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I the SOVIET TANKS RUMBLE INTO BERLIN French, Yanks Truman Opens Chiefs of Sta"- Cross Elbe, Unchecked Uniled Nalions To Announce Victory Smash Wesl SUPREME HEADQUARTERS tory" while thousands of soldlers ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY still may have to die In mopping On Long Front In South Reich FORCE, Paris (AP)-Tlte chiefs up operations would be just a sop Conference oC state of the principal allied to wishful thinkilli and a hand!­ powers, and not General Elsen- cap to the job still to be done. hower, will proclaim the day of Even before General Eisen­ Third Army Tanks Statesmen From 46 victory in Europe, just as they are hower, supreme commander of al­ Herriot, Former 15 Miles From Border Allied Countries Work to announce shorUy the junction lied forces in the west, let it be French Premier, of the Russian and western allied known that word of the American­ Of Germany, Austria For Permanent Peace armies in Germany. Ru:sslan linkup would come from Liberated in Advance There iB no general expectation WashiDlton, Moscow and London AN FRAN I 0 (AP)­ PARIS, Thursday (AP)­ here that the V-E day announce- and not from his headquarters, it LONDON, Thursday (AP)­ United States Third army tanks Pl' 'ident Truman opened 8 ment is near at hand. It is known was obvious that plans for an­ Two rnigllty Ru' ian armies punched within 15 miles of the confprence of statesmen of 46 that considerable influence Is being noun cement of the end of the Ger­ (!ompletely encircled half·con· brought to bear to prevent a pre- man war had been altered. German-Austrian bOI'dcl' last Unit d lations ye terday and quered and doom('d Berlin yes­ night as other American and olemnly dedicated th m to the mature celebration. Some tour weeks ago Eisen- There is confidence that Ger- hower said the time would come terday and southwest of the French forces raced almost un­ task of forging a permanent crumbling G e r man capital peace, to becoming .. the arch i. many will be smashed as a mill- when he could announce the end checked across southel'n Ger­ tary power by the anniversary of of organized resistance on the warmed aero . the Elb river many, thl'catcning Munich and tects of a better world." D-day, June 6, less than a month western front. At the time that on a 24-mile front, slashing Hitlcr' Berchtesgaden retreat, I ' '. .. ~ . ~ .. Into lUi impre ive s ton e and a half away. But the rna- was interpreted as meaning he westward toward an imminent . which the RAF attacked es- building, whos flag £1 w at jority of correspondents at su- would announce Ihe victory . linkup with American forces 17 . 2 0 Y d ABOVE IS A radJophoto from Moscow showln. Red aJ'D'lY tanks enter Inc wltat is lett of Berlin to end half staHin honor of the late preme headquarters believe there By the time Eisenhower re­ ~~rd81 w ~ t,\1 b 1 1:,0 O-p 0 una saca of warfare which be,an before the ,ates of StaUncrad and Moscow. This Is one of the first pie- miles away. Pre id nt Roose" It, the voic Is Uttle likelihood of ending the ceived specific instructions that A Marsl1al Stalin announced eart Iq ua. e om s. tures to be released of Russlans enterln&' the Gcr man capltal_ last desperate resistance in the far announcement of the American­ 1'he Thll'd army spearhcad, of hi Slice . '01' was brought the encirclement of Bcrlin in a from Washington to launch one ot northern and southern pockets or Russian linkup had been taken already east of Berlin althougll historic ord l' of the day, the 250 mlJes to the south, cut the last history's grea t international meet­ redoubts by that time. over by the big three capitals, it Allied fighting men, from gen- was apparent that V-E day also German radio admitted that Rus­ direct route to the Nazis' so-called Yanks Surge Ahead At a Glance- I Berchtesgaden Hit ings. sian storm troops had smashed national redoubt by mopping up erals down to privates, hold that would be proclaimed by the chiefs any celebration of "virtual vic- of state. through jungles or twisted steel the rail and highway center of Truman's Speech and stone to the blazing heart of Regen and then drove straigh t for On South Okinawa By Earthquake Bomb An abstract of President the wrecked Nazl capital. the frontler of Austria at Passau. Today's Truman's s pee c h from the Moscow's nightly war bulletin This column was 76 miles north of Nimitz Announces Mountain Retreat White House, opening the San Fifth Army Troops disclosed that Marshal Ivan S. Berchtesgaden. Francisco United Nations' con­ Americans Konev's First Ukrainian army had To the west the American Sev­ Recapture of Kakuzu; Destroyed; Germans ference, appears on page 2. crossed the Elbe river between enth army broke through German Iowan 25 Miles From Alps U, S, Casualties 7,429 Claim Hitler in Berlin Torgau and Riesa northwest of positions and fanned ou t on an 80 Prospects for success seemed Dresden. mile front along or across the Two RU88lan... *annJes * complete bright-save Cor serious Anglo­ Increase Hold FlcbUnl' ai Bruenn GUAM, Thursday (AP)-Amer­ LONDON (AP)- AdoIC Hitler's Yanks Reach Mantova Danube river within 45 miles of ican doughboys, killJng Japanese encirclemenl of BerHn. sumptuous mountain chalet at American di1!erences with Russia The Soviet high command also Munich and the French First army at the rate of about 19 for every Berchtesgaden was deslroyed yes­ over a new Polish government As Germans Flee announced that Russian troops far completely smashed Germany's Yank, surged ahead on southern Third army 15 miles [rom Ger­ terday by a direct hit Crom a six­ and giving it representation here To Mountain to the south were !lghting on the veteran 19th army in the Black In United Nations council. On Mindanao 'Redoub~ outskirts of the great Czechosolvak Okinawa yesterday in the first man-Austrian border as other ton earthquake bomb as 200 RAF forest. , Perhaps in indirect recognition war arsenal city of Bruenn (Brno), general advance reported since French, American forces race heavy bombers raided the German ROME (AP) - United States The allied armies-estimated at their big push started a week ago. across southern Reich. leadet·'s mountain relreat in an of the Polish threat to unity at the one of Hitler's last remaining war nearly 400,000 men and thousands MANILA, Thursday (AP)­ Fifth army troops today reached apparent attempt on his liCe. very beginning of the conference, Mindanao, last large Philippine is­ the area of Mantova (Mantua), 25 production cen ters. of tanks-were charging into the Recapture of Kakuzu village in Mr. Truman declared: Smashing toward Berlin's center the center of the stiff line and Truman opens United Nations Whether HiUer was there was land in Japanese hands, is passing miles from the foolhllls of the Alpine foothills along a 200-mile conference at San FranCl;ico "DiICerences between men, and swiftly Into American control. from the north, cast, southeast and front in a determined effort to seizure of another important ele­ unknown, but relurning fliers lell Alps, taking thousa.nds of prlson~ with speech from White House. no doubt that hIs treasured "Berg­ between nations, will always re­ Maj. Gen. R. B. Woodruff's 24th ers as the routed Germans fled southwest, Red army tommygun­ crUlb any last-ditch Nazi stand in vation on tne east coast were re­ ners overran the city districts of hoC" was wiped oct the face of the main. In Jact, if held within division veterans rolled to within pellmeU towards Hitler's moun­ the BOuthern redoubt before it ported today by Admiral ChesUlr reaspnable Limits, such disagree­ Llchtentelde, Zehlendorf, Treptow W. Njmitz, whose communique Hitler's Berchtesgaden retreat earth. The Germans persisted in 57 road miles 01 Da vao Tuesday. tainous "reboubt." could get well started. destroyed by RAF direct bomb ments are actually wholesome. and Britz, the latter only a mile Hsted 21,269 Japanese dead and reporting that Ritler was in en­ By for the touihest of many Both the Fi fth and the British Resistance at most points was hit. clrcled Berlin, personally directing "AH progress begins with dlf­ fights in the Islands was that from Tcmplehof airdrome, Moscow extremely light, bearing out an 399 prisoners taken in the Oki­ Eighth army were pushing swiftly reevaled. In the encirclement of jlR defense. (erences of opinion and moves on­ around Bagulo, where the Yanks ollicial announcement from Gen­ nawa campaign, as of yesterday. ward as the differences are ad­ northward from the Po river. the city, the western suburbs of This was one-third of the esti­ SimultaneoUSly the U nit e d were pushing down highway No.9 Mantova Is seven and one-hall eral Eisenhower's headquarters justed through reason and mutual from the northwest to within 2,000 Faikenseem, Falkenha~cn and that "the German army has ceased mated encmy garrison on Ok i- Stales Eighth airforee hurled more understanding." miles north of the Po and 36 miles Doeberitz were captured.
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