Town Committee Chair- Two major storm systems col- Mayor of Westfield Tuesday night, man. lided in the South, made their way promising to deliver on a number of Mr. Salisbury said he was “puzzled” up the coast, and blanketed Cen- campaign promises. that William S. Jeremiah, 2nd was not tral New Jersey four hours earlier In front of a standing-room-only re-appointed to a third year in the than expected, starting at 4 a.m., crowd in the Town Council cham- post. Mr. Jeremiah had previously instead of as predicted at 8 a.m. bers, Mr. McDermott was sworn into served for 14 years as Planning Board Many local communities reported office by his father, Frank X. attorney. 18 or more inches, while some McDermott, a former State Senator, “I’ve come to know him as a man of topped two feet. Acting Governor and Union County the highest standards. And I’ve come The snow fell heavily for most of Republican Chairman. to know him as a tireless, smart, deci- the day, faster than two inches per Stressing a bi-partisan feel, Mayor sive, honest public servant. I don’t hour at times, tapering off around McDermott said his top priority know what more we can ask of the 3 p.m. Winds, exceeding 30 miles would be “to create the kind of work- qualities for our town attorney,” com- per hour, created blizzard-like con- ing environment that encourages mented Mr. Salisbury. ditions and caused snowdrifts debates, but respects differences.” Meanwhile, Mr. Goldman was criti- deeper than four feet in some areas. Implementation of a comprehen- cal that Michael Diamond, a former Bitter cold northern air then sive parking plan and improved rec- Democratic Town Councilman, was swooped down on New Jersey by reation fields were listed as primary not re-appointed to a fifth year as nightfall, plummeting tempera- goals of Westfield’s new chief elected Public Defender. He described Mr. tures into the single digits, creat- official. Diamond as an “an extremely com- ing hazardous driving conditions Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader Also at the top of the list is the passionate individual.” on the ice-packed roads. GET YOUR POLES AND GO…Louise and Yair Frankel decided to take an early cross country ski down Harrison town’s first long-term capital spend- While wishing Mr. Jeremiah “the With ample warning that this Avenue in Westfield during the height of the storm on Saturday morning. ing plan. In addition, Mayor very best” in his endeavors, Republi- was going to be a big one, many McDermott said he would establish a can Fourth Ward Councilwoman Janis area residents flocked to supermar- After the storm, DPW Superin- rotating schedule for reports by rep- Fried Weinstein said, “we are going kets and department stores on Fri- snowed-in. tractors on standby, waiting for the Local Public Works Departments storm to hit. Road Supervisor, Tho- tendent Dan Kelly reported that resentatives of the various boards and to move on” with the town’s business. day afternoon to stock up on gro- Westfield used more than 200 tons commissions in town. Third Ward Councilman Neil F. ceries and emergency supplies. had plenty of time to organize sup- mas McCoy reported that he had plies and manpower. Westfield’s De- enough trucks and workers to place a of salt during 20 hours of plowing. Speaking of enhancing communi- Sullivan, the veteran of the council, Items such as shovels, rock salt and The official count for Westfield cations in town – namely TV-36 and who will serve as Acting Mayor this flashlights flew off the shelves, as partment of Public Works (DPW) had plow in each of 24 areas of Westfield 20 employees plus 10 private con- to keep the roads passable. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the town’s Website – Mayor year, said the comments by his Demo- residents anticipated being McDermott stated that, “It will be a cratic council colleagues regarding primary objective for me in 2001 to the appointments of the town attor- ensure that we use every resource ney and public defender took him “ a available so that every resident knows bit by surprise.” He said that Demo- what is going on in his or her home- crats did not mention their opposi- Council OKs Deck on North Side, McDermott town.” tion during a conference meeting prior Mayor McDermott said he wants to to the reorganization session. Victory, BOE Bond Passage Top News in 2000 to cycle in his second consecutive By PAUL J. PEYTON for the Westfield Rescue Squad. A open space trust fund, which would Specially Written for The Westfield Leader total of $92,000 would be budgeted be financed through a tax of 2 cents Pan-Massachusetts Challenge, which Editor’s Note: The following is a annually to cover up to 80 squad per $100 of assessed property valua- benefits the Jimmy Fund at the world- synopsis of news stories that were members. The pension system is tion. renowned Dana-Farber Cancer Insti- reported in Westfield and the County known as a LOSAP, or Length of Religious symbols became an issue tute in Boston, Mass. of Union during the second half of Service Awards Program. again when resident Thomas Madaras Private swim clubs in the area re- 2000. Under the deferred compensation said in a letter to the Council that ported membership at or near capac- * * * * * plan, squad members would receive a members of the community were inter- ity for the summer. maximum annual benefit of $1,150 by ested in raising funds to place a Nativ- Westfielders William J. Shepherd JULY pulling in 90 percent attendance dur- ity scene next to a Menorah at the and Lee M. Hale took out a full page Kathy Diver Lautenklos, a 1982 ing the required monthly duty period. entrance to the North Avenue parking in The Leader seeking approval of Westfield High School graduate serv- During its only summer meeting, the lot at the Westfield Railroad Station. two downtown parking decks as rec- ing two consecutive 18-month prison Westfield Recreation Commission con- In 1999, questions were raised ommended by the town’s parking sentences for assault by automobile, tinued to grapple with what they be- about the propriety of displaying a consultant, Rich and Associates. addressed the Central Jersey Star lieved was a losing battle on the dete- donated menorah on town-owned Mark Boyd of Westfield was sworn Soccer Club at the Westfield Y. rioration of the town’s playing fields. property at the north side railroad in as New Jersey Labor Commis- She told the youngsters of the dan- Member Melvyn Coren said with- station. This came in the wake of an sioner. He said his emphasis would be gers of drinking and driving follow- out the creation of a field maintenance earlier decision by Mayor Thomas C. to improve the literacy level of the ing an accident in 1996 that occurred department, which had been proposed Jardim and the Town Council to de- state’s workforce. after she had been drinking, when her by Recreation Department officials, emphasize the religious aspects of AUGUST car struck and killed a Long Island “the town is throwing money down the the scale-model Presbyterian Church The State Assembly passed a bill, couple and permanently injured their drain.” that is erected annually on the island sponsored by Assemblyman Richard daughter and injured three other per- Town Council members opted not in Mindowaskin Park’s lake. H. Bagger (R-22nd) of Westfield, sons. to create a field and maintenance Improvements at Westfield Com- aimed at constructing a mandatory The event was presented by Project department, which would have car- munity Television, TV-36, began to pickup time schedule for garbage col- P.R.I.D.E. (Promoting Responsibil- ried a budget ranging from $325,000 advance with approval of the cre- lectors. The bill would force garbage Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader ity In Drug Education), an initiative to $511,000. ation of a part-time Director of Opera- trucks off the road during hours that ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR DAD…Frank X. McDermott reads the oath of of the New Jersey Department of The Commission discussed pool- tions position at a salary of $26,000. are deemed too early or too late by office for Mayor of Westfield to his son Gregory S. McDermott during Tuesday’s Corrections. ing resources between the town and Schools Superintendent Dr. Will- towns such as Westfield. Town Council Reorganization Meeting. The Westfield Building Depart- the Board of Education, which oper- iam J. Foley reported to the Board of The town installed newly-pur- maximize the efforts of the standing ment initiated Wednesday evening chased lightning detectors in several “I think, Mr.
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