■ ' * ' ■ 4. -i-t i , ’. ,1. ■ J ^ I ■ * . • ••’ Jf' Arertge Daily NetV^eM Ron M E SIXTEEN * *■ \* ./■r ■ TUESDAY, JtN E 8. 1958 Far tk* Weak Kadfhk iKdnrbPst^r lEtirninB il^rath May 61, 1658 J N W i i t i Lakota Council, No. •!, Degree of 12,719 Pocahontas, 'will meet . tomorrow Baptists ^oF Baccalaureate Set Mamber af tk * Aniut About Toivti night at 7:30 in Odd FeUowa Hall. BursM at Ctraalattaa *MA‘ SWr, wanair?^'" Nomination of officara will be held. VacatM^School By Youth ebutieU Manchester— A City of ViUatt^Charm High M b -66. Mr*. StknJcy Olbert, M Wood- Following the meeting there will be a M ciii hour. FUNERAL HOME biidf* St.,, left Sunday' from Li* - Plana ar* being completed "for Guardia Field In New York for "Telllng^>he Story of Jesus" will | VOL; tXXVII, NOri08 be theme of>toe ■Vacation Church I the flrat BaccalaureiU in' many MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDN^bAY, JUNE 4, 1958 (OusMed Adrarttatog aa Paga 66) Phoenix, Aria., for a vi^t- with Co. No. 2, 8th Diatiict Fire De­ ! FUNERAL P R IC E P I Y # S.Sgt. and Mt*. Paul X. Elliott partment, wilt meet tomorrow, School at the'Comnjunlty Baptist year* to be held Sunday at 4 p.m. and Mr. and. Mr*. LOui* Pardo of night, at 8 o'clock at the firehouse, i Chtirch at the Green.. j in Center Cohgregational Church. SERVICE Tucson. Mra. Elliott was the Open to. children of the commit- I Clergymen who will participate Walter N. former Lorraine Albert. Thp.” Alpina Society will iio1(l Ita - In the program will b* Rabbi L«ion <iovemor Says meeting of the season tomor- nlty. the school w’lil run from 9 to I Leclerc, 11:30 a.m. June tS through July 3. Wind, the Rev. Alfred L, Wirtiam*, New, Secret Gibbona. - Assembly,.’' Catht^. night St 7:30 at the Italian Director - ^ — ' - ■. , w- w W Crafts, games, music, end refresh-'' Sr„ Major John Pickup and the Ladies of ColnmbUs, will meet this American Club. 23 Main Street, Manchester SenaU>r Choice evening at .6:15 at the Diocesan ments will supplement the class .Rev. John Neubert. s4-C'V:'.'.v’’' Bureau of Social'Service. 14 Park Reid MacCIuggage 09 Anaaidi ‘■easloni. The service will he open to all CoHMIT.SUAf . Rocket ^pr Bt. Mra Armella E. Baker, social Rd., will be Installed secretary « f, Mrs. .B, Burton Smyth, chair­ v^diwlsh to attend. The program Not ^l^wed Up’ worker in charge, will be the LTpsilon XI social fraternity^ of | man of the Board of Christian is being sponsored by the Manches­ ter Chrtetian Youth Coyncll, Add to Trade Education, and Mrar-Johh R, Neu- speaker. Mrs. Joseph Rourke will Hillyer Crtlege of the University; By THE ASSOCIATElD, PRESS Use by Man serve aa chairman of the hostess of Hartford at a banquet tomor­ bert, wife of th* PMtor, ir e eo-dl- Mtsa' Jacqueline Ballard, 31 committee. row night at 7:30 in Plainville. j rectora of the achool. Gather St., is chairman for the ■T JOHN M. m oRTO W K R Gov. RIbicoff ssyg none of , w ccalaureate. N e W l <>vlst Communist party last.month the three' Democratic sena­ Denville, N. J., June 4 (/P) Teachers will Include Mr*. J. WMhington. June 4 (/P)— that hia government. Intend* to ex­ Temple Chapter. 'Order of the Murray Powell. 791 Center St.. Members of St. Mary's Guild The Unlt^ Sutes began look­ pand the production of the chemi­ torial anpirants haa the pa^ Development of a portable Eastern Star, will hold a food sale. who have not made reservations Miss Sandra Carpenter, 91 Ade­ rocket unit allowing a man to ing into the possibility of in­ cal Industry very aubaUnUally. He ty'a nomination “sewed up.” Thursday from 11 to 3 p.m. in for the picnic, Thursday, June 12, laide Rd.; Mrs. Donald Orton. 869 said Russia will soon "need a "The race is still wide open," the ruR with the speed of a race- Male’s, store. Members who wish photo by FaJtet, Main St.; Misa Linda Rawlings, creased trade with Russia to­ at Altnaveigh, Storra, should con­ WINDOW SHAPES large amount of equipment which Governor told the spring meeting iiorse and jump extraordinary pickup should rail Mrs. Bertha tact Mra. Claude Porter, 29 Hyde 107 Oakland St'.; Mra. Henry H. 'Get, Dfgfee day on the basis of a direct must be designed and produced of the Connecticut Circuit of the P ortjf. 29 Hyde St., ' or Mrs. rerc This Week Commissioned Bartley. 65 -Walker St.; Mlsa Misa P a trid a ' Campbell lyas heights descr'ibied here to- Rev. H, G. Thirkhiaer of St. bid from Premifer Khrushchev anew” and would therefore seek to Associated Press last night In FMtdbeth Oeissler, .37 Dougherty Lt. John J, Barrett, BOti-Ji/t Mr. Judith Chapman. 407 Woodland LONG WEARING order part of th* machinery It-re- Stamford. day. Cantoh, Ohio, will conduct evan­ among 125 ^cahdldatce for degtcea $ 6 5 - ^ 8 t and Mrs. F. Leo Barrett' of 35 St.; Misa Roberta Johns, 250 to President Eisenhower, <mires from the United Statea, RIbicoff and U.S. Ben. 'WlllUm Reaction Motors, manufacturer gelistic aervicea at. the Church of Pvt. Thomas Lapointe, son of Greenwood Dr.; with others help^ at TrlntlF'Collcge,'Washington, D. INTERSTATE CLEANTEX Th# Isau* of western trade policy Mr. and Mra. Alien D. Pierce, 120 Deepwood Dr., was commiasibned All it)( powtr tad jmtornunccai vonu West . Germany end Britain. A. Purtell spoke Informally to the of rocket fuels for missiles and air­ ' Manchester Grange will o j ^ its the Nazarene Wednesday through a second lieutenant of infantry in Ing. C.. g.tr’'' commencement exercise* toward RuHia satms Ilkaly to come N. School St„ haa been aaaigned to Mada to Order hdirini lidi tmee ilf tin. Of'•naay tell- He also said that fhe Soviiri gov­ meeting of publishers and editors craft, said It has rbo successful meeting tomorrow at 1 - .^ p.m. Sunday. Services will be held each the U.S. Army in recent gradua­ A planning meeting of all teaoh- hpld yesterday,. is| for 4 limit ilt pfk*! H it lUNr up in top level U.B.-German and tests on a unit strapped -tp a man's I Co. of the 1st Training Regi­ $ 2 - 2 5 With Tour Rnllcra ernment was prepared to use the from' plate newsoaper members of sharp, on account of tha^peaklng evening at 7 :30, and the public is tion ceremonies of the Connecticut era and helpers wilt be'held at thg' '• The daughter of Mrs. Anoir untiiiv* Pcrmtpbonca. tnteeih-fla. U.S.-Brlti»h policy talk* in the the news gathering cooperative. body. The unit provides enough program to follow a t 8:30 In invited to attend^ ment for eight weeks of infantry National Guard Military Academy, Campbell, 18 Hawthorne St., Mias Voluiat Control, noiic.ltmiling *n«. next few day*. service* of outside sctentisti, en^- baalc training at Ft. Dlx, N. J. parsonage Sunday ertnmg at 5 ^ W ILL LINE OF CUSTO.M dfnd Citt itn itk't fiittii 4u»Un neers, inventors *nd skilled work­ Purtell, who Is seekmg reelec- thrust to partially overcome, the Ora:ng8 Hall when y«ght contest­ Hartford. p.m. Campbell' majored- In - history. Ftwridpijt TOiaodo^ Heuas of tlon this fall, would give no indi­ pull of gravity and give a m aK * Awaited by ants, who are m«noera of the Fu­ ikreyttii'inJ Sn it today 1 ers in increasing production of For the past year he attended .While at Trinity ah* served aa V e n e t ia n k i n d s sm io-0y, We«t Germany and Fbreign Mln- cation as to whether he favored degiw of weightlessness. ture Farmers ot^m erica, will par­ Memorial Lodge. Knights of Mlsa Sandra G. StevenaoO, 29 (W k- anil' a»a an—vn. plastics and aynthetic fibers. ' V Pytliias, will hold Its first meet' the school, and in September he 'president of the Miaslon Society, Om-ttm i tetitt Aw bdar Itoinrlcb von BrSntaao began a particular gubernatorial running The devicJ.WilLJncrease the mo- ticipate in thoTlnal program of the Oakwood Rd.. is a member of the and was a member- of the Student a vlalt today with Elaenlibwer Soviet importa from the United ing'iii June tomorrow at 8 p.ni. at ticket committee for the flrat Uni­ will leave for six months further mate on the GOP ticket. BiUty.of troops in battls_A Re*c- season under auspices of the State EJk» Ballifarkk Council, the literary society, dram­ and Secretary of 8Uto Dull**. Bute* in .the first l l months of enis Castle Hall, Golway St. The see versity of • Hartford commence­ ‘training in. the basic infantry of- E. As^ONNSON lOST fotalsd flS million while the "I will not Or cannot express any tlon Motors spokesman said,'and FFA . The youths have been win­ fleers' course a t Ft. Banning, Qa. atic club and the international re-^ QUINN'S British Prime Mlnlstor Harold the Army is "very much enthuel- ners ih their own chapter and dis­ ond rank will be conferred on a ment ball to be held Saturday eve­ United. States during all of 1957 reference," he said. “I will be astte." class of candidates. , ning in West Hartford. Lt. Barrett joined Co. A o f the 5th i^niversary latlons club. She also worked on Macmillan wUI hold two day* of appy to run with anyone aelect- 4 trict contes.ts.
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