Shabbos Youth Programs • Friday Mincha - end of services | Shmiras HaLashon will not meet this week. • 8:00am - 9:00am | Pre-SKIP Childcare, Preschool Mitzvah Bees Classroom Erev Shabbos • 9:00am - end of MS services | SKIP Childcare, girls ages 18 months - grade 5; boys FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 ages 18 months - grade 2, ECD Wing Mincha, MS.............................5:55pm • 8:50am | Teen Boys Pre-Shacharis Cocoa Club led by Rabbi Horowitz, CR. • 9:00 - 11:30am | Mommy & Me for Moms with children 2 years old and younger, Candle Lighting.......................5:56pm ECD Wing, Precious Parparim classroom Earliest Shema*......................6:51pm • 9:15am Teen Minyan for boys and girls grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Horowitz, CR (*repeat Shema after this time) • 9 - 10:30am | BJ Game Room for boys in grades 3 - 5, BR • 10:30am | Bnei BJ for boys in grades 2 - 5, led by David Jaffe, BR Shabbos • between Mincha & Maariv | NCSY Shalosh Seudos for High Schoolers, led by SHABBOS, FEBRUARY 9 Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, CS ! שבת שלום between Mincha & Maariv | Youth Shalosh Seudos, led by Ely Landman, YL Shacharis • • approx. 55 minutes after Shabbos ends | Kol Hane’arim for boys accompanied by a father or mentor, led by Rabbi Doron Silverman, Kollel Early Minyan, K.......................8:00am Main Minyan, MS....................9:00am Good Shabbos & Welcome! Youth Programs have been generously subsidized by the Beth Jacob Legacy Fund. 9am Minyan, DS......................9:00am Teen Minyan, CR......................9:15am ARSHAS ERUMAH Latest Shema...........................10:10am P T Shabbos Classes FEBRUARY 9, 2019 • 4 ADAR I 5779 • 8:30am | Teachings of the Rebbe of Piaseczno Rabbi Feldman, Rabbi’s Office. Mincha • 8:30am | Shabbos Morning Chumash Shiur Rabbi Yitzchok Werbin, MS • 10:40am | Shabbos Morning Interactive Service, CS Early Mincha, DS....................4:00pm Torah Reading: page 444 Haftarah: page 1157 • 10:45am | Shabbos Shiur for Men Rabbi Doniel Pransky, K Mincha, MS.............................5:35pm • following 9am Minyan | Boys’ Mishnayos Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner • one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Reuven Stein, K Maariv • one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Dovid Kapenstein, K Shabbos ends/Maariv, MS......6:52pm Maariv, K.................................7:02pm Ongoing Weekday Classes SUNDAY Weekday 7:50am | Kavana Minyan Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, K (M) WEEK OF FEBRUARY 10-15 9:15 - 11am | Yesodei HaTorah K (M) Shacharis 9:15 - 10:15am | In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Moshe Hiller, K (M) 9:15 - 10:45am | Gemarah Workout Rabbi Yitzchok Grossman, K (M) Sunday, DS...........7:00/8:00/9:00am 9:30 - 10:30am | Advanced Text-Based Class Mrs. Esther Pransky, CS (W) Mon & Thurs, DS...........6:50/8:00am Elana Rubin 9:30-10:30am | Shira Smiles Class Judy Garber’s Home (W) Tues, Wed & Fri, DS......7:00/8:00am 7:00pm | Sefer Bamidbar will not meet this week. Mon - Fri, K .............................7:30am Introducing Nedivas Lev Shabbos! MONDAY 12 - 1pm | Book of Shmuel Rabbi Reuven Stein, FR (M/W) Mincha We’re excited to introduce Nedivas Lev Shabbos, a time to honor our community 1:20 - 1:30pm | Mussar Teleconference Mrs. Esther Pransky (W) Sunday, K.................................1:22pm volunteers. Each year as the parsha recognizes contributions made by the Jewish people to 8:00pm | Yeshivas Erev Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, K (M) Mon - Thurs, K........................2:30pm the Mishkan, we will select a group of volunteers and recognize them for their selfless efforts TUESDAY Sun-Thurs, DS.........................6:00pm on behalf of our congregation. 7:30 - 8:30pm | Divrei HaYamim Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, CR (M) Maariv This inaugural Nedivas Lev Shabbos, we recognize the Kiddush Ladies. These dedicated 8 - 9pm | In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Moshe Hiller, K (M) Sun - Thurs, DS........following Mincha women come in each and every week to lovingly prepare and set up our Shabbos Kiddush. 8:45-9:45pm | Chaburah Tefilas Hashachar Rabbi Yaakov Zehnwirth, K (M) Sun - Thurs, K..........................7:40pm We will publicly recognize their service right after Main Shul service on Shabbos day. 9:30pm | Tehillim Teleconference Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross (W) Sun - Thurs, DS.......................9:00pm Fittingly, the main Kiddush this week is sponsored in their honor. WEDNESDAY Sun - Thurs, K..........................9:45pm 12:00pm | Jewish Potpourri Rabbi Yitzchok Werbin, FR (M/W) 1:20 - 1:30pm | Mussar Teleconference Mrs. Esther Pransky (W) Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi | Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus 8:00pm | Trei Asar Rabbi Doniel Pransky, FR (W) Next Shabbos Dov Foxbrunner, Assistant Rabbi 8:00pm | Yeshivas Erev Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, K (M) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Cliff Alsberg, President | Josh Joel, Vice President Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler, Executive Director | Robyn Grossblatt, Preschool Director THURSDAY Mincha, MS.............................6:05pm Sergey Chiripko, Men’s Club President 8:45-9:45pm | Chaburah Tefilas Hashachar Rabbi Yaakov Zehnwirth, K (M) Candle Lighting.......................6:03pm Tanya Robbins & Tziporah Wayne, Sisterhood Co-Presidents FRIDAY Devorah Feldman, President, BJ Florence & Seymour Gerson Mikvah 12:30pm | Tanach Top Twenty Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, FR (M/W) This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l. MONDAY - THURSDAY/FRIDAY (BR) Board Room, (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (DS) Daily Shul, 6:30am | Bavli Baboker Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, K (M) 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404.633.0551 | www.bethjacobatlanta.org | [email protected] | facebook.com/bethjacobatlanta 8:00pm| Rosh Hashanah Chabura Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman, K (M) (FR) Franco Room, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul (YL) Youth Lounge Event sign-up links and additional information available in the Sunday email. Upcoming Classes & Events Mazel Tov! • This Sunday! Trudy Robbins Memorial Lecture Featuring Charlie Harary “Climbing the Mountain • Rabbi Reuven & Rachel Stein on the marriage of their daughter Ahuva to Moshe Avrohom Rozwaski. Welcome of Life” Sunday, February 10, 11:00am, Heritage Hall. This Sisterhood program will launch Trudy’s Treasures. For to the extended family who are here this Shabbos for sheva brachos. sponsorship information, contact Leah Lewis. (M/W) • Rabbi Daniel & Bluma Estreicher on the birth of their granddaughter, Batsheva Leah, born to Baruch & • Annual Meeting Tuesday, February 12, 7:00pm, Heritage Hall. Get a first look at the 2018 Annual Report, and Brachie Rosenberg in Ramat Beit Shemesh. view a multi-media presentation by Shul Trustees with highlights from 2018 and plans for 2019. Light refreshments • Dr. Barry Yaffe and Jennifer Yaffe on the birth of their grandson, Shmuel, born to Shalom Tuvia & Saramalka will be served. Gordon in Jerusalem. • Monday Night Class Series: Torah Live - Utensils Rabbi Reuven Stein Monday, February 11, 8:00pm, CR. • Rabbi Moshe & Raizie Shkarofsky on the birth of a grandson born to Yosef & Batsheva Shkarofsky in Lakewood, NJ. • BENA Hilchos Shabbos Series for Women Rabbi Doniel Pransky 2-part class series at 8:30pm. Monday, February 11, “Dealing with Children on Shabbos,” Silverman home, 1321 Bramble Road; Monday, February 18, (Reminder: deadline to submit sponsorships is Wednesday evening) “Being a Hostess on Shabbos,” Storch home, 1255 Bramble Road. (W) Thank you to our Sponsors SPECIAL DEDICATIONS • Next Shabbos! Ruach Kabbalas Shabbos Friday, February 15, 6:05pm & March 15, 6:15pm, Conference Room. In addition to regular services in the Main Shul, we are pleased to offer a parallel service in the Conference • Teen Kiddush by Mark & Karly Yaschik. Room featuring an enhanced focus on song as we welcome Shabbos. Men, women and children are invited! • Teen Kiddush by Charles & Devorah Diener in honor of “the great effort of the TDSA boys who played on the • Next Shabbos! “Shabbos 1,000” Dinner Friday, February 15, organized by Prime Timers and friends of Mira TDSA basketball teams!” Bergen in celebration of Mira’s 1,000th consecutive observed Shabbos. Dinner by registration, followed by open • Carson Room Fund by Lucy Carson in memory of her husband, Sam Carson, z”l. dessert reception with guest speaker Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim. RSVP by Monday, February 11. NORMAN RAAB KIDDUSH FUND • Next Shabbos! Transcending our Limitations Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim Shabbos, February 16, following Kiddush, Conference Room. Rabbi Feldheim serves as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Kesser Torah in • The Bogart Family (all 33 of them) in honor of Larry Bogart on his 87th birthday. Baltimore. Presented by Mira Bergen in honor of her 1,000th observed Shabbos. • Drs. David & Deborah Mitchell in memory of Debbie’s mother, Faigel Zuick Garfin, z”l. • Breakfast for Dinner Sunday, February 17, 5:00-7:00pm, Heritage Hall. Get in the spirit of the month of Adar by • Rusti Klein in memory of her mother, Sylvia Pluchok, z”l. turning things upside down and eating delicious breakfast foods for dinner at this fun, family-friendly event! Sign-up deadline is this Tuesday, February 12. • Jonathan & Davida Levin honoring the yahrtzeits of Davida’s mother, Selma Brown Mirman, z”l, and Uncle Joseph Brown, z”l. • New Series! Feldman & Feldman on Marriage: Play-by-Play from the Doctor, with Color Commentary from the Rabbi Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman and Dr. Aaron Feldman 3-part marriage seminar for • Yossi & Jill Ovadia and family in loving memory of Yossi’s mother, Margalit bat Yosef, z”l, in commemoration men. Starts Wednesday, February 20, 8:00pm, Conference Room with “The Five Love Languages.” of her 6th yahrtzeit. • Film Premiere “Pillar of Truth: The Magnificent Legacy of HaRav Yaakov Weinberg”with an • Rabbi Norman & Lydia Schloss in memory of Norman’s mother, Bertha Schloss, Bayla bas Chaim, z”l. introduction by Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman. Sunday, February 24, 7:30pm, Heritage Hall. Directed by Elan Sloan; Film dedicated by Alan & Wendy Solon. • Torah@Work “Navigating the Workplace as a Torah Jew” Tuesday, February 26, 8:00pm, CR. Led by News You Can Use Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner, with Jewish non-profit professionals Rachel Wasserman and Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler.
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