Springfield THURSDAY,MARCH 21,1963 '.i' : ft -'*• 1 " • 21a/j»^*J f1 I TtM**-1*l**<iO»' * ""^F •« i i LIONS CLUB OF SPRINGFIELD AIDS SIGHT BY GIFT TO OVERLOOK. Marking the official presentation of a slij>lamp, cafled ' 'the indispensable tool of oph- thalmology," are 1_ions Club members, left to right, Howard Casselman, Overlook trustee; and Jack Stifelman, Chairman of the Lions Fund Raising L o m m i tte e with Robert E. Heinlein, Director of Overlook; J. E, Longfield, Lions Club president and Dr: Leonard. R. Eckle. ~-^ •- ••>;. Springfield Sun BQO$T SPRIHCFIELD^ WOMAN n u> PUBLISHERS. ~ ...,...": . JULIAN SAROKIN (T) ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER . • - -HENRY J. LALLY To Help ADVERTISING DIRECTOR . - . - *. - - HERBERT AXELRAD ADVERTISING MANAGER ""TT-. .CARL ANDERSON Contest EDITOR - - JOSEPH TALAMINI Win 2 ticket headed by~ Assemblyman Unjon County voters, crossing Sonya Dorskjv—Mrs. Lucille P TELEPHONE DrV9-5000 —John J. Wilson*-candidate for the usual -political party lines, Weiss, Mrs. Barbara Rothfeld,- New Jersey State Senator. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 27. 1929 are ocganiziiigla special effort Mrs. Lillian Cardinal, Anthony Published every Thursday at jx> elect Mrs. Lorraine Lewis, In addition, a group of Spring- Cucuzellar^Mrs. Sylvia Bender, 200 Morris Ave., Springfield'. N. J. of Springfield, to the Board of field residents, appreciating MrsT^Rosalie Harris, Mrs. Es^ Mrs. Lewis' Qualifications and" BY Freeholders in thexoming Demo- ther Singer, Milt Marcus and -1 cratic primaries to make sure eager to have" Her elected to the Mrs. B. Katz. SPRINGFIELD SUN PUBLISHINCTCO.. INC. Board ofTreehoIders as the first c/i that a woman is retained as a_ Many! others are volunteering Subscription rates by mail postpaid. One-year $4.00. Six months member-of that important board. Township woman^ to an import- to help MrsTLewis and the com- $2.50 payable in advance~Single copies ten cents. " Second Freeholder Mary C. Kanane ant county office, have organized mittee will announce the addition- class postage paid at Springfield, N.J." ' is, at present, the only woman "a local task force, to include al names as soon as-the-work member, of the Freeholder Board. Democrats, Independents and assignments afemade. She «has decided not to run for people of all political ideals, in Mrs. Lewis addressed a group re-election and, instead, is the behalf of Lorrie Lewis." of her volunteer workers, speak-* Republican choice to run for the Volunteers are offering to help ing briefly-concerning theactivi- EDITORIAL MEMOS office of Surrogate. —and already more than 30 resi-~ties of the freeholders and the Because -there are . so many dents have accepted assignments history and administration of the problems to be solved by a wo- in various parts of the Township John Runnels Hospital. to heip-the local woman's candi- Municipal officials-all over the state-are beating their breasts man member of the Board* of _ dacy. — shaklng-their timid fists at the New Jersey State Highway poe-bah, Freeholders, voters throughout Commissioner Dwight KjU. Palmer, but he hasn't yet trumped his Union County—hope—te—attract The group calls itself the partner's ace or missed a 3-foot putt "during any of the hysterical support . for "Lorrie'' .Lewis in . 'Springfield-Citizens For Lorrie— shouting.; , . - her candidacy for.this important Lewis," and many—well known Mr. Palmer,-who has refused to let any plans for highway con- office. .:,_.;• ~ "nalnes already appear-on the as- -s4gnment lists. _'._.• struction, in New Jersey detour him from any of his personal interests, Mrs. Lewis, an active Demo- merely ignores frantic letters from municipal:_officials and keeps_ crat for many years, is a gradu- Frank Shimshock, of 1_84 Pitt ^Sjp Because ^C& looking out of-the. window when there-are any person-to-person ate of Hunter College,- New York ^ and Mrs. Helen Forsterf- ^VJV customers have ^^L^ telephone calls. .. City, where she earned an A.B. of 4 Craig Road, are designated J2» conscience in -W^ degree and' has been an ardent -as co-<hairmeh of the Springfield ~ campaign. •-••• \— ' , - Svrthe hlqh_zuallty ot owMfo student of civic^and political, •• work, our business I* &O affairs. .' Other members of this working committee are Mrs.MacyGooen, w constantly increasing: m^ Commissioner Palmer has established some kind of a-record in Present Freeholder Thomas former Township Committeeman B Every Garment Treated K not acknowledging official letters-frem Springfield, dating way back Dunn is general campaign mana- Daniel Lucy, Shelley_Fried, Wil- • with STA-NU (Exclusiv* • to the days of Mayor Albert J.-Binder, ger for Mrs. Lewis and other members of the—Democratic liam Savarin^Mrs. Norman • v/ith-us-in-Springfield) • _ Wh£EL the - Democrats took over__c_Q_ntr o 1 of Springfield's ad- Levine,_Mrs. HelenGordenrMrs. 0 ministration-residents of the Township fastened their seat belts. Notice Miriam Gershen, Mrs, Rayna I .FREE 1 Hour Service 9 "Now we'll see some action'Vthey shouted gleefully. "Mr. Palmer Keane, j. Benj. Sussman, Mrs. I .FREE Plastic bags 1 is a Democrat, his job as Highway Commissioner came from a' To Voters Democratic_governor, and you know how members—of the same 'u are eligible political party get quick-results." ••W«-.Si!rvi€:o Any, • . ' •'" .- ' * * * * * AND HAVE-NOT—CAST A BALLOT IN THE LAST TWO Oil Hurnor" DREXEL PRIMARY ELECTIONS-you Springfield begged—him to, PLEASE, do something about the may go to your polling place exposed trolley rails on Morris ^Avenue because of the many - and VOTE - FOR YOUR accidents caused_by these tracks. Nothing was done by Mr. Palmer. CHOICE IN THE COMING CLEANERS Telephone calls by Springfield-officials were switched to members PRIMARIES. jrfJMr. Palmer's staff or.engineering department.-—=—^~ If there arecandidates on Sckaible Oil Co. ' The same situation prevails to this day. Not only irjCSpririgfield- -tfie Republican-or Democra-— 230 MoutiteJn Avenue <i tic-ballot-ana^ou would'like 19i Mountain Ave. but in, practically, evely"other rnunicipality^Xcept, perhaps, Middle- Springfield —tpvote nextjnonth in the ^Superior Cleaning sex'fcounty. — • . -TT— ^ SPRINGFIELD primaries • for these candi Shirt Laundering; ; . _ • - —— ***** •«••• dates - you may ask to vote Coal - FUEL OIL—Cofce" Shoe == iMetered ©eliveries=_u Repairing Plans and engineering studies on the proposed new federaljugnway for that_p.articular person by fequestihg-a Republican Budget Elaii No 78,. have-been on-the drawing board for approximately 10 years.. or Democratic ballot." Hundreds and hundreds of thousands oTtlbllars have been given by You are entitled to 4W3TE, Cliamh.or of (Jommorc Jiighway Commis_sioner Palmer-to outside engineering firms towork- regari31ess-of how you voted .out the many details of this federal highway construction program. in the-general election, so ^~- All this Sri addition to the work done by the highway department's long as YOU DID NOT CAST. own engineering department. But the details and~problems_are still A BALLQXiEOR ANY PRI- here. __ ' • ~~ _. — MARY IN THE-PAST TWO —It would be a waste of time and type toTiiscuss the so-called .YEARS. publle^^Sea rings on the proposed route of the highway as it swished .through Springfield. The. very .same alignment,.^hown on. the 10 year old maps, is now the route for Highway 78v ^Mr. Palmer and his engineers WOULD-NOT accept a single suggestionjpn altering the course oftfie roadway.Springfield officials Motor Trend's and engineers submitted an alternate route which would have saved "many~~ratalb"ejTforr thlFTowTship" bm~Mr^^ any 1'erasing. -or- changing, of the pictures drawn i>y the out oftown "CarottheYe -engineers. "'•-••-,^Sp-S|Hangfield was—resigned to the alignment-\eveii-though it cut- i rough one of the fJHest-^fgsidenfml areasTjhe^propojasd-aiternate alignment would have sav-ed-these homes. ""• Last-spring Mr. Palmer sent in his; boys to warn owners of the them at home properties in the path of the proposed highway that "you have only Get ready for compliments! XRAY three months to get out of your homes. Work willstart no later than Here comes a frcsh-as- October/' : • separates s]3Ting collection of 26 fabn- fact from That- wff^last year-1962. Sincfe then Mr. Palmer's highway depart- ious hairdos. l.")csigncd for •'•/•merit has acquired many of the properties needed for'the right of : : : : : i y-ijUC thaTs^ aboutTs far-£Ts"tReyha'0e gone7'~ • „ "•';• • - -'- fmn/Mic -li'iir cfi' Today-there are many little problems still to be ironed out by up-to-date'version's of even' , Springfield officials. Contact has been made with the- Highway classic'style. Upsweep or .^Departmerit and s^rne...conferences.are,beingjie.ld._ page-boy,..iteciiflowing or BUTtoUBUTthtUUlIMsAMenueaxesUly l fl i|>r~tl vey^l-Wi-i-uike-yoH^shi-H e- the promise of work on the new highway being started is just another with the good looks you promise." love. Illustrated>in beautiful * * * * * Springfield isn't alone in appraising Mr. Palme • 's interest as far color, with coniplctc do-it- Books as highway building is concerned. yourself directions. In April There an?, shouts of impatience irprn every cornmunity where Mr. GOOD 1 IOUSF.KEEPING. Get your copy today. SMYTHE RAMBLER, IKC Palmier lias ^ny highway .Cori^ruc/tion plans. : i He is tpo busy, anyway, with his railroads, getting the taxpayers 326 Morrii Avtiit Sisiait, New js of New Jersey to pay millions so that the club .cars on commuting trains can keep on SLfhqdulc. , • v 3 4200 — —a»-a*-^-fcSL " J Letters to ^__Chamber of Commerce— Local County Com mittee s -f •••—!.._••. T-T-TI.,1;. «.i».,...., , ,.„••;,, ,. -.. • irsn Springfield Free Public Library Year is i£2m To the Editor: Dear Sir: " 1 The Springfield Chamber of was a report on the very suc- Enthusiasm Here? a The editorial^ concerning Commerce Board^of-Directors cessful Chamber_of Commerce The first rung of ^i political ladder is, usually, membership in •n library expansion was very had much of interest to discuss Annual Dinner Dance.
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