BOARD MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2019 BOARDROOM, WHITE ROSE HOUSE AT 1.00 PM AGENDA PART 1 No. Agenda Item Lead officer 1. Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks 2. Apologies for Absence – Jo Webster, Hany Lotfallah, Anna Hartley 3. Public Questions and Answers 4. Declarations of interest All present 5. a Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2019 b Action sheet from the meeting held on 10 September 2019 6. Matters arising 7. Chief Officer Briefing Pat Keane 8. Maternity Services : Pontefract Freestanding Midwifery Led Pat Keane Unit 9. Wakefield CCG Approach to Delivery of the NHS Long Ruth Unwin Term Plan a NHS Bill b Integrated Care System c Integrated Care Partnership d Primary Care Networks e Model Constitution 10. Governing Body Assurance Framework Update Ruth Unwin 11. Yorkshire and the Humber Collaborative Commissioning – Pat Keane Integrated Urgent & Emergency Care (IUEC) 12. Quarter 1 2019/20 Quality Reports: Patient Safety and Suzannah Cookson 1 Outcomes and CQC Inspection Update Reports (Governing Body summaries) 13. Performance Report Jonathan Webb 14. Finance Report Month 6 Jonathan Webb 15. Receipt of minutes and items for approval a Audit Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 25 July 2019 b Finance Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 15 August 2019 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 19 September 2019 c Integrated Governance Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 15 August 2019 d Clinical Cabinet (i) Minutes of meeting held on 22 August 2019 (ii) Minutes of meeting held on 26 September 2019 e Connecting Care Executive (i) Minutes of meeting held on 11 July 2019 f Probity Committee (i) Minutes of meeting held on 21 May 2019 g Health and Well Being Board (i) Minutes of meeting held on 19 September 2019 h West Yorkshire and Harrogate Joint Committee of CCGs (i) Minutes of meeting held on 1 October 2019 i Decisions of the Chief Officer – verbal update 16. Any other business 17. The Board is recommended to make the following resolution: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1970)”. 18. Date and time of next Public meeting: Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 1.00 pm in the Boardroom, White Rose House 2 Agenda item: 5a NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group GOVERNING BODY BOARD MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2019 Boardroom, White Rose House Present: Suzannah Cookson Chief Nurse Dr Deborah Hallott GP, New Southgate Surgery Diane Hampshire Nurse Member Dr Clive Harries GP, Chapelthorpe Medical Centre Anna Hartley Director of Public Health Richard Hindley Lay Member (Deputy Chair) Dr Pravin Jayakumar GP, Trinity Medical Centre Pat Keane Chief Operating Officer Hany Lotfallah Secondary Care Consultant Dr Adam Sheppard CCG Chair Richard Watkinson Lay Member Jonathan Webb Chief Finance Officer In attendance: Esther Ashman Associate Director Strategic Planning & Partnership (item 19/174) Melanie Brown Commissioning Director of Integrated Care Karen Charlton Deputy Designated Professional for Safeguarding Adults (item 19/178) Laura Elliott Head of Quality (items 19/183, 19/184)) Angela Peatfield Minute taker Amrit Reyat Governance & Board Secretary Mandy Sheffield Head of Safeguarding (items 19/178, 19/179) Andrew Singleton Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response Manager (item 19/176) Gordon Smith Business Liaison Officer, MYHT (item (accompanied by an intern 19/172) from Project Search) Natalie Tolson Head of Business Intelligence (item 19/185) Ruth Unwin Director of Corporate Affairs Sharon Wallis Head of Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response (item 19/176) 19/165 Welcome and Chair’s Opening Remarks Dr Adam Sheppard, Chair of the CCG, welcomed everyone to the meeting. 1 19/166 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from: Andrew Balchin Corporate Director, Adults, Health & Communities Stephen Hardy Lay Member Jo Webster Chief Officer 19/167 Public Questions and Answers The Chair informed the committee that a question had been received from a member of the public and advised that the CCG would be writing a response in the usual manner. A further question was also received from a Unison representative stating that there was an ongoing midwifery staffing crisis and confirmed that the union welcomed the recruitment of the twenty plus midwives. However, he felt that he needed to draw the CCGs attention to the fact that the vacancy crisis was down to staff leaving due to the levels of continual bullying and harassment they faced. He further confirmed that there were hotspots of midwifery management and harassment culture and suggested that appointing newly qualified staff would not be a ‘quick fix’. He advised that this issue should be regularly monitored and unless the issues were addressed the mass exodus would continue. Pat Keane responded by advising that he was confident that Martin Barkley, Chief Executive of Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust would want to respond to this question if he was at this meeting. Dr Adam Sheppard confirmed that the comments would be passed on to the Trust who should have the opportunity to respond and thanked the Union Representative for highlighting the issues with the Governing Body. Diane Hampshire asked if the response would be brought back to the Governing Body. Pat Keane responded by saying that as it was raised in public it should be brought back to the Governing Body. Dr Deborah Hallott further confirmed that there were regular discussions with the maternity partnership and staffing was regularly reviewed at those meetings. Dr Hallott further confirmed that there was a national issue around midwifery recruitment and that there was a new programme to support midwives in post. Dr Adam Sheppard confirmed that feedback should be brought back to the next Governing Body meeting. 19/168 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 2 19/169 Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2019 The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2019 were agreed as a correct record. 19/170 Action sheet from the meeting held on 9 July 2019 The action sheet from the meeting held on 9 July 2019 was noted. 19/171 Matters arising There were no matters arising. 19/172 Project Search Gordon Smith, a Business Liaison Officer from Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Trust attended along with one of the interns from Project Search which provides students with learning difficulties the opportunity to gain work experience by working in several departments within the Trust. Gordon provided an overview of the project and showed a brief video which included feedback from some of the students who have been involved with the project. Gordon explained that the Trust is working in partnership with Highfield School, the Local Authority, Wakefield College and HFT Bradford and commented that the project supports the Trust in understanding the reasonable adjustments that an organisation may need to make when considering the requirements of staff and patients with learning difficulties. Ryan who has taken part in the project was able to provide an overview of what jobs he had undertaken over the year and was pleased to say that he had applied for a post in the Trust and was successful and now working in the Catering Department at the Trust. Dr Adam Sheppard commented that he was impressed with the progress interns had made through involvement with this project. Dr Anna Hartley was pleased to advise that following a similar presentation at a recent Health and Well Being Board meeting, colleagues from the CCG, Wakefield District Housing and Project Search colleagues lots of ideas have been discussed including training students with learning disabilities to go into Care Homes to provide valuable feedback and information on the facilities available in Care Homes for residents with a learning difficulty. Dr Adam Sheppard thanked Gordon and Ryan for attending the meeting and presenting the achievements of those involved with Project Search and wished Ryan good luck in his new job. It was RESOLVED that: (i) Members noted the presentation 3 19/173 Chief Officer Briefing Pat Keane presented this paper providing details of ongoing developments and highlighted the following: • West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership – all health and care partnerships nationally are required to develop their response to the national NHS Long Term Plan. In West Yorkshire the narrative plan has been in development since March 2019 and has been refreshed to ensure it will meet the requirements of the NHS Long Term Plan. • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to support procurement of 999 and 111 services – CCGs across the Yorkshire and Humber region have developed a memorandum of understanding for Integrated Urgent Care to support more effective collaborative arrangements for commissioning of 999 and 111 services. The aim of the MOU is to replicate the WY&H approach across Yorkshire and Humber whereby each ICS/STP will agree a collective Yorkshire and Humber position. • Publication of revised guidance for implementing the Friends and Family Test – NHS England is making changes to the way providers are required to carry out the Friends and Family Test. The new guidance is effective from 1 April 2020. This is a useful tool to inform and support care in hospital. It was RESOLVED that: (i) members noted the information and supported ongoing developments outlined in the content of the report 19/174 NHS Oversight Framework 2019/20 Pat Keane introduced this paper advising of the development of a new approach to oversight, setting out how regional teams review performance and identify support needs across sustainability and transformation partnerships.
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