Motriz, Rio Claro, v. 27, 2021, e1021020012 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1980-65742021001221 Adaptive Sports Assessment of the upper limbs maximum power and the locomotion speed in amputee football players Agnieszka M. Nowak1 , Angela Kwapis1 , Andrzej Kosmol1 1Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego, Wydział Rehabilitacji, Warszawa, Polska Associate Editor: Angelina Zanesco, Departamento de Educação Física, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil. Abstract - Aim: The purpose of the study was to assess upper limbs’ maximum power and locomotion speed among amputee football (amputee soccer) players. Methods: The 30-s Wingate Anaerobic test and the 20-m sprint test were performed. Anthropometric measurements and body composition (Body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat (% BF), and lean body mass (LBM)) were examined. Results: BMI significantly differentiated forwards and defenders (p < 0.05). Peak power (PP) and mean power (MP) were related to LBM (p < 0.05), thus defenders reached higher values of PP, in comparison to forwards. % BF and BMI were related to relative mean power (rMP) (p < 0.05). Field position differentiated players in terms of upper limbs’ relative peak power (rPP) in favour of forwards (p < 0.05). Age was a significant factor for speed velocity on 10 m and 20 m (p < 0.05). There was no relationship between upper limbs’ power and locomotion speed. Conclusion: Body composition, especially % BF may influence on the anaerobic per- formance of amputee football players. Keywords: upper extremities power, amputee soccer, anaerobic performance, lower limb loss, disabled athletes. Introduction cated that field positions (forwards, midfielders, defen- ders) did not differ AF players according to velocity in the Amputee football (AF) is becoming more and more popu- 20-m sprint, agility, endurance, body height, body weight, lar all over the world especially in countries with a high and body mass index (BMI). Only the percentage of body percentage of traffic accidents and terrorist activities1. The fat (% BF) differed players related to field position, and it game is a modification of able-bodied football, in which was the lowest among the midfielders2. In Ozkan et al.4 field players are people with lower limb disability, and study, correlations between body composition and 10, 20, goalkeepers are people whose upper limb is affected. Field 30 m sprints time among AF players had not been found players move on the pitch using crutches that are indepen- but authors pointed that body composition played an dently adjusted to every player and allow them to maintain important role in assessing anaerobic performance by balance and move2,3. This sport is characterized by high- countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) in this intensity short-term dynamic moves requiring the release group. In the same study, the authors indicated that sprint of high values of power such as turns, accelerations and time was associated with power in CMJ and SJ4. Further- sprints, jumps, kicks, and ball control2. Therefore, AF more, players with crutches use between 10-30% more requires from its participants high levels of anaerobic per- energy in comparison to able-bodied athletes, which formance, muscular strength, balance, and locomotor abil- results in increased physical exertion. Moreover, ities4. decreased muscle mass in this group, involved in support- Sprinting (running fast in a straight line) is a key ing and locomoting the body on crutches, impacts on per- ability in AF. It was proved that not only the performance ipheral fatigue1-2. The research results are inconclusive, of lower limbs is important for sprinting by crutches, but which prompted us to undertake research. also the performance of upper limbs4. Many actions in AF There are many para-sports, beside AF, in which game, like in able-bodied football, are made after a few upper limbs are important for efficient locomotion. In meters sprint. Analysis of the video of the first German paracanoe, wheelchair basketball (WB) maximum power National soccer league showed that 45% of goals were of upper limbs is a key ability. In paracanoe athletes cover scored during a sprint along a straight line5. Others poin- the distance of 200 m within 40-60 s7 and the anaerobic ted to the importance of sprint velocity (the 10 m sprint) processes predominate during this effort8. Athletes’ per- that was associated with the field position6. Studies indi- formance depends on their functional possibilities that are 2 Short title: Upper limbs power and locomotion speed in amputee football players determined by sport classes8-9. The study of anaerobic small group sample (n = 2), and they were included in the performance on groups of para-canoeists (LTA- move by defenders’ group. extremities and trunk, A- move only by upper extremities) showed that the relative (rPP) and absolute maximum Procedures power (PP) values were significantly different between Anthropometric measurements these sport classes in favour of the LTA9. A significant In the beginning, body height and body weight mea- correlation between the rPP and PP between the sport surements were carried out on a scale with a built-in classes was found. height meter. The prostheses were removed for measure- Another sport in which effort is conditioned by the ment. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated for every work of upper limbs is WB. This team sport contains participant. Body components such as percentage of body many repeated short, intensive moves (e.g., accelerations fat (% BF) and lean body mass (LBM) were estimated in and braking, dynamic changes position, maintain or gain near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy by FUTREX 6100 position on a field) similarly to AF. In the study of Hutzler (Futrex, Gaithersburg, USA) according to the procedures et al.10 high correlation between the players’ classification recommended by the manufacturer13. In this study authors and their mean power (MP) was found, and Vanlandewijck used “body components” as a description of BMI, %BF, et al.11 have noticed that the performance on the basketball and LBM. court mainly depends on anaerobic performance. It was also observed that WB players’ maximum power (PP) of Anaerobic performance assessment the upper limbs was to a certain extent related to their level of functional classification12 similarly to the results The 30-s Wingate Anaerobic test (the WAnT) was of the previously mentioned study9. performed on an arm-crank ergometer (LODE ANGIO, To conclude, the lack of extremity in the case of AF Groningen, Netherlands, Software Package-Wingate players may influence their anaerobic performance. It v.1.07b) to assess the anaerobic performance of upper 14 should be assumed that players need both lower and upper limbs . The ergometer was set on a wall-mounted gym- limb's power to perform sprints and efficient movement nastic ladder in the laboratory. The test was performed in a with crutches. No research has been found on the upper sitting position on a special stand equipped with a seat. limb's power in short-term intensive efforts in AF. Thus, The ergometer axis was set individually to the level of the the purpose of this study was to assess upper limbs’ max- shoulder joints. Beforehand, athletes performed a 2-min imum power and locomotion speed among AF players in warm-up on the ergometer and then 2-min rest. In the accordance with field position, age, and body composition. main test, participants were asked to work as fast as they can and perform this movement for 30 s with a 5.5% body weight load. During the test, participants were encouraged Material and Methods verbally to maximize their effort. Six parameters were measured during the WAnT such as peak power (PP) Participants defined as the highest 5 s of power output, time to gain Male AF players from the national league partici- peak power (TimePP), mean power (MP) defined as the pated in this study; those with upper limb amputations average power sustained throughout the 30 s period, rela- were excluded to standardize the study group. Players tive peak power (rPP; scaled to individual body mass in were asked about the cause of amputation, training experi- kilograms), relative mean power (rMP; scaled to indivi- ence, and field position. Those who signed written consent dual body weight in kilograms) and fatigue index (FI; the were qualified for this study. All participants were rate at which power declines). informed about the benefits, risks of the investigation, and procedure before the study and about the option to with- Locomotion speed assessment draw their permission from the study without any reper- Participants performed the 20-m sprint test. To elim- cussions. The local institutional review board (IRB) (SKE inate possible confounders, for instance, environmental 01-53/2017) approved this study. factors, the sprint test was performed on the indoor sports Eleven AF players with unilateral lower limb ampu- hall with enough room to carry out the sprint test freely. tation participated and completed this study (28.45 ± 8.73 Sprint time and velocity were measured by Microgate® yrs., 177.82 ± 7.11 cm, 77.10 ± 13.36 kg), with training photocells (electronic time measurement system with an experience between two to seven years. Causes of ampu- accuracy of up to 0.01 s; Bolzano, Italy) and Witty Man- tation were traffic accidents (n = 3), birth defects (n = 2), ager software (version 1.4.1)15. Photocells were set on a fire accident (n = 1), cancer (n = 1), arterial hematoma 5 m, 10 m, and 20-m from the starting line. The starting (n = 1) and burn's (n = 1). Two of them chose not to dis- position was standing with the whole body and crutches close it. Participants were divided into groups of forwards behind the starting line, awaiting the sound signal, and and defenders.
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