Cel'.Us 51·No. 30B (I) M.lnt.6-19 300 CENSUS OF PAKISTAN, 1951 VILLAGE LIST PUNJAB Multan Division OFFICE Of THE PROVINCIAL · .. ·l),ITENDENT CENSUS, J~ 1952 ,~ :{< 'AND BAHAWALPUR, P,IC1!iR.. 10 , , FOREWOf~D This Village Ust has been prepared from the material collected in con­ nection with the Census of Pakistan, 1951. The object of the List is to present useful information about our villages. It was considered that in a predominantly rural country like Pakistan, reliable village statistics should be available and it is hoped that the Village List will form the basis for the continued collection of such statistics. A summary table of the totals for each tehsil showinz its area to the nearest square mile, and its population and the number of houses to the nearest hundred is given on page I together with the page number on which each tehsil begins. The general village table, which has been compiled district-wise and arranged tehsil-wise, appears on page 3 et seq. Within each tehsll th~ Revenue Kanungo ho/qas are shown according to their order in the census records. The Village in which the Revenue Kanungo usually resides is printed in bold type at the beginning of each Kanungo halqa and the remaining villages comprising the halqas, are shown thereunder in the order of their revenue hadbast numbers, which are given in column a. Rakhs (tree plantations) and other similar area,. even where they are allotted separate revenue hadbast nurY'lbcrs have not been shown as they were not reported in the Charge and Household summaries, to be inhabited. The names of Villages in column b have been taken from the censu:;; records, checked by the Deputy Commissioner's staff Clnd compared with the records maintained in the office of the Director, Land Records, Punjab. Column c shows the particulars of local details supplied by the Deputy CommissionerS. In describing these details the undermentioned abbreviations have been used :- I. Sell. For Primary School. Maktab, etc. 2. M. Sell. For Middle School or Junior Madrassah. 3. H.5ch. For High School or Madrassah. 4. Dis. For Dispensary. I" ,}. R. Dis. For Rural Dispensary. 6, Sub.Di~. For Subsidised Dispensary. 7. Hos. For Hospital. H. P.O. For Post Office. 9. P. S. For Police Station. 10. Rty. For Railway StatIon. IL T. \tv For Tube Well. (ii) The area shown in column d is to the nearest square mile. It is based on information furnished by the Charge Superintendents and may not agree with the total area for­ the district as available with the Survey of Pakistan. Columns e and f have been fi lied in from the Charge and Household summaries prepared by the Charge Superintendents under the supervision of the District Census Officerr. The population figures and the number of houses entered therein are to the nearest ten. I am grateful to the Deputy Commissioners,the Director of Land Records. Punjab. and other revenue staff for the assistance rendered by them In the compilation of this Village List. I hope the List will be of some use to the administration and so justify the labour and money spent on its compilation. M. H. MAHMOOD Dated Lahore, the 14th June 1952. Provincial Superintendent Census, Punjab and Bahawalpur. DERA GHAZ\ KHAN DISTRICT \ a:: a:: < o -.. _. ,_ ,.i ..... j ,.' _/ J ;jiTur.iiini ,/ "I 0 ~( I." , , ... i..... I ,.j / I I SheikkwOlj. / Kpinc:. ~ ,.) q. c.~ ('_ _.-' .. _.".",1/ q: \ REfERENCES \ .-'_'_'_'_ ,}'" 'Ii" )../ ./ l'/-----r I ,. ! ~ DISTRICT HQR. t=:l TENSIL /jQR UNDER LINF:D ___ .,... -; .... -rr-.: '0' ~ ''"' PROVI."'CE. UN. STAT.!:. UPPER ,'"' ~ po. 1l/."TR/(7 FRoa'TS, No!SUKKuR· TEH;sIL '. I ER " \ RAIJ,\VAYS Scale '1;1,000,000 H:O~DS ~IVf'RS ro~~5~~O~~~1~O~==~20 I ,lOCH _I"7I1MILE B ORt'OI41HCH£S=I6MI L~ s .3 D~RA c;iHAZI KHAN TEHSIL. Locai (S~i. Popu:::l- details miles) tion Houses "':iJ l_\" ..···:':i 0,0.. <!r) tS.l4T ot.;IS:. '.(..,I,.,~ -0---.------..... -.- ----·1:;------·-----·---,·--(··,,---···-----(1- '--e----or"-- "-_-_-_---'---' --·-________o ___ Dera Ghazi Khan Municipality H.Sch., P.O., 4'0 36,240 8,360 J!;-;r--' 0l;. -s j li. • .J:!.s P.S., Hos. Kot Chhutta Town 0jll' .(:-6-~ G _,s M.Sch., P.O.. I 0 2,690 630 P.S., Dis. 0 115 Shah Sadar Din 0d.l ).\"'" 0 L·: 5 0 1,430 350 Ahmadani L..;IJ. ...... I Sch. 4'0 580 220 2 Shadan Lund :~I .J..)L~ H.Sch .• P.O., 5'0 1,130 520 Dis. 3 Sobharind ';';)4'_r- 2'0 150 50 \" 4 Ghumman j"~- 6'0 550 120 5 Sohanra Zahar ~,.b j I _.i l;to 50. 3'0 60 10 6 Sabzani \3;lj~ .. 2'0 240 40 7 Hota H utwan i u;\.J~ "\..~. .J-~ 2·0 150 70 8 Rakh Shadan Lund wi:! 0 .ll_·; -&: ) 3 9 Kochh Kokari s )';'5- .e.~).5 1'0 320 160 10 Sheru Dasti i..,S::'..,JJ.) .J ~~..:;, 960 260 II Rohri Sj.3) -4 ci Area Z~ Local (Sq. Popula- ~ V) Name of village details miles) tion Houses "J .c. .r ~. ) "" -1 0L.... :~ it; ~·u·,u. C!..f4) ('£.)4T u(;~ '" ~ I (J::.. • ........r· ___. ,_~_,~. ~'_"=-""" ___ a b c d e _ .... ""'." __ "=,, __~ __."' .. ' ..... _r',,_..,,. .. ' ....--._ .• _"" __ .._.__ .. f 12 Patti Gazzi $:/ ~ I-a 500 130 14 Kotha Mir .,,~.,., 4)_~ 2-0 170 40 15 Murad Dasti v~-.) .:l\ .r' 2'0 90 20 16 Bhare Wahi :.I' \J~)~ 4-0 17 Bhinde Wahi u:. I:::l ..;; 2'0 70 20 18 Shakh Khalol IN ;.l..;; 2'0 40 10 '-- .. 19 Patti Sitai )L._ ~ .. ..: 2'0 250 70, 20 Khofli \_:.l~~ ../4.-r~ 180 30 24 Patti Shahanl I....S-\ .....: \,.5:':::; 400 140 25 Patti Sultan Lushari ,~ ·L.J 0lkl.~ ..;;., 170 60 ,.J '--, 28 Batil Shamali "jl....:;; ... j.1l! 1,690 600 It 1 ~) .......,~ Dis . 1,960 780 " Batil Janubi ._~~ -~ 58 Dudarh It. 51; j; 120 40 '\:'. c <- 107 Rakh Dhau Sheikhan i u' ""0:' >;:, ~ ,j,-. ) 2'0 710 190 116 Dhau ~.t, 5 5'0 710 140 .- 120 Kot Bhutta ,\~ ~_,~5 1'0 380 100 '. - 12l Maqsooda Jhajar ; ... ~~..... :-- 0.) ~~;.,,J 2-0 450 90 122 Chak Gurzwani 0;1~,jf ~ 6'0 390 90 123 Thadhi ..$'>"';"• • 2,0 800 270 5 Area o ~ :a, ~. Local (SG· Popula- ... t Name of village details miles) tion Houses ~ ,) ~) .Q. '4 ." .:.~.) Li ~'I.5 ... l:<... I$.)~T oLi~ ;U 1.\ i t,r) :r: (~ .. a b c (J e f 124 Tarind -I' J' 2'0 125 Chak Ranman 04; I) ,.. s:,~ 5'0 780 160 ,,~.' l~. 126 Gujani '-' . " 1'0 1,000 160 127 Ranman 0 ... ;1) 2'0 1,270 740 )' / 128 Kala " ~ M. Sch .. P.O .. 5'0 860 4"0 P. S. 129 Notak Sikhani J'L~'" ._,:; _>i 3'0 910 200 130 Basti Ranjha \3-::O;!) r.,i--! 3'0 1,030 2~,0 131 Passo Parhar )l~.n J-!- 1'0 570 140 132 Rakh Ranjha 4::0 1) ~) 1'0 20 10 133 Bet Sawai Jlr'~ 3'0 350 90 l P ! 13~· Miras Gurmani 0' 4..,1j I.)"".;~ 2'0 10 135 Massu Sikhani 1.5; l,,~.. r'" 2'0 200 40 ,- , 136 Patti Makwal \"...' .,,).._~ '-~~ 2'0 140 30 138 Bet Narkhi l.5~j__' j; 4.2 2'0 180 40 .)l,:. J\;:. ~ 20 3 139 Bet Alam Khan ~ '" ... 2'0 140 Rakh Kala Ran man 0""; \) 'J 'f: .,,5-) 2'0 250 60 141 Juni (,$' r. 2'0 320 100 142 Bet Karam Shah .l~ i .) J;....,... 2'0 I 10 .~. I-d Sabun Machhi ~L. u:~ 2'0 ~O 36 6 Area Local (Sq_ Popula- Name of village detai.ls miles) tion Houses ~J ..::..lr.!.) rli ct."..) ,.. p4T ..::.li~ ( ,. ~ (J b c d e f 144 Rakh Sabun Machhi \,.SS-~ l.. t,)1l", 4-,)) 2-0 30 10 145 Rakh Bhatti Met!a ~~~) 2-0 140 60 146 Bhatti Metla ~u!~ 3-0 30 20 160 Ladan .)5'1 4-0 740 300 ..s .,- .. 209 Patti Kaheri .n- ~ 2-0 30 10 Chak Laman '-'w .... s:~ 4-0 1,210 470 Khandewala "JI_""i:~ 2'0 570 110 Kadir Waha lot> I" )Jl1' 360 110 Patti Shahti dr-~ 2-0 270 70 Patti Kotli (.:>lJ..,.~ ;,?. '-0 Patti Darwesh LusharLs)l;':..l _..,~3)J ,~_- ' 670 220 Patti Rahim 360 100 Patti Bakhsh Jadan i 310 90 104 Yaru _)) lJ. M. 5ch .• P.O. 7'0 3,210 710 29 Chak Jarwar )13r. 1...(''!7 5'0 980 180 L.."". ....s::.:.. 30 Chak Jhangel I...!,,~ .,' 3-0 900 350 'lr- . .t)' I ~I Ogani Shahani \..S) ..;; r.J' J 2-0 SO 1:0 0~ '5.,(" ....('!7 4-0 200 80",., .32 Chak Kura Kban '~.' • 7 -- Area ~4 Local (Sq. Popula- Name of village details miles) tion Houses oW. ) '1 ,)l,T ,:r utr-~ it v~ 1f1A.· D.~ c.ut;.. 1.; Cr ) .i/ (J::.. Q b c d e f " ... ".,..,.. ...... 33 'Patti Mir Hasan HajaniJ~0-"" r.";i 2'0 34 Chak Ghumrani l..Si I J"'~ .s:.;.. 2'0 90 3b 35 Patti Allahdad Hajani I)~ ..)b..:ill ..? 2'0 36 Khanan Hajani J~ Jl;. "0 50 30 ' 37 Patti Nauabad .:141 y ..? 2'0 400 80 38 Jiani j~ 2'0 250 30 39 Umrani Jlr 3'0 380 «> 4() Khalol J_,.t~ 3'0 50 10 103 Chhabri Bala ~4 1SJ1~ Sch .• P.O. 4'0 3.560 490 " . ~ I lOS Chhabri Zerin u.!.r..) ufo ~ 5ch.
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