21/04/2011 #eFrance.armee statistics created by m… #eFrance.armee statistics Statistics cover Tuesday 19.4.2011 to Thursday 21.4.2011 62 people visited #eFrance.armee during this 3-day reporting period Daily statistics 1199 551 83 19.4 20.4 21.4 Hours 0-6 Hours 6-12 Hours 12-18 Hours 18-24 When do we actually talk here? 1,3% 1,0% 0,3% 2,8% 13% 3,2% 2,0% 0,3% 0,0% 0,8% 3,2% 4,6% 6,7% 0,7% 4,0% 3,4% 5,1% 2,8% 10% 13% 7,1% 4,1% 9,6% 1,2% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Activity Statistics (Nicks sorted by number of lines written) Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote 1 draconights 206 "et ont leur donne pas réellement d'économie quand meme" 2 Yeiayel 191 "http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5761 " 3 freeguillaume 145 "Demandons la nationalité Belge !" 4 +KaDet27 116 "donc pas utile d'y taper" 5 HeavenJere[FR] 112 "le jour ou il se présente je vote pour lui" 6 *Philippe_Hoste 104 "que philippe est cité 11 fois :o" 7 *Blabla36 103 "Bof, maintenant, ils en ont l'habitude de mes fails d't'façon" 8 !maloune 74 "on vient de le changer à cause du fail" 9 PROVIDENCIA7 69 "ca t arrives souvent non" 10 Ginman[FR] 48 "donc ca change rien pour les polonais" 11 @Kyle_Hyde 47 "J'ai pas vu le masshl :o" 12 @AxelRy 46 "t'étais témoin en plus !" 13 inzemix 43 "bah, si on m'envoie les MT pour bouger en france, et revenir en pologne..." 14 AlphaMFPEFM_Z 41 "KaDet27, tu à oublié IE" 15 *Pomponette 35 "t'es en pologne Johary ?" 16 fendlabize 31 "julien06: je crois que ce round est foutu...:s" 17 @PHX 29 "[Asiah] <&Darkthur> Je cherche un truc troll <&Darkthur..." 18 @kev2969 23 "Philippe_Hoste c'est le fils de mon neveu :d" 19 *Asiah 21 "http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5743 " 20 Ryuusukekun 19 ".regnick Ryuusukekun" 21 Neugaine 19 "ils comprennent rien aux subtilités de la langue française! :)" 22 Kicker[FR] 18 "http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5761 <= Hosto +50" 23 +lregniez 17 "hummm pour te faire bisquer" 24 Johary 17 "Je peux même pas m'acheter de Q5 j'ai pas de PLN" 25 Talions 15 "tu peux ajouter un por favor pour être plus polie" 26 e_lyne 15 "de la pologne, vous pouvez acheter le l'iron !" 27 AxelRy_busy 15 "Yeiayel: tu veux que je te kick moi ? :D" 28 *Undo14 14 "bon allez viens en pv" 29 Anos 13 "... Que de cachoteries :p" 30 Tototwalker 12 "il a essayé mais persone ne veut le présenter :D" 31 Romuald71 12 "@Pompo : fait exprès la méchante faute" 32 Krichnouk 12 "PUT1 MÉ T 1 OUF KYLE_HYDE" 33 @julien06 12 "salut l'armée :)" 34 Zenmuron 11 "j'ai envie de dire heureusement qu'on est pas nombreux, ce serait gâcher..." 35 Firartix 11 "c'est une bataille en priorité faible" 36 lechtii 10 "moi on ma déjà envoyer récurer les toilettes" 37 jeann 10 "sur efrance jai fail ?" 38 Finway 10 "j'ai 184 BAM si tu veux =D" Those who wrote less than 10 lines: Seb_Sail (9) bluepixel (9) Pompo_douche (8) malounemiam (8) Fredy5 (7) Rachel_Hyde (6) Allezski (6) Cribeos (5) NBL (4) Frozhalf (4) Avaritia (3) oracle_temporal (2) inze`pala (2) Enuro (2) dorotoos (2) Azath (2) Yzy888yzY (1) Valmy (1) St_Jo (1) RedFord (1) Guts88 (1) eJaguar (1) claudius47 (1) Akusa (1) Time of day stats Nightcrawlers Early birds Afternoon shift Evening chatters (Hours 0-6) (Hours 6-12) (Hours 12-18) (Hours 18-24) 1 draconights - 159 draconights - 26 freeguillaume - 64 Yeiayel - 164 2 KaDet27 - 103 maloune - 24 HeavenJere[FR] - 61 Philippe_Hoste - 91 3 PROVIDENCIA7 - 61 Yeiayel - 22 Blabla36 - 35 freeguillaume - 65 4 AlphaMFPEFM_Z - 30 fendlabize - 17 Pomponette - 34 Blabla36 - 60 5 Kicker[FR] - 9 freeguillaume - 16 draconights - 21 HeavenJere[FR] - 51 6 AxelRy - 9 Ginman[FR] - 12 Kyle_Hyde - 20 inzemix - 43 7 Pompo_douche - 8 Zenmuron - 11 maloune - 17 maloune - 33 8 Kyle_Hyde - 6 AlphaMFPEFM_Z - 11 Johary - 17 AxelRy - 32 9 PHX - 3 julien06 - 10 lregniez - 16 Ginman[FR] - 29 10 Philippe_Hoste - 3 PHX - 9 Talions - 14 kev2969 - 22 #eFrance.armee relation map • Line thickness corresponds to the relation strength • Line colors show the relation importance for each nick More important Less important Big Numbers PHX distributed 50 ops, more than anyone else. KaDet27 forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 5 lines in CAPS. Example: Today 1:04 <KaDet27> HOSTOOOO draconights was unsure where to put the full stop, averaging 32 letters per line. (normal people in #eFrance.armee wrote about 25 letters/line) Chat partners People who like talking to each other PROVIDENCIA7 draconights 1 Yeiayel freeguillaume 2 KaDet27 draconights 3 AxelRy Yeiayel 4 AlphaMFPEFM_Z draconights 5 Blabla36 Yeiayel 6 HeavenJere[FR] freeguillaume 7 Blabla36 Philippe_Hoste 8 AlphaMFPEFM_Z PROVIDENCIA7 9 Yeiayel maloune 10 Active day counts Most days active Nick Number of days First seen percentage 1 Undo14 3 19.4.2011 100% 2 maloune 3 19.4.2011 100% 3 HeavenJere[FR] 3 19.4.2011 100% 4 Kyle_Hyde 3 19.4.2011 100% 5 kev2969 3 19.4.2011 100% 6 PHX 3 19.4.2011 100% 7 KaDet27 3 19.4.2011 100% 8 Philippe_Hoste 3 19.4.2011 100% 9 freeguillaume 3 19.4.2011 100% 10 Blabla36 3 19.4.2011 100% Most consecutive days active Nick Number of days At Currently 1 KaDet27 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 2 PHX 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 3 Philippe_Hoste 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 4 Blabla36 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 5 freeguillaume 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 6 maloune 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 7 Undo14 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 8 HeavenJere[FR] 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 9 kev2969 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active 10 Kyle_Hyde 3 19.4 - 21.4.2011 Currently 3 days active Average line lengths Line length Count Nicks 32.. 1 draconights(32,2) 30..31 0 - 28..29 1 freeguillaume(30,0) 26..27 0 - 24..25 1 Philippe_Hoste(24,2) 22..23 2 KaDet27(23,2), Blabla36(23,1) ..21 2 Yeiayel(21,3), HeavenJere[FR](19,5) Not displaying nicks with less than 100 lines People in #eFrance.armee seem to like these words... Count Word Last used by At 29 "HeavenJere" Kyle_Hyde Today 22:11 18 "pologne" Neugaine Today 22:09 14 "Philippe" Philippe_Hoste Yesterday 19:50 14 "maintenant" Neugaine Today 22:10 10 "pourquoi" Kyle_Hyde Today 22:12 9 "bonjour" lechtii Today 12:18 8 "surtout" Ginman[FR] Today 15:50 8 "#efrance.raid" Philippe_Hoste Yesterday 16:47 7 "acheter" Ginman[FR] Today 18:27 7 "souvent" Ginman[FR] Today 15:51 Who has their own private vocabulary? Count Nick Randomly selected sample (amount) 2 PHX "Darkthur"(6), "présidence"(3) 2 draconights "terrain"(3), "Ensuite"(3) URL Tracking 20 latest URLs from #eFrance.armee At URL Nick Today 22:12 http://pastebin.com/1mhwMHed kev2969 21:55 http://forum.erepfrance.com/viewtopic.php?f=244&t=20518 HeavenJere[FR] 19:21 http://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2011/04/21/armee/armee.pdf freeguillaume 19:20 http://forum.erepfrance.com/viewtopic.php?f=321&t=20543 freeguillaume 16:14 http://www.erepublik.com/en/wars/show/4732 Blabla36 12:23 http://www.mouv974.com/letchis-de-la-reunion/ HeavenJere[FR] 10:59 http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5767 Kicker[FR] 9:41 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-rf-infodef-21-04-parana-and-santa-catarin... maloune http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5761 3:30 KaDet27 First mentioned by Yeiayel on Yesterday 19:42. Used 4 times. Yesterday 22:35 http://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2011/04/20/efrance-armee-1/efrance-armee.pdf freeguillaume 22:25 http://forum.erepfrance.com/viewtopic.php?f=238&t=20428&view=un... inzemix http://forum.erepfrance.com/viewtopic.php?f=244&t=20476&p=52974... 22:20 Philippe_Hoste First mentioned by Philippe_Hoste on Yesterday 20:24. 22:17 http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5743 Asiah http://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2011/04/20/efrance-armee/efrance-armee.pdf 19:47 freeguillaume First mentioned by freeguillaume on Yesterday 19:30. http://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2011/04/20/statistiques-du-canal-efrance-armee-par-... 19:22 Blabla36 First mentioned by freeguillaume on Yesterday 18:41. 19:12 http://www.fichier-pdf.fr/2011/04/20/statistiques-du-canal-efrance-sm-par-mirc... freeguillaume 16:05 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3021310 Johary http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/5742 14:15 fendlabize First mentioned by PROVIDENCIA7 on Yesterday 7:22. 4:31 http://www.saveie6.com/ AlphaMFPEFM_Z 4:26 http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield-choose-side/5742/11 KaDet27 21 uniQue URLs collected since 19.4.2011 Personal stats 1 draconights Last talked: Yesterday 17:26 Visits: 3 Question ratio: 10% Status: Normal user Lines: 206 Days active: 1/3 Average lines per day: 206 Average letters per line: 32,2 Weekly activity Hourly activity Last 3 days Likes chatting with: PROVIDENCIA7 KaDet27 AlphaMFPEFM_Z Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 Recent activity Yesterday 17:21 <draconights> apart le continent nord américain..
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