i ANOTHER PROPOSED REFORM. look at things through old eyes,' said HOW TO STOCK FARMS. HOME. AND FARM. EAST GREENLAND. CA1EX1HR. he. have endeavored to retain the nnovnrs TIio Protection of Foreata from Depreda- 'I Dtaeo-rer- enthusiasm of younger days every- Extracts From Father Clarkson's Papei Cold tea is the best liquid for clean- of a Bace Unacquainted With the El tion to lie Accomplished in Stock-Growe- Nations-Captai- n Previous Read Before the Iowa rs' varnished paint, window panes and Existence of White Hasty Legislation thing I have undertaken, and have re- ing ,00 00 S s w lXl Should Be Avoided. Convention. Toledo Blade. 5 5 ; i .3 : J f efforts tained my youth simply because I have mirrors. Holm recently returned to The which we have made to 35 r-- never permitted myself to my- His first point was that it makes nc In washing tumblers that have had Copenhagen after having spent two H 2. H 5 - rouse the attention of the public consider i to the self So difference whether a man be a graduate milk in them, you should always rinse 1 i , a old.' it has been with me. I years and a half in exploring the almost - ! ,l i 3 4 5 ti . 4 G V 10 importance of better methods for pro- a them out of clear, cold water first. u; ' have retained the enthusiasm of my direct from the agricultural college or unknown region of the east coast of to u 12 u ir ic u 1:5 u t n tecting the forests Corn One cupful Indian meal, 17 It-- l.t .'. i i. S. IS 11 Ju i,. J, situated upon the younger days, and to this I attribute refugee from defeats and disasters in Cake: Greenland. Although ten or twelve ex- v Si public domain than are afforded the appearance on which you compli- two cupfuls flour, one-ha- lf cupful sugar, U i X 544) AJi r,3 5' t. 31 by nearly all departments of industry, ht East Green- H ; - . one one-ha- lf peditions have set out for 1 3 existing laws are ment me." Indianapolis Journal. egg, cupful butter, one and p,.b. .. 2 a 4 ; 2 :t 4 :. i 7 beginning to bear which i As. - necessarily the rough block two-thir- ! 1 is not ds cupfuls sweet milk, one-ha- lf land in the past two centuries, almost 7 8 f Hi II - i 10 ! U fruit. The Commissioner of the Gen- is to be wrought into a live agricultur- 14 15 l 17 IS II. d 15 1 17 .. j teaspoonf ul soda, one teaspoonf ul cream all of them in search of the lost Norse- J7 . M eral Land Office, in hi3 THE CUSTOMS SERIVCE. 212: 23 i4 35 22 2: . J report just ist, if he has not the inbred and inborn tartar. The Caterer. men, who were supposed to have set- ft 29 ,1 made public, calls to Secretary Manning Making a Thorough in- Mar. I 2 8 4 f 1 4 attention the fact, love of pursuits, backed by an Squashes should be kept in a warm, ! l Investigation A New Law Prom- rural tled there, only one sliip ever reached ; Mi 10 11 i 6 r 1 f 10 1 which we have of It I", IH 17 IS I; .1) 12 l:;. 14 15 1 constantly pointed out, ised. dustry which will lead him to dry place, and should not freeze. It ia the coast. The great ice masses, some- U !7 li ii st x 35 a: rr . m 21 2 1 24 25 li- - not to keep vegetables too tt ' 11 11 11 that "depredations upon public lead employes best warm. times hundreds of miles wide, that are 2C 2S 2U iifffiliii- -J THE g timber Secretary Manning, in rise early and his 2S 29 JU Si 27 rft .. .. lUlSKI 11 conversation but care should be 1 are universal, flagrant and limitless". en- exercised to prevent perpetually piled up againt the shore Vi.r. ..!..'.. ::! . .. 2 afield. H one expects by r, is:fH 4 fi S BEST TONIC He recommends the immediate with- respecting the proposed examination the freezing oi those that are easily af have kept explorers from East Green- 4! Ii 7 S 10 3 5 ' h ergy and industry to convert a native !1I2 l:, 14 15 It! 17 10 H 12 13 H !., 10 fected by cold. Troy Times. -3 This medicine, combining Iron with pnre drawal from sale or public by the Senate into the working of the .'1 17 Iff 20 21 .- : entry of all di- land long after all other Arctic lands 15 l'.i Si 22 2! 34 vesretable tonics, quickly and completely ' e, or exhausted soil into a successful, 2", .JS SO the Government timbor Lamia until New York Custom-Hous- said that as Hot Frosting: One cupful of sugar. were fairly well known. With three 35 30 27 2S 3H . 24 3ij2t) Care Dyspepsia, IndUrestlon, 1 31 Wek proper surveys and estimates of re- versified farm of grain, grass and stock, three and one-ha- lf teaspoonf uls milk assistants Captain Holm landed at Cape liar aten, Import Blood, Malaria, Chill their the executive officer was primarily 2 8 4 5 fi 7 S Vov. .. 1 2 3 4 5 fi awl Pevera, and Neuralgia. value can put 11 14 P 10 12 be prepared; that Congress sponsible foT the execution of the tariff select land which by the agency of wise it on the stove, boil five minutes. Farewell and then went north some 400 HI 12 I.: :5 7 II It is an unfailing remedy lor Diseases of th may be ablu to finally determine what husbandry, can be converted into a rict add flavoring. Stir after taking it ofl miles. He has returned with large col- 16 17 IS 19 20 21 .'2 14 !." :fi IT is lii 2iJ Kidney and Liver. parts 01 law, he should welcome the the stove until and flora, 25124 35 3t, 27 21 22 2. 24 25 3S 27 It Is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to tins property shall be disposed and prolific- - farm. Then determine it thickens a little lections representing the fauna, su ii :2UJu Women, and all who lend sedentary lives. vi, wuRfc parts snail oe retained as per of a committee of the Senate, if spread on the cake before it hardens. geology and anthropology of this hith- Jimp ..I.. 1 :' a 4 5 !!er 12 3 4 It doesnot injure the teeth, cause headacue.or animals shall be used. In ! S V lU 11 mancnt forests one be created to that end. He said, what class of Exchange. erto unknown portion of the earth's fi 7 8 Id 11 12 5 6 7 produce constipation other iron medicines tin. rational and under 13' H 15 1 17 IS l!l 12 13 14 15 If. 17 IS It deciding this question, recollect that nc ' enriches and purines the blood what rules the sales shall be made however, that during all the present When ladies are afflicted with a surface. He found in those cold and 2ll!l J2.i M 2") Hi 1'.' A! 21 22 '4 25 stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation enough, lol I.'S .1 hereatter. farm was ever large nor a rough skin they will find it to their ad dismal regions, isolated from the world, r. t" 2! 27 2si.2 V .. of fiod, relieves Heartburn and Belching, and year an active inquiry into the condi- so contracted as to breed and strengthens the muscles and nerves. This is a wise and timely suggestion. custom-house- s vantage to use a nail brush, only for a race of people who had never heard tion of the had been raise successfully two breeds ol not For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, wnicn congress will do well to adopt going on under the initiation and su- the nails, but also for the knuckles, and. or known of the great civilized nations Why Jews Live so Long. Iiaclt of Energy, etc.. It lias no equal. mere srionld not be another acre of any one class of animals or birds. Lei indeed, the entire hand. am of the earth. They seem to lead happy ".t ce Jieio England Medical Monthly com- pervision of his immediate predecessor be dividing efforts on dif- A little W The has above trade mark and ur public forests disposed of under there no the monia in the water adds to its cleansing lives, and lived in a communistic way in ments very favorably on the proverbial crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. and himself and that the result of that ferent breeds. And it is well to warn long and healthful lives of the Jews. Dr. ' any circumstances whatever, and everv inquiry is exhibited in a volume of 890 properties. Indianapolis Sentinel. hamlets. They differ entirely in lan- Picard holds that this snperiority is duo to !' bT BROWH CHEMICAL CO. BiLTISOKE. enori suuuiu oe maae to protect the inexperienced against purchasing guage and physical characteristics from stringent laws. them printed pages, which when examined stock of breeding farms where one man't To prevent the spread of chicken their health The Mosaic, from trespass and injury until Con- by Senators, will disclose all the needed Dr. the Esquimaux of West Greenland. like the older Eiyptian code, is very strin- The Seven Stages of Man knowledge of breeding, feeble at best, is cholera Salmon recommends a mix gent regarding the eating of flesh ALL REQUIRE AT SOME ACE gress has determined upon a general custom-house- s DemoresVs Monthly.
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