America's U NELECTEO RULERS Y . MR. 56091 14f"046 0 The CFR's Plan to : Destroy America's National Sovereignty Subvert the U . S . Constitution via NATO and the ATLANTIC COMMUNITY Put the U. S . under Control of a Socialist-Dominated World Government America's UNELECTED RULERS By Kent and Phoebe Courtney A Conservative Society of America Publication New Orleans, La . - 1962 Copyright by Kent H . Courtney, 1962 All Rights Reserved Permission to reprint material from this book must be obtained in writing from the publisher except by reviewers for brief quotations in daily and weekly newspapers and magazines . For permission write : The Conservative Society of America P . 0 . Box 4254 New Orleans 18, Louisiana Library of Congress Catalog card No . 62-19716 Special Advance Printing July 2, 1962 First Edition July 27, 1962 Second Printing August 20, 1962 Manufactured in the United States of America Also by the same authors : The Case of General Edwin A . Walker The muzzling of the military who warn of the Communist threat . (1961) The CSA Voting Index (1962) The Conservative Political Action Handbook (1962) AUTHORS' NOTE The purpose of this book is to present, by direct quotations, the views of the leading figures in the Council on Foreign Relations and how such views are now affecting the Foreign Policy of the United States, The authors believe that the policies advocated by the Council on Foreign Relations, and being carried out by CFR members in high positions in the Government, are not in the best interests of this nation However, it should be remembered that the Council on Foreign Relations is composed of 1400 members, persons of high promi- nence in industry, education and communications . The authors do not mean to imply that the foreign policy views of the CFR are shared by all 1400 of its members . Unfortunately, there have been instances when, for example, a busy industrialist will join an organization or permit his name to be used without first fully investigating the aims and purposes of such an or- ganization . Perhaps after reading the documented material contained in this book some members of the Council on Foreign Relations, who do not agree with the national-sovereignty-destroying aims of the CFR may wish to conduct their own investigation . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS An extensively documented book such as this would never have been possible without the assistance of a number of persons who furnished vital pieces of information enabling the authors to fit all the pieces-of-the-puzzle into one entity . Our most sincere thanks to : Mary Helen Brengel, Assistant Editor of THE INDEPENDENT AMERICAN, for the use of her copies of Senate and House Investi- gating Committee reports of years past, some of which are now out of print ; also for her locating, so that we could purchase, a complete set of Appendix IX, now out of print, which gives a voluminous list- ing of persons with Communist-front citations . (See Appendix II of this book as to how we utilized these governmental citations) . In ad- dition, Mrs . Brengel worked closely with the authors in every phase of the writing of this book, offering invaluable assistance . Helen P . Lasell, Chairman, The United States Flag Committee, for photostatic copies of a number of documents regarding The Council on Foreign Relations, Florence Fowler Lyons, for her documented newspaper columns showing the tie-in between the tax-free foundations and the One Worlders ; also for her guidance as to where to obtain certain in- formation which was necessary to complete our documentation prov- ing the ultimate aims of the Council on Foreign Relations . The Staff of THE INDEPENDENT AMERICAN Newspaper, as well as our printing shop, without whose patience, loyalty and enthusiasm this book could never have been written . TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 Chapter I - THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 5 Its Views on Foreign Policy, 5 ; The Establishment's Fo- reign Policy Recommendations, 5 ; "Resisting" Com- munist Expansion, 7 ; Constitution - A Deterrent to In- ternationalist Aims, 8 ; Building a "New International Order," 9 ; Regional Arrangements, 10 ; U . S . Under World Court, 10 ; Atlantic Community, 12 ; Long-Term Foreign Aid, 12 ; Military Foreign Aid, 13 ; Undercover Dealing with Red China, 14 ; Disarmament,15 ; Red Re- cord of Broken Treaties, 15 ; "Fronts" of the Establish- ment, 16 ; The Establishment's Views on Nationalism, 16 Chapter II - INTERLOCK BETWEEN GIANT TAX-FREE FOUNDATIONS AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 19 The Interlock in Internationalism, 20 ; Preparation for World Citizenship, 21 ; Subversive Influence in the Foun- dations, 22 ; Foundations Feed Personnel into Govern- ment, 24 Chapter III - WHO'S WHO IN THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 27 Big Names in the CFR, 28 ; Infiltration by Communists, 30 ; Strange Affiliations of Some CFR Members, 31 ; CFR Members Hold High Positions in Kennedy Adminis- tration, 32 ; Who Are the Other 96 ?, 33 ; Sidelights on CFR Members, 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter IV - THE BRAINWASHING DEPARTMENT OF THE CFR 37 What is Arden House?, 38 Chapter V - WORLD GOVERNMENT VIA ENTANGLING ALLIANCES 42 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 43 ; NATO - A Shield Against Communism?, 44 ; NATO Under Con- trol of U .N ., 44 ; NATO Members Trade with Reds, 47 ; NATO - A "Paper Tiger," 48 ; NATO - Vehicle for World Government, 48 ; CFR Member Admits NATO a Step to World Government, 50 Chapter VI - ATLANTIC COMMUNITY - THE MASTER TRAP 54 Clarence Streit - Mr. Atlantican, 56 ; The Atlantic Union Scheme, 57 ; Legislative Action on Atlantic Union, 58 ; Congress Authorizes NATO Parliamentarian Meet- ings, 63 ; NATO Parliamentarians Set Up Atlantic Con- vention, 63 ; Plans Laid for Atlantic Convention, 67 ; Interlocking Private Citizens Committees, 67 Chapter VII - THE DECLARATION OF PARIS 70 What Does The Declaration of Paris Propose?, 71 ; Con- trol of Communications Media, 74 ; Educating the Youth, 74 ; Council on Foreign Relations at Control Switch, 76 ; Editorial Press Reaction, 76 ; Two Years Warning, 77 Chapter VIII - EUROPEAN COMMON MARKET 78 European Regional Arrangements, 81 ; Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 81 ; The Eu- ropean Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 81 ; Euro- TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) pean Defense Community (EDC), 83 ; The Treaties of Rome, 83 ; European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), 84 ; European Economic Community (EEC) - The Common Market, 85 ; The CFR, The CED, and The EEC, 85 ; Provisions of the Common Market Treaty, 86 ; Free Movement of Labor, 87 ; Subsidization and Control of Agriculture, 89 ; Expanding the Cartel System, 89 ; Organizational Setup of the EEC, 91 ; HowWilltheEuro- pean Common Market Affect the U .S . ?, 92 Chapter IX - ECONOMIC INVOLVEMENT OF U . S . VIA OECD 94 Background of the OECD, 95 ; The Power of the OECD, 99 Chapter X - WORLD COMMUNITY-GOAL OF THE CFR 102 Atlantic Community First Step to World Community, 104 ; Facilitating Soviet World Conquest, 105 ; One Worlders Fear an Informed America, 106 WHAT YOU CAN DO 109 CFR Members Hold Key Positions in Both Democrat and GOP Administrations, 110 ; Investigate the State Department?, 112 ; The Responsibility of the Congress, 112 ; Bi-Partisan Coalition Promotes Socialism, 113 ; The CSA Voting Index, 113 ; How Congress Votes to Support CFR-Sponsored Legislation, 114 ; Conservatives Can Win, 115 ; The Conservative Society of America, 117 Appendix I - 1960 MEMBERSHIP LIST OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 119 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Appendix II - STRANGE AFFILIATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF CERTAIN CFR MEMBERS 135 Appendix III - ACTIVITIES OF CERTAIN CFR MEMBERS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION 160 INDEX 164 FOREWORD On October 18, 1961, the NEWS &COURIER, of Charleston, South Carolina, stated in an editorial : To understand the United States today it is necessary to know something about the Establishment ... Most citizens don't rea- lize it exists, yet the Establishment makes its influence felt from the President's Cabinet to the professional life of a young college teacher who wants to obtain a foundation grant for research . It affects the nation's policies in almost every area ... The Estab- lishment is a general term for those people in finance, business, and the professions, largely from the Northeast, who hold the prin- cipal measure of power and influence in this country irrespective of what administration occupies the White House . The syndicated columnist, Edith Kermit Roosevelt described the policies of the Establishment as follows : What is the Establishment's viewpoint? Through the Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy Administrations, its ideology is constant : that the best way to fight Communism is by a One- World, Socialist State governed by "experts" like themselves . The result has been policies which favor the growth of the super-state, gradual surrender of U .S . sovereignty to the United Nations, and a steady retreat in the face of Communist aggression . On February 23, 1954, Senator William Jenner stated : Today the path to total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people . .. Outwardly we have a Constitu- tional government . We have operating WITHIN our government and political system, ANOTHER body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded and is sure that it is the winning side . All the strange developments in foreign policy agreements may be traced to this group who are going to make us over to suit their pleasure . We must consider our danger not only in the terms of the treaties or agreements which have been completed, but in terms of those still in the pipelines, or already in effect, but still invisible to Congress or to the people . .. This political action group has its 1 2 FOREWORD own local political support organizations, its own pressure groups, its own vested interests, its foothold within our government, and its own propaganda apparatus .
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