BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS A.-PURE CHEMISTRY MARCH, 1934. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Theory of hyperfine structures. E. Fermi and Infra-red grating spectra and spectral series E. SEGRi: (Mem. R. Accad. d’ltalia Sci. fis., 1933, 4, (A1II, A11, He I and n, Zn I and II). F. Paschen 131—158).—A theoretical discussion of the hyperfine and R. Ritsciil (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 18 , 867— structure of the spectral lines of Li, Na, Cu, Ga, lib, 892).—A comprehensive analysis of the grating spec­ Cd, In, Cs, Ba, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi. The theory trum of A in is made. With a specially luminous of the nuclear magnetic moment is discussed. hollow cathode arrangement new infra-red lines 0. J. W. beyond 1 ¡j. are tabulated and an extended analysis is Spectrum of atomic nitrogen, N I. D. Seeerian given for A11, He i and it, Zn i and rr. W. R. A. (Compt. rend., 1934, 198, 68—69).—An arc is struck Arc spectrum of silicon in the red and infra­ between parallel W wires 3 mm. diam. and 2—3 mm. red. C. C. Kiess (Bur. Stand. J. Res., 1933, 11, apart, N2 at the rate of 800—1000 litres per hr. being 775—782).—130 new lines have been measured in the passed around them. With a.c. of 46—50 amp. at arc spectrum of Si between 6125 and 11,290 A . These 110 volts the spectrum of N i is obtained (cf. A., 1929, include the strongest previously unidentified Fraun­ 1116; 1932, 103), and also two different continuous hofer line (6155 A.) and other solar spectral lines. spectra, one due to W, the other to either W or N. Most have been classified as combinations, including C. A. S. terms arising from 4f , 4/, and 5f electron con­ Spectrum of atomic nitrogen (N I) in ammonia figurations. J. W. S. and in mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen. D. New calculation of the term system of Si iv. SfiFJsRiAN (Compt. rend., 1934, 1 9 8 , 358—460; cf. preceding abstract).—N2 was replaced by (a) H2, B. Edlen and J. S5derqvist (Z. Physik, 1933, 87, (b) NH3, (c) N2-H 2 mixtures, (d) air. (a) confirm’s 217—219). A. B. D. C. previous results (cf. A., 1930, 387) and gives the Absorption spectra due to excitation of inner “ raies ultimes ” of W ; (b) and (c) give identical electrons. V. The doublet in potassium vapour spectra of N x, whilst (cl) shows that the two continuous due to excitation of the (3y*)6-shell. • (K I6 reson­ spectra are due one to the incandescent electrodes, the ance lines.) H. Beutler and K. Guggenheimer other to the W atom. C. A. S. (Z. Phj7sik, 1933, 87, 188—191). A. B. D. C. Continuous spectrum of neon. N. T. Ze and Relative intensities of the components of the V. S. L i n g (Compt. rend., 1934, 198, 356—358).— a?F-ifF° multiplet of Fe I. J. Pierand (Proc. K. The intensity of the continuous spectrum of No Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, 1934, 37, 16—19).— relatively to that of H2 (cf. A., 1931, 275), and hence The intensities of the weaker components relative to absolutely, increases with to X 3400, remains those of the stronger members of this multiplet are approx. stationary to X 4200, and afterwards increases > would be anticipated from the Sommerfeld formulae again. With increase in pressure of Ne the intensity (cf. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1932, 18, 590). of the continuous spectrum increases, that of the line J. W. S. spectrum diminishes. C. A. S. Ionisation potential of Fe II. J. C. Dobbie Effect of pressure on high terms of alkaline (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 76—78).—New high spectra. E. Amaldi and E. Segre (Nature, 1934, terms eGD (77861-4) and eiD (79439-3) are reported in the spark spectrum of Fe. Combination multiplets 1 3 3 , 141). L. S. T. with low terms arc tabulated. The val. 16-16 volts Remarkable optical properties of the alkali is found for the principal ionisation potential of Fe n. metals. R . d e L. K r o n i g (Nature, 1934, 1 3 3 , N. M. B. 211—212).—A discussion based on Zcner’s inter­ Spectrum of fluorine. F II, F in , F iv . I. S. pretation (this vol., 124). L. S. T. Bowen (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], 45, 82—86).—Full Seeing in sodium-vapour light. M. Ltjckiesh data and classifications for the region 125—620 A. and F. K. Moss (J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 1934, 24, 5—13). and corr. classifications of additional lines in the longer —The relation of the spectral quality of Na vapour wave-length regions are tabulated. The ionisation and W filament light to physiological effects is potentials are : F n 34-81, F m 62-35, F iv 87-34 volts. examined. N. M. B. N. M. B. Band spectrum of magnesium hydride. A. Absorption spectra due to excitation of inner Guntsch (Z. Physik, 1934, 87, 312—322).—Rotation electrons. IV. Zn spectrum from 1150 to and dissociation consts. are given for various levels. 700 A. due to excitation of the (3rf)10-shell (Zn ib). A. B. D. C. Comparison of terms and their values for Hg I6, r 231 232 BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS.— A. Cd I6, and Zn I6. H. B e u t l e r and K. G u g g e n - on 13—18 Sept., 1925, are tabulated; of these 27 are h e im e r (Z. Physik, 1933, 87, 176— 187 ; cf. this vol., new, and 29 refcrrable to N2+ or N,,~ (cf. A., 1932, 105). 124). " A. B . D. C. C. A. S. Spectral analysis of the night sky at the Pic du Fine structure in the spectrum of arsenic n. Midi. J. C a b a n n e s and J. D u f a y (Compt. rend., S. Tolansky (Z. Physik, 1933, 87, 210—217).—Lines 1934, 198, 306—309).—With a new form of spectro­ reported by Rao to have fine structure (A., 1933, 880) scope 91 lines, 36 new and 8 found only on re­ are single. A. B. D. C. examining an old plate (see above), were measured Mechanical moment of the nucleus of cæsium. between XX 3891 and 5204, and their relative intensi­ D. A. J a c k s o n (Proe. Roy. Soc., 1934, A, 143, 455— ties shown in many cases to vary from night to night 464).—The hyperfine structure of the lines 4555 and and in different parts of the sky. Some of the lines 4593 Â. of Cs has been examined. The intensity indicate 0, N, A, para- and ortho-He. C. A. S. ratio is 1-27 -h 0-02 for both doublets, which establishes Explosive potentials in argon. H . G u im io t the val. 7/2 for the mechanical moment of the Cs (Ann. Gucbhard-Severine, 1933, 9, 306—311).—The nucleus. L. L. B. current flowing in a discharge tube containing A, at Continuous absorption of light in cæsium various potentials, has been measured for different vapour. H. J. J. B r a d d i c k and R. W. D i t c h b u r n gas pressures and electrode separations. A. J. M. (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1934, A, 143, 472—481).—A Significance of broadening effects of spectral detailed account of work already noted (A., 1933, lines due to foreign gases. M. K ulp (Z. Physik, 200). L. L. B. 1933, 87, 245—254).—These effects are qualitatively Temperature o f the mercury arc. W . E l e n - explained by means of potential curves. b a a s (Physica, 1934, 1, 211—224).—The calc. temp, A. B. D. C. at the centre of a contracted discharge (5-5 amp., Gas discharge with diffusion and transverse 8-8 volts per cm.) was 6000° ± 800° abs. H. J . E . forces. W. F u c k s (Z. Physik, 1933, 87, 139—153). —Equilibrium conditions for steadily burning dis­ Hyperfine structure absorption in optically charges arc given, and are discussed with respect to excited mercury vapour. M. L. Pool and S. J. min. cross-section and current. A. B. D. C. S ij d io n s (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 44, 997— 1001).— The absorption, with high and low dispersion, of the Vibrational isotope effects in three-particle Hg 4047, 2967, and 2752 Â. lines in optically excited systems. I. A . A d e l (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], Hg vapour was investigated for various lengths of 45, 56—58).—Mathematical. N. M. B. excited vapour, and various pressures of admixed N„. Anomalous dispersion and absorption of N. M. B. " X-rays. E. J. W il l i a m s (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1934, Structure of the band spectrum of mercury A, 143, 358—376).—The anomalous dispersion of vapour. S. M r o z o w s k i (Z. Physik, 1934, 87, 340— X-rays is calc, from the experimental data for photo­ 355).—The variation of structure of the Steubing electric absorption. The results for Fc and Cu are band series with exciting wave-length is due to compared with experiment. The theoretical reasons deviation of the rotational energy distribution from for the observed val. of the oscillator strength are that of Maxwell’s law. Polarisation and other effects considered, and in particular the equivalence of the 2K are investigated on this hypothesis. A.
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