Band 29 c Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1974 Subject Index Original Communications and Notes Above-ground Parts Alcohols Variations in the Uptake of 131J by Pea Seedlings Triterpenoids and Related Substances of Euphor­ in Constant Conditions ...................................................... 229 bia par a lia s ......................................................................... 529 Absolute Sensitivity ra-Alkanes The Absolute Sensitivity of Lens and Compound Triterpenoids and Related Substances of Euphorbia E y e s ...........................................................................................592 p a r a lia s ..................................................................................... 529 Absorption Bands Alkanols Halogen-Substitution Effect on the Optical Absorp­ The Uropygial Gland Secretion of Woodpeckers tion Bands of U r a c il ...................................................... 493 ( P ic if o r m e s ) ......................................................................... 236 Acceleration by Zn2+ Chemotaxonomy of Corvidae, II. The Uropygial Hydrolysis of Nucleoside Phosphates, III. The De­ Gland Secretion from the Jay (Garrulus glanda- phosphorylation of Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate in rius), Magpie (Pica pica), Alpine Chough (Pyr- a Binary and Ternary Zn2+ Com plex........................ 680 rhocorax graculus), and Raven (Corvus corax) . 239 N-Acetyltransferase Allene-Acethylene Transformation Purification of Human Liver Serotonin-/Isoniazid- The Allenic Carotenoid Deepoxineoxanthine 657 N-Acetyltransferase by Preparative Polyacrylamid- Allenic Carotenoid gel-Electrophoresis and Determination of Molecular The Allenic Carotenoid Deepoxineoxanthine 657 W e i g h t .....................................................................................661 Alnus Acridine Orange On the Occurrence of <5-Amyrenone in Alnus-Spe- ESR Investigations on the Photochemistry of Acri­ c i e s ........................................................................................... 362 dine Orange ( N ) ...................................................................301 Aloe-emodin Actinomycin Anthraquinones of Certain Egyptian Asphodelus Resin Linked Analogue of Actinomycin Cx (D) and S p e c i e s ..................................................................................... 351 Affinity Chromatography of Nucleic Acids . 521 Aloin- and Desoxyaloin-8-glucoside Active Center-Peptide The structure of the Cascarosides A, B, C, D from Synthesis of a Fragment of the Active Center of Rhamnus purshianus D. C. ( N ) ..................................... 444 the Streptococcal Proteinase, I V .............................. 457 Am anita Synthesis of a Fragment of the Active Center of Chromatographic Analysis of Betalaine Pigments the Streptococcal Proteinase, V .................................... 464 in Toadstools and Higher Plants ( N ) ........................ 640 Actomyosin ATPase Amanitins The Modification of Actomyosin ATPase Activity Analysis of the Toxins of Amanitin-Containing by Tropomyosin-Troponin and its Dependence on Mushrooms ( N ) ................................................................... 86 Ionic Strength, ATP-Concentration, and Actin- Ambrosia Beetles Myosin R a t i o .........................................................................496 Volatile Substances from Ambrosia Beetles, I . 243 Adenosin-5'-triphosphate Volatile Substances from Ambrosia Beetles, II . 246 Hydrolysis of Nucleoside Phosphates, III. The De­ phosphorylation of Adenosine-5'Triphosphate in Amino Acid Complexes a Binary and Ternary Zn2+ C om plex.........................680 Stabilities of Vanadyl Complexes with Methionine, Adenyl Cyclase Phenylalanine, and T h r e o n i n e ..................................... 336 Activity and Subcellular Localization of the En­ Amino Acids zyme Adenyl Cyclase in the Flight-muscle of Lo- The Effect of Fenfluramine, 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methyl custa migratoria ( N ) ...................................................... 451 Amphetamine (DOM) and D-Amphetamine on the Affinity Chromatography Concentration of Serotonin and Some Free Amino Resin Linked Derivatives of Serotonin and Affinity Acids in the Suboesophageal Ganglia of H elix po- Chromatography of Proteins Isolated from Synaptic matia ( N ) ............................................................................... 189 M em b ran es...............................................................................248 The Effect of the Chronic Administration of D- Resin Linked Analogue of Actinomycin Cj (D) and Amphetamine upon Circadian Changes in Amino Affinity Chromatography of Nucleic Acids . 521 Acids in the Pineal and Pituitary Glands of the Affinity Labelling R a t ............................................................................................ 767 Inhibition Studies of Dehydrogenases by Structural Aminomethylpyrrolylmethane Analogues of NAD+ ( N ) ................................................ 180 Chemistry of Porphobilinogen. Preparation of Age Dependence Aminomethylpyrrolylmethanes from Porphobilino­ The Status of Glutathione of the Rat Liver and its gen ........................................................................................... 479 Dependence on the Age and Acute Stress . 261 Amphetamine Agrobacterium The Effect of D-Amphetamine on the Concentration 8-Methoxypsoralen Makes Agrobacterium tumefa­ of Phospholipids in the Rat Hippocampus (N) . 187 ciens, Kalanchoe daigremontiana, and the Tumor The Effect of Fenfluramine, 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-methyl Induction Sensitive for Long Wave UV .... 572 Amphetamine (DOM) and D-Amphetamine on the ALA-Dehydi atase Concentration of Serotonin and Some Free Amino Influence of Lead-ions on Enzymes of the Chloro­ Acids in the Suboesophageal Ganglia of H elix po- phyll B io s y n t h e s is .............................................................552 matia ( N ) ............................................................................... 189 792 Subject Index 6-Amyrenon Azaphenanthrenes On the Occurrence of 6-Amyrenone in Alnus-Spe- Inhibition of Photosynthetic Electron Transport by c i e s ........................................................................................... 362 A z a p h e n a n th r e n e s.............................................................545 Anacardiaceae Bacterial Degradation Phytoglycolipids in the Seeds of Pistacia vera L. 195 Bacterial Hydroxylation of Pyrazon Compounds . 283 Anthraquinon-O-glykosid Bacterial Hydroxylation Investigations of the Anthraquinone-glycosides from Bacterial Hydroxylation of Pyrazon Compounds . 283 Rhamnus frangula L., I llx. 6-0- (D-Apiofuranosyl) - Base-pairing l,6,8-trihydroxy-3-methyl-anthraquinone, a New Gly­ Studies on Purine-Pyrimidine Hydrogen Bonded coside (Frangulin B) from the Bark of Rhamnus Base Pairing by Means of Absorption and Emis- frangula L .................................................................................. 204 sion Spectroscopy ............................................................. 672 Anthraquinones Basic Protein Anthraquinones of Certain Egyptian Asphodelus The Biological Significance of a Basic Protein S p e c i e s ..................................................................................... 351 (BBSP) from the Seminalplasma of the Bull . 257 Antibodies Betalaines Reactions of a Monospecific Antiserum to Ferre- Chromatographic Analysis of Betalaine Pigments in doxin-NADP+-Reductase with Chloroplast Prepara­ Toadstools and Higher Plants ( N ) ...............................640 tions ........................................................................................... 384 Bianthraquinones Mobility of Chloroplast Coupling Factor 1 (CF!) Anthraquinones of Certain Egyptian Asphodelus at the Thylakoid Surface as Revealed by Freeze- S p e c i e s .....................................................................................351 Etching after Antibody L abelling.............................. 694 Biology Apatites The Biological Significance of a Basic Protein Secondary Ion Microanalysis of Fluorine in Apati­ (BBSP) from the Seminalplasma of the Bull . 257 tes of Biological I n t e r e s t ................................................. 417 Biomembranes Aromatic Carboxylic Acids Reversible Dielectric Breakdown of Cell Membra­ Synthesis and Characterisation of Acyl Coenzyme A nes by Electrostatic Fields ( N ) .....................................304 Derivatives of Aromatic Carboxylic Acids 4^9 Biosynthesis Formation of an Oxoethyl-branched Sugar from Ascorbate Determination Thymidine Diphospho-D-glucose and Pyruvate with Improved 2,4-Dinithrophenylhydrazine —Thin Layer a Cell Free System from Streptomyces aureofaciens 407 Chromatography Methods for the Determination of Micro- and Macroamounts of Ascorbic Acid (N) . 777 Bird Song On the Relevance of the “Right” Syntax of Audi­ Ascorbate Oxidase tory Patterns to Vocal Responses of Blackbirds . 157 Control of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase and As­ corbate Oxidase in the Mustard Seedling by Light Blue Light and Hoagland’s Nutrient S o lu t io n ............................... 222 Synthesis of Lipoquinones and Isoprenoid Pigments during Greening of Etioplasts in Blue Light . 142 Association Constant Molecular Complexes between Methoxyamphet- Boletales j Pigments of Fungi, XXII. Grevillin D, the Main amines and Riboflavin D e r iv a tiv e s............................... 29 Pigment of Suillus granulatus, S. luteus and S. pla- Serotonine-Nucleotide Interaction Studied by PMR.
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